G20 protests and leassons to learn

What we need to learn from the G20 demonstrations and the reality of POWER and how it induces violence…. to it’s own ends.

The leadership of all the campaigns have a tough nut to crack. And a severe weakness.

It is their willingness to continue to appeal to POWER to change (not going to happen), their love of the media circus, the big event with impressive speeches etc etc and their apparent unwillingness to go out and meet and work with the everyday folk of our society.

Those whose views and real concerns, whose issues are most often ignored to a large extent by mainstream media, and certainly by Government, local and national, and to share with these people the campaigns learning’s, aspirations and concerns, and to listen too; to work much more vigorously at the grassroots levels, as do the South Americans, away from the attention of media and ‘charidees‘ and big name NGOs, in housing estates, in deprived areas, in inner cities, in small town estates, and in the schools in these areas, to show people skills they can use to become self-reliant and independent, to grow food, to develope credit unions, local community organisations, to share skills that help one to live well on what little there is, thus to use perm culture, to use natural health care, to use co-counselling, to use conflict resolution and to help to heal the wounds of their brothers and sisters who for the most party are the volunteers in our Army, who have been sent under false pretences, by the elites, the managers, to kill other poor people, and so on, effectively to side step Local and National Government as it is and deal directly with the poorest people, who are the ones who bear the hardest burdens of all.

These people have the right, as well as the ability, given time, and resources, to do the research needed for any decision making process to be effective, to set the agenda for their areas, and to select candidates for local governance from their own communities, away from current partisan political structures.

The campaigns should focus on facilitating that right. On taking power back from the hierarchy, and devolving it to the local communities, who are intelligent, common-sense people of great heart, who are stereotyped in ALL MEDIA….

No longer can political parties or others such groupings be permitted to determine policy and then offer that - real people must determine policy, and then select those who will facilitate that policy. And have the right to oversight and recall procedures as and when necessary.

The campaigns must reach out too to all children and not attempt to condescendingly inform, but to listen. It is their future we are discussing here. Children have a deeper understanding of things and a far greater comprehension of reality than most adults would assume. Ye they have no real voicing that is heard.

The campaigns must reach out to the elderly, and also listen to these people for they are wisdom walking, if one would but listen.

The campaigns must start now, must deeply unite and must now start to build an effective alternative to the current status quo, away from the middle classes, the managers, the collar and ties, the media, etc etc…. to empower those who always bear the worst of it all, and they are many… and they are good people, strong people though much burdened…

The next big protest ought to be a huge sit-down protest, a gathering of thousands if not hundreds of thousands, if no tmillions of people willing to sit and do nothing other than sit, for an hour, a day, a week, a month, a year if necessary : thus a demonstration of the variance between people and POWER…… and it must include all the most deprived in our society, be extended to schools and all places where children are gathered, and be an expression of gentle, determined power.

And when those who will to violence appear, be they hotheads, police, military or agent provocateurs, they will be isolated by their actions, identifiable too, and exposed for the insecurity they truly represent.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Anarchism, Violence and pay-per-view porn

We are all well aware of the various dynamics of violence at protests and demonstrations, and of the current media hype aimed at inciting violence - any policeman reading the current crop of media bollox who will be in 'attendance' at the G20 protests will probably be feeling a little tense, shall we say.... and it struck me that actually, an anarchist is in essence against violence, apart from the possibility of defending oneself from attack.

To me, Anarchism means NOT TAKING POWER OVER ANOTHER, it is about sharing power and meditated violence is all about TAKING POWER OVER OTHERS..... holding onto power when threatened....

And those so-called 'anarchists', as described by the media, who prepare for violence, who provide maps of 'targets' and who issue instructions on 'clean mobiles' to 'avoid surveillance' and so on blah, blah, blah, are really either provocateurs or idiots. Whichever they are, their actions undermine the thrust and intention of protest and demonstrations.

Which is to engender the grass roots with the power to make decisions on issues that affect our lives. Which is basically sensible. Giving someone else money to make decisions on our behalf is basically stupid and naive. And that's what we do all the time. Even when those people are blatantly screwing us - MPs on 60 odd grand a year, plus 'expenses' which can run into hundreds of thousands of pounds ANNUALLY under the false justification that such 'remuneration' is required the attract the best minds (politicians are not the most shining examples of such qualities as the term 'best minds' are they?), not to mention the revolving door of employment in Corporations, Banks etc and the dodgy laws they create and their crass stupidity; as in the current Home Secretary, Jacqui Smith, handing in a receipt for porn movies viewed by her husband - DUH! don't they LOOK at the expense sheets they submit? The devil is in the detail as they say...

Though I can understand the poor man being sexually frustrated.... who'd want to 'make love' to a Home Secretary...... eeeeeeeeeewwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwweeeeeeeeeee! I seen her in Parliament wearing high heel fuck-me pumps........ gross...

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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"Why we must all do God" : Tony Blair imparts wisdom.... ahem! cough! cough!

The wisdom of Tony Blair has just been published by The New Statesman in an article entitled....

"Why we must all do God".....

My good friends Pulsemedia flagged it up here

"Religion has never mattered more to the world than it does now, says the former prime minister, launching our new occasional column on faith"

Blair rambles on about 'faith' and 'poverty' and his foundation and all the good work he is doing and ends on this warning note :

"The 21st century will be poorer in spirit and ambition, less focused on social justice, less sensitive to conscience and the common good, without a full and proper recognition of the role that the great faiths can and do play. I hope my foundation, in its own way, can work with others in those faiths to help harness their full power to transform our world for the better."

Less sensitive to conscience? This from Blair? The mind boggles at how a) he could utter such tripe, and expect anyone to take it at face value and b) how The New Statesman could publish it...... pour another glass of hubris champagne please....

I left a comment which is pretty much as follows : Italics are edits made for this blog....

The fundamental that all religions are based upon is the imposition of their world view upon defenceless children. That is an abuse. To tell a child WHAT to think undermines that child's own innate ability to think for themselves.

Why is there no organised religion that opts out of such a process, that waits until a child decides out of their own heart to follow a spiritual path? Because natural children sense the hypocrisy of adults no matter how the adults attempt to mask it. And natural children will tend to avoid such hypocrisy unless of course they are terrorised into internalising the values of those who terrorise/indoctrinate them, with tales of hell, lists of sins etc which are core to all organised religions.... more or less. In the secular consumer world, children are terrorised by the prospect of poverty if they do not comform - study to get a job or you will be poor... it amounts to the same thing. Being ones true self is dangerous.

He knows that enough people are religious and will buy it. He also knows there's lots of others who also buy the ' I did what I believed to te the best' - they to believe they are doing the best (and ignore the consequences of their behaviour).

To me it's clear that
Blair uses religion as a cover for his criminality

He works for UBS and JP Morgan Chase who are currently buying banks left right and centre at discount. JP Morgan Chase pretty much owns the Iraqi Central Bank. Thus Blairs reward for supporting the invasion and his willingness to see many, many dead and maimed by HIS LIES is a £1 million per annum part time job as an 'advisor'.

Those who chose NOT TO SEE reality and then publish the words of people like Blair, with out any hint of a critical analysis are as guilty as Blair is.

Bet ya the comment doesn't stay long, or even get published...

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Open Letter to Stop The War Offcers

An open letter to all officers of the STOP THE WAR COALITION

Chair: Andrew Murray (Unite – T&G section)
Convenor: Lindsey German
Treasurer (acting): Robin Beste
Steve Bell (Communication Workers Union)
Andrew Burgin
Jeremy Corbyn MP
Noreen Fatima (StWC Muslim Network)
Kate Hudson (CND)
Sabah Jawad (Iraqi Democrats Against Occupation)
Chris Nineham
Trevor Phillips (University and Colleges Union)
John Rees (SWP)
Jane Shallice
Carol Turner

As a officer of the Stop The War Coalition you have borne and continue to bear a heavy responsibility. You are charged with the leadership and co-ordination of the efforts of all those who seek peace, who abhor war as an instrument of Government Policy. You have taken this role upon yourself.

That places an even heavier burden upon yourself.

I am writing to you to enquire as to why neither you, nor the Stop The War Coalition leadership, did not call for a general strike in the UK to block the UK Governments role in the Iraq War? To bring this Government to it’s knees, as they so utterly deserved, for such a heinous crime?

History tells of the power of a general strike, and of the feebleness of ‘permitted’ protest.

Is it not the case that an all out general strike, by well informed and committed people might well have dislodged all those who conspired against humanity to pursue this Illegal War of Aggression, that was obviously, from the start, going to harm many, many innocent civilians? WMD were used by coalition forces. These are the facts. Those in power KNEW that this would be the case.

Yes such a strike may well have been tumultuous, and would have been opposed by Government and Media alike, with all the forces they could have brought to bear, forces that are not inconsiderable, yet pale into significance when confronted by a united people..

Yes it would have divided the country, though not in equal measure. Those who sought war were and remain in the minority in terms of the whole population of the UK. It would have served peace for that divide to be forced to reveal itself. It still would serve peace for that divide to be forced.

Yes such a strike might have meant hardship and sacrifice for many people in the UK. Yet at the same time, it would have been so much less a sacrifice than that imposed upon innocent people in Iraq.

Would that you and your colleagues had had the courage of your convictions to suggest such a small sacrifice on our part, on behalf of those we sought to protect!

I write because I want to understand what happened, back in 2003, when so many people took to the streets, not just in London, but world-wide, in order to prepare for what is to come. These are dangerous times, with the media and politicians hyping the prospect of a summer of rage.

Someone must give voice to the powerful urge and intent of the various movements for peace, for the environment, for justice, to lead towards effective and peaceful action - one with out the other is futile and at best abdication of responsibility. At worst cowardice and deluded folly.

I write because I assume that you share my same love and compassion for all human life, for all life, and that you share my commitment and determination to radically alter the way Power is exercised in our democracy.

I have less access to and far fewer of the facts or resources that you have. I admit that my perception is limited. I write to enquire, to learn. I write because my children will reap the benefits of bear the consequences of my actions. I write because I care.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Protest, Dissent and What Works.

Naomi Klein talks about protest and what actually works. As I have written many times, if the UK population had gone on strike in March 2003, stayed on the streets for just a week or two, the UK involvement in the Iraq War of Aggression would have been impossible without a direct confrontation between the UK Government and the people, the tax payers who fund that Government.

We have to look at what stops people from taking to the streets to express dissent, to demostrate our power as a collective of diverse and humane people.

There are the various Laws and regulations that Government puts in place to inhibit protest or dissent on the streets. Those Laws must be broken, by large numbers of people, so as to render them useless. This is alegally viable option, in that it is permissable to commit a lessor, non-violent crime to prevent the comission of a far greater violent crime.

There are the perceptions of protest that the media present. Those who work for the Media and promote such precpetions must be confornted with their actions, by letter, email, by phone and by written criticism.

There are the various psychological inhibitions, imbued primarily through schooling, that are the basis for obedience. This must be addressed by parents, to protect their children and protect their childrens autonomy and intelligence.

And there are the divide and rule tactics that pit us against each other, that comparmentalise people by religion, status, class, sex and stereotypes. This must be addressed by all those subject to such labelling and by the leadership of any such groups of people.

Each has to be addressed and understood by all those who dissent and where they rear their ugly heads, let them be identified, named and revealed for what they are, for that will disempower these inhibitions.

I found this first here : http://pulsemedia.org/2009/03/03/naomi-wolf-slams-fake-activism/

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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