Cummings need not resign - they should all be arrested for gross misfeasance in public office.

Arrest them all to prevent future mass fatality.
A basic principle of good public health is to learn from the failures and the successes of others facing the same health problem in order to improve outcomes and avoid avoidable harms.

Learning from experience, from others failures and their successes.

A number of British and European Public Health professionals issued a report, published in The Lancet, on February 19.

This is what they said:

"We are public health scientists who have closely followed the emergence of 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and are deeply concerned about its impact on global health and wellbeing. 

We have watched as the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China, in particular, have worked diligently and effectively to rapidly identify the pathogen behind this outbreak, put in place significant measures to reduce its impact, and share their results transparently with the global health community. 

This effort has been remarkable.
We sign this statement in solidarity with all scientists and health professionals in China who continue to save lives and protect global health during the challenge of the COVID-19 outbreak. We are all in this together, with our Chinese counterparts in the forefront, against this new viral threat."

The WHO were in country in China, and were in the process of taking evidence for a final report on the Wuhan situation at the same time. They were in China between 14th and 24th of February, and this is from their final report.

"Achieving China’s exceptional coverage with and adherence to these containment measures has only been possible due to the deep commitment of the Chinese people to collective action in the face of this common threat.

At a community level this is reflected in the remarkable solidarity of provinces and cities in support of the most vulnerable populations and communities. Despite ongoing outbreaks in their own areas, Governors and Mayors have continued to send thousands of health care workers and tons of vital PPE supplies into Hubei province and Wuhan city.

At the individual level, the Chinese people have reacted to this outbreak with courage and conviction. They have accepted and adhered to the starkest of containment measures – whether the suspension of public gatherings, the month-long ‘stay at home’ advisories or prohibitions on travel. 
Throughout an intensive 9-days of site visits across China, in frank discussions from the level of local community mobilizers and frontline health care providers to top scientists, Governors and Mayors, the Joint Mission was struck by the sincerity and dedication that each brings to this COVID-19 response."


China’s bold approach to contain the rapid spread of this new respiratory pathogen has changed the course of a rapidly escalating and deadly epidemic. A particularly compelling statistic is that on the first day of the advance team’s work there were 2478 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported in China. Two weeks later, on the final day of this Mission, China reported 409 newly confirmed cases. This decline in COVID-19 cases across China is real."

The evidence is unequivocal.

The Chinese Government and their health officials did the best possible job under the circumstances. They stopped the uncontrolled epidemic within China. South Korea, Taiwan, Vietnam, Singapore and Hong Kong acted rapidly to prevent uncontrolled community transmission.

This begs the question - Why did the UK Government, SAGE and Public Health England ignore the experience and learning from real lived social and material data and the practical evidence from the Chinese handling of the epidemic? Why did they ignore the success of the early and rapid action of other East Asian States? Our bodies are biologically no different, our capitalist, urban consumer cultures are all similar.

Why did the UK Government try do the worst job possible under the circumstances, starting off with herd immunity, (which some are still touting as a reasonable possibility based on modelling, rather than the actual material experience) until that was objected to by independent health professionals within the UK,based on the impact it would have in terms of deaths of vulnerable people, and was publicly stood back from in response to the visceral reaction of the general public to that revelation, which was disgust?

Why then did they persist with policies that guaranteed a slow spread of the infection, and thus ensure a higher death toll upon UK Citizens, than if they had followed the experience of the Chinese, the Taiwanese, the South Koreans, the Vietnamese and why did they choose to not do as many other countries around the Earth have done?

This cannot be put down to incompetence.

The UK Government policy was and remains deliberate and intentional.

What irks me most about calls for the resignation of  Dominic Cummings over the past few days for his apparent breach of UK Government regulations is that they are a feeble, weak-kneed, cowardly response to the situation that he, SAGE, the Prime Minister Johnson, the Cabinet, the Behavioural Insights Teams, the Chief Medical Officer and the Chief Scientific Advisor have deliberately created, as the directors of UK public policy on Corona Virus.

Arrest these people!

Really - think carefully about what they have done and are doing, and the adverse affects of their actions.

They have made a lethal mountain of an infectious mole hill.

They have lied.

They have misled the public.

They have used profoundly manipulative tactics to sway peoples attitudes, including emotional black mail, passive aggressive management tactics, bullying and gaslighting.

They have acted irresponsibly and caused untold, avoidable lethal harm to tens of thousands of UK citizens.

They have caused immense economic harm to millions of UK citizens.

The lies, the emotional blackmail, the gaslighting, the misleading statements, even the idiotic counting two gloves, or counting two parts of same test as two tests - all of these are abuses of their positions of power. All of these dishonesty's are signals of malign intent. Once or twice might be considered a reaction, but the fact is these are multiple occurrences, and clear and consistent pattern of dishonesty and the impact of the policies is extensive harm causation, avoidable deaths. That is criminal in essence.

"Generally, a civil defendant will be liable for misfeasance if the defendant owed a duty of care toward the plaintiff, the defendant breached that duty of care by improperly performing a legal act, and the improper performance resulted in harm to the plaintiff."

The courts have been reluctant to provide a detailed definition of a public officer. The case law contains an element of circularity, in that the cases tend to define a public officer as a person who carries out a public duty or has an office of trust. What may constitute a public duty or an office of trust must therefore be inferred from the facts of particular cases. 
The judgment of Lord Mansfield in R v Bembridge (1783) 3 Doug KB 32 refers to a public officer having: 
'… an office of trust concerning the public, especially if attended with profit ... by whomever and in whatever way the officer is appointed'. 

These. then, above and below, are among the many harms for which the UK Government and it's high officials are liable for, as individuals and as officials.

They have exacerbated many pre-existing health conditions and mental health issues for millions of UK citizens, in pursuit of a toxic mythical herd immunity policy. Slow the spread is not stop the spread of the infection.

By imposing a lock down, but without  providing any rational or effective measures at the grass roots level to carry out contact tracing, quarantining of those potentially exposed to the virus, let alone providing earliest possible isolated care and treatment for those who show any signs or symptoms, away from their homes, care homes or other shared accommodation where they would inevitably  spread the infection, in order to stop the community transmission of the infection and protect the larger population., the UK Government policy has caused many, many deaths, directly and indirectly.

Everything the UK Government have done has enabled a slow progression of the infection across the general population, and a rapid spread within care homes and other shared  residential settings.

I  say it again. It amounts to moving towards Herd Immunity by covert means.

The infection is still pretty much out of control, largely invisible.

Two and a half months into the campaign and the UK Government and their media allies are gas-lighting the NHS staff, pretending to provide adequate PPE, knowing they were not,  and are still not, meeting the needs of nursing and care staff across the country, all the while calling the front-line staff  'heroes',
 clapping weekly on a Thursday evening for 2 minutes to mask the cruelty of the imposition - they must continue to work with inadequate protection - even this weekend they are bullying workers and teachers and demanding they return to work in unsafe situations, with vague provisions for 'safety' that are not supported by science or epidemiology, and thus placing the entire community at greater risk than needs be, to 'get back to work'. They are encouraging people to go to beaches and beauty spots, and this is already impacting hospitals in such areas.

To what end?

Whilst there are doing all of that, whilst they are deliberately failing in their duty of care to the health and safety of the people,  as public paid officials, they are bailing out corporations under a cloak of secrecy , investing tax payers cash in unproven AI Health Surveillance, badly designed tracing apps, employing accountancy firms to run testing programs, they are protecting the Tax Havens where trillions of pounds of UK wealth lies beyond taxation reach, they are undermining British small farmers in favour of US style factory farming.

To what end?

Put the two together, and we have corruption and institutional cruelty on a par with the British Empire response to Famine in Ireland, and Famine in India in the mid to late 1800s.



They must be arrested for gross misfeasance in public office, leading to tens of thousands of, un-avoided, avoidable deaths of UK citizens. 

This situation is intolerable.

They must be placed on remand until we have resolved the situation - they cannot be granted immunity nor can they be allowed to do any more damage to the UK citizenry.

We must remove these corrupt bullies and charlatans, and install a government led by epidemiology, public health best practice, health and social care best practice and care for the ordinary citizens of this nation above all other considerations - the economy will be stronger when we have suppressed the virus, eliminated it from these islands, and when we can return to an open and safe society, albeit with tight, quarantined borders.

It is a global matter.

Each state must eliminate the virus from within it's population, and maintain quarantined borders until all states are free of the virus. All states have a duty of care to each other in this.

The call by the UN for a global ceasefire is eminently sensible, and reflects that shared duty of care. Trump says no! Johnson says 'I am in step with Trump!' Utterly arrogant war mongers.

Reduced international tourism as states maintain quarantined borders would have some benefits. We could all gain from holidays within our own countries, and learning to not litter the land we love, getting to know, love and nurture it would be a useful exercise in internal economics and international responsibility.

When we have resolved the epidemic,  let us hold another election, a clean election, open and free from the Machiavellian ministrations of  the likes of Cambridge Analytica, the alt-right anger factories of Steve Bannon and Lynton Crosby et al.

Let me also make my position clear. I do not support left or right. I am a-political.

I detest adversarial, bipolar politicking. I see it as a way to perpetuate bullying through artificial power disparities, and  I think it is wholly unsuited to the 21st Century where science, evidence, information access and social solidarity in matters concerning the shared spaces, the commons, are the now normal aspirations of all healthy people.

I am not left, nor am I right. That bird never flew for me. It is a fat, old, flea ridden walking Eagle, so to speak.

I detest bullying of any kind, I abhor emotional blackmail, I am disgusted by political grooming , and really, really dislike manipulation. I am an egalitarian. I have no skin in this situation related to left or right.

As an example of my distaste for manipulation, I coined the term 'political grooming gangs' to describe what I was observing.

More recently, I wrote a blog about Johnson's May 10th passive aggressive management speech.

I also took on Gavin Williamsons's odious Education briefing, where he tried to use emotional blackmail, in public.


I wrote a song about Boris Johnson's May 10th Speech :

 Be Alert!

I wrote another song about Jacinda Ardern vs Boris Johnson, Trump, Icke and Jones.

Jacinda and The Little Bugs..

I am a singer/songwriter and a lazy permaculture gardener, as well as a writer.

I suggest we all get up to date with trauma informed approaches, poly-vagal theory and conflict resolution, as well as understanding the tactical dynamics of bullying in politics.

We really have to put a stop to the polarisation tactics of powerful groups that are tearing our communities apart. It is an essential component of justice in all areas.

Kindest regards


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"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

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Fan Cang Fever Hospitals vs Nightingale Hospitals and the UK Care Home Infection Rate.

Fan Cang Fever Hospitals vs Nightingale Hospitals and the UK Care Home Infection Rate.

When the Chinese Government started their shut down in Wuhan in order to confront the uncontrolled spread of the viral infection via community transmission in public spaces, public transport, work spaces, markets, shopping malls and so forth, they discovered that people self  treating at home, in families and in apartment complexes where there are shared areas, lifts, hallways, gardens etc were also spreading the infection and were, within the shut down, the biggest spreaders of infection by every measure.

This is referred to in the WHO final report of February 23rd, and in reports in The Lancet and other news media. We all saw video footage of the build and time-lapse videos of the newly built temporary hospitals. It was a major news story world wide.

Some western media even said it was only possible because the Chinese Government is an Authoritarian Dictatorship, and it couldn't possibly happen in Western democracies. Some people will always attempt to exploit emergent vulnerabilities, or avoid their responsibilities as did some Wuhan officials in the early days of the outbreak.

When the Chinese Authorities and Health Care Officials initiated the shut-down and they were running contact tracing as part of that process they were on a learning curve. That is how they discovered the super spreading nature of self treatment of mild symptoms at home. Family groups with many generations across a number of  close by houses, and apartment blocks where many people were moving in and out every day.

Fever Hospitals

In order to resolve that problem, the Chinese health Authorities then moved rapidly to build Fever or Shelter Hospitals to treat every new case presenting with mild symptoms as early as possible, with best available support.

They also set up local community isolation observation wards, for contacts of case traces, where people could be quarantined and observed in order to maximise earliest possible treatment.

They combined these temporary hospitals with extended contact trace, quarantine and isolated treatment programs.

Quarantined contacts were told "as soon as you get symptoms, come to the fever clinics, we will test you for all fever inducing illnesses, just to check. If you have covid19 we will treat you, give you the best support to not go severe/critical." (the Chinese health practitioners used vit c, vit d, chinese herbs, modern medicines and good food and good, consistent care, exercise and social activities to keep morale up.)

This clear advice and logistical support gave the people the security they needed to really engage with the protocol of suppression of transmission leading to eliminating the virus from within the population.

This helped to stop the spread, it reduced the number of cases that progressed to severe or critical, it protected established hospitals from overflow, and it allowed the Chinese authorities to expand already existing ICU from those already existing sites, where it was much easier to train new staff and maintain ICU coverage.

In Wuhan they built 14,000 new bed spaces over a matter of weeks drawing in medical professionals from the Chinese Military and from Hospitals all over China. They also applied the same policy to every local outbreak across China.  Because it is an eminently sensible approach to managing this epidemic.

Learning from experience?

Compare this to the UK approach - shutting down the Health System to become a COVDI19 system,  ditching all non-elective surgeries, building extra intubation hospitals that were never fully utilised because they were not needed, they were not the appropriate facility for helping to stop the spread of the virus and which were also permanently understaffed. Had the Government studied the Chinese effort and followed that approach, tens of thousands of lives could have been protected.

Whilst at the same time sending thousands of people from hospitals where COVDI19 illness was present, without testing those patients being discharged, in spite of repeated Government assurances that testing would be carried out.

The reckless lunacy of ordering Hospitals to send potentially infectious cases out into the community and into care homes, where they inevitably spread the infection lethal effect - from where more cases lacking supportive treatment went into severe and critical condition, many then needing urgent emergency ICU treatment in NHS hospitals. Many, many thousands died in the care homes without such interventions. Palliative medicine use in care homes surged during those awful months. 

A basic principle of good public health is to learn from the failures and the successes of others facing the same health problem.

Learning from experience, from others failures and their successes.

A number of British and European Public Health professionals issued a report, published in The Lancet on February 19. This is what they said:

"We are public health scientists who have closely followed the emergence of 2019 novel coronavirus disease (COVID-19) and are deeply concerned about its impact on global health and wellbeing. We have watched as the scientists, public health professionals, and medical professionals of China, in particular, have worked diligently and effectively to rapidly identify the pathogen behind this outbreak, put in place significant measures to reduce its impact, and share their results transparently with the global health community. This effort has been remarkable.
We sign this statement in solidarity with all scientists and health professionals in China who continue to save lives and protect global health during the challenge of the COVID-19 outbreak. We are all in this together, with our Chinese counterparts in the forefront, against this new viral threat."

The WHO were in country in China, and were in the process of taking evidence for a final report on the Wuhan situation at the same time. They were in China between 14th and 24rd of February, and this is from their final report.
"Achieving China’s exceptional coverage with and adherence to these containment measures has only been possible due to the deep commitment of the Chinese people to collective action in the face of this common threat.

At a community level this is reflected in the remarkable solidarity of provinces and cities in support of the most vulnerable populations and communities. Despite ongoing outbreaks in their own areas, Governors and Mayors have continued to send thousands of health care workers and tons of vital PPE supplies into Hubei province and Wuhan city.

At the individual level, the Chinese people have reacted to this outbreak with courage and conviction. They have accepted and adhered to the starkest of containment measures – whether the suspension of public gatherings, the month-long ‘stay at home’ advisories or prohibitions on travel.
Throughout an intensive 9-days of site visits across China, in frank discussions from the level of local community mobilizers and frontline health care providers to top scientists, Governors and Mayors, the Joint Mission was struck by the sincerity and dedication that each brings to this COVID-19 response."

China’s bold approach to contain the rapid spread of this new respiratory pathogen has changed the course of a rapidly escalating and deadly epidemic. A particularly compelling statistic is that on the first day of the advance team’s work there were 2478 newly confirmed cases of COVID-19 reported in China. Two weeks later, on the final day of this Mission, China reported 409 newly confirmed cases. This decline in COVID-19 cases across China is real."

This begs the question - Why did the UK Government, SAGE and Public Health England ignore the experience and learning from real lived social and material data and evidence from the Chinese handling of the epidemic?
Herd Immunity

The UK Government made deliberate choices to not do that, to not learn from the experience of others and what is worse is that they created novel policies that exacerbated the spread of the infection, that led to more deaths than if they had adopted and adapted the  public health protocols that were already proven to work so well.

At every stage, the UK Government has avoided what works, and pushed policies that have failed, repeatedly. The UK Government has also lie about the data, the evidence, their actions and outcomes. This all goes beyond mere incompetence. The only logical assumption is that the UK Government's initial stance of 'herd immunity' still stands and is being defended with every step, using every tool in the Governments hands.

'Herd Immunity' on their terms is reached when 60% of population have been infected - the claim is at that level of infection the entire population is protected from a second wave next winter.

The price to be paid is 400,000 excess deaths or early deaths of already ill people. The price to be paid is the destruction of small business in favour of corporate business. The price to be paid is mass unemployment.The price to be paid is destruction of self-employment within the UK. The price to be paid is multiple waves of infection surges, a punishing cycle of shut-down, open up, shut-down, open up.

Care Homes

In the UK NHS hospitals were turning away people presenting with mild yet uncomfortable symptoms, which were sent back home to self treat. I have heard and been part of a few anecdotal stories of people I know whose relatives were quite ill, did the phone consultation, went into hospital, were checked, and given a confirmed, non-tested diagnosis and sent home to self treat. One case I know of through family connections was an elderly male, with severe chest pains who was prescribed opiates for the pain, and then sent home to self isolate.  Fortunately he has recovered. His family remain well.

Likewise there are plenty of cases of elderly patients who were known to have the infection and were were sent back to care homes. Both of these were policies decided by Government and NHS senior management. Both led to exacerbation of symptomatic cases and excess deaths in many cases.

11,500 deaths and rising with the UK Care home systems, and we have no way of accounting for the numbers of excess deaths from people who died at home, or who went from home to intensive care, having been sent home with symptoms in the first place.

There are questions that must be asked, and answered. Incompetence is one thing, callous indifference another.

We deserve much, much better. The vulnerable people within the UK Health systems, private and public alike deserved much more than merely better - they deserve the fullest logistical and human resourced protections possible. It cannot be a matter of budget if as a State this state is also considering 250 billion spend on it's Nuclear 'Deterrent'.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

Sunday Times offers Johnson a Get Out of Jail Card - I do not buy it.

Sunday Times published an article this Sunday 17th May that makes a claim to understand the background to the UK Government policy on Corona Virus.

The central claim is that the science advice was focused on influenza. Based on documents released (belatedly) from SAGE meetings. No copy of the documents is produced, no date of the documents is provided, nothing to substantiate the release as genuine or the writers interpretation .as accurate.

The documents may well be genuine.

They might be a late addition.

Do you trust the UK Government?

Who does?

The article tries to portray the decision making process of the UK Government as a similar mistake to one made by pilots who were fixated on one minor issue, who missed a critical issue, leading to the fatal crash of their aeroplane. The UK Science teams were focused on Influenza and did not notice COVID19.

Oh dear!

Blame the Scientists, the Public Health officials. Johnson get out of jail card is played.

"The terminology offers a first hint. The modelling group is called the “scientific pandemic influenza group on modelling”. The key planning document that informed government policy for a decade is called the UK Influenza Pandemic Preparedness Strategy. The review of evidence on whether to shut educational facilities is called the Impact of School Closures on an Influenza Pandemic. A paper on whether to limit public events is called Impact of Mass Gatherings on an Influenza Pandemic."

I don't buy it.

This article is blaming the Scientists.  The article does not mention the consistent lies, the deliberate  policy decisions that repeatedly allowed spread of the infection, the desire to 'make a profit' or the appalling May 10th speech, or the odious briefing of Gavin Williamson the day before the get out of jail free care article was published. Passive aggressive management tactics, manipulative grooming, emotional blackmail. These are the actions of devious and deceitful  people, not the errors of well meaning people.

The article is nothing less than a putrid attempt to give the Government a get out of jail card for the Johnson/Cummings cabal and their supine political appointees posing as Medical Officers and Scientific Advisers.

It does not say what date these minutes are taken from.

They mention March.  They mention early documents. No useful information.

On February 3rd, Boris Johnson mentioned Corona Virus in a speech about Brexit in Greenwich.

By February 3rd the whole world KNEW that COVID19 was nothing like an influenza. Wuhan had been in lock-down for three weeks, as had Taiwan, South Korea, Hong Kong and Singapore. 

WHO had issue pandemic warnings by this stage. - Watch Johnson declare the UK will not panic because of Corona Virus..

This is the official transcript from Johnson's speech on February 3rd.

Here is the segment pertinent to COVID19.

"And in that context, we are starting to hear some bizarre autarkic rhetoric, when barriers are going up, and when there is a risk that new diseases such as coronavirus will trigger a panic and a desire for market segregation that go beyond what is medically rational to the point of doing real and unnecessary economic damage, then at that moment humanity needs some government somewhere that is willing at least to make the case powerfully for freedom of exchange, some country ready to take off its Clark Kent spectacles and leap into the phone booth and emerge with its cloak flowing as the supercharged champion, of the right of the populations of the earth to buy and sell freely among each other.

And here in Greenwich in the first week of February 2020, I can tell you in all humility that the UK is ready for that role.

We are ready for the great multi-dimensional game of chess in which we engage in more than one negotiation at once and we are limbering up to use nerves and muscles and instincts that this country has not had to use for half a century."

Protect the hoard, let the herd take it on the chin.

Clear as day.

That was and remains the policy of the UK Government. A policy that has led to c.50,000 excess deaths, and is heading for many more than that. Get back to work! Go to school! Be Alert!

Kindest regards


 "Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

Gavin Williamson's emotional manipulation, his grooming tactics in public view.

"The grooming (gaslighting) of human vulnerability is one of most vile things any human being can do to another."

Freedom of Speech, abused.

 Gavin Williamson's speech on Saturday 16 May, his Corona Virus Education briefing from 10 Downing Street, was an abuse of the rights of Freedom of Speech. It was a deeply manipulative speech. I want to put it into context in this blog piece.

Let me first lay out a necessary qualification about Freedom of Speech in the Public Domain.

Free Speech

Free Speech is a Responsibility - it is neither an absolute Right or a Privilege.

The Responsibility is to speak honestly, to be evidence based, to be as good a listener as a speaker and to acknowledge what is verified, reliable and true as such, and to also acknowledge beliefs as made up, as guess-work at the very best.

Freedom of Speech is not a right to promote beliefs over evidence in matters concerning the shared commons.

Freedom of Speech is not a right to groom, manipulate or exploit others through use of language and various logical fallacies...

Freedom of Speech abused.

The Freedom Movement protesters in Hyde Park and elsewhere were a 'welcome' media distraction from Gavin Williamson's 'briefing' against teachers, parents, children and health and safety common sense. Their case was a mistaken interpretation of the meaning of Freedom of Speech and both they and the Secretary for Education denied the social responsibility inherent in the right to free speech. The distraction was welcome from the point of view of the Government. A minor incident elevated to a mass media 'news' story.

A few 5G obsessed anti-vaxxers, freedom campaigners and assorted conTheory spreaders gathered in Hyde Park, near speakers corner, an historical location for Free Speech in Public, to spout nonsense in  public, and to bully , manipulate and groom others to their beleif system and at the same time they chose to deliberately breach social distancing guidelines and regulations whichare necessary to stop the spread of the virus.

The Freedom Movement UK protesters were speaking futile nonsense to power. And asking to be arrested, as a piece of political street theatre. They were in fact fufilling Johnsons policy objective - more spread towards mythical Herd Immunity.

A few of the 200 or so 'activists' were arrested for potentially spreading an infectious disease, after receiving two verbal warnings to disperse under the Corona Virus regulations. The police action was rough, because the protesters resisted and that made for great video evidence of 'state suppression'.

The protesters will claim that their rights to Free Speech were being trampled upon. They were not arrested for anything they said. No surpirse there - reality is hardly their logical foundation.

They are as narcissistic as those they claim to oppose. Fodder for the narrative that the lock down is an injustice.

Lock down injustice.

Which it is, yet not in the way these protesters claim. Reality is much more detailed than their futile and ill-informed caricature allows.

The injustice inherent in lock down as it is being played out in the UK is that it is not being deployed to stop the spread of infection, to lead towards eradicating the viral spread within the UK population in order to protect the significant population of vulnerable people. It is being deployed to guarantee a slow spread of the infection, which does not protect the vulnerable.

That is utterly repugnant, and it is a political and economic choice of policy that undermines the health and safety of at the 11.5 million UK citizens with chronic disease conditions, and in particular the elderly in care homes and those with multiple conditions.

Education and Work.

Teachers Unions have been speaking truth to power since March, and continuing through April, on into May  and  continuing this week, by asking direct and pertinent questions about health and safety of returning to school in the midst of an uncontrolled epidemic.

Whilst the lock down has slowed the community transmission rate in London, elsewhere it is rising.

The infection spread is still out of control.

 Under control means we know where the virus has been, we know where it is and we have suppressed transmission to the degree that there have been no new cases of infection for at least two days or more. None of these are in place as I write. The spread of infection is uncontrolled.

The teachers unions are asking the Government to present their scientific and public health evidence that proves that it is safe to return children to school by asking clearly worded questions, presenting the scientific evidence their questions are based on. The Government is failing to respond in kind.

The teachers concerns are laid out in the 5 tests they set for safe re-opening of schools.

They have also issued a substantial document laying out the detail of their questions, a document which is also a useful learning guide for anyone interested in the matter, as it poses the questions, outlines the back ground of their concerns, presents the scientific evidence and study papers that their concerns are based on.

The Government has not responded in kind.

The British Medical Association has come out in full support of the teachers unions. Their concerns are justified, they are medically rational, a phrase Boris Johnson might be familiar with in the negation of that same term, from his speech on February 3rd in Greenwich.

Instead the Government and their advisors are spinning the numbers, they are painting a false picture of the risk of infection emerging within schools. The details are laid out on this blog, Corona Maths.

"Dr Jenny Harries went even further in order to justify the opening of schools on 1st June by saying “There’s a lot of anxiety I think around this but people need to think through – in an average infant school with 100 children the likelihood of anybody having this disease is very small and diminishing with time.”
Let’s be clear about this.
That statement is absolutely 100% untrue statistically.  
The likelihood is not small and there is no evidence that that likelihood will diminish with time.  So let’s explore what the implications for schools really are.

The Implications for Schools

She is an epidemiologist who should have a grasp of statistics so I can only assume that she is toeing a political line and that what she has said is deliberate rather than accidental."

The risk in returning children to school is still very, very high.  The spread of infection, the  incidence of community transmission is not under control,not by any standard measurement, and  teachers are being bullied, workers are being bullied whilst many businesses are being stressed by lack of adequate economic support, bad policy decisions an d we are all subjected to misleading public narratives.

Emotional Blackmail and Gaslighting.

The Teachers Unions and the BMA were publicly gas-lighted by Education Secretary Gavin Williamson, in his briefing from 10 Downing Street, Saturday 16th May.

Williamson attempted to groom the general public, the students and the parents into enrolling in an attack on the teachers.

Here is the video of Gavin Williamson's odious speech.

He carried out a classic grooming exercise in full public view.

He intruded into circle of trust, he primed his audience, he then used emotional blackmail to bind them in to his agenda, and then launched a series of snide attacks where he deployed emotional triggers,  laid guilt trips aimed at teachers unions and the BMA, to undermine in the public view their evidence based concerns about health and safety of the teachers, the children, their parents and elder relatives. Machiavellian to the core.

Like he really cares about vulnerable children, or vulnerable adults, having voted for policies that are proven to have caused harm to vulnerable during the past few years, even when evidence was presented of those harms.

"School is the safest place for children from unhappy homes."  Emotional black mail.

"School re-opening is based on best scientific advice." Twaddle. They are unwilling to present that evidence. It does not exist.

Evil is as evil does.

Here is the transcript of that speech.

On getting children into school as soon as possible.

Here I will examine some of his statements, and indicate the tactics.

"This is particularly important for vulnerable and disadvantaged young people. There are some who would like to delay the wider opening of schools."

*( speaking to the wider electorate, entering into the circle of trust, blatantly lying to do so - schools are already open for vulnerable children - here, and here . and *here *even though many are not turning up where provision has been made for them, presumably because their parents are concerned with the risks of transmission of infection which might be brought back into family homes where vulnerable unwell or elderly adults share homes, a reasonable concern..)

"But there is a consequence to this."

*(Guilt tripping the teachers, frightening the parents, gaslighting the wider public to think teachers are putting selfish concerns ahead of children's well being)

"The longer that schools are closed, the more children miss out. Teachers know this. Teachers know that there are children out there who have not spoken to or played with another child of their own age for the last two months."

 *(guilt tripping the teachers in front of workers, talking about the teachers in the third person to the workers)

"They know there are children from difficult or very unhappy homes for whom school is their happiest place in their week. It’s also the safest place for them to be and it’s thanks to their teachers and the support that their teachers give to them that they are safe and happy."

*(those who are keeping these children out of school by blocking a return are harming these children, - emotional black mail)

The poorest children, the most disadvantaged children, the children who do not always have support they need at home, will be the ones who will fall furthest behind if we keep school gates closed.

*(guilt tripping the teachers in front of the public)

"They are the ones who will miss out on the opportunities and chances in life that we want all children to benefit from what teachers and schools deliver for them."

* (the claim is false, and he implies it is the fault of teachers if these children are failed )

So we’re asking some children to come back from the 1 June. And we are asking schools to adopt a number of strict protective measures.

*( he is asking for children of workers to return  - and he knows the Government have not answered the Teachers Unions evidence based questions on Health and Safety, and that those questions will not be answered in his briefing).


So to place this into the fullest context,  we must take on board the meaning of the UK Policy of slow spread of the infection, and what it really means, and what motives might lie behind it.

The speech by Johnson last week (May 10th) was about getting workers back to work. 

Protect the economy! Be alert! Get back to work!

He used deliberate, tactically vague instructions to set workers up for a fall, either way - if they are too cautious, they will be blamed for hurting the economy, and their employers will have a leverage to dismiss them, or refuse to support them.  If they take too much risk, they will be blamed for the adverse outcomes.

In order to really push that back to work agenda, more school children must be 'encouraged' to return to school so that parents are free to go to work. If they did not push for this, then at least half of parents would stay home because we know that many families both parents go to work.

There are 4.526,000 families with both parents at work.

That is a substantial number of workers, just over 9 million.

At present furlough is covering  6.3 million workers.

Even if the Government can get half of the parents back to work, they are looking at saving billions every month,  and at the same time they are increasing the potential for more slow spread of the infection, all at the same time.

Why is slow spread so important to this British Government?

What does slow spread really mean and what benefits does it accrue, and to whom?

Why does the UK Government reject the stop the spread, eradicate the virus within the population approach?

It would be utterly foolish to ignore these questions.

Especially when the Education Secretary is prepared to publicly behave in such a profoundly manipulative manner.

I am not personally frightened, as much as I am concerned. I have been very ill, for three weeks in March with lingering sense of infection into mid April. I feel much better now. Nowhere as well as I did before March.

I have gone beyond fear now, I am mostly furious and I also understand anyone who is vulnerable being fearful, not so much of the bug as of the Government and it's reckless behaviour.
The media are portraying our concern as fear, as timidity, as way to gaslight us, to bully us into submission.

It's really ugly to look at and see.

What is going on here?

Kindest regards


Thank you for reading this blog.

"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account.

Be Alert! A Song.

Here's the lyric for a new song, about Boris Johnson, David Icke and the playbooks they are using to trigger emotions, to manipulate their audiences.

This follows on from my piece on Johnson's speech on Sunday May 10th offering confusing directions to the British workforce on behalf of the British owners, instructions that are classic passive aggressive management tactics.

Bullies will always seek to exploit emerging vulnerabilities in any group they hold a power disparity over. People's need to work, the employers need to get back into business, people's need for cash to survive - all opportunities to be exploited. Always under the guise of helping people, of course.

It will take 5 or 6 days for the first symptomatic case increase, 10 days to see the start of hospital intake increase, and two weeks for the deaths in hospitals, from a new wave to start to be seen.

The UK Government is gambling with your lives.

Only if you allow them to.

Stay home, tell your boss to think about the legal action you will be forced to take if he or she demands you return, or offers to fire you if you do not.

Do not send your children to school, do not demand more teachers place themselves at risk, furlough is not an easy money free ride, it is a protective measure.

Do not be bullied.

There is a local epidemic, here in the UK. 

We are called upon to be alert. Then let us be alert. Let us pay close attention to the implications, the mask threats, the veiled insinuations.

 I will be recording the music and publishing it over the next few days.

image source Mark Hawkins











Kindest regards


 "Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

Behavioural characteristics of Hierarchy cultures and Egalitarian Cultures.

The Cultural Behavioural Characteristics of Hierarchy Cultures and Egalitarian Cultures. Take a look.

We are living within a bully hierarchy culture. A culture based around artificial power disparities that are used to abuse people, with minimal regulation of the harms caused.

It is not inevitable, and it is not The Human Condition.
It is obviously unhealthy.
It doesn't have to be this way.

It is this way, yes, that is glaringly obvious and likewise it is obvious that doing anything about it to heal or correct that situation is going to be difficult, we know this. Difficulty is not necessarily a barrier to taking action.

It's no secret that those who hold power and deploy power disparities in their favour are unwilling to relinquish those advantages.
Nonetheless, our bodies and our psyches are biologically evolved for egalitarian behaviour and we know that hierarchy of power behaviour is biologically unhealthy. That suggests to me at least that our biology is a potential leverage point in articulating the potential to alter the culture.
Most of human distress originates in the cultural dynamic of power disparity and hierarchy, rather then in the human psyche.

The cultural obsession with enforcing and maintaining socio-economic status is a highly stressful and disease generating behavioural dynamic.
Established practice of Psychology, Psychiatry, Religion and New Age magical thinking are all deliberate mis-directions.

The person is not the problem. Yes, it is true that some people are dangerous to others. Dealing with the dangerous people is a health and safety issue for the community, where robust prevention of harm is the core dynamic, and punishment is rejected as irrationally judgemental and ineffective.

The Culture is the problem. In a culture of power abuse, it is obvious that it will generate people who are dangerous to others.
Change and heal the culture, reduce the incidence of emergent psychopathy - again, an obvious approach.
Deal with it. We all need to deal with this. The issue here is that we can never fix a social system that is a bully system.
It is by definition beyond repair. The bullying must cease.
Power Hierarchies with artificial power disparities are pathological systems built by bullies.
They cannot be repaired. The power disparity must be disabled, dismantled.
This is very difficult for those people who have been habituated to power disparity to appraise.
The psyche habituated to power disparity thinks that this is the Human Condition.
It is not.
It is a culture, nothing more than that.
The body and psyche is biologically evolved for the egalitarian behavioural dynamic as it's healthy normal state within the environment. We are social organisms. Our sensitivity is all about connection and co-operation, empathy and creativity, loving nurturant relationships with ourselves, our communities and our environment
If the body and psyche is subjected to chronic bullying, it will become distorted, and disease will emerge more frequently than it would otherwise do,
Bullying emerges from unresolved trauma, as a coping mechanism. It has become institutionalised over time.
Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Be Alert!. Bullies Exploit Emerging Vulnerabilities.

"The grooming (gaslighting) of human vulnerability is one of most vile things any human being can do to another."


It will take 2 to 6 weeks for the first clear signs of a surge in infections to become apparent..

The UK Government is gambling with your lives.

Only if you allow them to.

Stay home, tell your boss to think about the legal action you will be forced to take if he or she demands you return, or offers to fire you if you do not.

Do not send your children to school, do not demand more teachers place themselves at risk, furlough is not an easy money free ride, it is a protective measure.

Do not be bullied.

There is a local epidemic, here in the UK. 

We are called upon to be alert. Then let us be alert. Let us pay close attention to the implications, the masked threats, the veiled insinuations.

The virus is real. The infection is not a hoax. 
Viruses are not bullies. Hoaxers are bullies. Some bullies will be attempting to exploit the situations created by this  viral infection and the disease it causes. Bullying can be described as using any form of power disparity to manipulate or coerce others to meet the needs of the entity with the greater power.

David Icke is a bully. Alex Jones is a bully. Both are exploiting people's fears and insecurities, their rage and hatreds and emotional reactions to sell books, to sell product, to market a brand, to build a cult following. That is a form of bullying, it is psychological bullying. Donald Trump is a bully.  Trumplestiltskin - the public persona is that of The Bully's Bully. The Bully for all Seasons. I will stamp my feet if I do not get my own way!

They are not alone in this. Brexit was a similar dynamic, with Boris Johnson at the very core of that behavioural dynamic, which I have previously described as political grooming. Nigel Farage stating that in his opinion street violence would be understandable if people did not get their own way. Straight bananas.

Hoax? What hoax? 

SARSCOV2 is a genuine, naturally evolved 
virus (if you take in the impact of harvesting wild animals for meat, and stocking them, live, in a meat market where stress and stock conditions can mean a virus can be passed from one creature to another in ways that would not normally occur, but can, and did, and is then transferred to a human by contact, where it finds access to cells and replicates and is then transmitted to another human being).

COVID19 is the disease caused when the virus enters a human host and uses the hosts cells to replicate, so that it can then be coughed or breathed out in tiny droplets of moist breath, to infect a new human host.

The process of using the hosts cells to make millions of copies of itself destroys those cells, and that is what causes the various disease breakdowns that can cause fatality.  Some people's immune systems cannot cope with that,  often because they are already suffering a chronic disease. Some people's immune system fails, even though they appear to be healthy. It's a risk for everyone, albeit greater for those who are already ill. We have no vaccine, and none on any reasonable time horizon.

If your lung cells are destroyed, you cannot breathe in oxygen, or breathe out carbon dioxide, and that causes lots of problems for most of your bodies organs. There's more to it than that. That is not the point of this short piece. Infectious diseases can cause terrible damage especially when we have no natural immunity and no vaccine and not curative treatment.

There is a pandemic (which is concurrent epidemics happening at the same time in different countries). This is now a global issue. 7 billion and more are involved in this. We are all in this together. It is in the air we breathe. Breathe in, breath out, spread it all about.

There is no vaccine. There is no vaccine in sight. I repeat myself. The promise of a vaccine is an empty promise. And in the next paragraph I will outline one reason why some people are floating it as a strategy with imminent potential right now. It is a delaying tactic. I think Bill Gates naivety is being exploited. I don't think he is evil. Nonetheless, there are those whose intentions are evil; predatory intent among humans is evil. We all know about predatory lending practices. Some people are clearly attempting to exploit the situation of this pandemic.

A slow spread policy avoids taking the kinds of action what would demand a Government supports a population through the process of stopping the spread, suppressing the virus and eradicating it from any given population.

For some ideologues funding the incomes of workers, (as opposed to  bailing out hedge funds and investment bankers), is considered an evil greater than the virus's impact on vulnerable people. The people might become addicted to the free money. I have written on this blog quite recently about the historical resonance of British political masters and their fear, their disdain, their hatred for helping the poor, the vulnerable.  The UN has chastised the UK Government for it's inhumane mistreatment of disabled people seeking states support to live in dignity.

Priti Patel, Sir Iain Duncan Smith, Sir Charles Trevelyan are quoted in my previous piece on the historical behaviour pattern I have observed resonating through this epidemic.

Some predatory Governments, Hedge Funds and others such as Rees-Mogg will attempt to exploit the local and global epidemics - buy low, sell high! How can we make a 'killing'?  Can we use this to acquire more power? What economic gains can we make from this crisis?

The UN calls for a global cease fire, the USA denies the motion because the WHO exists, because China exists and because both have done, and are doing, immense work to stop the spread, suppress the virus, eradicate it from populations and this shows up the US Federal Governments bad policy. 

The UK is in lock step with this move by the USA,  Both regularly abuse the Veto rights granted by their presence on the UN Security Council. Yes, the council of those who hold the biggest weapons of mass destruction systems, their versions of political protection equipment. Equipment that is a threat, rather than a protection. Bullies. History. I digress.

Let's return to the lead-up to the present moment, in the UK, by way of the speech Boris Johnson delivered even as the first cases of COVID19 were confirmed in the UK, and health officials were assuring us that the UK was among the best prepared in the world.

This is the official transcript from Boris Johnson's speech on February 3rd.

"And in that context, we are starting to hear some bizarre autarkic rhetoric, when barriers are going up, and when there is a risk that new diseases such as coronavirus will trigger a panic and a desire for market segregation that go beyond what is medically rational to the point of doing real and unnecessary economic damage, then at that moment humanity needs some government somewhere that is willing at least to make the case powerfully for freedom of exchange, some country ready to take off its Clark Kent spectacles and leap into the phone booth and emerge with its cloak flowing as the supercharged champion, of the right of the populations of the earth to buy and sell freely among each other.

And here in Greenwich in the first week of February 2020, I can tell you in all humility that the UK is ready for that role.

We are ready for the great multi-dimensional game of chess in which we engage in more than one negotiation at once and we are limbering up to use nerves and muscles and instincts that this country has not had to use for half a century."

That clears everything up then. There we have it. Those who seek to protect their populations are panicking, cowardly, spineless and weak, The UK Government is strong, caped up and ready to make vast profits in this situation.

Treating the people as children.

Boris Johnson's May Bank Holiday speech was deliberately vague, and because the instructions are vague he is hanging workers out to dry.

Classic passive aggressive management tactics are to issue deliberately vague instruction sets that contain conflicts; in response, when workers exercise too much caution, they are blamed for any failures to meet objectives, and when they are not cautious enough, they are held responsible for any adverse outcomes.

The response of various experts in the fields of medicine, virology, epidemiology and public health largely critical of the lack of clarity and the lack of a science based rationale.

His speech calls for factories and other workplace settings to
restart working in the midst of a lock down, at a time when statistics indicate a plateau, rather than a downturn.

Johnson makes a call to maintain social distancing even though we know that it is practically impossible in many work and travel situations to maintain that - the Ro number is still rather vaguely estimated, and in all likelihood it is still too high. We know using public transport is a super spreader. We know that thousands of new cases are confirmed at hospitals every day, and that hundreds are still dying in hospitals, at home and in care homes and that a third of UK 15,570 care homes are hosting outbreaks of infection. His instructions and directions amount to deliberate confusion.

"The main sources for infection are home, workplace, public transport, social gatherings, and restaurants. This accounts for 90% of all transmission events. In contrast, outbreaks spread from shopping appear to be responsible for a small percentage of traced infections" source

Who will take up the workers part when they are ordered back to work, and
out of concern for others and common sense they refuse? Will they then be fired? 
What of their rights under Section 44?  What legal aid access will the have? Is this how furlough is to be reduced? The addicts pushed out to face cold turkey. They can exercise all day long, to work through it?

Bullies give vague directions in order to set the victimised up for future failure and censure. This is a known behavioural and tactical dynamic associated with passive aggressive management.

News Media carefully float in comments about how furloughed workers are taking a freebie, sitting back and enjoying the free cash, Callers into talk shows repeat these claims, and acclaim their own desire to get back to work! Underneath is the unspoken allegation of mass malingering, disincentivised work shy slackers threatening the UK Economy.

Treating the people as adults.

Other Governments and organisations are responding in ways that attempt, as best they can, to take care of the people. They are attempting to stop the spread, to suppress the virus until it is eradicated from the population to whom they owe fealty and of for whom they hold a duty of care. They are supporting their people in order to have a people, to be an economy.

 'Unless we fix the biology, there will be no economy.' Dr. Erin Bromage. Understanding the risks matters. Opinion and belief may well be lethal.

 New Zealand is one example of a State choosing to take an evidenced position in order to protect the most vulnerable people within their population, which as it happens will also be the most protective of their economy.

Be like Jacinda, Stop the Spread, Spread the Love.

I wrote a song about Jacinda  vs Boris and Donald. No fridges or golf games for her. Just the daily work of suppressing transmission, eradicating the virus. Day by day.

This chart in the link below outlines the impacts of the different policy approaches in different countries, in terms of infections or progress of their local epidemic, as a result of their policy approaches. Take a look. It's real.

It really is that clear.

Bullies Exploit Emerging Vulnerabilities

Another way to frame this is to say that bullies will always attempt to exploit any emerging vulnerability in any family, village, church, organisation, institution or population/state where they hold degrees of power over others. 

I understand that this is a behavioural pattern, one the bully does not have to think about engaging, that it is automatic.  See opportunity, grasp it!

The bully will be behaving in an opportunistic dynamic, and will be co-opting any push back by the populations they are afflicting, so there is this push and pull dynamic that is very unsettling - this is then masked by a narrative that gives the illusion of incompetence, and that serves the purpose of throwing the afflicted off the scent, so that the opportunity to exploit the situation remains in the control of the bully.

There is also a benefit to the bully in encouraging a raft of conTheories and even in promoting them - The Chinese Virus! - some people will reject such theories as too outlandish, too crazy to be real or meaningful, and in throwing out the baby with the bathwater, they lose touch with the bullying element. Incompetence is much more comforting an illusion, and it gives the bully more more to act.

A bully can be a person, a group of people, an institution or a Government twisting arms.

Stay alert to the plays of professional bullies.

Stay Alert!

Stay home and study the matter.

Write to your local MP.  Write to the media you read.

Protect your children and their teachers.

Make a noise, stay at home, disturb the bullies.

Stop the spread, spread the love.

Kindest regards


Thank you for reading this blog.

"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

This blog, like all my other content creation work is not monetised via advertising. If you like what I present, consider sharing my content. If you can afford the price of a cup of coffee or a pint of beer/ale/cider for a few months, please donate via my Patreon account.