Bleak Lives Matter.

Bleak Lives Matter

A slogan is never enough.

Honest discussion is always required to clarify.... which cannot happen and will not happen in mainstream media and politics, both of which are based on half-truths, psin, lies and coercion (bullying).

The honest discussion has fallen to us, the people.

The people as journalists, historians, historical actors writing their own stories.

Black Lives Matter

All Lives Matter.

And Black lives do matter... it matters that racism exists and is inculcated by power hierarchies.

It matters that some people's lives are so bleak that they stoop to violence and crime in order to protect people from violence a crime, or so they say.

It matters that many young people who volunteer for Military Service do so to escape dead-end lives, to get an 'education' they could not afford in civilian life. Bleak lives.

It matters that Austerity is targeting a sector of the population whose lives are extremely bleak already, most often through structural inequities put in place by powerful, wealthy, greedy men and women, and the institutions they control.

It matters.

We live in a social system that is based on bullying, that is built on the broken bodies of millions of adults and children, that hands out comfort to those who side with the bullies, that indoctrinates, propagandises and murders with professional acumen.

Growing up in such an in humane social system is bleak, and growing up as one of the groups who are marginalised (children), bullied and subjected to hierarchicies of violence, at home (spanking), at school (punishment/reward), in the centers of religion (fundamentalists) is bleak indeed.

Black people, white people, brown people all bully their children.

Spanking is common.

Shouting at children is common.

Bullying children is common.

Grooming children is common.

None of these are common in healthy indigenous societies.

It takes a bleak life to enlist, a bleak life to become a corrupt cop, a bleak life to be a pedophile priest, a bleak life to be a lying corrupt politician serving corporate masters. It takes a bleak life to submit to indoctrination. It takes a bleak life to spout propaganda. Trump is bleak. The Clinton's are bleak. Netanyahu is bleak. Putin is bleak. Ronnie Reagan was utterly bleak. LBJ. Bleak.

BLM : to the unaware, it looks like a struggle to confront violence against black people - it is a struggle to confront institutionalised violence against all people.

It looks like a proxy war against Syria - it is a proxy war against all of us.

Established Power is not American or British, or Russian or Chinese, it is not Christian, Muslim or Jewish, it is none of these even though it might occupy the institutions of those states and those institutions.

Power wears the negligee of the flag to seduce the unaware, the bleak, the indoctrinated, the frightened, the brash.

It’s not even white!

It’s less about a skin colour than a pathological behaviour pattern.

Nonetheless, Racism exists and is inculcated. No baby is born racist.

The Hierarchy of Coercive Power is a social dynamic of institutional bullying that runs through the Statist system, yet it is not the Statist system, as much as it afflicts that system and inhibits it’s healthy development.

I am not my disease.

Those who operate that Hierarchy use Race as a socially divisive meme. It is intentional. Racism is an invention of the Power.

It has no natural progenitor. It does not emerge naturally. It has to be groomed.

So, for me,  it is less about what some some black people 'should do': they are busy enough dealing with the oppression's they face whilst trying to get by in such a brutally divided society -  it's about what ordinary white people as a social group need to do in pre-dominantly white countries where Institutional Power causes harm to any marginalised group or population, at home or abroad, using our taxes – we need to re-occupy the Governance systems we are funding - that we are paying for - that are currently dominated by an elite ruling class in all our countries whose primary concern is their own welfare, power and wealth and who routinely ignore the harms they cause in that mission, and we need to make those institutions safe for all ordinary people, every where.

They are using our work, our money to fund their wars.

The system, as it is being abused by a clearly identifiable oligarchy, is not our common abuser.

It is those who abuse their positions of power who are the abusers. Empty the system of the abusers, and it can be reformed.

We whites do have a privileged position within it.

We can take power back from the oligarchies and make it safe for all people.

We need to use that privilege to remove the bullies. Locally and nationally.

THAT'S what we need to do.

Bleak lives matter.

In as much as why do people become racist?

What’s gone so awry in that person’s life that they end up being a KKK activist, or a Cop who shoots an unarmed, non threatening woman, or a G4S Guard who assaults a detained child?

Does this question have meaning when it is about a President who launches a war of aggression to ‘bring democracy’, or a Government Minister who cuts the Independent Living Fund for disabled people to ‘save money’ - a policy which led to a massive increase of stress and early deaths, and cost more than it saved, or a Chancellor who claims ‘austerity’ as a cover for fiscal abuse?

Are those lives not bleak too?

And the bleakness of poverty, of dull boring jobs, of zero hours contracts, lack of transport,  lack of community, the bed room tax, Keith Vaz’ sex life rather than his criminal political acts….

The bleakness of homelessness, on our streets, and in refugee campes across the world.

Bleak lives matter, they affect and afflict us all.

“because to live without experiencing/ignoring ones empathy is a bleak existence indeed, however many shiny trappings you cover it in.”

a quote from a good friend of mine, D. Grinstead, (princess)

And bleakness of those who bully..... its all dehumanisation.

Poverty is imposed by concentrations of wealth.

The entire social system is raging with dishonesty.

Taking one single issue without connecting the dots to all issues is not an effective way forwards.... not for the 21st Century...

Bleak lives matter, all lives matter.

Black lives matter.

Brown lives matter.

Green lives matter.

Lives lived in poverty matter.

The children tatting rubbish in African rubbish dumps, their lives matter, and they matter enough for all of us to act in ways that reduce the rubbish dumps, build real education facilities and nurture healthy autonomy in all around us.

Love matters.

Black lives matter, and they matter enough for all of us to act in ways that reduce the violence, removes inequity, that build real community across cultures and language groups, and nurtures healthy autonomy in all around us.
And yes, we in the WEST, we ‘the tax payer’s are the ones with the REAL power to make change happen - and we are failing in that, big time, and that failure has deep and adverse impacts on the lives of Africans, South Americans, Arabs and all indigenous peoples.....  and on women and people of colour everywhere.

We have to see where we are in this.

It less about what black people 'should do' ; it's about what ordinary white people as a social group need to do – re-occupy Governance systems long dominated by the extant mostly white elite ruling class and make those safe for all people every where.

THAT'S what we need to do.

My life matters.

Your life matters.

Our lives matter.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Brian Cox, Celebrities, AGW and the basics of biology

I think we need a whole generation of people who do not know ANY celebrities. But who do understand the world they are dealing with and are energised to resolve and heal what needs to be resolved and healed.


Brian Cox.......?

Do I trust a personality celebrity whose sappy puerile music made his fortune by manipulating vulnerable young minds, and was readily used to usher in the wonders of Tony Blair et al?


Is he a well respected, peer reviewed physicist within the Science community, who has published lots of papers?


However, his area is esoteric, and probably of most use to the Military Industrial Complex, in areas of particle physics and weaponry. I have no idea who funds his research, or to what use it has been or can be put. So many known unknowns.

That said,  for me, and for my purposes, in the context related to the entire Climate Change discourse and all that accretes to that, he is a minor scientist, with a minor Phd. degree, and a slew of arcane papers in a specialist area that has little relevance to the very real problems we face, and is also a professional celebrity.

He is no Einstein, who was both scientist and philosopher and brutally, fearlessly honest. He is no Carl Rogers who altered the course of psychotherapy, for the better, way beyond the vision of either Freud or Jung. He is no Howard Zinn, he is not a Joseph Chilton Pearce. He is no Bill Mollison, nor is he a Masanobu Fukuoka.

And yet he feels he can use his rather large public profile, his celebrity status, to wade in to the 'climate change' discourse and bully those who challenge the mainstream narrative which he fully supports.


We 'respect' certain celebrities because we have fallen for their promo campaigns.

We know nothing of their real positions, attitudes, motivations or behaviour.

Its PR.


Jimmy Savile. Richard Branson. Barak Obama. The Enron boys. Milton Friedman. Ronald Reagan. Kanye West.

"I used to respect ....." (insert any celebrity) always means 'I bought the lie because that was easier than critical thinking...."

And we buy those lies every day.

And again, and again, and again, again, and again, and again, ad nauseam.


To rub salt into the wound, we constantly pay for the privilege of being bamboozled, groomed.

Where does their wealth come from?

It comes from us. We fund celebrity.

We have to admit that, and then forgive ourselves for being manipulated or bullied into submission through a deliberate and mediated faux peer pressure, engineered to make celebrity matter, as part of a psycho-social conditioning/indoctrination system..


So, let's go back to basics. Biology.

Biology does not do celebrity. That's a given.

Brian Cox is adamant about a scientific consensus on Anthropogenic Global Climate Change.

What consensus?

Human activity is altering the entire planets climate systems!


It would be more scientifically accurate to say certain kinds of human activity, (most of which are associated with Industrial Civilisation and are central to the maintenance of abusive Hierarchies of Power that rule vast swathes of Humanity) are causing massive damage to the habitat because those activities are not nurturing the habitat, and are in fact degrading biological systems and introducing a mountain of toxins that biology has yet to find a way to metabolise.

The dominant culture is thus imposing chronic stress on the biological  environment.

Chronic stress always leads towards degenerative disease states.

Which includes, as a possibility, climatic changes.....

That much is rather obvious.

That can be said to be a view that has consensus, even if it is not widely articulated.

Those that can see it, and the biological environment, both agree on it.

The CO2 story is one part of the whole.

Plastic bags and light bulbs are another part of the whole.

And certain centres of Power would rather we avoided a critical analysis of the whole.

They have too much to lose, apparently.

The IPCC has offered very little by way of a critical analysis of the behaviour, actions and outcomes of the mainstream social systems manufacturing processes, and the powers that depend upon the vast wealth those systems generate.

Some pertinent facts.

The most obvious appropriate response to climatic and environmental change is Permaculture.

Biology knows how to do this.

Biology knows how to do permaculture.

Biology is the master.

Biology uses 'the force'.

Biology has been doing this for a very, very long time indeed.

We humans have emerged from that work of Biology.

We can work with that if we choose. We can learn.

We also need to see a deep, deep change in the way industry and manufacturing operate - rather than imposed taxes to 'nudge' behaviour, or energy saving light bulbs, or wars for oil and other 'resources'.

That too has been explored.

It even has a catchy name: Cradle to Cradle.

Does Brian Cox speak about the wars, the bullying that defines Governments and Corporations? No!

Do these have an impact on environment and climate? Yes.

Does Brian Cox speak about permaculture? No!

Does Brian Cox speak about Cradle to Cradle?

Nope.... not a word.


And yet...

Biology has been responding to climatic change for billions of years.

It can respond really rapidly.

It KNOWS how to do this. It's worth repeating. I am repeating it.

Because it is so rarely mentioned. Biology KNOWS how to evolve within a dynamically changing environment, and knows how to do that whilst maintaining nurturant cyclical processes that feed more life.

The evidence is all around us, and some of us are eating that evidence, working with it.

Permaculture works with that knowledge base, by working with the plants, the animals, the bugs, the microbes, the CLIMATE, the soil.

However, it cannot be patented, nor can it be industrialised.

Permaculture requires intimate labour to be put into practice, it also requires autonomy, critical thinking, scientific observation and deliberate responsiveness in those who undertake it. It requires people who get to know their patch of land and the plants they are working with. Intimately. Locally. Specifically.

Massive employment opportunities. Huge. Really.

Cradle to Cradle design is a process approach that has the ability to ensure that every manufacturing process returns nutrients to the environment rather than 'waste' or toxins, and then builds fecundity into the habitat.

Does Brian Cox talk about these?

Do the IPCC talk about these?

No and no!


Well, I will leave that to your imagination and intuition to work out.

Let's call it getting back to basics.

And another thing...

Any system, any name. Capitalism, Fascism, Religionism, Patriarchy, Matriarchy, Democracy, whatever... 

The basic reality is that every large scale governing system devised over the past few thousand years has turned into psycho-social bullying that is fully institutionalized.

So I think we need sometimes to forget the name, look at the behaviour and outcomes, and call it what it is, if we are serious about dealing with things.

Putting it another way....

'Climate Change' as a direct result of human activity is not established fact, it is theoretical.

Yes, there is lots of data to suggest the theory, but it is nowhere near conclusive.

We know that the Sun, Moon, tectonics, etc are all massive influences and we do not know how much they contribute to the current situation.

The modelling capabilities of computers are nowhere near the reality of biology, tectonics, the Suns influence, etc...

Climate change is a constant. It has always changed.

What we DO KNOW is what I have laid out in more detail throughout my blog - the basic behaviour of this culture that is dominant is non-nurturant, it creates toxicity and degradation, and it is based on bullying.

What we need most of all is to deal with the bullying aspect of Power, political, corporate, criminal, ideological or religious - THAT is the core problem, the rest are all symptoms...

Treating the symptoms without addressing the root causes is futile. It maintains the problem.

It is the job of EVERYONE who is an adult to look after the Earth in the best interests of all future generations - compartmentalising aspects as the IPCC and the leading bully systems of power suggest is inept at best, callous disregard for the future at worst.

Putting it another way....

All the damage being done is symptomatic of a culture predicated on hierarchies of violence, coercion, concentration of power and a sense of entitlement amongst the powerful to mediate that degree of abuse to preserve their system, their position.

No matter what symptom we discuss, unless we honestly and fearlessly appraise the core issue - Power and abuse of Power - it will remain.

The psychological climate of the majority of human beings is dominated by the bully system.

That is nowhere near the biological optimal.

Our endocrine systems do not lie.


Let me make it clear.

Every adult has an inherent biological responsibility or response ability to care for the habitat so that our children inherit a healthy habitat within which they will live lives of optimal human biological health in all areas, barring volcanoes, tidal waves, storms, asteroids etc...

I do not see that anywhere in the CC discourse, as it stands at the moment, or anywhere else within Governance, Politics, Commerce or Religion as we know it.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

War Crimes, Opinion or Evidence, Burkini's, Bullying and Jo Cox

The Big Issue.


War Crimes.

War Crimes and War Criminals going un-opposed, not being held to account by the taxpayers who funded those who made the decisions to go to war, and who paid for the troops and contractors tasked with prosecuting the wars.

Politicians who deliberately, and against all warnings, enabled massive bank fraud and then bailed out those banks who committed those frauds, using future taxpayer funds, thus in-debting (or indenturing) the emerging generation of students as future taxpayers and then, as if to rub salt into these open wounds, the same grouping of Politcians claimed 'Austerity' (lack of spare cash) as their excuse for a class war against the vulnerable and the poor.

That is the core issue here.

Opinion vs Evidence

The people who allowed this to happen, who voted for and continue to vote for the politicians on any side who administered and are yet administering all of this, are the enablers of these crimes. In that I include the mainstream media, and the conspiracy theorist industry.

One cannot, as so often happens, blame those who did not vote, out of sheer ennui, desperation or a learned, evidence based distaste for a system that is actively an institutionalized bully system.

Most of the those people did look at the evidence, and decided that the only option was not to participate in hypocrisy.

That is understandable.

There is no excuse in the 21st Century for not taking the time to examine the evidence, the data, when making choices that affect (or afflict) the entire community.

This must be addressed to all those who voted for the politicians who have, and are, committing war crimes and attacking the most vulnerable people in our society.

"You are not looking at the evidence!"

Selfishness, my mortgage, my job, my party loyalty, my allegiances, my prejudices, what I read in the papers, or see in the News on TV etc are all invalid bases for making choices that affect Governance.

We do have a social responsibility to each other. To cause no harm.

That ought to be obvious. Duty of Care. Due Diligence.

Opinion cannot replace or supplant evidence, on matters related to the administration of a communities shared contributory resources,with mere opinion.

We need to make THAT 100% CLEAR.

I refuse to argue about opinions - I say present the evidence, the facts, the outcomes.

Do not be trolled by those who insist on their 'right' to hold and impose an opinion - they can hold it, but they have no right to impose it, as that imposition is an abuse.

Fight back with honesty, truth, evidence, determination and vision, a vision that must include the liberation of those who hold opinion over evidence from the trap they are in.

Do whatever it takes in terms of a discourse.

France's Burkini Ban

It's a deliberate provocation, designed to inflame wounded people on the edges of violence into acting out that violence, and to give a false basis to those who would support violence against France on the basis of Islamaphobiic policies proving their case.

Institutionalised bullying is a scientifically mediated strategic, tactical weaponised behaviour system. It includes grooming, labeling, distraction, slander, slur, innuendo, opinion over evidence, gas lighting, lies and set-ups, as well as the many tools of direct and indirect violence. It's intent is to ensure that Power is retained, enhanced and projected.

ALL Governments or Power Hierarchies use it, media are utterly aware and complicit, and we see it in movies and 'pop' culture all the time...

We are being politically inept and socially foolish (I know it is scary, frightening to look at, yet looking away will not deal with it) if we do not take the time to recognise these tactics, and their position within the strategies of Power.

  We must also work out how to counter it, within ourselves, within our families and communities as much as across Society as a whole - otherwise those who are living where the bombs are being dropped or detonated, abroad and at home, will continue to suffer, and we will suffer, and our children suffer even more if we fail to address it.

In all it's forms.

We are paying for it, literally funding it.

Taxpayers pay for ALL the Wars, all the killing.

Superb blog, by Kitty Jones, on how bullying operates.

Read it.

Be armed, rather than armored.

Jo Cox.

Jo Cox, a British female labour politican murdered, assassinated in an extreme act of violence, less than 3 months ago.


Silence of the Lambs, or Silence of the Wolves?

Why is this not being discussed by the Labour Party membership, with the same passion as the leadership non-contest?

Who killed Jo Cox?

Britain did.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Media manipulation and trolling, bricks through the TV, undermining democracy.

Media techniques, movie techniques, trolling and grooming.... these are the realities we all face every day.

They know how to make one hate a character or love one; they can switch you from hate to love in a matter of minutes.

How often have you wanted to throw something at the TV or shout at a presenter or politician because you sensed something was way out of order in the way the material was presented?

Charlie Brooker's Newswipe series took a humorous satirical look at this.

This video, on an interview and set-up piece by C4, about Jeremy Corbyn, attacking Jeremy Corbyn, explores the detail of how some of this works.

It is nothing less than professionalised bullying.

Institutional bullying.

The techniques are revealed. The set-up is obvious. The intent, utterly malign. This not journalism, it is bullying, or propaganda.

Grooming the audience... every mainstream media outlet and many social media outlets and 'activists' use these techniques. Advised by professionals.

Playing on known vulnerabilities of ordinary folk who are unsuspecting.

To preserve the power establishment's status and pre-eminence.

100% anti-democratic.

Freedom of speech carries with it a responsibility to be honest, truthful.

Anyone who lies or bullies in any public domain in this fashion deserves to be held to account.

Why are the Establishment so worried?

The UK media and journalists who sold the War of Aggression against Iraq, and covered aspects of it up to a massive degree.

The BBC is culpable for their participation in this propaganda campaign.

Journalists and management alike.

That is what is driving the opposition to Corbyn more than any other single issue.

He wants to bring those who committed war crimes to account.

So too do millions of UK tax payers whose hard earned cash was so horrifically abused in the prosecution of that war, and others, Afghanistan, Libya, Syria, Yemen, including the support our Government has been providing to 'moderate rebels' (violent militia) across the Middle East, not to mention weapons sales to Saudi Arabia, Qatar, Israel etc...

There are close to 5000 establishment figures who were directly involved. They are all culpable.

The Establishment senses that it is at risk.

War Crimes investigations would unearth a formerly hidden world, and represents the greatest leverage we have as a people, a responsible people, a caring people, to use to dislodge that power establishment.

They did commit war crimes.

And there is more than that, the status and power the Establishment have occupied for centuries, their sense of entitlement, their vast wealth and holdings have driven UK Politics for far too long.

They like that power.


We pay for their addiction. And the Syrian, Libyan, Yemeni, Afghani and others pay in blood.

We have to up our game, considerably, to meet the needs of all our children's futures, and their children too.

That is what this is all about.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.