Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts
Showing posts with label politics. Show all posts

The Centrality of Bullying to Politics.

If one is to discuss politics, then one has to start with the subject of bullying.

The careful avoidance of that issue protects the system of institutionalised bullying that has emerged over time. Such discussions are futile.

Unless we talk about bullying as the core of Political and Economic Power as we know it today, and attempt to understand the dynamic of bullying and it's origins, and then examine how best to prevent such bullying, we are going nowhere.

Left, right, communism, neoliberalism, facism, green whatever......

Talk about those once the matter of bullying has been resolved, then we might be getting somewhere that is of real and lasting value.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Basic Human Optimal Biological Health. and Trolls.

Basic Human Optimal Biological Health.

When one looks into modern endocrinology, for example, which can now describe the differences between a healthy functioning endocrine system and one that has suffered shock or is dysfunctional in some manner and plot a correlation with the health of the individual,we begin to see something else as well.

This evidence suggests that a healthy state of empathic, autonomous, connected extended family into community relationship is the base line of optimal human biological health.

That is when the hormonal cascading within the human being is working at its optimal state. The specific chemical interactions, messaging, outcomes of healthy functioning are known.

This basically happy state is the baseline of optimal human biological health, for another reason : it contains within that the ability to deal with sudden shocks, occasional illnesses, accidents and direct threats in productive, creative and healing ways. We live in a dynamic bio-space, the surface of Earth.We are elastic, we must flow with regard to those dynamics, or we make life more difficult and more complicated for ourselves.

Conditions are always, always, moving.

There has to be room for mood variation, for sadness and anger, rage and fear.

What we find is that space, that recovery ability is much reduced if stressors become chronic, unending, inevitable. Then we see the breakdown of endocrine system function, along with a host of other symptoms.

In other words we are already perfectly adapted for Peace, and like all organisms, we need a nurturant environment as Mothers, infants and children to develop those qualities through experience, into adulthood.

We are not adapted for chronic stress. I think that is made rather obvious by the massive size of the NHS and the relative health of our Society, both physically and psychologically.

Indeed there are no organisms that we know of that are adapted TO chronic stress.

Trolls in the Public Domain  - a healthy approach to a common problem.

Be it muslim people, christians, jews, germans, disabled on benefits, unemployed, out of favour foreign leaders or attention seeking celebrities, facists, anti-facists, conspiracy theorists, covert agents, or mad, angry, frustrated, desperate people, when ad hominems are deployed in the media, it's a mirror of 19th Public School Boy behaviour, hazing, joshing with intent, pecking orders, corporal punishment for the mind, etc ......

And with actual military power in the hands of the Governing bullies, (political realism does not forget that aspect of power) that makes things a little more complicated. 

For everybody. It's a bio-psyche-social issue.

When trolling infiltrates political and policy discussions,matters of ethics, war and corruption, everybody loses. We are all dehumanised by trolling  it is nasty, agressive, disturbing behaviour and profoundly immature.


Trolling is a form of bullying, it is a tactic of intentional emotional abuse and it is ultimately a weakness..  one has to understands that, and utilise it.

When there is no viable substance to the ad hominems, no mention or rational discussion of the policies, the principles, the ethics or the corruption. Just the insult. That is all useless information. The only information contained in such assaults is that the writer is a bully.

That's ALL it is.

And how best to deal with trolls? How do you undermine the bully?

This is my take on this. This is how I say 'No!'. and how I try to turn it onto a 'Yes!'.

I ignore the insult and treat it as a bit of information; depersonalise it. I do not let it get to me. It's all in the bullies head. All over his keyboard.

Then, I respond if I wish to engage, and use the incident by identifying the bullying as such, point out that  it is a known and rather obvious tactic that to maintain a false narrative in the face of facts by disrupting a discussion and initiating or antagonising an aggressive argument to derail the discussion. I then dismiss that as immature behaviour, in polite terms, of course.

"It ain't working, Buddy! These fish are not biting on that bait!"

... and then I attempt to reframe the narrative, articulate the policy, the principle, the ethic in the context of all the evidence available, and bring it back on subject, and suggest the resolution of the matter.

And I ensure that I keep each expression as clear as I can, irrespective of the reaction.

It's never just the few who are writing, it's all those who also read, and observe the discourse.

Amongst the readers who read that will be some who are on the edge of understanding and who will learn from this. Others will find reassurance. Some will be enlightened.

That way I USE the troll to clarify the issue, in public, for the benefit of all. Call it performance art, call it a waste of time, call it what you will.

I do it without reacting to the insult, or being drained by it.

I learned the hard way, slowly.

I aspire to do it with an optimally functioning endocrine system, to do it with LOVE!

And it doesn't always work.

We must lead.

We have to lead.

We have to become the directors of Government, local and national, by doing both we become truly international. 

I call for The Resolution. 

Not a revolution, not a repetition of a cycle from a fixed point. A resolution of the problems that are resolvable, that are problems in human relationships, that are subject to choice, volition - these are all resolvable matters.

I pray for the healthy resolution of conflict, pollution, corruption, bullying. That is where I am headed. A healthy humane society. We have been there before and it was good. We have it in us.

And when I write the word 'we', I am thinking of many cultures, languages, accents, shades and this includes all the decent people, whatever our belief systems and experiences are, we are good people who can work across diversity to find the common humanity in all matters, and we must engage .... the genuine lovers of life must unite as a Governing force. It's a miracle that we still retain that immense humanity in the face of what we are born into, what we are presented with.

Let's use that miracle.

From the grassroots, from the bacterial populations within our guts that make our lives possible, from the deepest of our humanity, the bottom of what you might call my soul, as a biological species standing for itself.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

The Dysfunctional Family and the kind of politics of Power I abhor.

I have often written that the dominant structures of political, economic and religious power seem to behave in patterns that are similar to a dysfunctional family within which abuse occurs.

A thought experiment  on Political Role Play: Can you identify Politicians and sectors of the electorate who demonstrate any of these behaviours?
Pick a descriptive sentence from the list below, preface it with a politician, and a link to a story or comment they have made that reveals the behaviour pattern.

• "Using" (destructively narcissistic parents who rule by fear and conditional love)

• Abusing (parents who use physical violence, or emotionally, or sexually abuse their children)

• Perfectionist (fixating on order, prestige, power, and/or perfect appearances, while preventing their child from failing at anything)

• Dogmatic or cult-like (harsh and inflexible discipline, with children not allowed, within reason, to dissent, question authority, or develop their own value system)

• Inequitable parenting (going to extremes for one child while continually ignoring the needs of another)

• Deprivation (control or neglect by withholding love, support, necessities, sympathy, praise, attention, encouragement, supervision, or otherwise putting their children's well-being at risk)

• Abuse among siblings (parents fail to intervene when a sibling physically or sexually abuses another sibling)

• Abandonment (a parent who willfully separates from their children, not wishing any further contact, and in some cases without locating alternative, long-term parenting arrangements, leaving them as orphans)

• Appeasement (parents who reward bad behavior—even by their own standards—and inevitability punish another child's good behavior in order to maintain the peace and avoid temper tantrums "Peace at any price")

• Loyalty manipulation (giving unearned rewards and lavish attention trying to ensure a favored, yet rebellious child will be the one most loyal and well-behaved, while subtly ignoring the wants and needs of their most loyal child currently)

• "Helicopter parenting" (parents who micro-manage their children's lives and/or relationships among siblings—especially minor conflicts)

• "The deceivers" (well-regarded parents in the community, likely to be involved in some charitable/non-profit works, who abuse or mistreat one or more of their children)

• "Public image manager" (sometimes related to above, children warned to not disclose what fights, abuse, or damage happens at home, or face severe punishment "Don't tell anyone what goes on in this family")

• "The paranoid parent" (a parent having persistent and irrational fear accompanied by anger and false accusations that their child is up to no good or others are plotting harm)

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Ancient 21st Century Skills: optimal human biological health

21st Century Skills : This list was posted by a friend, on face book, without the comments after the colon...

Those are mine.

problem solving, : not taught in schools

analytical thinking, : not taught in schools

systems-thinking : not taught in schools

credibility and judgment of information : not taught in schools

technology fluencies : only taught in terms of consumerism, in schools

the ethics of fair play : taught in schools, yet not applied, oracticed in a meaningful manner, and so a sense of basic injustice and outrage is common in all school leavers, they sense the hypocrisy but find it difficult to pin it down.

collaboration in cross-functional teams : not taught in schools

accessing knowledge networks : not taught in schools beyond the limits of approved texts.

Compulsory Indoctrination masquerading as Education ... is a real problem, and we are seeing the symptoms of that problem across this election, and in many other places...  I don't blame the indoctrinated, I blame the intentional indoctrinators,they know what they are doing.

problem solving, : identifying the problem, critical thinking, access to reliable data, testing of solutions, responding to new information

analytical thinking, : critical thinking, sourcing data, questioning assumptions, avoiding opinion
systems-thinking : being able to investigate and describe accurately how systems function, or how they are dysfunctional

credibility and judgment of information : comparing data sources, access to and understanding of research methodologies, assessment of outcomes, observation of what is

technology fluencies : understanding what is being used, what is available, the limitations of extant tech, what is appropriate

the ethics of fair play : self empathy, empathy for others, and a sense of humane responsibility, do no harm

collaboration in cross-functional teams : how to work with others who have experience in different areas, and how to learn from others within a diverse group, when the need arises.

accessing knowledge networks : knowing where to search for information, knowing where to find people who are skilled in any given area, feeling centred enough to approach those with the knowledge

These are all skills a healthy Aboriginal child in a healthy human community would have developed by the age of physical maturity, when they are ready to become parents.

That these skills are largely inhibited, limited, ignored or avoid in compulsory schooling says a lot more about schools actuall function in this Hierarchcially Violent Society, and we can all see how they impact each generation of parents, who send their children to schools to learn the same lessons, to submit, to obey, to fall into line, even as they love their children, as they assuredly do.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Politics, Arguments, Debates and Institutionalised Emotional Blindness

Politics, arguments, debates and the abdication of responsibility.

The Power Inquiry Report 2006.

If you have not heard of it, then I suggest that you need to know more about it. We all need to read the report and understand it's full implications, not least because it emerged from the grass roots, rather than a think-tank. And it challenges a number of assumptions about the ability of grass roots folk to engage with shared responsibility, robust governance and detailed policy deliberation.

The Power inquiry, an independent investigation into the condition of democracy in Britain, was set up in 2004. The members of its commission (chaired by Helena Kennedy) hosted meetings around Britain and heard submissions from a wide variety of interest groups, professionals, and concerned citizens. The commission published its report on 27 February 2006.

"After eighteen months of investigation, the final report of Power is a devastating critique of the state of formal democracy in Britain. Many of us actively support campaigns such as Greenpeace or the Countryside Alliance. And millions more take part in charity or community work. But political parties and elections have been a growing turn-off for years.

The cause is not apathy. The problem is that we don't feel we have real influence over the decisions made in our name. The need for a solution is urgent. And that solution is radical. Nothing less than a major programme of reform to give power back to the people of Britain..."

Examine it.

D. Cameron, E. Milliband and Menzies Campbell paid lip service to the report and initiative at the time. Cameron said, in public, and it's on video, that The Power Inquiry was the 'most important initiative in Democracy in the UK' in a long, long time.

I was there. I heard them speak and mouth hearty support for the report, as they stood and spoke before the assembled crowd of more than 500 people. 

Less than a week after attending the launch of the report, at a conference in Queen Elizabeth Hall, Parliament Square, after praising it during that weekend conference, after saying how important it was, after speaking about it in glowing terms to the attendees, they dismissed it as 'impractical.'

'Impractical'? Well, yes. Ceding power to people is always 'impractical' to the Ruling Class.

Here's an outline of the recommendations:

Here's the full document, PDF download, very much worth a reading.

Power without accountability or shared responsibility is always going to be a serious problem, and open to abuse.

Quite a lot of the comments flying around about Russel Brand, UKIP, and politics in general are antagonistic 'debating' style, rather than mature deliberation or critical analysis. Trying to win or batter the other side down as opposed to learning enough to develop a win-win solution.

What's that phrase they use about the Court system?


I find that appalling. An abdication of responsibility. Politically immature. Psychologically immature. An adversarial Parliament is immature, and unworthy, easily corrupted - a collegiate parliament would be mature and worthy and would repel corruption.

Because the issue of power and legislation is really about us, we, the people who form the community and how we work together (or not) to create a society that nurtures, that cares for the vulnerable.

The issue is about relationships based on kindness, rather than power.

Healthy discourse is about sharing, exploring and growing together.

Debate is about power, it's about who wins.

The Power Inquiry emerged out of the Community Voluntary Sector, which has decades of providing services at the local community level, dealing with amongst other things : finances, governance, research, best practices, transparency, service provis
ion, understanding their 'clients' needs, overcoming institutional obstacles, overcoming Institutionalised Emotional Blindness, campaigning, fund raising, discourse on policy formulation and much else besides. These are real life skills.

It was these people that David Cameron's BIG SOCIETY was aimed at, as a direct institutional assault. And it was their clients, the vulnerable who suffer doubly as a result.

And it's working.

Speak to any disabled people currently being denied benefits on the false basis of 'austerity'?

Use your voice to nurture the active grass roots, as well as to chastise the powerful.

In another comment, elsewhere, I pointed out how appalled I was at the sniping that is so common.

Instituionalised Emotional Blindness. There's something here for everyone to consider.

The immaturity of the debating style of the discourse, as opposed to an effort to share, learn and grow in order to create a more nurturant society.

An abdication of responsibility. It's really quite ugly.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it is your gift to universe."

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Mitt Romney : Cycles of abuse, Remorse or Denial, and Power

In The Rumpus, Steve Almond wrote a wonderfully clear piece about Mitt Romney, a Republican Presidential Candidate in the USA, concerning Romneys abusive behaviour (high school pranks) as a teenager. It is called THE WEEK IN GREED #6: To Behave Like the Fallen World

This piece is not so much about Romney as about the lack of empathy which we see all the time in those who assume or take power into their hands, be it national, international or at the local level or even within our own families, and the great difficulty the rest of us have when it comes to dealing with this, and the adverse outcomes for so many people of this dynamic.

Alice Miller wrote many books about how, if as  child, one is bullied or mistreated by parents, by Institutions, by society, or by circumstance and one is unable to resolve the situation, that suppression of one's true feelings becomes a mechanism of psychic survival, and this leaves the feelings anger, grief and sadness still alive, yet masked, buried, hidden from awareness.

These hidden, buried feelings then start to colour how one behaves towards oneself and others. The anger can be directed against oneself (shame, self loathing) or against the next generation, or against one's own children or against some 'other': the enemy 'created' by those in power as the receiver of these unresolved feelings, especially the anger and rage.

The problem is compounded by the fact that until these feelings are resolved, they remain alive within, and that even if a person acts out that anger, it will remain available for re-stimulation, again and again.

Alice Miller showed how this experience of mistreatment, abuse, trauma can become an intergenerational pattern, (the children of traumatised parents will grow up within that PTSD psychological environment, and whilst not all turn out with such adverse behaviours, many do, usually due to the lack of an ameliorating presence, what Miller calls an 'enlightened witness', certainly enough to populate systems of power and oppression, to fill the ranks of armies and paramilitary groups, often claiming 'it is for your own good') and others have written about Historical Trauma to show how any community that is traumatised can find itself traumatising it's own children, or each other, in a cycle of abuse and neglect.

This is akin to Lateral Violence, where violence erupts between those who have been subject to abuse from a more Powerful source which they cannot counter. Lateral Violence also occurs in hierarchical bureaucracies, in care systems.

Others have shown how Power can utilise that distressed behaviour to lay blame on those who show the signs of distress in addiction, obesity, psychological distress, inability to conform to 'standards' - people who are used as examples of how not to behave in conformity with 'a fallen world'.

And then there's the history of Power creating enemies to bind the people over whom Power has traction.

This is a very large part of what drives politics and power.

The writers own admission and remorse is the healing of all this, and is the kind of response required to lead towards ending the intergenerational re-traumatising cycles.

It is based on self-empathy.

For to feel the pain of another, beyond mere intellectual comprehension (compassion), is based on one's own sense of pain. And to feel remorse for hurt caused, is to understand that the others pain is real and visceral; it is a living sensation that pain has the same effect on the other as it does to oneself, and that one would not wish that upon any other any more than one would wish it upon oneself.

Expecting those who seek Power to have empathy is folly. Recognising this, it becomes essential to heal this dynamic in oneself as a personal praxis and study of power and oppression, and where it truly matters and where it can be extended is at the grass roots, in one's own life, one's own family and one's community.

If this can be done, then Power will find itself without the necessary accomplices, without which it cannot act.

From the comments on the piece (and elsewhere when such matters are raised), we can see that some people are yet willing to minimise what happened in Romney's case as being in the past, as being high school bullying, as being minor in comparison to the larger issues.

This is not the case. These events are linked in the lives of so many Power leaders, from the Kings of England, the Emperors of Rome, from Hitler to Stalin. And they are linked in the lives of the many people who populate bureaucracies of power.

The Vatican's 'response' to the testimony of courageous Survivors or clerical abuse is another example of this dynamic.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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Dianne Abbots Tweet..... reveals more than one realises!

Had Diane Abbot tweeted "Power loves to divide and rule" she would have siad something that is truthful. Power is the issue, not race.... she might even have stimulated a decent discourse....

Race has always been utilised by Power to divide people..... 

But, being part of the Power Structure, Abbot is either incapable of , or unwilling to engage in profound critical analysis.

That's not to say that there aren't people who hold deluded views on race, (currrent Iran phobia?) and on difference, (Native Americans are 'savages', San Bushmen are 'primitives) and that there aren't those who hold such views are prone to violence. 

Such people exist - yet they were not born with those attitudes, they learned them... how did they learn them, and who benefits from such learning?

They are merely the product of a dishonest Institutionalsied Society, one which launches mass war against innocent people with what are KNOWN to be falsehoods and urges the people to carry on shopping, and so many of we, the people, do....
So, cui Bono? Eh?

Who benefits if we demonise the 'racists' whilst power tramples over EVERYONE?

Diane Abbot, and the Editors of The Guardiuan and other Newspapers, (and their readerships) would do well to read Paolo Friere's "Pedagogy of the Oppressed' and actually take some of it in. Though they'd very quickly find themselves unemployed if they did so and acted on what Friere wrote, which is truth and beauty, REAL power.... the power to become fully human.

I am appalled at the craven nature of this discourse.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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What Copenhagen Climate Talks Revealed...

"Scottish Environment Minister, Roseanna Cunningham, says that "in a democracy the politicians can only lead so much ahead of the electorate otherwise they'll not only get voted out, but the lot that replace them will be even more wary of such policies. To whinge on about the politics is a displacement activity, a process of projection and scapegoat, unless we, as the electorate, first put our house in order. "

I disagree here. Rosseanna Cunningham is being a clever little 'spinning' piggy; (droll pun!) here's why.

I know that societal conditioning has a lot to do with the play of events, and that societal conditioning is intentional, as it is an industrial process, seeking to craft or produce predictable 'graduates' for industry and consumers for 'markets.. Marketing is the same, and both follow on from indoctrination, a religious necessity for the permanence of a church system or bureaucracy.

That both politicians and public alike are subject to the conditioning is obvious. No child left behind. That one lot (seriously corrupt politicians, business leaders, religious power leaders and whistle blower activists) know more about the how and why that such conditioning exists, than do the majority, speaks to the success of the project; it remains hidden, a taboo subject. That sad truth, along with the continued concentration of vast wealth in the hands of the very few: its ultimate purpose! Maintaining the status quo - mirroring in perfect proportion the systems abject failures in environmental and social justice.

And it is these people, the rulers, the owners and the leaders, who are causing the most damage - they cannot blame an electorate because most of the time they make decisions without any powered input or consent from that electorate; they claim 'mandate' by virtue of the number of votes, and little else - and many attempts are made, time and time again to get them off the hook.... like that quote above which came from a Roseanna Cunningham... like Tony Blair 'hand on my heart, Guv, I only did what I thought best' ...George Bush 'God told me.... : They do it themselves... and they always blame others ...

The electorate can never have a real voice or exercise any real day to day and long term power as long as Party Whips, Private Funding, no 'none of the above' ballot slot, absence of any re-call procedure, are allowed to stand : ... because once in power, politicians time and time make laws most people later wished repealed...and thus the pretension to democracy is demonstrated as the lie it is, and for whose good reasons...?

The rulers and industrialists are the ones who today determine much of the situation: they made the laws: they instigated the policies: they build the factories, they start the wars, they allow the continued pollution even when we protest: that factual lived experience must be faced up to, and given that we know those who control won't change: they like their sense of power too much – petition, protest and activism is NOT WORKING AT ALL on those who hold power and that's what Copenhagen has shown.

That’s what Copenhagen reveals to those with eyes and hearts to see past their hope.
Power and corruption go hand in hand, and thrives because those who exercise power in the top down manner do so absolutely, and those who submit do so absolutely.

How we change from Adverse Power powering the situation of our lives to grass roots decision making powering our lives is partly our problem. It always was. Voting always was a distraction. Decision making power is the issue.

None of this is to say that we do not have a strong sense of responsibility, that we are not creative and intelligent as people and that we do not have the ability to respond appropriately to that responsibility. We do. Far more so that any current leadership dares acknowledge. The myth of leadership is just that. A  myth.

What matters is organisation. At grass roots, local action level. The cumulative effect of conscious behaviour at grass roots  has within it far more power for healthy change than any led system.

How we bring the existing systems under grass roots control is our problem. How we re-humanise and naturalise our societies is our problem. And we are the answer. Ourselves and our children. How they deal with it will be theirs, whatever happens...

And if we are even moderately successful in our own time, then our children will be the ones to carry on that process and perhaps their grandchildren will see the return of a culture of tool making human beings that is as varied, healthful and balanced as nature, as all life on Earth.... and improves the habitat for all life...

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Yes We can!

Obamas latest video juxtaposes various singers against his electioneering phraseology and uses slick marketing techniques to make him attractive. It appalls me that otherwise intelligent friends of mine, not to mention millions of other people, are taken in by this sort of thing. So here's my reply!

Yes we can, yet not the way THEY prescribe! Here's why.

The progression of what can be called 'urban culture', the culture of the (scare)city has evolved through interfering with the naturally evolved, direct and sustainable relationship between people and their food. A middle man was created. A violent one at that.

Thus the creation of the Wrathful Gods of the Sky and Beyond, as opposed to beneficient Gods of the Woods, the Plains, the Sea and the Rivers, evolved to redirect peoples awareness away from what is all around us, away from what nurtures us in abundance, to what exists in the suitably conditioned mind. The process starts with the indoctrination of the children. The work ethic is amyth of Imperial Culture.

Given that we KNOW that indigenous aboriginal peoples are fitter, happier and more or less in tune with their habitat where as we are less healthy, deeply unhappy and obviously out of tune with our habitat, it makes sense to me to re-establish those prior relationships within the infrastructure that exists.

For example Cuba, a country of 11 Million People, have managed to convert their entire food production to bio-dynamic permacultural methods, with the resultant improvement of health physical and psychological for their people.

That process also had the effect of strengthening community, as people exchanged both foods and growing tips (valuable comoodities and valuable information) from person to person, community to community.

Most if not all 'underdeveloped' countries could easily do the same. That is a large part of what most of the 'campesinos' in South America are fighting for, the right to live that much closer to their roots, according to their own chosen culture. We can too, though the process will be more difficcult for us. That does not make it any less worthy of our fullest attention.

We in the west are funding our Governments. We are funding our Corporations. Thus we ARE partly responsible for what those entities do. If we cease to fund them, then we are taking responsibility for our part in their negative and destructive activities by withdrawing from them.

That is not to say that those in Government and in control of the Corporations (and Banks) are any less respsonsible for the choices they make, fo what they are doing with our money and energy that is damaging our environemtn, and harming people.

Nontheless, if I pay taxes, a large proportion of those taxes are being used to pay off loans which are used to support the Military Industrial Complex, the Pharamceutical unHealth Industry, etc etc and are ultimately pocketed by the bankers who lend the money. The Politicans and CEOs are bought off with cash, once they have done their jobs. As in Tony "three jobs" Blair or John "Carlyle" Major, etc etc....

I am labouring a point here. It cannot be overstressed.

The best way for us to recoup our moral and practical responsibility is to therefore refuse to comply, to start to recraft our lives so as to recreate a closer relationship between ourselves and our food, our environment, to recraft our lives so that our values are to do with family, community and sound ecology as oppose to consumerism, warfare and amassing wealth.....

We can do this. We know that our governments WILL NOT DO THIS. Those that oppose systme from within are dealt with quite severely, and in such a manner as to warn off others.

To all those who believe (and it is a belief) that we NEED RULERS I say this.

No we don't. What we need are good co-ordinators!

There is a far greater and natural desire amongst people to work together for each other than there is to compete. But since we have been born into an Imperial Cutlture, we were raised to believe its myths, and to fear both it's rulers and the lack of rule at the same time... a common dichotomy, beloved of Catholics, Jews and Islam as well as a quite few others......

Nature is self-organising, it is a sentient process and we are fundamentally of nature, moreso than we are of the Imperial Culture. Of course the conditioning is profound and held in place, as I have said, by fear.

The antidote is love, and the source of love is a heart felt awareness of who we really are and how fortunate we are in being on this Earth, with all the freely avilable abundance that is nature.

The history of the vote is the history of a sorry compromise whereby the pain has been transferred rather than dealt with. In much the same way that the pollution of manufacturing has been transferred to China, alongside the drudgery of the 7 day factory week, workers hostels etc etc..... basically the same conditions that existed in 1780 in Englands Industrial revolution, with the ever present threat of death and brutality by the state to maintain the status quo. Chine executes, under law, at a minimum, 10,000 people annually.

Look to your history, my fellow citizens of the UK and the USA. These are the facts. When the 'workers' got the vote, the women did not. When women first got the vote, they had to be property owners! Or married to property owners.

And still today, ALL mothers are as yet unpaid in our culture. Think about that. The single most imoportant human activity, nurturing the young ones, is still a form of slavery. For many it is a comfortable slavery, yet that comfort was the painful subject of "The Womens Room" and "The Female Eunuch" and others, and the truths expressed in those books remain unpalatable for the majority of men in our culture.

No, I do not subscribe to voting for an elected representative who has been compromised. I subscribe to what was outlined in the POWER INQUIRY, a devolution of power to the community, so that Government merely manages as we direct. We are intelligent, compassionate and willing, most of us, to work together... do look at the research done by the POWER INQUIRY, and come back to me - the political and corporat(e) elites have poo-poo'd that research because it is a serious threat to their power.

And for those of my critics, let me say this. My current Carbon Footprint is one 5th of the average of the UK, and it is so by my choice. I choose to live without central heating, without a car, without holidays, without a bigger TV screen, without newspapers. I choose to eat a less varied diet of organic UK sourced foods. I choose to wear out my second-hand clothes. I choose to not use chemicals in my home. All these are choices. One day soon I hope to access an allottment and grow as much of my own food as possible. I live on around £70 per week, I contribute taxes only through my purchases. I am self employed and that's fine by me.

We can, all of us, live well, with far less than what we currently use up of the earths resources. Indeed there are many who do so. We could certainly live without Governments and Corporations that make and profit from wars. The Merchants and Managers of Death. This all boils down to a choice, and it is our choice. It is not fate nor is it an accident.

So, yes, we can. And we will do it sooner or later, or quite possibly perish. Sooner would be more honourable. Certainly more enjoyable. What a mission! And surely, a gift to those to come.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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