POWER, Psychological Distress and Society

"Hardly any of the 'symptoms' of psychological distress may correctly be seen as medical matters. The so-called 'neuroses', 'psychoses' and related forms of suffering are nothing to do with faulty biology; nor indeed are they the outcome of individual moral weakness or other personal failing. They are the creation of the social world in which we live, and that world is structured by power.

Social power may be defined as the means of obtaining security or advantage, and it will be exercised within any given society in a variety of forms: coercive (force), economic (money power) and ideological (the control of meaning).

Power is the dynamic which keeps the social world in motion. It may be used for good or for ill.

One cannot hope to understand the phenomena of psychological distress, nor begin to think what can be done about them, without an analysis of how power is distributed and exercised within society."

My Comments :

That adverse POWER, when exercised over any other living being, is at the roots of psychological and much physical distress should be blindingly obvious.

Recent events in Gaza are surely evidence enough, given the bland platitudes of political leaders, the cowardice of mainstream media, the bigotry of various citizens and the willful ignoring (verb) of human suffering by these various actors, not to mention what we know of our history and of the genesis of and use of so-called 'scriptures' as tools of control, rather than inspirational texts.

Yet all too often that is not the case!

What in the name of all that is good and beautiful that is of life is going on here?

Education, Psychiatry, Religion, Economics and Ideology as we know them in our society all share this quality of the exercise of adverse power over others. Of ignoring the true and terrible consequences of adverse POWER.

The process of denying a child the responsibility for and expression of her or his true feelings is the basis for all of the above, and in my mind, is the basis for all that is corrupt in our world. Corrupt in this context means isolated from the dynamic equilibrium inherent in what we call nature.

That dynamic equilibrium is at the core of the adpative ability of natural beings - an ability to read intelligently the multiple changes of any environment so as to retain optimum living balance. This implies an innate feedback process of cognitive understanding in order to function. That this exists and permeates all living systems is understood by science (at last), has been understood by indigenous peoples for millenia and is probably understood by all life forms - the indigenous peoples have said time andf time again that their knowledge of herbs, of plant and animal life comes direct from those life forms.

We know, for example, that there are 14,550 natural varieties of apple indigenous to England - that speaks volumes to the specificity of adaptation to locale, precise adaptation to subtle changes in environemnt that occur as the land flows. Similar variations account for the immense bio-diversity of the rain forests etc etc and that variety also affords these living systems their fundamental resilience.

Adverse POWER by it's very nature is an impediment to that feedback process. De-forestation as opposed to harvesting what has fallen. One cannot eat the fruit of a felled tree or nor the berries of a burned bush.

And that is at the core of the problems we are all faced with. POWER most often assumes that because others do not speak POWERS language that POWER is somehow superior. That is the meaning of 'experts' such as Lawyers, Priests, Rabbis, Imans, Psychiatrists etc etc. When in fact it is POWERS inability to empathetically connect and integrate feedback that is the problem.

We learn at home, in school, in our temples and at work that feedback is not appreciated - don't talk back! - and that such honest feedbcak can in fact be life/career threatening. And so we shut down that process within ourselves, and that leads directly to distress. Blocking our own internal flows of sensory information is deeply harmful.

The solution to this problems is so simple that it is overlooked by most of us. Certainly those in POWER, denigrate this approach in favour of over-complicated jargonised instituionalised narratives that are designed to "blind us with brilliance of baffle us with bullshit" and thus retain that adverse POWER. Psychiatry, Pharming, 'Experts' etc etc......... all wish to justify their positions......

The solution, as I see things, is ruthless self-honesty in the personal, familial and societal arenas of our lives and within our culture, founded upon an understanding and experience of Love as a joyful awareness of the wonder of being a living creature. Such an awareness can also be described as an expression of sensory acuity. It would naurally extend itself to all life.

Sensory acuity based around joyful awareness will always be sensitive to even the most subtle changes in the environment, and that in turn enables cognitive intelligent responses to those changes - sensory acuity is 'de facto' a neccessity so that this essential feedback loop process can function.

Here's a link to an article that I found useful, regarding the basis for a thankful life, written by Dr. Peter Breggin...


Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Compulsory State Education exposed ........

The fundamentals of State Control and the true agenda of Compulsory State Education (schooling) are revealed by the following quotations

Charles Pierce, the eminence grise behind William James and John Dewey, architects of Compulsory State Education in the USA wrote :

“Let the will of the state act, then, instead of the will of the individual. Let an institution be created which shall have for its object to keep correct doctrines before the attention of the people, to reiterate them perpetually, and to teach them to the young, having at the same time power to prevent contrary doctrines from being taught, advocated or expressed.

Let all possible cause of a change of mind be removed from men’s apprehension. Let them be kept ignorant, lest they should learn of some reason to think otherwise than they do. Let their passions be enlisted, so that they may regard … unusual opinions with hatred and horror. Then, let all men who reject the established belief be terrified into silence….

Let a list of opinions be drawn up to which no man of the least independence of thought can assent, and let the faithful be required to accept all these propositions in order to segregate them as radically as possible from the influence of the rest of the world.”

Woodrow Wilson speaking to an audience of businessmen in New York City in 1909 :

“We want one class to have a liberal education. We want another class, a very much larger class, to forgo the privilege of a liberal education and fit themselves to perform specific difficult manual tasks.”

This is the technology of modern management ……this is the doctrine which drove William James in “Principles of Psychology” (1890), to assign habit-training, not intellectual development, the place of honour in schooling :

“Habit is the enormous fly-wheel of society, it’s most precious conservative agent. It alone is what … saves the children of fortune from the envious uprisings of the poor … it alone prevents the hardest and most repulsive (jobs) from being deserted. It holds the miner in his darkness. It keeps different strata of society from mixing.”

All of us who attended state schooling have been exposed to and conditioned to accept the imposed and limited ideas that are taught through that education, reinforced through the media and that underpin the success of marketing.

This is the core technology of psychological state control upon which the likes of Tony Blair, David Cameron and the leaders of Indusrty et al depend upon.

Of course they retain that other oh-so familiar stick, that of poverty, physical violence or imprisonment to curtail those few who escape this conditioning. That’s what the War Against Terror and the consistent attack on civil liberties is all about.

Reminding you and I that ‘we are either with us or against us”. And that there are penalties for non-compliance. You will be excluded!

With thanks to John Taylor Gatto, in whose most recent book, "Weapons of Mass Instruction", I found these and other quotes and resources.


Gattos book, "An Underground History of American Education" is published on-line at his website. In it he researched the international project to establish Compulsory State Education, from it's roots in the beginnings of the Industrial Revolution to the 21st Century.

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Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Right or wrong, what works, works!

The factual recent history of Palestine is clear. 

 Utilising standards current in International Law, the Israeli Government is the aggressor, the US/UK Governments their supporters, the Palestinian and Israeli civilians are the victims, and the UN and the rest of us appalled and somewhat confused bystanders. Let me help clear some of the confusion. This situation has little to do with Religion, and a lot more to do with colonialism, conquest, Empire.

The Palestinians are 'guilty' of violent resistance. A somewhat lessor crime perhaps, though current International Law allows for armed resistance to military occupation by foreign powers, from invasion right through to departure. Thus guilt is the wrong word, even though I detest violence, the intentional causation of harm to anyone. 

 This aggression we are talking about is the aggression that is driven by power politics, often using religion or race as a 'white phosphorous" smoke screen. 

 Power politics is essentially about adverse control over the lives of others considered 'inferior' by those exercising that power - the power of life and death, full dining, charidee or scraps. 

 One can say that those who make the decisions to exercise that power in that any harmful way are culpable for they have transgressed the natural state of welfare and it is correct action, on the part of a mature adult, to confront that head-on... 

 We know that by conditioning children, such governments condemn those children as parents to become the instruments of that conditioning, innocently harming their own beloved children. 

 It is correct action, on the part of a mature adult, to confront that head-on. That means making accurate assessments - not to be confused with 'judging' which in common use means to see the other as inferior. To assess means to call the behaviour what it is, distinguishing that from the person. 

 A person thus confronted who denies and/or shows no remorse has judged themselves in the eyes of those who confront adverse dysfunctional behaviour. 

 Within the so called mainstream Peace and Environment movements there is far too much proto-Christian/hippy-psychoblather about the 'ego' and 'judgement', way too much political correctness, essentially an unwillingness to call it for what it is. 

If you feel it, then you feel it, so say it... Otherwise it's fear! 

 If only right and wrong was so easy to see…. If only........ 

Many people express this sentiment. Here's my take on it, for what it is worth. 

 Take the side of the civilians on all sides, and oppose the military power on all sides. 

 But as to the question right and wrong, in Gaza, right now for example, it is the right to life that is being violated and in that the Israeli Government is behaving in a way that is clearly anti-life, and doing so in a well organised, mechanised, industrialised way. 

 Their propaganda machine is well served by our western media and by a lack of critical thinking and feeble sentimentality. 

 Have you seen or read any of the work by Derrick Jensen? He is right on the ball with this void of critical analysis. Worth a watch. 

 Here's a quote, in which he debunks survival of the fittest, elegantly and precisely - I suggest you read it out loud : 

 "Those creatures that have survived in the long run have survived in the long run; you don’t survive in the long run by exploiting your habitat; you survive in the long run by actually improving your habitat; that’s what salmon do, that’s what merganzers do, that’s what bears do, that’s what everybody does; except us." 

 Thus, my question is this : what exactly have the Israeli Government done to improve the habitat of the Palestinians? 

  Precision Munitions 

 And another aspect of this connection to habitat is that we do have an innate and precise sensory ability that allows us, if we chose to use it, to listen to and comprehend all the elements in nature, from clouds to oceans, from mountains to clay. 

 Our hearts are neurally set-up to receive and transmit electromagnetic communications. All living beings emit electromagnetic information. These are signature transmissions. This has been scientifically measured. We are talking KNOWLEDGE here. Fact. 

 The ancients all claimed that their plant knowledge and herbal lore came direct from the plants themselves. We laughed at them, patronised them, slaughtered them and took their lands. 

 We know that in swarms of bats, that their ability to fly in huge swarms, at high speed, comes from their rapid 'reactions' - each individual is acutely aware of the seven around him, and as they fly in formation,  their so-called 'reactions' are 14 times faster than the human brain can think. 

They are using electromagnetic info to co-ordinate their efforts. 

This happens in all swarms, flocks, shoals etc etc.. 

 A mechanical instinct, driven by trial and error rather than direct comprehension is simply too blunt to craft this level of finesse. They think faster than we can! 

 In school, empire school, the one most of us went to, I was told that the ancients learned what they knew by trial and error! Profoundly arrogant and a fatal flaw in our ‘civilisation’. Fatal. 

  Precision - Natures Weapon of Mass Interaction 

 The point being that each living entity has within its being the facility to discern clearly what is appropriate for it's well being and what is not, to communicate with other life-forms and to thus adapt to a changing environment that is in dynamic equilibrium. And it is that that is at the core of the amazing diversity, vast co-operation and deep balance of nature. 

And it’s abundance. This quality/ability is missing in Israeli/US/UK governance. By reducing things to mechanics in order to understand them in a laboratory one gains knowledge of a bit, only in the case of urban civilisation, to than lose contact with the whole being. 

 In order to justify that loss, in itself an act of incredible stupidity and a functionally fatal one at that, intellectual philosophers and religious leaders of the city civilisations who evolved using that 'scientific' methodology had to create a disconnect, and elevate them selves ABOVE nature. As did the Constantine, the first Imperial Pope
Nature does not do right and wrong, nature does what works and what works is co-operation. Everything in nature that is alive works. What does not work, dies. Every creature devotes a large slice of it's being to improving the environment it inhabits. 

Apart from civilised humanity. And that does not work. Neither is the Israeli aggression on the Palestinian people ‘working’. 

  It is an insanity to suggest that either ever was, is, or might be working. 

 Kindest regards 


 Do what you love, it's your gift to universe
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Alice Miller, Pedagogy and Foreign Policy

Nice Video outlining the basics of Alice Millers understanding of how child rearing practices govern foreign policy.... I kid you not!

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Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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The Roots of Violence

Nice Video outlining the basics of Alice Millers understanding of how child rearing practices govern foreign policy.... I kid you not! Watch it and make the link yourself!


And here's a fantastic short article covering the same ground, in a warm and touching, yet logically sound way.


here's a part of it....

""Miller's argument, in The Truth Will Set You Free might be summarized as something like this:

1. Many adults manage their children with parenting and teaching methods which employ physical or emotional violence against the child.

2. Because of this violent treatment, the children grow up blind to the dangers of violent parenting, and out of touch with their true feelings and needs.

3. When these children grow to become teachers and parents, they will practice these same violent methods against their own children.

4. This cycle of "violence breeds more violence" can be broken, and abused adults can heal themselves and become nonviolent parents.

Miller begins by explaining, with many examples, how and why childhood reality is avoided "in six fields where we should expect precisely the opposite: medicine, psychotherapy, politics, the penal system, religion, and biography." ... Miller's next section, ‘How We Are Struck Emotionally Blind', offers an explanation for the remarkable and often-repeated story: "A father will beat his son and humiliate him with sarcastic remarks but not have any memory whatever of having been similarly humiliated by his own father.' ... In the third part of the book, Miller offers examples of courageous adults who have healed themselves despite long histories of parental abuse."

And another great video :

Short video outlining Alice Millers work and recent evidence to support it.

Pass this on!

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Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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From a man who knows War.....

Chris Hedges has spent 20 years covering wars.

In these video segments he describes the reality of war, noting the three types as civil wars, 'conventional' wars of army to army and militarised occupations by a foreign force.

He speaks to the reality of the casualties of war, (civilians, women and children predominate) and why the toll is so high in Iraq and Gaza and else where.

Eloquent, passionate without losing his centre, these ten minutes are worth watching to get an idea of the reality in Gaza, Iraq, Afghanistan and where ever occupations occur.

http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=cL3ToWgtfDA - short introduction,

http://video.google.com/videoplay?docid=221047753114925234&hl=en - full lecture with questions

This kind of clarity helps cut through the propaganda, spin and outright lies which are disseminated via the mainstream media.

Hedges also makes the distinction between ‘killing’ and ‘murder’. Killing involves two armed sides hostile to one another.

Murder involves those who are armed versus those who unarmed, who pose no threat and who are simply I’n the way‘. Collateral Damage… is the euphemism now well worn and tattered.

Recently, currently in Gaza, we are being allowed to see the pictures of the carnage .... via the internet, youtube etc we are being allowed to sense the chaos and terror that missiles and automatic fire from an industrialised war machine inflict upon a civilian, urban area.

That same horror has been common place all over Iraq since March 2003. And the death toll is 1.2 million needless violent deaths amongst Iraqis, not to mention the woundings and trauma.

And who will help the Iraqis heal these wounds? Who speaks of this today? Why the silence?

How will this horror manifest in the following generations, in the psychology of the children of the traumatised and maimed Iraqis, Gazans, Afghans if there is no real resolution, no healing?

All of us have to think beyond the arguments of those who espouse violence, irrespective of their 'case' (' freedom fighters' et al) and argue the case for an outright ban by civilian populations on funding and industry for war or a military of any kind........ upto the right to hold national strikes to force this upon the political and corporate worlds - by right of the obligation and real need to defend civilians world wide from the degradation of war.

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Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Corneilius interviewed for Radio Reverb, Brighton

RadioReverb | Community Radio | Brighton, UK: One World Community

Source: www.radioreverb.com

Listen to a radio interview I did for Reverb Radio in Brighton, on Saturday 13th December 2008, after a wonderful gig and great all night party @ Zu Studios.....

part 1 : http://www.radioreverb.com/fileadmin/community/audio/cornelilius_part_1.mp3

part 2 : http://www.radioreverb.com/fileadmin/community/audio/cornelilius_part_2.mp3

part 2 : http://www.radioreverb.com/fileadmin/community/audio/cornelilius_part_3.mp3

from : http://www.radioreverb.com/index.php?id=196

The One-World Community Show - presented by Donald Shier

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Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Shopping, War and Santa..........

I am encouraged when hearing how many people are learning in their own lives the lost art of listening to children, and how again and again we discover that innate intelligence is the norm, the natural state. 

This culture is merely a measure of how far from that state we been pushed,  manipulated, led, or indeed beaten and have adjusted to simply because there is no other option, bar violence - and we know violence does not bring peace - so we quite sensibly avoid it.. As ordinary folk we have no comparative power with which we can change the culture, unless we are fully in solidarity with one another, as human beings, as people.

I understand the entities we know as the state, the church, the bank, the military and many other institutions that wield power over peoples large scaled up dysfunctional families with angry, violent and abusive parents who try to hide the truth and keep up the appearances of ‘normality’ and a captive population that falls into the roles of children trapped in that family.

I have found that correlation can help to explore than then articulate an understanding that the macro psychology is built upon the micro psychology, it's the same behaviours scaled up to institutional levels..

Fractals of conditioned behaviours, ripples on the surface, currents in the deep.

The Hierarchy of this 'culture' is constantly re-adapting it's presentation in the face of repeated liberation of perception.

The controllers of that adaptation and the institutions they utilise are populated by people and structural entities who have been trained to work in the creation of what becomes the cultural narrative.

No-one is outside the systems reach.

That's the idea, at any rate. Education and Marketing in combination ensure that the psychological messages being are being tested, and as they refine the content more are are taken up,

Wearing obe down..

Breaking the spirit. As it ever was in the elite education methodologies, based as it was in their child-rearing practices from which it sprang.

"Give me the child until seven years have passed, and I will give you the man!"

The history of the documentation and dissemination of child rearing practices is also the history of Empire. 

The first books of that nature, manuscripts written for the families of the elites, were the equivalent of military rules of engagement, for there was an enemy (the child’s natural sinful state), there was weaponry (corporal or other cruel punishment), there was a methodology (the subjugation of that spirit) and a goal : the victorious master would 'produce' a useful member of the Empire. 

One who actively accepts the indoctrination and subsequent submission to authority. 

Beyond that, from the viewpoint of those who set the state systems of education in place, the utility of education is minimal. 

The variations that are allowed, so that the system looks like it is changing, simply enable the infra-structure of human occupy-able industrial relationships (jobs) to be built into and within the systems of bureaucracy, and control and by giving it the appearance of ‘work‘, by creating the concept of ‘career’, all of which follow on logically from school, and by then applying that to the most ludicrous of activities, (sanitation engineer = janitor!) with varying rewards upwards for more blind obedience, by doing this and more it is ensured that most people are hoodwinked and taken in by it. 

Absorbed. Work is the problem. Shopping is designed to make too much hard or pointless work seem like it is worth it, by virtue alone of the money earned, and what proportion of that is 'disposable' . 

By hyping the reward driven activity, (mortgages to buy house to make money) hiding the slavery, with ever shorter durations of that feeling of well-being that comes with shopping and consuming, before another 'hit' is required to mask again the un-ease the psyche feels in this occupational vice. 

The roots of much addiction.

 Shopping is responsible for 70% of human driven environmental degradation. Stop Shopping!

Wars are being fought over resources that are needed to keep the shopping going. Stop Shopping!

Shopping can be done with tomorrows resources too, which means we are already disposing of our children’s children’ s resources - a fatal and somewhat genocidal gluttony! 

 Rain forests are fast becoming human excrement, destroyed daily to enable a constant flow of burgers, animal feed and waste paper to be made in huge quantities so that every child can taste a Big Mac! Stop snacking on processed foods! 

 It really is that simple. 

 We are losing connection with each other, with our children, our parents, our brothers and sisters, because our time is increasingly taken up with work and shopping (which includes consuming and waste disposal as well, just to complete the cycle!) It is that simple. 

 Any child will see that, clear as daylight itself. On a sunny day, of course. 

There’s just so much to do, and so much being to experience……. 

Grow your own food as much as you can. 

Spend your living time awake to nature's gifting. 

They duck when shoes are incoming! Stop bombing other peoples countries and cities and towns! 

I hop you all have a nurturing time, and that you are nurtured...

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John Taylor Gatto on Education and some historical background.


http://www. johntaylorgatto. com

Some thoughts later........... comments welcome!

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Mumbai, Panic and Civil Liberties........

Reading the news stories about victims and abusers, writ large in society, writ in detail in families, schools, at work, at play and as cannon-fodder to this or that belief system, that ideology.

Mumbai, a case in point. Previous events like this have taken place in India, and many. Only they seemed to have almost exclusively occurred in areas where only the ultra-poor, the poor live, and a few occassions in places where workers and low middle class pass.

This is the first 'hit' on the rich sector of Indian Society.

A shock.

I have recently re-read "Shock Doctrine!" by Naomi Klein. Worth reading, as it makes clear the relationship between the economic ideology of neo-liberal trade, it's implementation and war in the 20th and 21st Centuries.

If this terrible murder spree was a shock, inflicted with intent, then what of that intent?

Exactly Who's intent?

Qui Bono?

Until we know exactly who sponsored this crime, by way of a clear and fully open investigation, with immediate effect, by the Hague International Criminal Tribunal, the kind of investigation the US Government so studiously avoided, mandated to arrest those responsible for the commissions of war crimes, such as sponsoring armed groups, armies and paramilitaries in wars of destabilisation in Sovereign Countries.

In the meantime check with democracy nows really insightful and frank exchange of views from people who have direct knowledge of India, many years of experience and a sound comprehension of what has taken place in Mumbai. Their explanations make more sense than anything the media has uttered.


Makes ya think, does it not?

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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