Bees, the BBC and the obvious but obscured truths about food production

Just watched a docu on the BEE BEE SEE about bees and the massive die-offs of bees everywhere except Autralia.

It’s really obvious, to me at least, that the single most important factor in this occurrence, and in many other similar ‘events’ throughout nature HAS GOT TO BE the kinds of human interventions that tend to undermine natural resilience, which is founded on bio-diversity …. variety is the spice of life, so to speak, and when humans monocrop for profit, on a huge scale, the natural resilience and variety is destroyed....

Nature is a huge ineteraction of trillions upon trillions of creatures and plants, with no hierarchy other than that which human beings of the ‘civilised... Read more’ sort project onto it…(we project our own ideas onto others, because we have an inability to see others as they see themselves).

Thus messing around with something that works (nature definitely works, which is the strength of permaculture) is utterly stupid, and pretending that we are somehow ‘more intelligent’ than that which makes us is hubris of the worst sort.

We (industrial civilisation as is) are to nature as Tony Blair is to Iraq, Education and Spirituality.. and we brag about it….

Somethings got to give, and unless we revert to localised food production, and in ways that rebuild natural diversity, and fast, we are seriously and possibly fatally compromising our very existence.

There have been a few other programmes on the BBC which show how food production has changed since the end of World War II, when the Pharmaceutical Industry switched from killing people to killing bugs and plants - the same chemicals are used to 'fertilise' crops as were used to make bombs - and what nobody mentions is that the HUGE profits that the Pharmaceutical Companies made out of the war (while everybody else near starved on rations) allowed them to expend huge efforts to lobby Governments excessively so as to promote their chemcials as the 'green revolution', which has led inexorably to Monsanto, GMOs and patented seeds etc etc... and has been the cause of massive toxicity in our foods, our soils, our waters and also placed us in a very vulnerable position as food growing is ever more concentrated if fewer and fewer hands (only 1400 dairy farmers left in the UK.....!).

Keep on blowing the trumpet for local growing and eating. It’s the only tune that nature knows… apart from some species that travel to food such as some whales, great white sharks, birds etc etc….

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Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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A school run by children, assisted by adults

Short documentary on an independent 'school' in Copenhagen, from the 70s, that explores why such a school might exist. The footage shows happy lively children and adults learning together, and the commentary reveals the thinking behind the school.

This is what all children and parents need to understand, that childrens learning is best driven by their own motivations, that children want to become competent in the world they are born into, that 'thinking alone' is a vital creative drive in all people and that democracy without this in place in all it's constituents is a farce, a soap opera that distracts attention and enables control by forces whose interests are not the same as those of most 'ordinary folk'.

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Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Somehow, the ice has to break,

Somehow, the ice has to break, the illusion has to be penetrated, the conditioned reflexive defence responses must be seen for what they are. Industrial Society is a (disease) State that is expanding, thrashing the habitat of all living creatures, that is wilfully ignoring the costs to itself and others, in much the same manner as a crack addict destroys his or her body…

It is one thing to lay blame for this at policies, industrial practices, corporations, weapons manufacturers, bankers. It is another to seek to understand the core psychology of those who implement all of the above, and those who comply with instructions (authority) of the implementers.

And it is this second option that is necessary for any healthy change to become a possibility.

Contrasting the fundamental processes and facts of nature with those of Industrial Society, I see the following :

1. In Nature everywhere is food….. All beings receive what they need in order to thrive, there is food everywhere, even though the supply of food may have seasonal variations….

1.a In Industrial Society food is restricted to those who can buy food with money … thus all people must earn money in order to buy food. The ability to earn money is tightly controlled, with an elite 1% of people controlling the distribution of money to other 99%. These variations are imposed. Poverty is invention.

2. In Nature everything that is excess to metabolism is returned to the habitat in a form that others can metabolise, and the processes that enable this occur from the macro to the micro. This means that life is constantly being nourished on all levels. It is the basis for the continuity of Natural Life on Earth…

2.a In Industrial Society, excess is either hoarded as wealth or discarded and turned into toxic waste, thus robbing the environmental system of nutrients. That can only have one possible outcome.

3. In Nature, all young have the innate ability to learn what is needed in terms of physical mastery of self, intimate knowledge of the habitat such that each can thrive. The struggle for survival is merely a projection of Industrial Society onto Nature.

3.a In Industrial Society, it is assumed that all young have to be carefully conditioned, that they are fundamentally incapable of learning what they need to learn to thrive, that they are effectively blanks slates upon which society should write it’s own script. This is called ‘education’….

4. In Nature struggles to the death are rare, apart from when one form is eating another.

4.a In Industrial Society, struggles to the death are a regular occurrence, most often highly organised, and most often orchestrated as a means of establishing and defining power centres, known as States.

All of the above can be said to be obvious.

So how can it be that the obvious is ignored by so many people, such that 99% of the peoples living in Industrialised States comply with the status quo, and seem almost powerless to effect a recognition of the facts, never mind to effect realistic change?

The Myopia of Emotional Blindness.

It has to be the case that the human being is but one of many life-forms living on Earth. And that the source for the human being is Nature. The human being is a natural phenomenon, a natural being, part of the wild. The cells that make up the individual writing this or reading this essay are natures creation, they are natural and wild - yet the thought processes and behaviours of the collection of trillions of cells that is each human body are often not natural - they are the result of cultural conditioning.

The conditioning processes we are exposed to in Industrial society reflect the needs of Power and the use of Power. They do not reflect the processes of nature nor do they reflect the needs and processes of a natural human being. Thus the vast majority of the people of Industrial Society are exposed to conditioning processes that effectively de-natures the individual, alienates the natural self, and replaces the natural identity with another identity. That identity is one that serves Power.

This process has to be pretty robust, and it is, in that people will live 100 years of life and never realise that they are nature at the cellular level - they will live within the confines of the prevailing mind-set, imposed by Power.

The one core element that all this hinges upon is inculcating emotional blindness in the young at a very early age, in such a way that it is all but invisible to the individual and to the community at large.

The young must quickly become emotionally blind to the value of their own feelings and insights, a process that has to cause some pain and at the same time carried out in a manner that ensures each individual will suppress awareness of their pain. This is one of the basics of extreme physical training - be for animals or human beings.

Pain is recognised, yet at the same time accepted, worn like a badge of honour. This does not occur in nature - pain is information, and it tells creatures what to avoid or it lets them know there is something wrong. An animal or human being that is capable of ignoring his or her own pain is one that will continue to make serious errors, ad infinitum, errors that the trainer sees as desirable results.

And so it is with kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and beyond. Students learn to modify their behaviour so as to conform to the requirements of these institutions, by virtue of pain and pain avoidance. Shame, public humiliation, physical violence have all been used as teaching aids within the compulsion schooling systems. These days while physical violence is less common, shame and humiliation, the hidden results of ‘testing’ are rife. There is also the terror of ‘peer pressure’, much of it driven by commercial propaganda.

The lesson is conform or be outcast.

Outcast to where? The only place left to go is nature - your nature, your inner intelligence and sensing. Within. This has been the wisdom of the ages, and indeed it is the best place to start.

That wisdom has seemed as though it were alien to many in the west. When various ‘teachers’ and ‘gurus’ have spoken of this, many in the west have found it very difficult to ‘get’ exactly what was meant, we are easily confused by arcane language due to the conditioning processes we underwent and so looked inside, yet saw images gleaned from externals ….false images which reading and watching others produced. We have become emotionally blind to our own realities and replaced them with myths and fears of others.

The personal inner world is not of such images, it is of the honest feelings and sensings we have been told to avoid, to fear. Those who seek to control others know that that honesty is their un-doing.

And so we can start the journey by asking ourselves to remember our first responses to teachers and domineering adults. We all have at one time or another looked at the adults and thought “You are wrong!”. We were right. And thus honesty, fearlessly opening up to how we really feel, is the key.

Clean, happy organic food, grown for nourishment rather than purely profit helps greatly.

Reducing or eliminating the toxic influences of mainstream media, TV, movies and fear inducing conspiracies is also useful.

The point is to get to the original feelings, insights of ourselves, and to draw those out, to bring them into the light that they might once again threaten those who seek control over our very being, by rejecting utterly such controls, by trusting our innate life urges to love, to live well, to enjoy being who we are, as we find ourselves and to grow and change from there, exploring this existence with our own personal resources, which are immense.

There is room for hope, yet not in externals. We have the seeds for freedom in every wild cell of our being. Call to the wild in yourself, the natural, the honest child and follow the clues.

Here is a loopstation version of my song, Peace of Mind, in which I sing of the ways in which the natural peace within can find it's expression in the external world.

It can also be found on my reverbnation profile and player, a shorter version....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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MPs Expenses - restoring confidence?

Gordon Brown put in quite a performance, reading the script to his annoucement that he was going to vote for changes in the expenses regime currently under the mdia and public spotlight, if not quite the microscopic detail we'd all like to see.

Gordon does a ham fisted job of appearing 'happy' - watch his expressions.... he's no way as good an actor as his predeccessor, though he is his equal in every other way - as in promoting the Iraq War of Aggression, promoting Nuclear Power generation in the UK by Foreegn Corpoations, toadying to the bankers and so on.

I just love the way his facial expressions change from bored to happy to doomed to confused and back again, and how he bounces cheerily as he reads the cues .. one can sense the slight delay, as if he is out of sync, (he is..) following the script rather than being spontaneous, which he is trying so hard to appear.

However, joking aside, two things came to mind, watching this bouncing Gordy 'performance'.

1. Are the MPs going to return the cash they have bludged off the taxpayer, by way of their extrordinary expenses over the years, just to show that they really are working FOR us?


2. Doesn't he realise that a lot more must be done to restore public confidence in the political and parliamentary process as they stand?

YES, of course he does, he knows exactly what he is doing, but he doesn't give a shit. He's continuing with the charade, the soap opera, while his Chancellor takes £15 billion out of public services, after handing over more than £140 billion to the bankers. And they both look forwards to future lucrative advisory roles and 'speaking engagements' when they leave office.

Nice work if you can get it! But nasty.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Trauma, Society and the work we must do, all of us.

It is very important work to understand how this society, the one we (Europeans etc) have all been born into, industrial society, is built upon trauma, subtle as much as gross.

We all have two aspects to deal with in this : the personal (ones own story) and the trans personal (the institutions that are built by dysfunctional people to control other people - police, army, banks, education, prison.

Both aspects must be understood, and worked on. And especially in terms of the various movements and campaigns for change, if this work is not done, the those campaigns are de-facto limited to dealing merely with symptoms, and not root causes. This is the kind of dissent the system likes and tolerates because it does not threaten their position, merely asks them to be 'nicer'.... which they are adept at making it LOOK as if they are being 'nicer'....

Just to pass on some links for anyone who wants to follow their own research. - history of education set-up and back ground on those who made it so, and their ideas - dedicated to promoting awareness of the natural child, and how societal misunderstanding of the natural child affects us all - Alice Millers, whose main work, "The Roots of Violence in Child-rearing : for your own good" is one of the best on how society treats children, the history of written child rearing texts and societal compliance.. it's a translation from German so fairly challenging to read - more recent works such as "the drama of the gifted child" and "the body never lies" are a bit easier... but all are so worth the effort... - John Holt, author of "how children learn" and "how children fail" .... this and more on how children naturally learn ... inspired, and one of the best! - Sue Palmer, research on children's development, on how early schooling, TV, foods, media affects children's, plenty of research from neuro-science to support her observations...blows the use of 'genetics' as a source of distress out of the water - site for writer Oliver James, author of "Affluenza", details the psychological impacts observed in adults, which arise from early childhood, common in the industrialised world. Suggest parents of very young ought to be free of encumbrance to devote time to their children, funded by the state to avoid the depression and psychological distress common in industrialised society. Severe critic of profit/consumerism. Good research, blows the 'genetics' as a source of distress right out of the water... - David Smail,probably one of the best writers on 'Power Over Other's as trhe root cause of all human dysfunction. The way power is expressed is the problem, the rest is symptom. Great essay on Thatcher are the rise of the 'new age' healing business! Lots of his work is available on-line..

That's enough to get started.... all the best m8.

The following ideas around nature are my own, in that I originated the following concepts, independent of my reading : 'nature does not do stupidity', our 'cells are wild, so are we', 'nature works, so why are we so different', we 'project our concepts and ways onto the natural world, and cannot see nature the way nature experiences self, so we are lost in a country whose language we do not know - which is why industrialised society projects it's own power structures on to nature..."everything in in nature gets what it needs to thrive, bar being eaten"... "THRIVIVAL" ... "all living creatures have the innate learning ability to learn what they need to learn to master their being and to thrive in life"...

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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