Patterns. Behavioural patterning.

Patterns. Behavioural patterning.

a general pattern, a commonly held view, according to conventional wisdom, and a view that accords with the beliefs of Religionists,  Ideologues, the NeoLiberal right wing and bullies of all kinds through out society is that 'survival of the fittest' is a fundamental justification of their position because it is a scientific fact which they claim is to be seen every day in nature.

Animals brutally eating other animals.

"It is the way the world works!"

They tend to refuse to address the evidence that suggests otherwise, a data base that is already vast, and which happens to be mounting in detail every day.

Which is that all organisms eat, all are eaten, all shit and piss and all the shit and piss and decay is food for more life and more diversity and it’s all sitting on the hard work of bacteria.

The bigger picture.

The bigger picture is that all this activity nurtures more life, in ever increasing diversity, and to the human eye, great beauty and generosity.

Biology is a living process of co-operation across space and time, a web of mutually nurturant processes mediated by geology, climate the action of the organisms themselves and not much else besides.

Animal Predation is the basis for human predation, therefore Human predation is natural.

Which is akin to asserting that Moles are the same as Miners, and calling that the same behavioural dynamic.

The comparison between carnivore predator and predatory human pathology holds no water. In logic terms it is a faulty comparison.

We cannot gain any accurate information by comparing the optimal health of one organism in it’s natural environment with the adverse health of another organism in a chronically stressed environment.. That does not compute.

Its like saying that a boot and a hole in the mud are the same thing because one can put one's foot in both - but they are not the same thing. They do share some qualities.

Human predatory behaviour is psychopathy and it cannot be compared to any normal healthy animal behaviour.

Human predatory behaviour  does not emerge and persist as much in healthy families, healthy communities, healthy societies as it does in hierarchically violent cultures - there is vast evidence of this, and a very detailed picture of what happens when an egalitarian pre-conquest culture is intruded upon by a bully predatory culture, the effects of chronic stress emerge within one generation.

That process is an mirror of what happens to an individual who goes through chronic stress and trauma at any stage of life... and is broken by it.

And therefore it is not a valid comparison with healthy normal behaviour in another organism.

Evolution and convention.

I see 'evolution differently to the way the mainstream sees it.

I don't subscribe to the linear process of a -z where a is 'primitive' and z is 'perfected'. I am completely evolved right here right now. I might be traumatised, scarred, limping, mentally distressed, inadequate - most of these are symptoms of environmental conditions where the biological mandate for optimal health is degraded. I need healing more than evolving.

I see a web of experience where each adaptation is complete at all times, always has been and always will be, as long as a habitat for life exists : indeed that is what current science of micro and macro biology is clarifying.

Rather than evolution from primitive to perfected, it is a process of ever increasing density of nurturant processes mediated by a diverse range of organisms that from the get go are responsive to changes in the dynamic habitat mediated by geology, weather, asteroids, and even man made changes ... etc....

Life is. Complete. This is how I feel my own being and when I look at people I see the same, and if there are changes I might want to help, they'd be about healing behaviour rather than 'evolving it'. Very much in the present, the here and now. This has been my experience in this field.

I suspect the linear progression view is partly Empire Logic, a stream of hierarchical thinking which all supports the assumption that the Empire is the most best top Gods chosen one and all the past has lead to this glorious moment.

The concept of Heaven was and remains a mental hopium to facilitate 'working for the man' until you died.

The experience of constant power struggles of the violent hierarchies in this culture is the basis for that particular concept of linear progression and survival of the fittest.

Amongst older, wiser, gentler and cultures, that thrived for 60,000 + years, and many younger ones that are still in existence, on the edges (350,000,000 people world wide) of 'civilisation' the pattern is to experience time as a web, that operates 360 degrees from any single point. and they feel their place as part of the earths living body.

And THAT feeling is 100% correct. They are. That feeling is the full body mind sensory experience which exists before the words of connection, bonding, intimacy, nurture are uttered. Experience is meaning, words is communication.

The example of societies that live and have lived lives that were and are loving, nurturing, bonded, religion free, hierarchy free, sexually healthy, egailtarian, co-operative and within that human, vulnerable, open to being hurt, capable of anger, pain, fear, terror, despair, mood swings....

I don't have a rose tinted view of pre-conquest life.

I do recognise healthy nurturing humane relationships, and I see these as the most important area of human experience and meaning of life, above all other considerations.

This human body and mind is perfectly evolved to love, to experience happiness and content, to be robust in health, to contribute to the community that nurtures me because it's joyful, it is gratitude.. it is evolved to be able to deal with occasional moments of stress, accidents, difficulties, emergencies - it is not evolved to be able to handle long term chronic stress and unresolved trauma. The proof of that is the way degenerative diseases increase in chronically stressed populations.

That is the big picture of the known existence of Hominoids as understood an Anthropology at the cutting edge, from all that I am accessing via information flows world wide, from solid science to the stories of peoples lives.

"What happened before the trauma?"

A pertinent question.

My thoughts are this...

What was the child doing, engaged in, feeling right before the adult shouted violently at the child?

- The child was exploring a sharp tool. or. The child spilled a glass of milk whilst learning how to hold the class..

What change occurred in the child's sense of self?

- Shock, then fear, all focus on the adult, then incomprehension, then tears ..... both the tool and the milk and what happened just before the shock are gone from the child's mind... and the child's attention is now fixated on the adult to prepare for what ever happens next.... to meet the adults needs to avoid further pain.

The rubber plant was growing well in that spot. Fresh shoots were a constant. Then someone dropped a bottle of tequila into the pot. And the rubber plant died.

Any healthy organism or community of organism will develop stress behaviours if exposed to long term trauma and re-traumatisation, or chronic stress.

As part if my healing, I had to access who I was before the abuse, what was I doing?

And for me what I found was a lovely wee baby boy, absolutely excited about life, exploring, growing, and that there was immense personal pleasure in the sensory experience of being alive.

Throw that baby into elite Irish catholic boarding schools, give him a good whipping, maintain that pressure for 12 years, and see how he will turn out... each child is different, so the bullies have to subject lots of children to the process and filter out the ones who will work for the system, and the ones who will not, and then break that lot if they can.

Ruling systems are experts at recruitment via grooming, indoctrination, manipulation, bureaucracy to 'manage' vulnerable, damaged people, to avoid what damages them that they are responsible for, to create grass roots division, and the are adept at gas-lighting, social torture, etc - they have already seen it all, studied it... Machiavelli.. The Bible.

I emerged from those 12 years a behavioural bully. I was one of the ones who was broken. I was manipulative, dishonest, insecure, paranoid, charming if need be, masking low self esteem... not acknowledging the pain of those I hurt. And a head full of quite crazy ludid paranoia's and self harm daydreams....

I also thought that all my behavioural problems were all about me, that my childhood had been more or less normal, that it was ALL me, that I was what was 'wrong'....

I was not born to be that way. I was not wombed to be that way. No one is, ever.

So in answer, there is plenty of evidence of widespread native cultures of diverse language groups and societies that were fundamentally egalitarian and biodynamically sustainable, and it tips towards being the dominant mode of human society for the 3 million years of human existence.

It is the confirmation from the recent discoveries in endocrinology, neurology, epi-genetics, and the exploration of bacterial life within the body are all reliable as indicators of health and stress over time, vast spans of time even though we are left with less and less materials, surviving artefacts, bones etc to assert the reliability of that assumption as we go back further and further in time: the body systems are ancient and they carry that ancient thread within them. The bacteria many of them are older still.

That evidence still exists where much of the material has vanished.

How do children become bullies and psychopaths?

A friend asked "How do children become bullies or psychopaths?" in relation to my assertion that human relationships, and thus the societies of human beings, were pretty much egalitarian for the bulk of our existence. His point was that healthy people would not allow bullying to go unchallenged. How does it start?

From what I have learned, it can be at a whole range of starting points.... .... they can be extremely subtle …and over time if slights are not resolved, if misunderstandings are repeated, they can fester, even if the child appears to be unconscious of them. That is internal pressure.

Which leads to more misunderstanding of the children's behaviour if they try to communicate and are not really heard, and so their needs are not met, and they become frustrated, and this leads on to more control, more demands for compliance, less negotiation by the parents, school, carers etc further compounding the issue.. and then there's aspects of that child's own person, autonomy, style of being, the food they eat, what colours they like,who they think they are, all these at the specific level of the individual are absolutely vital to pick out in diagnosis, or rather understanding the picture of that child's life.

That child might grow up and fit in, be fairly kind, normal and be a bit controlling, and at any stage a situation can trigger the old issues into bullying, a little at first, and so on... and he or she will tend to hang out with others he or she feels on par with.

If they build a social structure they will inject their psychology into it. If they have children, the children will grow up with that as normality. They will justify it all the way, and over time create stories or myths to support that justification. That children who grow up into a Islamic world become identify as Islamic is not a coincidence. What else was on offer? Who can blame them for that?

Extrapolate that kind of understandable mix up within a stressing social system out across whole populations, over thousands of years.... and suddenly European History makes horrific sense...

"Given the kind of society and family you were born into, how you have been treated and related to, and all that you have experienced, it's no wonder you feel the way you do!"

The precise diagnostic for that individual, if you will, but in practice more of a process of self discovery by the patient in a safe and empathic environment, than the prescriptions of some licenced professional pointing it out and administering 'medications'.

Not everyone will follow that path into compliance, broken-ness. (the processes of 'social engineering' are not perfected, nor will they ever be. We humans are way too diverse, and we are inherently free exploratory beings designed to thrive. THAT cannot be erased.) Not all abused become abusers.

The data we have at present is suggestive of a dynamic where the vast majority of serious abusers were abused as children or suffered later intense trauma and at either stage they surrendered.

This evidence cannot be used to excuse harm caused, or mitigate how we deal with those who cause serious, serious harm, and show no real remorse, Some people are genuinely dangerous and cannot be allowed to participate in open society.

Ever. As a health and safety issue, not as punishment.

It all comes down to what is a truly healthy relationship between adults and children, and what does our biology and experience of the last 250,000 years tell us about the most fertile, nurturant, loving, respectful  and sustainable ways to life on Earth and where does that correlate with the physical, emotional, social and psychological quality of people's experience of life and relationship?

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

1916, 2016, Terrorism and Murder.

1916, 2016, Terrorism and Murder.

I was ‘raised’ to believe that the British Empire was cruel and vicious in it’s treatment of the Irish. The Fight for Irish Freedom!

Stories of oppression were caricatured, and there was only image, polemic, emotion perhaps yet no real feeling, no empathy for the poor as poor people; Ireland in the 1970s was not a good pace to be poor. It was pitiless. In a very Catholic and bank friendly way.

I was also ‘taught’ to think of the British Empire was a good influence on the World and all it’s peoples. Christianity, Commerce and Civilisation.

The British Empire, and all empires are at the core of Human Progress. I passed all my exams.

I was ‘schooled’ in the History of Kings, Queens, Princes, Wars, Winners and Losers and ‘learned’ to ‘celebrate’ their ‘achievements’ an to duly ‘appreciate’ their‘ legacy’

The reality of the lives of those who suffered at their hands was a rare footnote.

Most often their bit part in History was to perform as ‘stout yeomanry’ who fought ‘great battles’ or ‘simple’ folk, who toiled on the land, ‘protected’ by their Lords.

Great movies of great battles with great speeches by well  known celebrity actors, the historical drama, the almost documentary retelling of the myth is the most seductive manner possible. Heroes kissing their female conquests in between bloody battles, often still covered in the dirt of war; the woman soothes the warrior, she does not scold him.

There were a few bad apples, of course.

Just a few.   

People like Spartacus and Robin Hood sorted them out, put them in their place, if only for a brief moment. This underpinned the sense that justice exists, with the subtext that seeking it is futile and lethal alongside the inevitability of Power and Rulers, War and Taxes.

All of this guaranteed by God.

As if it was all ‘normal’ human behaviour.

This is what I was led to believe.

I was ‘radicalised’.

I don’t believe any of it.

It’s all propaganda.

It’s shit.

1916 was a shit thing to do, a shit thing to be involved in.

In consequence many more shit things were done,  guerrilla war,  independence war, civil war, economic war, religious war…

leading directly to the Dictatorship of Church and State in Ireland, a cabal that for 80 years masqueraded as beacon of Democracy on the International ‘stage’, all the whle managing the incarceration hundreds of thousands of men, women and children in religious and state care, where they were subjected to unfathomable, protracted, horrific physical, mental, emotional and sexual abuse, which was covered up by people who were not the perpetrators, who were ‘in loco parentis’ and this double breach of trust is still being ‘managed’ by Church and State in Ireland ….

That’s a shit thing to have done, to be still doing. And it’s not like the current set-up has made an effort – what accountability exists, does so because it’s all been driven by Survivors coming forwards and fighting with all their might against a hesitant, obstructive state and resistant deceitful Church. T

1916! The Banks!

1916! The Tyrrelstown evictions!

1916! The Magdalene Launderies!

1916! Mothers and Babies Homes!

1916! Catholic Baby Trafficking!

1916! Enda Kenny!

1916! Charlie Haughey!

Yeah, Right!

1916! LGBT Rights! ????

They don’t go together. Those rights were attained by peace, by struggle yes, but not by the gun. This supercedes 1916 in every way possible,  and they are a maturation of the political process amongst the grass roots of society, and the most effective way in which to challenge and confront oppressions.

They were a recognition of humanity that has been dealt with openly, honestly and with all due remorse and shame for the previous institutionalised marginalisation and bigotry, and a desire in people for human  justice, justice, justice!

1916, 1922, 2016…… look around you, my Irish brothers and sisters. What do you see?

Be honest and fearless, and kind. Be very kind, indeed.

All the men with guns are terrorists, they are murderers. The legal definitions are irrelevant to human flesh and bone, to the reality of that kind of violence, on all ‘sides’.

I will not glorify it. I will not justify it.

I will subject it to a substantial critique based on the evidence, the outcomes.

Tom Clarke, the 'leader' of 1916 was driven by revenge, religion and ideology, not by love. He was a 'radicaliser', he was a 'mentor', a manipulator and he was a 'jihadist' teacher. He was a Wahhabist. Religion as justification for murder. Funding for militia. Training Camps. Those who want to can justify anything, defend the indefensible.

Understand 1916 in the context of 'The Troubles'.

The NI Civil Rights Movement that was about poverty; institutional discrimination and deliberate impoverishment. It was not about Republicanism vs Unionsim. That was injected into the shituation to undermine the Civil Rights narrative. Collusion. Secret undercover 'operatives' working for the British Security State, an all the militia, escalated the violence and the narrative changed. And they have maintained that pretense for decades. A movement of integrity that is seeking Civil Rights is more of a threat to Power than any violent militia.

The irony of the times, the 1916/2016 mirroring shows that whilst the people are growing in awareness, the rulers are becoming ever more blatant about their position, and their media parrots these lies and false narratives because they cannot acknowledge that growing awareness, as it's emergence after centuries of delusion exposes their primary insecurities, which being narcissistic in nature they take very, very personally  and deep within their reactionary violence their souls are charged with fear.

Selfish fear. Lethal fear.

Power has one directive : to retain, enhance and project that power. Everything it does submits to these necessities.  Everything it does can be understood through this paradigm. The Bully, the Institution. They are the same thing, at different degrees.

Bullies replacing bullies is not Freedom.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Brexit - a distraction tactic.


It's a distraction.

It's meaningless to talk about Sovereignty when the UK has failed to arrest known war criminals, given the evidence that is now widely available.

What Sovereignty?

Whose Sovereignty?

Not the the Sovereignty people of the UK, but that of those who RULE over the people of the UK, in spite of it's public make-up and theatrical narrative of a Democracy.

YOU HAVE NO GENUINE SOVEREIGNTY within the UK as it stands right now.

You are choosing based on a false premise.

Likewise with regards to war, the UK has had active combat operations for almost every year since WWII was declared 'officially ended'.

That is war operations, and whatever the justification at the time or later on, it turns to utter bullshit when subjected to a rational and detailed critical analysis of the facts and outcomes in each case.

The ordinary people, the workers, the tax payers have little say in what Government does, almost as little as evidence based policies.

YOU ARE BEING PLAYED and unable to see it.

Sort out the lack of genuine democracy and the corporate corruption of Governance, and THEN go to Europe with reforms in mind, leading by example as a people.

THAT IS the core issue here.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Mothers Day. Why only one a year?

Mothers Day. Why only one a year?

Mothers Day.

Thank you Mother.

For everything you were able to share, and for what you were unable to share, for bearing your own loss whilst still holding me, despite all the wounds you endured and the social power setting within which you and our shared mother line has borne so much oppression, for so long.

Thank you Motherhood.

Bless you mothers who do so much that is taken for granted, whilst being subjected to a stream of judgmental propaganda, whilst your situations are being deliberately made more stressful.

Bless You!

All of you!

My gratitude knows no bounds...

Thank you. 2 billion mothers... 2.254.365.221 MOTHERS.

And this : The social power system has to change and meet the true needs of optimally healthy human parenting as a primary mission of de-pollution, of ecological recovery, of sustainable human development. Sooner or later. One way or another.

We need a MOTHERS movement! Everyone is involved!

That is our job.

The rest of us.Mothers Day....

Why only one a year?  Why so mean?

I feel appalled when I observe the hypocrisy of the institutional social systems behaviour towards healthy empathic parenting and towards the children of the nation. From the Vatican to Savile, from recruiting the youth of the poor for war to drugging millions of children into a more compliant state, it is all an assault on both mother and child, which are at the very heart of our human biological and experiential realities that tears us all to pieces.

And what is torn apart is in each case, so precious a life, so exquisite a being, so vulnerable and alive and the tearing of that and the pain caused is in every case an abomination, a negation of the womb, a psychotic dead-end. 

Mothers Day.

Syrian Mothers Day.

Palestinian Mothers Day.

Bullied Mothers Day.

Blame it all on the mothers day, every other day. It's somebody's fault, rather than it's a systemic disease state that the power system engenders, deliberately.

Natural Expectations, rather than cultural assumptions.

Empathy, compassion, vision, a long time line, a desire to nurture and the wisdom to be able to do so in many varied ways, as varied as language group or topography or climate dynamics... these are the qualities I write about in my book, that I attempt to describe as being bio-logical - meaning in the logic the we see emerging from within dynamic living ecosystems of biologically optimally healthy organisms : "Natural Child, Natural Society : both are cause and effect."

And I describe how those qualities are undermined over time when unresolved trauma leads to intergenerational behaviour patterns associated with the need to control others in order to mask a loss of sense of security, and how these behaviour patterns become institutionalised throughout history, and their justifications then inhabit the core of the cultures permitted thinking and analysis as sacred fact.

Mothers Day.

A flower is an expectation of a bug, and of the day and night sequence, and of creative potential in it's role in procreation and as a food source.
A child is also an expression of a set of biologically entrained expectations which if met, leads to the emergence of a capable and competent adult who will hold the space and have the experience for those expectations to be met, consciously, with intent.

So too with mothering, fathering, parenting and indeed relating in healthy, nurturant ways to each other and the world around us. Each are sets of biologically mandated behaviours that are markers of optimal human health.

Know this, and fight back!

Our Mothers are worth it!

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Refugees amidst a Culture of Bullying.

Refugees. People fleeing for their lives, leaving everything they know and love and have built because states go to war and that war making has run through their homes, villages, towns and cities and destroyed everything in it's path.

"A bunch of Migrants!"

Underneath that thread is this : the supposition, the carefully indoctrinated story of, Western Values of Democracy and 'fighting a common enemy' for the good of all, exposed as a fiction, when those refugees are refused refuge; when the lobbies and electorates of the European states are unwilling to confront their own governments war making; when those European Governments and electorates accept the Corporatist lobbying which supports war and do not challenge it head on.

Apart from Pol Pot, Saudi, Qatar, Bahrain et al practically all the Governments we know of have gained power by consent of an electorate at some point.

Whatever their ideology, when they abuse that power, it is quite often ordinary folk suffer in the most horrific manner as a direct outcome. The Contra's of Nicaragua, Pinochet's death squads, Apartheid, Palestine, Congo and coltan, TTIP, Tax Havens of British Crown Dependencies, G4S Institutionalised abuse of children in 'care homes', Jimmy Savile, The Vatican's crisis management of proven child rape allegations.... are all part of the bullying culture. They are all in it together.

So for me the issue is about who holds power, the adverse affects of that power, and who challenges that. Arguing about Capitalism vs Socialism is irrelevant unless we deal with the issue of a bullying culture that taints our civilisation.

The helpers in Calais, and elsewhere, are largely drawn from people who challenge that careful image of power by their direct action of humanity. By kindness. They have stepped in to help. To comfort. To show humane solidarity with human beings in a degraded and degrading situation.

Cameron (and by extension, the entire British Government and power Establishment) dismisses them, alongside the refugees, in Parliament and when it is discussed, the matter of culpability of the UK Government since the invasion of Afghanistan, as the primary drivers of this war, which is WWIII, as far as the peoples of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya, Yemen, Sudan, Eritrea, Syria is avoided.


Full quote:

Corbyn "Why is there one rule for big multinational companies and another for small businesses and self-employed workers?"

But gesturing to Mr Corbyn and Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell, the PM ranted: "The idea that those two right honourable gentlemen could stand up to anyone in this regard is laughable.

"Look at the record over the last week. They met with the unions and they gave them flying pickets. They met with the Argentinians and gave them the Falkland islands.

"They met with a bunch of migrants in Calais and they said they could all come to Britain."

"The only people they never stand up for are the British people and hard working tax payers."


Is that not so far from the situation of the German people under Hitler? A middle class who were mostly well off, comfortable, employed and enjoying a raised standard of living......... stand by whilst atrocities are committed by their Government, which is using their tax contributions to do this?

The 'vibe' David Cameron gives off - as the mask slips - is pure malice in that rant. It's not the first time, and it won't be the last. It is what it is.

And we are part of it. Whether we like it or not. It is there.

 click on the image to expand it....
Our acclaimed 'civilisation' is found to be a veneer, rather than a strong spine.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

G4S, bullies, power, wealth and children.

G4S, bullies, power, wealth and children. Does it have to be this way?

I watched in growing anger, horror and despair, the BBC Panorama program on abuse within a Children's Prison, run by G4S, who have already been subject to a number of such investigations, who have 'investigated' themselves, fired the named abusers, and yet the pattern repeats....

The entire matter is utterly appalling. There should be widespread unrelenting, public anger and outrage at this abuse of the children, of our trust and our taxes.

There should be changes made, from top to bottom, and prison sentences handed down for all involved, with suspended sentences for those who turned a blind eye or who failed in their fiduciary duty to deal with the matter in the strongest terms.

"BBC Panorama goes undercover to expose harrowing evidence of children and young people being hurt and threatened by custody officers who are supposed to protect them. 

Secret filming at a privately run youth prison, paid more than £10m in 2015 by the government to provide high-quality education and to rehabilitate some of the most vulnerable youngsters in the prison system, reveals some officers mistreating their charges and many more tolerating the behaviour or even helping to cover it up."

1. People who are employed in these places should be professionals, with training in conflict resolution, NVC, psycho social studies, counselling and risk assessment, as well as being adept in de-escalating violence. This of course would demand that they pay staff well, ensure that a constant training process is in  place, and that adequate oversight is maintained on what happens within these institutions.

2. The fact that G4S has been repeatedly exposed for abuse, and that nothing major has changed, suggests that their primary concern is with profitability above and beyond the needs of the children. That is 100% unacceptable.

3. The fact that staff who witness this abuse 'tolerate the behaviour or even help to cover it up." suggests to me that there is a culture of abuse that is institutionalised, that is integrated, in much the same manner as the abuse of Christian clerics in Schools, Reformatories, Orphanages.....  and that the hierarchy within G4S will behave as the Vatican has - to manage the crisis so that they remain in power, rather than address the culture openly, honestly in order to make changes that are obviously very much needed.

4. The matter feeds into my last post about bullying and our political power hierarchy.

5. There are alternatives.... and this short video outlines the kinds of trainings and expertise G4S and anyone who works with troubled children ought to be engaging with.

This is written as a spoken word piece, an angry poem about all of this..

G four S
Gulags For Stash

G Four S
Employs bullies to save cash

Low paid, untrained in empathy, unrestrained,
Trained in restraining wounded children.
Violence upon violence, cruelty for profit,
Cover-ups and thieves in my Government.
Stealing my taxes, to concentrate power.

"I can't breathe, I can't breathe, You're choking me!"

G four S
Gulags For Stash
G Four S
Employs bullies to save cash

Paul Cook is appalled, he is playing the ball,
Kicking this one into touch, "we will investigate ourselves."
He chose to employ bullies on the cheap,
To ensure the profits that G4S shareholders keep.
Stealing our taxes, to concentrate power.

"I'm Sorry, I'm Sorry, I love your football team!"

G four S
Gulags For Stash
G Four S
Employs bullies to save cash

The Military Chiefs deplore the claims of the abused,
and let a few troops bear the cost of their ruse,
Their crimes are recorded yet not addressed,
Because the Military is an instrument of State Oppression.
When will we learn the lesson?
They are stealing our taxes, to concentrate power.

"You ain't no helper Bruv! You're a bully!"

G four S
Gulags For Stash
G Four S
Employs bullies to save cash

The children need support, they need all the help they can get
yet in a prison complex they are hidden, so that society forgets
That the symptoms of oppression are everywhere to see,
let’s blame the children and the hierarchy is free.
to steal our taxes, to concentrate power.

G four S
Gulags For Stash
G Four S
Employs bullies to save cash

In Foster Homes, State Homes, Family Homes it happens
Bullies operate a system of abuse, and in offices and media,
In prisons and detention pens, and on remand too
the bullies are permitted to do what they do.

"You ain't no trainer, Bruv!"

Be a team member, do not blow the whistle,
Turn a blind eye, and maintain your income stream.
Turn a blind eye and even the family can seem to outsiders
to be a safe place, where traditional values reign…
That refusal to acknowledge the very real pain,
ensures that the cycles are repeated, again and again!

"David Cameron's opinion is that 'parents need to be taught how to discipline their children',  rather than be helped to learn empathy, to heal themselves and their children and ultimately Society....."

It is code for the Rulers true concern!

G four S
Gulags For Stash
G Four S
Employs bullies to save cash

Fuck that shit!

"All hearts shrink before violence, all fists clench for their friends."

Kate Tempest

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

The Centrality of Bullying to Politics.

If one is to discuss politics, then one has to start with the subject of bullying.

The careful avoidance of that issue protects the system of institutionalised bullying that has emerged over time. Such discussions are futile.

Unless we talk about bullying as the core of Political and Economic Power as we know it today, and attempt to understand the dynamic of bullying and it's origins, and then examine how best to prevent such bullying, we are going nowhere.

Left, right, communism, neoliberalism, facism, green whatever......

Talk about those once the matter of bullying has been resolved, then we might be getting somewhere that is of real and lasting value.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

2016: Equality, punishment, children, politics and bullies. Clarification.

These my thoughts on some of the political issues I believe to be critical in the next year and beyond.

There's much more detail out there than I can indicate here, and I am attempting to reveal a thread that I think is the backbone of the system of hierarchical violence, and thus crucial to it's continuation, and therefore a vulnerability to be leveraged.

Equality? Feminism?

The issue needs clarification.

'Equality' means what exactly?

How does it stand for a single mother on low income?

How does it stand for a young muslim teen, facing 'terrorism'?

How does it stand for a refugee?

How does it stand for a child? An elder? A disabled person?

How does it stand for a civilian caught in the cross fire of war?

As it stands, it seems that for official feminism, that it means 'behaving the same as the men doing the job, and getting the same pay'. And the argument is about the pay scale, rather than what the job itself is and what it's effects are.

Which is all about conformity, rather than diversity. The job is protected. It WILL get done.

Feminism, at root, is about the fact that any embodied wisdom and experience of being a woman in the current dominant cultural setting is set aside in matters of Governance, social organisation, spirituality, economics and power.

Implicit in that is access the embodied wisdom and experience of being a man in the current dominant cultural setting is also limited, controlled, determined by 'social mores' which are artifacts rather than biological absolutes.

Love is a biological absolute, for us humans and many other species.... Power is a operational absolute for those who Rule.

Good governance is another matter.

We need to understand the distinction.

Name the behaviour. Name the outcome.

Punishment, spanking and violence.

It's all about adult power, powerlessness and displaced anger.

The adults submit to a violent hierarchy and lose something of the soul, and this hurts, and hurt that remains unresolved often turns to anger, and in time to rage. It is not safe to vent that anger at authority, so it leaks out. Irritations that lead to outbursts of violence.

It has to be justified, or else the question arises : 'Why am I SO angry?' and that exposes the individual to his or her deep sense of loss, though they have to see through the rage first to get to that. So not an easy ask. That’s quite a lot of stress for many, many people.

As if in compensation millions of people read and consume the Daily Mail, The Guardian, watch the TV, vote for 'traditional democracy', get a mortgage and repeat what little they have been spun from all of that as 'news', but the sense of safety is tenuous.

There is a process whereby children are the recipients of parents neuroses, which is largely unwitting, inn intended, and this then is further complicated and obscured by the effects of sophisticated marketing and propaganda, which targets those unresolved emotions, enervating them, deliberately, and people wonder why some children experience difficulties? Or become adults with serious issues?

And factor in if a child grows up in a war zone, or a place of constant violence? What kind of future is that experience preparing the child for?

And that is what it comes down to with slapping and any violence by adults perpetrated against children. It has a purpose, an outcome that is valued by those Institutions which exercise power over populations, and which all to readily stoop to violence to maintain and project their power.

And it’s all 100% avoidable. There is nothing inevitable about the levels of violence we are seeing throughout the dominant culture.

There is hope because the sciences are clear on this.

Saudi Arabia and the UN Commission on Human Rights.

A State that is operating a lethal punitive code that is determined by Wahhabist Religious ideology, and which undermines all concepts of Human Rights Legislation and is unquestionably cruel and barbaric CANNOT participate as a leader in a Human Rights Forum without undermining the basis of that forum.


Likewise a state that is prosecuting a lethal war that is determined by Economic and political ideology, and which undermines all concepts of Human Rights Legislation and is unquestionably cruel and barbaric CANNOT participate as a leader in a Human Rights Forum without undermining the basis of that forum. Which excludes The UK, the USA and others…

Bullies and Liberation.

When confronting any bully the narrative is the harm they are causing and how to stop it, nothing else matters.

Once that is done, then the finer details can be worked on

What the bully wears, believes in or justifies is irrelevant.

It's not a conspiracy theory to say that those who 'traditionally ' hold power do all they can to retain, enhance and project that power and that they need our money to do that.

Good Question!

So we are taught that "love of money is the root of all evil."

I wondered why?

And this is what I came up with.

Because the money is all about the power - without the money, OUR MONEY, they could not do what they do.

Their pretensions to power would be impossible with the money.

Better that a vast majority of people believe in the greed as a motivator, than become aware of the kind of human psychology that seeks power above all else, and is willing to use extreme violence, that is grooming us for our compliance, which power needs.

The issue is power vs healthy relationships that nurture.

And here’s my take on aspects of where the urge to power emerges…..

Examine any issue and there is where we find the core of the matter.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Basic Human Optimal Biological Health. and Trolls.

Basic Human Optimal Biological Health.

When one looks into modern endocrinology, for example, which can now describe the differences between a healthy functioning endocrine system and one that has suffered shock or is dysfunctional in some manner and plot a correlation with the health of the individual,we begin to see something else as well.

This evidence suggests that a healthy state of empathic, autonomous, connected extended family into community relationship is the base line of optimal human biological health.

That is when the hormonal cascading within the human being is working at its optimal state. The specific chemical interactions, messaging, outcomes of healthy functioning are known.

This basically happy state is the baseline of optimal human biological health, for another reason : it contains within that the ability to deal with sudden shocks, occasional illnesses, accidents and direct threats in productive, creative and healing ways. We live in a dynamic bio-space, the surface of Earth.We are elastic, we must flow with regard to those dynamics, or we make life more difficult and more complicated for ourselves.

Conditions are always, always, moving.

There has to be room for mood variation, for sadness and anger, rage and fear.

What we find is that space, that recovery ability is much reduced if stressors become chronic, unending, inevitable. Then we see the breakdown of endocrine system function, along with a host of other symptoms.

In other words we are already perfectly adapted for Peace, and like all organisms, we need a nurturant environment as Mothers, infants and children to develop those qualities through experience, into adulthood.

We are not adapted for chronic stress. I think that is made rather obvious by the massive size of the NHS and the relative health of our Society, both physically and psychologically.

Indeed there are no organisms that we know of that are adapted TO chronic stress.

Trolls in the Public Domain  - a healthy approach to a common problem.

Be it muslim people, christians, jews, germans, disabled on benefits, unemployed, out of favour foreign leaders or attention seeking celebrities, facists, anti-facists, conspiracy theorists, covert agents, or mad, angry, frustrated, desperate people, when ad hominems are deployed in the media, it's a mirror of 19th Public School Boy behaviour, hazing, joshing with intent, pecking orders, corporal punishment for the mind, etc ......

And with actual military power in the hands of the Governing bullies, (political realism does not forget that aspect of power) that makes things a little more complicated. 

For everybody. It's a bio-psyche-social issue.

When trolling infiltrates political and policy discussions,matters of ethics, war and corruption, everybody loses. We are all dehumanised by trolling  it is nasty, agressive, disturbing behaviour and profoundly immature.


Trolling is a form of bullying, it is a tactic of intentional emotional abuse and it is ultimately a weakness..  one has to understands that, and utilise it.

When there is no viable substance to the ad hominems, no mention or rational discussion of the policies, the principles, the ethics or the corruption. Just the insult. That is all useless information. The only information contained in such assaults is that the writer is a bully.

That's ALL it is.

And how best to deal with trolls? How do you undermine the bully?

This is my take on this. This is how I say 'No!'. and how I try to turn it onto a 'Yes!'.

I ignore the insult and treat it as a bit of information; depersonalise it. I do not let it get to me. It's all in the bullies head. All over his keyboard.

Then, I respond if I wish to engage, and use the incident by identifying the bullying as such, point out that  it is a known and rather obvious tactic that to maintain a false narrative in the face of facts by disrupting a discussion and initiating or antagonising an aggressive argument to derail the discussion. I then dismiss that as immature behaviour, in polite terms, of course.

"It ain't working, Buddy! These fish are not biting on that bait!"

... and then I attempt to reframe the narrative, articulate the policy, the principle, the ethic in the context of all the evidence available, and bring it back on subject, and suggest the resolution of the matter.

And I ensure that I keep each expression as clear as I can, irrespective of the reaction.

It's never just the few who are writing, it's all those who also read, and observe the discourse.

Amongst the readers who read that will be some who are on the edge of understanding and who will learn from this. Others will find reassurance. Some will be enlightened.

That way I USE the troll to clarify the issue, in public, for the benefit of all. Call it performance art, call it a waste of time, call it what you will.

I do it without reacting to the insult, or being drained by it.

I learned the hard way, slowly.

I aspire to do it with an optimally functioning endocrine system, to do it with LOVE!

And it doesn't always work.

We must lead.

We have to lead.

We have to become the directors of Government, local and national, by doing both we become truly international. 

I call for The Resolution. 

Not a revolution, not a repetition of a cycle from a fixed point. A resolution of the problems that are resolvable, that are problems in human relationships, that are subject to choice, volition - these are all resolvable matters.

I pray for the healthy resolution of conflict, pollution, corruption, bullying. That is where I am headed. A healthy humane society. We have been there before and it was good. We have it in us.

And when I write the word 'we', I am thinking of many cultures, languages, accents, shades and this includes all the decent people, whatever our belief systems and experiences are, we are good people who can work across diversity to find the common humanity in all matters, and we must engage .... the genuine lovers of life must unite as a Governing force. It's a miracle that we still retain that immense humanity in the face of what we are born into, what we are presented with.

Let's use that miracle.

From the grassroots, from the bacterial populations within our guts that make our lives possible, from the deepest of our humanity, the bottom of what you might call my soul, as a biological species standing for itself.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Nurturing life is our primary biological directive. Austerity, Corbyn and Mhairi Black

Nurturing life is our primary biological directive.

However, the facts are that we are born into a Hierarchically Violent Power System that consistently disrupts this mandate. It suggest our mandate is to dominate, conquer and alter the living world to meet the needs of 'Civilisation', by which it means maintaining the distal social and material power over all.

Because the conditioning by the behaviour of Distal Power and the outcomes of that behaviour are ubiquitous, everywhere we turn we face the adverse outcomes, the chronic stress induced upon parenting, fathering and mothering,  is ever present.

The grooming of children and electorates by Power Institutions is constant. The threat of destitution and war ever present. No child left behind. No tribe left untouched.

Thus the recent media led discussions about the 'Tax on Tampons as a Luxury' did not bring up this: that women and men learn or are taught to hate menstruation, to relate to menstruation as something disgusting, a taboo subject. We are taught to dislike a key aspect of the way the human body functions, to distance from the embodied wisdom of our creative response ability in nurturing life itself.

That men and women internalise the 'rules' of the social and political systems into which we are born, in order to sit within them is obvious. And that reliance on external definitions of who we are and what is truly healthy is what generates an internal conflict,  which in turn leads to a subtle self loathing and an undermining of the natural emergent self.

From flags to parades, from statist identity to religion  the internalisation is obvious to me, and many of us. It happens easily as children assume the world they grow into is normality, naturally enough. If the social material constructs and the biological world are not congruent, then that can become a problem.

Nurturing life is our primary biological mandate.

Some people feel I go too far.

Obviously, I do not.

I see and understand what is called 'rape culture' aka misogyny as part of the same overall cultural power dynamic of hierarchy of resource and power that undermines natural parenting, fathering and mothering. I understand this as a dynamic that disrupts the evolved optimally  healthy child bonding attachment processes mandated by our very biology as the basis of long term psychological and physical health. 

I understand that any system that treats children as economic units to be conditioned, bodies to be trained and constrained for the work place to serve the economy, and that launches war as a policy enforcement tool is a toxic system.

I can defend my position with scientifically examined evidence, insight, compassion and clarity.... and I will every time.

Nurturing life is our primary biological directive.

I quote Nina Lopez here....

“women are still the poorer sex, doing two-thirds of the world’s work, including growing most of their families’ food. We remain the primary carers everywhere: for children and for sick, disabled and elderly people, within the family and outside, in war as in peace. In 90 per cent of UK families the primary carer is a woman. Seventy-nine per cent of austerity cuts have targeted women – that is, carers and those we care for. While the 1 per cent more than doubled their income in the last 10 years, and the arms trade has grown by 22 per cent, one billion children worldwide live in poverty, 3.7m in the UK and 176,565 surviving on food banks. Society cannot survive without caring, yet carers are undermined not supported.”

She is 100% correct. Nina devotes her time and energy into supporting women who have been abused, traumatised, harmed and maimed in seeking justice through the courts.

Nurturing life is our primary biological directive.

and Selma James, in an article the Guardian commissioned, yet did not publish.

"It is women who have been the target of every attack on the welfare state. It’s not news that jobs women have lost were often waged service and caring work, and that women as unwaged carers have been deprived of the services they need to do their job. What job? Why, reproducing the human race. How did that get sidelined? Austerity attacks carers first of all. In 90% of families the primary carer is a woman. Austerity is sexist. 

We have got used to measuring sexism by lack of female access to the commanding heights of the economy and politics, that is, by the very few women realising their personal ambition. Thus we may not recognise pervasive and even life-threatening sexism when it hits us.

Yvette Cooper, a contender for Labour’s leadership wants the party of labourers to prioritise women’s capability for ‘the top jobs’. As Secretary of State for Work and Pensions she brought in the Welfare Reform Act 2009 which abolished Income Support and extended Labour’s infamous Work Capability Assessment for sick and disabled people.

The money that recognised unwaged caring work, enabled single mothers to leave violent men, and allowed disabled people to live independent lives, is largely gone or under threat. No one knows how many disabled people have died as a result: the government refuses to publish the figures.

Women have been the prime targets of all three austerity parties since it is caring they’re attacking. Women are ‘workless’ according to Tony Blair and his ‘Babes’ unless we do what men are supposed to do, go out to work – not for the top jobs but the zero-hour contracts at the bottom."


"Jeremy Corbyn offers women 50 per cent of his shadow cabinet, but with anti-sexist policies, including not only free childcare but the ‘recognition and valuing’ of women’s unremunerated caring work. Women coming in on a rising popular tide, could build on that for the rest of us – we could call them to account on the basis of this programme.

We are told that if Corbyn wins, Labour won’t be electable. Anti-austerity not calls for independence won the SNP its 56 MPs.

The maiden speech of Mhairi Black made it clear that in following anti-austerity she did not leave Labour; Labour left her. It is a kind of political corruption that assumes that his popularity augurs badly for electability."

Nurturing life is our primary biological directive. 

And it depends utterly upon healthy, honest, nurturing relationships at all levels of our Society. Any abuse of power is an intentional act, a corruption of our relationships that will pollute and diminish our lives, our entire social system.

women are still the poorer sex, doing two-thirds of the world’s work, including growing most of their families’ food. We remain the primary carers everywhere: for children and for sick, disabled and elderly people, within the family and outside, in war as in peace. In 90 per cent of UK families the primary carer is a woman. Seventy-nine per cent of austerity cuts have targeted women – that is, carers and those we care for. While the 1 per cent more than doubled their income in the last 10 years, and the arms trade has grown by 22 per cent, one billion children worldwide live in poverty, 3.7m in the UK and 176,565 surviving on food banks. Society cannot survive without caring, yet carers are undermined not supported. - See more at:
women are still the poorer sex, doing two-thirds of the world’s work, including growing most of their families’ food. We remain the primary carers everywhere: for children and for sick, disabled and elderly people, within the family and outside, in war as in peace. In 90 per cent of UK families the primary carer is a woman. Seventy-nine per cent of austerity cuts have targeted women – that is, carers and those we care for. While the 1 per cent more than doubled their income in the last 10 years, and the arms trade has grown by 22 per cent, one billion children worldwide live in poverty, 3.7m in the UK and 176,565 surviving on food banks. Society cannot survive without caring, yet carers are undermined not supported. - See more at:
women are still the poorer sex, doing two-thirds of the world’s work, including growing most of their families’ food. We remain the primary carers everywhere: for children and for sick, disabled and elderly people, within the family and outside, in war as in peace. In 90 per cent of UK families the primary carer is a woman. Seventy-nine per cent of austerity cuts have targeted women – that is, carers and those we care for. While the 1 per cent more than doubled their income in the last 10 years, and the arms trade has grown by 22 per cent, one billion children worldwide live in poverty, 3.7m in the UK and 176,565 surviving on food banks. Society cannot survive without caring, yet carers are undermined not supported. - See more at:
women are still the poorer sex, doing two-thirds of the world’s work, including growing most of their families’ food. We remain the primary carers everywhere: for children and for sick, disabled and elderly people, within the family and outside, in war as in peace. In 90 per cent of UK families the primary carer is a woman. Seventy-nine per cent of austerity cuts have targeted women – that is, carers and those we care for. While the 1 per cent more than doubled their income in the last 10 years, and the arms trade has grown by 22 per cent, one billion children worldwide live in poverty, 3.7m in the UK and 176,565 surviving on food banks. Society cannot survive without caring, yet carers are undermined not supported. - See more at:
Do not "calm down, dear!"

This matter is way to central to our lives and the lives of our children's children, to whom we, the adult worlds, owes a profound and ultimately liberating, nourishing responsibility.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Remember, Remember the 5th and 11th of November.

Remember, remember the 5th of November, then Remembrance Sunday.

It ought to be grief, horror and outrage rather than Nationalism and Celebration of Sacrifice. Guy Fawkes was Terrorist, a Catholic Jihadist. Tony Blair is a Catholic Jihadist. Both liars and psychopaths.

Joe Glenton speaks of war from direct experience and reflection. Watch this and forget about my polemic. really.

 The theme of violence and the State's appropriation of 'our violence is a patriotic and civilising violence' and therefore moral, whereas the violence of 'our enemies' is always barbaric, primitive, dysfunctional and amoral.

What history tells us is that when a movement emerges within any population that seeks to strike parity between the State and the Grass roots of society, the poor, the vulnerable, the working for a living, the State introduces and escalates violence on all sides.

Northern Ireland, a different perspective.

In Northern Ireland, the Civil Rights movement was less a Catholic or Independence phenomenon than it was a civil rights awareness phenomenon that emerged as a direct result of the Civil Rights movements in the US, from African Americans to Women and Children's rights.... a matter of common decency and humane respect.

The State perceived this as a threat, rather than the healing it was offering.

The UK State infiltrated violent militia on all sides, and it's agents escalated the violence, and this put the matter of Civil Rights to one side, and allowed the UK State to alter the discourse, to make it about Irish Nationalism vs Unionism.... that was a strategic tactic.

It was already in practice in Yemen, in Korea and Vietnam, in the Philippines and many South American countries, in Africa and Australia and Canada, in Russia and China, across the Middle East.

Remember, remember.

So remember, remember the realities - that State violence, in the competing powers perspective, is the primary source of warfare, of trauma, of inter-generational psychological and emotional dysfunction and the preservation of mass poverty (war impoverishes all but the makers of the tools of war).

The Monarchy and the State (Established Power) as we know it is altering the climate of human relationships in the most adverse ways, and has been doing so for thousands of years - that 'competition' is psychopathic, is a pathology, an illness, a self inflicted disease state and they continually make great efforts to indoctrinate their home populations into accepting war as part and parcel of human nature. It's not. It's a cultural distortion, born of hierarchies of violence.

Spot the difference?

I'd like to see THAT climate change addressed as part of the issue of 'Climate Change'. - I think that success in the former would help the latter, whereas failure in the former ensures the latter will not be dealt with.

Remember, remember. Think, question, analyse, reflect and grow. Or not.


Heroes? The troops?

They would not call themselves heroes.

1. They are trained to be that way - to remain competent under fire, so they can better protect each other, and be willing and capable of killing the enemy. Iraq was not a matter of defence, it was a matter of offence.

2. Calling them heroic is part of how the conditioning, the acceptance of military violence is maintained. It masks the reality of applied organised violence. It papers over the reality of shredded limbs, displaced peoples, torture, rape, poison, mass destruction, industrialised killing, indoctrination and bullying, which is what war really is.

3. They never use the word themselves, and not out of humility - rather they know what violence is like, and that it is not heroic. Yes, there are times when courage is shown. Sometimes those who desert are the bravest.

Soldiers are human beings who have been conditioned, lied to, manipulated and placed in harms way. As soon as the violence starts, they have to take action. They have no choice if they wish to survive.

To truly support the troops, we do not need to wave flags as they depart, we need to prevent that departure and that entail breaking the spell The State/Established Power casts over the population, destroying the propaganda with logic, evidence, empathy, kindness and determination.

And that means honesty, truth, the evidence over opinion, ideology and spin.


For me, this is the issue : the matter of the prevention of the creation of yet more veterans. It matters more now than ever, in as much as the past few decades we have allowed the Government of the UK to initiate and escalate wars and violence across the Middle East.

Whilst preciously little effort was put into prevention, or conflict resolution.

The logic of Powers competing for Hegemony and access to 'resources' still dominates politics.

This is insane, it is pathological and as we see, lethal.

How can it stand?

The hypocrisy is rank, the stench of dying by violence is blanked out, and we are opiated, sedated and disempowered intentionally so that the supply of potential candidates for combat veteranship is maintained.

Wear a Poppy. And if you mean it, then act to stop your Government from using War as a policy enforcement tool. And stop private companies from making profits from war.


I don't celebrate Hallowe'en in such fashion as is current 'fashionable' : it is largely a post-Celtic Christianised bastardised version of much older shamanic practices, where the practice was to engage with and feel a part of and honour the ancestry, that long, long line of experience and living, a line of nurturing experience within which in the older egalitarian societies placed themselves in their present and looked to how they could nurture the futures ahead of them, as their ancestors did. To draw on that wisdom.

Fully conscious. Fully present. Fully mature.

The post-Celtic Christianised bastardised version revolves around the gargoyle, the fear of the dead, the fear of 'bad spirits' and bears no sense of one's responsibility to the future, nor does it carry forwards the example of the past as a role model.

It's shite, trite and painfully insulting to the ancestry and the future children....

The Celts were violent hierarchies, just as the Romans were, so the transition was all too easy an assimilation.

I have practiced the call to the ancestry, the call to the future, to place myself fully in the present, and have been practicing this for over 2 decades.

I am a bag of bacteria, an aboriginal humane being and I reject the culture of the bully in every aspect, and I embrace the culture of nurture because it is that culture that creates the very possibility of a life of great beauty without the need for 'additives' or luxuries, power or grandiose monuments.


This is another reason I experience deep distaste, a disgust with the various War Dead Remembrance Ceremonies of the 'good and the great', the pomp and circumstance, and the political abuse of people's genuine concern for the dead, the maimed, the refugees, the sufferings of war.

For all we claim, we have done nothing to undermine the Governments willingness to use War as a policy enforcement tool. Successive Governments have piled more dead upon dead, created yet more refugees, maimed and traumatised countless innocent, beautiful human souls and destroyed the shared resources of many varied and functional living communities, rendering them un-inhabitable.

They are disgusting, cruel hypocrites.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Peace, Poppies and Honesty,


There can be no peace, no equality without empathy. Empathy for the children, the mothers, the fathers, the civilians who are forced to flee for their lives.

Empathy for those children whose best option appears to them to be to enlist in a State Military or a street gang, or a terrorist militia....

And empathy as a means to understanding the mind of that kind of power that rules, the social conditioning of that power that rules rather than governs. That too.

What I mean is that we must develop an accurate, evidence based understanding of those who bully, who abuse their power and we must understand their psychology and their techniques

Know the mind of those who would call YOU an enemy of the State because you desire and aspire towards a State that nurtures peace, community, egalitarianism, justice and kindness.

The Poppy

The people who wear the Poppy and hold Power.... are not the same as the people who wear poppies to commemorate and remember those who died of State induced Violence, out of sadness and regret, but are similar to those who celebrate the 'victory' of War, the 'sacrifice' of millions of people, the 'freedom won' .... because they have been taught to think that the myth of being slaughtered 'for freedom' is heroic, that it was a freely entered into choice of those who were slaughtered.

It was not.

No civilian population ever chose war against other civilians. The majority of troops did not choose war. A majority were conscripts, in one way or another because it is always the leaders, the political power players who chose war. They chose but do not participate, do not venture near any danger, do not share the burden of blood, guts, tears.

We ordinary folk are and were subjected to intense social conditioning designed to serve the needs of Power above all else, and so we bought and are buying the lies, we fought and died, and we will will continue to do so, and it was and is all needless waste, 100% avoidable and it is all predatory abuse.

The troops followed orders that were and are insanely incompetent. The troops in Afghanistan followed orders that were insanely incompetent. There is ample evidence of this.

The Poppy as a symbol was first used to commemorate the lives lost, to accentuate the needlessness of such mass death by violence, to urge a move away from such massive slaughter of both troops and civilians.... but it has been co-opted.

Our political leaders are intent on grooming us, on manipulating information and situations so that they can pursue war as a policy tool. Bearing in mind that there is a massive industry that makes immense profits from that slaughter. A massive industry that funds many of our leading politicians, directly and indirectly.

They who are in power who wear the red poppy, who celebrate 'sacrifice', who lie and cheat and bully, are a danger to the grass roots of humanity.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

What I stand for, simply put.

What do I stand for? What is the closest to my whole being in all of this? I can answer that only for myself.

You, for your self.

This is what I stand for.

I stand for the politic of care. of empathy, of justice, of honesty, of human value, of love, of shared destiny, of shared habitat, of shared life. I stand for healthy human relationships where nurture and pleasure are the core experience.

WE need to Govern, with Corbyn and men and women like him overseeing how Government implements our evidence based, well researched and informed decision making, enacting our chosen policies with our taxation contributions..

The 'blowback' from trolling (which is what Cameron did to us all in his Tory Conference address) is the evidence, and it has to be clearly presented.

I try to keep it polite, evidence based and robustly clear as to where the harm is being caused and by whom.
I aspire to use the trolling, as a foil to publish the truth, to inform. assure and encourage those other readers, the silent ones, the many!

It's great practice for all sorts of key skills.

Identifying and deflecting triggering, for a start..

Which is a really good one to develop. 

Go Jedi on them, use their energy. ;-)

Human grace, honesty and justice. And Empathy.

Are these not the key markers of optimal human biological health?

It is therefore all about how we relate to one another, how we treat each other, from the individual level, to the collective.

There is a healthy, humane, biologically sound way to live in relationship to all others.... 

Human grace, honesty, empathy and justice. Nurture. These are the attributes of a genuine peace.

There is however, something obscuring that happy biological reality, and that is currently the dominant mode of relationships, something clearly disrupting the biological mandate, and that my friends is the mainstream power behaviour, on all sides, it is what we called in the 60s and 70s 'the straight world', a shituation where a violent hierarchical power system determines the context and material realities within which most peoples  life experience and relationships occur, and we quite clearly can see that this is clearly harmful, obviously dysfunctional and anti-democratic.

Violence, dishonesty, psychopathy, injustice and grooming. Might is right.

That's the simplest way to put this.

Apparently, for many people there is something quite disturbing with pointing that out, in such clear terminology, and then suggesting, cheerfully, that we must now  exercise our utmost effort to command an end to the harming, make safe and secure the harmed, likewise the most egregious offenders, justice is essential.

What is that all about?

End the behaviours that cause harm and move onto healthier social behavioural processes, that nurture and thus bring about the natural dynamic, a state of peace?

It could not be more simply put!

What’s not to like about it?

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe