Showing posts with label Alice Miller. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Alice Miller. Show all posts

Natural Children Victims of a Crime..

For as long as can be remembered and longer, The Church, State and 'Charities' have taken children in their 'care'...

And behind closed doors abuses that are as horrific as any committed by the Nazi's, the main Historical Scapegoat taught in Schools and mentioned often in the media as an aberration from the 'norm' were perpetrated upon those beautiful, vulnerable children by those who 'cared' for them.

These crimes were part Policy, part recycled abuse and were designed to 'mold', cripple or destroy those children - in every Country where indigenous peoples were forced off their lands these practices existed and exists to this very day.

The current reporting of the Vatican's crimes is but the tip of the iceberg...

And even today, 'damage limitation' exercises are under way, by all Institutions involved.

The spin, avoidance of responsibility and suppression comes not from shame, but from a desire to protect the status, wealth and power of these Institutions.

The wealth of Scientific Information that confirms the cyclical nature of abuse is routinely suppressed, ignored and co-opted by these Institutions - Ritalin prescribed to 'manage' children who refuse the yoke that was in the very recent past enforced by corporal 'punishment' is an example of current 'tactics' mediated against children and their parents, who for the most part are unwittingly enrolled in the conditioning processes that are very much in use; marketing, propaganda, spin, debt based lives and of course extreme violence is still utilised - Iraq, Afghanistan, Columbia and elsewhere - and the 'public' appear unable to respond.

The victims, the survivors are courageously telling their stories, and a few brave advocates are supporting them.

Some few are recognising the cycles of abuse in their own lives... and breaking them, so that no more abuse is visited upon others within their sphere of influence.

Here is a letter I wrote, that was published in the Irish Times November 2009, with typo errors included ... uneditted.

This is issue runs to the very heart of the State System and Society.

The future will be defined by whether or not these issues are faced up to and dealt with; punishment that is abusive will not help; incarceration of the perpetrators, the spin doctors, the official deniers is a must; full accountability, reparations and the widespread sharing of the information that can help the victims and active support for the victims is a must.

None of us can afford to turn our hearts from these facts....

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Manuals of Instruction : Black Pedagogy, Telling a Child What to Think

Cultures that are Hierarchies of Power are not the 'natural order'. They are entirely human creations, born out of trauma. Every child born into a culture of hierarchical power and violence suffers the slings and arrows of that creation. No child left behind. Some deal with more adversity than others.

Black Pedagogy or Poisonous Pedagogy : the process of instilling a social superego in the child, to construct a basic defence against natural drives in the child's psyche, to toughen the child for later life, and to instrumentalise the body parts and senses in favor of socially or culturally defined functions.

Gender roles are an example of culturally imposed behavioural dynamics. As are the roles of Ruler and Heir. As are the roles of Soldier, Accountant, Magistrate etc...

Tell the child what to think, use coercion to ensure compliance, and you then can control the adult for life. Even if the adult resists, that can be used too.

We know is that there is written evidence going back many thousands of years regarding concrete knowledge on the processes of imposing the adult worlds will upon the natural child. We have a long recorded history of discussions on how to 'tame' children, how to forge them into the 'ideal adult citizen'  or 'warrior' to the extent that it can be called a scientific approach, mediated intentionally by adults carried out in the name of Institutions such as Churches, Crowns, Rulers, Governance and Education.

"Give me the child until 7, and I will show you the man!" goes back as far as the Spartan culture, and further back than that...

The simplest way I can think of to describe the origins of such practice emerge from looking at the reality; that those who hold power wish always to pass that power over to those who will continue to exercise power over others in order to preserve that power indefinitely. 'My legacy, my Kingdom, my Empire'.

Those who hold power over others will want, of course, to KNOW that they can trust those to whom they pass that power to. They will want to know that the power they so assiduously built over their lifetime, and that which they may have inherited, will remain, it will expand and it will not dilute.

In order to do this, those who hold and exercise power over others have to be certain about the psychology of those to whom the power is passed..

That certainty is the certainty of the ‘trainer’ with regard to the ‘tamed’.

A thought exercise - Imagine

If you are the Leader, and have gained your power by abuse, inheritance or by guile you will want to teach your own children to follow suit; you know that they will have to be as manipulative, as well versed in human psychology, as willing to be coercive or brutal as you were in your rise to power and your maintenance of that power.

If you co-operate or compete with other rulers to retain power over large territories, this knowledge about educating the next rulers, and their servants and assuring they are psychologically attenuated to be brutal, to rule with a sense of entitlement, will be shared or stolen, and it will be applied.

 Any new learning or observation that adds to the toolkit will be recorded and added to the knowledge, and will become part of the custom, literature and behaviour that is black pedagogy.

Because power is coercive it always meets resistance, and those that are resistance always learns new ways to resist, so the rulers are forced to ever study the forms and manifestations of resistance and devise and test new methods to quell that resistance or at least neutralise it. The rulers can never relax their vigilance.

As pesticides to ‘pests’ and herbicides to ‘weeds’ ….

An example in modern times….

It is interesting that the use of Ritalin and other similar drugs correlates closely with the banning of corporal punishment of children in schools - it replaces violence as the extreme way of controlling those natural children who react against the impositions inherent in compulsion schooling. Exams and targets are the less extreme mechanism of control... less extreme in that they are designed to encourage acquiescence rather than compliance.

By saying that the children’s behaviour is ‘caused’ by some chemical imbalance, the locus of investigation and ‘blame’ is moved away from societal causes of distress or resistance.

Another element of this problem is that the parents will need to investigate their own adverse childhood experiences, their own mis-education and social conditioning as a necessary and separate task to the actuality of day to day parenting.

This is a personal task, and yet it deserves social support.

Healthy parenting demands we learn ways to avoid adverse power dynamics in the day to day parenting experience with ourselves and our own children so that we can 'get out of the child's way' of his or her natural development. Parents and children are biologically designed to grow together, each maturing the other..

That requires some basic understanding of the natural child, it is helped if the dynamics of controlling others to protect oneself from hidden wounds and the suppressed feelings is also understood.

The problem for parents is they have to accept what for most parents is most difficult - that they have been 'set up' by the ruling class of this society and are not to be blamed or shamed for any of this, but must yet face it.

The good news is that children who are allowed their natural development will help the parents by being a natural and actual source of experience and information that helps the parents recognise where they are blocking or controlling their children to ward off awareness of their own wounds... and then the parent can take time to reflect on their own experience and heal it by working through to their original natural child perspective

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Trauma, Society and the work we must do, all of us.

It is very important work to understand how this society, the one we (Europeans etc) have all been born into, industrial society, is built upon trauma, subtle as much as gross.

We all have two aspects to deal with in this : the personal (ones own story) and the trans personal (the institutions that are built by dysfunctional people to control other people - police, army, banks, education, prison.

Both aspects must be understood, and worked on. And especially in terms of the various movements and campaigns for change, if this work is not done, the those campaigns are de-facto limited to dealing merely with symptoms, and not root causes. This is the kind of dissent the system likes and tolerates because it does not threaten their position, merely asks them to be 'nicer'.... which they are adept at making it LOOK as if they are being 'nicer'....

Just to pass on some links for anyone who wants to follow their own research. - history of education set-up and back ground on those who made it so, and their ideas - dedicated to promoting awareness of the natural child, and how societal misunderstanding of the natural child affects us all - Alice Millers, whose main work, "The Roots of Violence in Child-rearing : for your own good" is one of the best on how society treats children, the history of written child rearing texts and societal compliance.. it's a translation from German so fairly challenging to read - more recent works such as "the drama of the gifted child" and "the body never lies" are a bit easier... but all are so worth the effort... - John Holt, author of "how children learn" and "how children fail" .... this and more on how children naturally learn ... inspired, and one of the best! - Sue Palmer, research on children's development, on how early schooling, TV, foods, media affects children's, plenty of research from neuro-science to support her observations...blows the use of 'genetics' as a source of distress out of the water - site for writer Oliver James, author of "Affluenza", details the psychological impacts observed in adults, which arise from early childhood, common in the industrialised world. Suggest parents of very young ought to be free of encumbrance to devote time to their children, funded by the state to avoid the depression and psychological distress common in industrialised society. Severe critic of profit/consumerism. Good research, blows the 'genetics' as a source of distress right out of the water... - David Smail,probably one of the best writers on 'Power Over Other's as trhe root cause of all human dysfunction. The way power is expressed is the problem, the rest is symptom. Great essay on Thatcher are the rise of the 'new age' healing business! Lots of his work is available on-line..

That's enough to get started.... all the best m8.

The following ideas around nature are my own, in that I originated the following concepts, independent of my reading : 'nature does not do stupidity', our 'cells are wild, so are we', 'nature works, so why are we so different', we 'project our concepts and ways onto the natural world, and cannot see nature the way nature experiences self, so we are lost in a country whose language we do not know - which is why industrialised society projects it's own power structures on to nature..."everything in in nature gets what it needs to thrive, bar being eaten"... "THRIVIVAL" ... "all living creatures have the innate learning ability to learn what they need to learn to master their being and to thrive in life"...

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Teachers, Stress, a good income and compliance!

I woke up this morning with thoughts about the pressures teacher friends of mine had been living with. These thoughts were stimulated by a recent BBC Panorama expose on 'care' for the elderly and infirm, which showed 'carers' as being untrained, under pressure and cutting corners whilst earning just above the minimum wage. I was enraged that they'd continue to work under such circumstances, when they daily witness the distress this causes to their 'clients'. I wondered how they could justify continuing that work in that way. They could of course lay the blame at the foot of the organisations they worked for, but that is simply not good enough.

In the same way, those policemen who assaulted the climate camp bear individual and collective responsibility for the harm they have caused. No-one can argue with that.

And then this report came out in the media today :

More teachers 'suffer breakdowns'

Teachers' mental health is increasingly being put at risk by the pressures heaped on them during school time, union leaders said.

Now given the stresses that teachers experience AND the stresses they observe in the children in their 'care', all they can do is ask for more money? How dumb, how emotionally blind are these people? Why don't they strike to change the system? Do they feel that the income (average £25 grand a year) is worth all that stress, to themselves and the children? How stupid is that? How dumb? Very.

With regard to dumbed down people, one must understand what one is dealing with.

John Taylor Gattos work "The Underground History of American Education" and "Weapons of Mass Instruction" detail the historical processes behind the imposition of enforced schooling (compulsory state education) as the essential tool for the dumbing down the people, so that the Banking and Industrial owners could direct society and craft a predictable mass of people. His work is illuminating. Gatto went to the Archives of the great foundations and their acolytes and unearthed such pearls as the following :

“The primary purpose for government is to be a vehicle for the rich to get their hands into our pockets” Buckminster Fuller in Grunch of Giants

“The purpose of the foundation was to use the power of money, not to raise the level of education…, as was widely believed at the time, but to influence the direction of that education… The object was to use the classroom to teach attitudes that encourage people to be passive and submissive to their rulers. The goal was – and is – to create citizens who were educated enough for productive work under supervision but not enough to question authority or seek to rise above their class. True education was to be restricted to the sons and daughters if the elite. For the rest, it would be better to produce skilled workers with no particular aspirations other than to enjoy life.” - G Edward Griffin in The Creature from Jekyll Island, on Rockefeller’s General Education Board, founded 1903

“In our dream, we have limitless resources, and the people yield themselves with perfect docility to our melding hands. The present educational conventions fade from our minds; and, unhampered by tradition, we work our own good upon a grateful and responsive rural folk.” - from 1st occasional paper of General Education Board, The Country School of Tomorrow

The City Academies, Blairs baby, the one that cried "Education, Education, Education" is the first stage in handing our children over to private corporate interests, free of democratic or local oversight. For example, AEON, the Pentagons largest buildings management/ facilities contractor is managing 9 of these City Academies in London.

On a deeper psychological and personal level Alice Millers work 'The Roots of Violence in Child Rearing Practices" traces the history of how the elites infected the people with their own child-rearing practices, which were designed to ensure that those children who 'inherited' POWER would wield it without remorse. In essence they needed to ensure a certain level of emotional blindness in their children to ensure they would be as brutal and venally corruptible as they themselves were.

Her work explains why in Nazi Germany many 'good people' complied with the system of brutality and lived in denial of the reality, in much the same way the people of the UK have done with regard to Kosovo, Afghanistan and Iraq.

And it explains how 'good people' become compliant partners with Government in the dumbing down of our children.

'nuff said!


Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Nazi Germany, Compliance, Families and War in the 21st Century.

Alice Millers work, "The roots of violence in child-rearing practices : for your own good" looked at this, and in particular, the Nazi Ideology and access to power, and came to the conclusion that most people are bullied by parents, by school, by religion, by commerce, by government ... and it ranges from subtle to intense and lethal.

It is the conditioned acceptance of such a psychologically dysfunctional status quo as 'normality', that each individual must take on, that is the source of such mass emotional blindness, as emerged in Nazi Germany, and which can be manipulated by those in power, by way of propaganda, schooling, laws and force.

a show concept promo

What pins it all together is the phrase "I am doing this for your own good!" uttered frequently by those who punish others .... and for the child who is frequently punished, by living through it and surviving, and then shutting down what is unresolved of it, this a survival tactic of the child. The child adopts that same justification/values as ‘good’ and internalises those values as their own. That
process is essentially how the system is set in place.

And it will remain so until the child/adult recognises it, and works through it, for themselves, in their own way..

Bush invaded Iraq and killed Iraqi civilians for 'their own good' - Blair bombed Kosovo’s for 'their own good' ... all of them say this, and then murder civilians (these days, 90% of war casualties are civilians..) ... and we let them get away with it. What has changed since Nazi Germany? Not much, really when I analyse it.

We comply. And that compliance is why the banks are getting away with robbing us blind. Now we each of us can sort ourselves out, by being ruthlessly honest, and at the same time we can work together to spread the word, to learn and to build grass roots resilience. WE CANNOT influence the fundamentals of Governance as they won't listen and will not voluntarily change... Sop we must change, we must break the cycle, because we can : and so we must build grass roots resilience, health and food and a sense of community being of vital importance.

This mission, should one chose to accept it will be lifelong. It may involve laughter and tears, joy and horror. It may be short or it might seem at times eternal. Luckily, nature has ensured that all one needs for one’s mission (essentially just being your true self) is either within you, or just within reach. Apart from those moments when you can’t see or grasp them…. that’s what ones senses are for… as well as for bliss, to which human senses, amongst others, are exquisitely attuned. Naturally!

Comparing Government and people to dysfunctional violent families works really well as a model that helps me, at any rate, to understand why people play power games, and how and why the system is being perpetuated by conditioning..... abusers, justifiers, abused, scapegoats, children who parent the parents, favourites, outcasts, power pyramids, suppression of the truth by all , even the victims, projections .... these are all political power characters as much family dynamics. They all have a tale to tell about their experience, and they all feel their place in the structure, identifying with it. That it is strong structure is obvious.

However the good news is that when the bulk of the family/society refuses to continue to play the abusers game, the abuser has to stop ….and this is true for all power relationships ….and power must then face the truth, or endure a breakdown, a collapse of the shielding justifications, if healing is ever to be a possibility …..

I see no logical reason, no incontrovertible data as to why this is not possible, and certainly none that would question the innate and natural desirability of such. This is how natural humans tick. This is no utopian an ideal.

Utopias usually arise out of Autopias. That is to say, an imperfect condition is ‘improved’ and the imperfect ‘instructed’ by those wise enough. Utopias arise out of mechanical applications of concepts, which is yet again, an exercise of POWER over others ……. Hence my word Autopias. Utopias tend to be perfected authoritarian human lawns.

The best hope for the abuser/power user is in their own hands, and responsibility for that must be left with them, and them alone.

That is why imprisonment has to be seen to be realistic and understood to be applied as a viable restraint, and not as a punishment, until such time as the potential for harm is reduced, by virtue of strong healthy communities, grass roots power and natural balance in the society as reflected in good relationships throughout society. In other words, that POWER to punish is never exercised, or even seen as a last resort.

By taking responsibility for what we allow in our communities, we ensure the safety of each other, and we can then safely absolve the power users of all but the crimes they have committed and the adult responsibility for facing their own dysfunction. And dealing with it. Or not.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Alice Miller, Pedagogy and Foreign Policy

Nice Video outlining the basics of Alice Millers understanding of how child rearing practices govern foreign policy.... I kid you not!

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Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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The Roots of Violence

Nice Video outlining the basics of Alice Millers understanding of how child rearing practices govern foreign policy.... I kid you not! Watch it and make the link yourself!

And here's a fantastic short article covering the same ground, in a warm and touching, yet logically sound way.

here's a part of it....

""Miller's argument, in The Truth Will Set You Free might be summarized as something like this:

1. Many adults manage their children with parenting and teaching methods which employ physical or emotional violence against the child.

2. Because of this violent treatment, the children grow up blind to the dangers of violent parenting, and out of touch with their true feelings and needs.

3. When these children grow to become teachers and parents, they will practice these same violent methods against their own children.

4. This cycle of "violence breeds more violence" can be broken, and abused adults can heal themselves and become nonviolent parents.

Miller begins by explaining, with many examples, how and why childhood reality is avoided "in six fields where we should expect precisely the opposite: medicine, psychotherapy, politics, the penal system, religion, and biography." ... Miller's next section, ‘How We Are Struck Emotionally Blind', offers an explanation for the remarkable and often-repeated story: "A father will beat his son and humiliate him with sarcastic remarks but not have any memory whatever of having been similarly humiliated by his own father.' ... In the third part of the book, Miller offers examples of courageous adults who have healed themselves despite long histories of parental abuse."

And another great video :

Short video outlining Alice Millers work and recent evidence to support it.

Pass this on!

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Change Values for Survival. Set a course for Thrivival.

Four words, to meet again in a future reality where Thrivival is the human cultural setting.

I have spent a good part of my life on the healing path, firstly to heal my own wounds, so that I may breath freely, relax deeply and enjoy my being. I am still on that path.

Secondly and perhaps more importantly, to ensure that I do not inflict the same wounds upon my own children. Breaking the cycles. And I sense it as an intergenerational thing, from one entire generation to the next. We are all in this together.

The hope is that they might too breathe more freely, relax into who they are more deeply and enjoy their being. That is, I think, the second best possible gift I could give them. Peace as an internal reality.

The best gift is a cleaner, safer environment within which they can live as nurtured and nurturing beings.

Much of that healing has been through attempting to take some kind of responsibility for my diet, my thought processes, my actions. Small actions within my own limited sphere of influence.

A bumpy path, with many ‘wrong’ turnings, yet 'something' in me keeps me to the path.

That 'something' I have come to sense as an element of our innate nature. The biological urge to heal, to recover balance, to thrive, to live in a default state of trust and well being.

In recent years I have also spent much time learning about the structures that caused my wounding, by looking at them, by understanding them from different angles and by taking the piss out of them.

A sense of humour is a great gift to receive, and a necessary tool - to laugh when things do not work is a useful way to defuse, de-escalate, self regulate one's emotions. I have also devoted time to looking practices  that are truly healthy and in that now common phrase, sustainable. Often looking for love in all the wrong places.

The opportunities for self deprecating humour are everywhere in my life.

One of the things I know for sure, is that consumerism, market economies, power exercised over people as an addiction and much else of what is taken a granted by industrialised cults is not sustainable. The industrial revolution started the process whereby most of us did not grow our own food, but worked for money, and generally a pittance at that, so that we could buy food, inserting a middleman in the chain between food and eater, whilst that middleman extracted wealth from us.

Ignorance is not not knowing, ignorance is ignoring what is

That middleman does not exist in nature, and there’s the core of the problem. The fact is that in nature all living entities, from the microscopic to the macroscopic, have a direct relationship to their food, their nourishment. And we are all dependents. Others efforts make our foods available.

As lungs to oxygen. Eyes to light. Nature functions in ways that enable all living entities have access to what they require to reach their full potential, and that in the process of reaching towards that potential, they also guarantee all other living entities the resources required for reaching full potential, notwithstanding ‘shit happens’ as in natural ‘disasters’ or being eaten…….shit is not waste, it is a resource, if treated in the correct and natural way.

Given the complexity and perfection of nature, the exquisite beauty and balance of the vast system that covers the surface of our planet, it does not make sense that this is a mechanical mindless process, but an intelligent one.

The seed must ‘know’ that it is to be the plant, and must know how to become that plant, or at the very least be able to learn how to become that plant. As must all living creatures.

The culture into which I was born is by design quite different, insofar that access to resources is controlled so as to alter the innate behaviour of those that are controlled, be they plant, animal or humane being.

That control necessitates the abuse that I experienced as a child. It necessitates the abuse of billions of animals which we ‘farm’ for food. It necessitates the enslaving or exploitation of plants in much the same way, insofar that the natural life path of plants is controlled, carrots are planted in lines, forests are destroyed etc etc..

The controller is the middleman, the interventionist in the process of life. In nature all is food, and thus food is generally speaking, abundant. Strangely enough though, obesity is not common place, nor is starvation, in natural systems. Neither is existential insecurity as we experience it.

In Danger of Falling Fruit.

 Permaculture seeks to replicate those systems in such a manner as to obviate the ‘clear the land and grow food in lines’ for profit way of doing things. Bill Mollison made a great video about permaculture forest gardening entitled “In Danger of Falling Fruit” …….. as opposed to the Danger of falling bombs, as espoused by our governments, as the way towards ‘freedom‘ and ‘democracy‘.

 As ever, old Bill expressed a profound and beautiful truth in pithy terms, with no wasted words. A beautiful human being who with David Holgrem, and others, has bequeathed us with an opportunity to get ourselves out of the mess we are in. Perhaps that was the only danger in the garden of Eden.

Would that it were the only danger facing us today!

 Alice Miller and Carl Rogers are two others whose observations ring true in a similar manner, with respect to how we treat children and how we treat each other. If, in my life, I could add to, or share those great gifts, even in the slightest way, then I would judge my life worth living, beyond the sheer joy of being alive, which as ever I regard as a great mystery, a profound gift for which I am ever grateful.

We can do this!

To subvert the systems of control, we need to not give them our compliance. If nobody enlists, there can be no war. If we grow our own food, we do not need the money nor do we need Tescos.

If we don’t watch television, we don’t need the BBC. If we sing our own songs, we don’t need Bono, nor do we need the Rolling Stones.

 If we are prepared to be visionaries, we would need no movies nor would we need scripture. If we think for ourselves, we will need no leaders. We are born, each and every one of us, with innate wisdom and a great learning ability. Our expressions would be the sharing of that which enriches us all. Open sourced.

 Change values for survival" Helen Caldicott says, and I would add, let's change our values and behaviour so that we move well beyond survival and stroll and stride and run and skip and hop with joy into Thrivival.

 kindest regards Corneilius Do what you love, it's your gift to universe
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My Muse, She Is Cross!

Last week I had a vision, a visual articulation of the core concepts I have been working through, in some detail, over the past year or so. These ideas have been part of my life since 1986, when  an elder sister gave me a book entitled "The Roots of Violence : For Your Own Good" written by Alice Miller.

Up to that point in my life I was quite unaware of what my traumatised 'upbringing' really meant.

Upon reading the book, I was reassured and encouraged by it's core thesis and even though I had barely the faintest glimmering of the work I was to undertake, the various paths I would follow, some frustratingly nebulous, some utterly pointless, some toxic, some fruitfully, through all parts of the process of reclaiming myself, of reuniting little Corneilius with his essence in such a manner as to allow the process of natural healthy maturation to occur, so that big Corneilius could really be.

A process that is still underway.

In this excellent book, Alice Miller demonstrates and articulates the painful yet undeniable truth, that children are exploited by adults for ideological, religious, commercial, psychological and emotional purposes and that there remains a societal taboo against facing this truth. The parents are constantly let off the hook, as are the governments, the corporations, the leaders. The victims must bear the trauma.

In this lies the basis for war, greed, insecurity and cruelty that is so prevalent in our adult 'civilised' world.

The wounded child becomes the wounding adult. It is that simple. And though it ranges from subtle to gross, from Hitlers monstrous acts facilitated by millions of complicit adults to nagging, clinging parents, and nagging, demanding children at the supermarket check-out, the effect of the totality of this spectrum is the pretty much the same at both ends.

Palestine, Afghanistan, Iraq, Poverty.

Celebrity, Consumerism, Corrupt Politicians, Profit.

They are one and the same.

And so it goes that we create the future in how we live with and treat our children.

My Muse in the vision is the Statue of Liberty, She is the Statue of Blind Justice, and She does not stand proud and haughty with a flaming torch and a book, nor does She hold a sword and scales, She is standing over the actions and behaviours of men and women alike, and with her hands on her hips, She is angry, She is assertive and aggressive, She is shouting :


Because SHE CARES for the children above all, she is the Children's Advocate, their Enlightened Witness and her fury is just, it is natural and it is healing.

She seeks to STOP THE HARM, to STOP THE HARM NOW! She seeks to forever break the cycle of abuse, of exploitation more than she seeks to punish.

That does not mean she will let the exploiter, the abuser off the hook. She is the enlightened witness.

Her unconditional love, her advocacy requires a full accounting and she demands remorse, and if remorse is not reached for, then she commands that the exploiter steps away from the child. Immediately.

"Stop!" She cries.

And what Humanity needs right now, what so many of our children, billions of children, need right now is a few hundred million women and a few hundred million men to be that muse, to be that advocate and enlightened witness, to be that fierce mother tiger and her stout, sturdy companion.

Women like Alice Miller, Helen Caldicott are my role models, my inspiration. Men like Carl Rogers, Paolo Friere are my role models, my inspiration. There are many more.

Some are my friends, who are this very day, working through their own childhood, whilst learning to listen to, and to nurture their own children. Many are of course unknown to me. Perhaps they are known to you. Perhaps you are one of them.

They exist, in their millions, across all societies. These are the heroes who will do more to assure a healthy, humane, sane and nurturing future for all children, for all of the time.