Showing posts with label climate change. Show all posts
Showing posts with label climate change. Show all posts

Carbon, Soil, Water, plants and biocides - Solutions.

Regenerative Agriculture is an umbrella term that covers a range of land nurture practices that can be utilised across the Earth to renew damaged soils, cease inputs of synthetic compounds, sequester carbon faster, for longer than any know method and genrerate clean, high nutrition foods and beautiful working lives stewarding the land for future great grandchildren to be nurtured by.

"Simply put, recent data from farming systems and pasture trials around the globe show that we could sequester more than 100% of current annual CO2 emissions with a switch to widely available and inexpensive organic management practices, which we term “regenerative organic agriculture.”

These practices work to maximize carbon fixation while minimizing the
loss of that carbon once returned to the soil, reversing the greenhouse effect."

source :

All the doom merchants - the end of Civilisation, etc., etc. - are computer model prediction algorithim junkies predictions and the Tech and Tax solutions are really about preserving the economic wealth of the existing hierarchy during any changes climate might bring.

So here, free of the seduction of electric cars, gathering plastic waste from the ocean floors, the simple day out joy of  planting trees everywhere in record numbers, the vision of de-fossiling energy towards nuclear and fusion, with beack up solar, wind and tidal systems, all the time more models of more items ever more digitally networked and the vat future consumer markets to be 'developed'....

Is the most simple and direct approach to adaptation to climate change..

Regenerative Agriculture is a system of farming principles and practices that increases biodiversity, enriches soils, improves watersheds, and enhances ecosystem services. Regenerative Agriculture aims to capture carbon in soil and aboveground biomass, reversing current global trends of atmospheric accumulation.

Permaculture, Agroforestry, Forest Gardens, Community Gardens, Orchards, Vineyards, Small Organic Farms, Organic Estates, biocide free streams, rivers, lakes and shores, across the rural landscape and in all urban areas..

and in addition I urge readers to explore Cradle to Cradle.
"In their 2002 book Cradle to Cradle: Remaking the Way We Make Things, architect William McDonough and chemist Michael Braungart presented an integration of design and science that provides enduring benefits for society from safe materials, water and energy in circular economies and eliminates the concept of waste.
The book put forward a design framework characterized by three principles derived from nature:
"Everything is a resource for something else. In nature, the “waste” of one system becomes food for another. Everything can be designed to be disassembled and safely returned to the soil as biological nutrients, or re-utilized as high quality materials for new products as technical nutrients without contamination."

In other words, we know biology has resolved all the problems already, and thus we need, as a culture, to stop poisoning the habitat, and understand that by tending to it's dynamics the habitat will naturally recover, and which we can do in very creative and productive ways, which will be totally sustainable.

Win Win situation - they only obstacle is the Corporate Phood Faction. And their banker friends.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Brian Cox, Celebrities, AGW and the basics of biology

I think we need a whole generation of people who do not know ANY celebrities. But who do understand the world they are dealing with and are energised to resolve and heal what needs to be resolved and healed.


Brian Cox.......?

Do I trust a personality celebrity whose sappy puerile music made his fortune by manipulating vulnerable young minds, and was readily used to usher in the wonders of Tony Blair et al?


Is he a well respected, peer reviewed physicist within the Science community, who has published lots of papers?


However, his area is esoteric, and probably of most use to the Military Industrial Complex, in areas of particle physics and weaponry. I have no idea who funds his research, or to what use it has been or can be put. So many known unknowns.

That said,  for me, and for my purposes, in the context related to the entire Climate Change discourse and all that accretes to that, he is a minor scientist, with a minor Phd. degree, and a slew of arcane papers in a specialist area that has little relevance to the very real problems we face, and is also a professional celebrity.

He is no Einstein, who was both scientist and philosopher and brutally, fearlessly honest. He is no Carl Rogers who altered the course of psychotherapy, for the better, way beyond the vision of either Freud or Jung. He is no Howard Zinn, he is not a Joseph Chilton Pearce. He is no Bill Mollison, nor is he a Masanobu Fukuoka.

And yet he feels he can use his rather large public profile, his celebrity status, to wade in to the 'climate change' discourse and bully those who challenge the mainstream narrative which he fully supports.


We 'respect' certain celebrities because we have fallen for their promo campaigns.

We know nothing of their real positions, attitudes, motivations or behaviour.

Its PR.


Jimmy Savile. Richard Branson. Barak Obama. The Enron boys. Milton Friedman. Ronald Reagan. Kanye West.

"I used to respect ....." (insert any celebrity) always means 'I bought the lie because that was easier than critical thinking...."

And we buy those lies every day.

And again, and again, and again, again, and again, and again, ad nauseam.


To rub salt into the wound, we constantly pay for the privilege of being bamboozled, groomed.

Where does their wealth come from?

It comes from us. We fund celebrity.

We have to admit that, and then forgive ourselves for being manipulated or bullied into submission through a deliberate and mediated faux peer pressure, engineered to make celebrity matter, as part of a psycho-social conditioning/indoctrination system..


So, let's go back to basics. Biology.

Biology does not do celebrity. That's a given.

Brian Cox is adamant about a scientific consensus on Anthropogenic Global Climate Change.

What consensus?

Human activity is altering the entire planets climate systems!


It would be more scientifically accurate to say certain kinds of human activity, (most of which are associated with Industrial Civilisation and are central to the maintenance of abusive Hierarchies of Power that rule vast swathes of Humanity) are causing massive damage to the habitat because those activities are not nurturing the habitat, and are in fact degrading biological systems and introducing a mountain of toxins that biology has yet to find a way to metabolise.

The dominant culture is thus imposing chronic stress on the biological  environment.

Chronic stress always leads towards degenerative disease states.

Which includes, as a possibility, climatic changes.....

That much is rather obvious.

That can be said to be a view that has consensus, even if it is not widely articulated.

Those that can see it, and the biological environment, both agree on it.

The CO2 story is one part of the whole.

Plastic bags and light bulbs are another part of the whole.

And certain centres of Power would rather we avoided a critical analysis of the whole.

They have too much to lose, apparently.

The IPCC has offered very little by way of a critical analysis of the behaviour, actions and outcomes of the mainstream social systems manufacturing processes, and the powers that depend upon the vast wealth those systems generate.

Some pertinent facts.

The most obvious appropriate response to climatic and environmental change is Permaculture.

Biology knows how to do this.

Biology knows how to do permaculture.

Biology is the master.

Biology uses 'the force'.

Biology has been doing this for a very, very long time indeed.

We humans have emerged from that work of Biology.

We can work with that if we choose. We can learn.

We also need to see a deep, deep change in the way industry and manufacturing operate - rather than imposed taxes to 'nudge' behaviour, or energy saving light bulbs, or wars for oil and other 'resources'.

That too has been explored.

It even has a catchy name: Cradle to Cradle.

Does Brian Cox speak about the wars, the bullying that defines Governments and Corporations? No!

Do these have an impact on environment and climate? Yes.

Does Brian Cox speak about permaculture? No!

Does Brian Cox speak about Cradle to Cradle?

Nope.... not a word.


And yet...

Biology has been responding to climatic change for billions of years.

It can respond really rapidly.

It KNOWS how to do this. It's worth repeating. I am repeating it.

Because it is so rarely mentioned. Biology KNOWS how to evolve within a dynamically changing environment, and knows how to do that whilst maintaining nurturant cyclical processes that feed more life.

The evidence is all around us, and some of us are eating that evidence, working with it.

Permaculture works with that knowledge base, by working with the plants, the animals, the bugs, the microbes, the CLIMATE, the soil.

However, it cannot be patented, nor can it be industrialised.

Permaculture requires intimate labour to be put into practice, it also requires autonomy, critical thinking, scientific observation and deliberate responsiveness in those who undertake it. It requires people who get to know their patch of land and the plants they are working with. Intimately. Locally. Specifically.

Massive employment opportunities. Huge. Really.

Cradle to Cradle design is a process approach that has the ability to ensure that every manufacturing process returns nutrients to the environment rather than 'waste' or toxins, and then builds fecundity into the habitat.

Does Brian Cox talk about these?

Do the IPCC talk about these?

No and no!


Well, I will leave that to your imagination and intuition to work out.

Let's call it getting back to basics.

And another thing...

Any system, any name. Capitalism, Fascism, Religionism, Patriarchy, Matriarchy, Democracy, whatever... 

The basic reality is that every large scale governing system devised over the past few thousand years has turned into psycho-social bullying that is fully institutionalized.

So I think we need sometimes to forget the name, look at the behaviour and outcomes, and call it what it is, if we are serious about dealing with things.

Putting it another way....

'Climate Change' as a direct result of human activity is not established fact, it is theoretical.

Yes, there is lots of data to suggest the theory, but it is nowhere near conclusive.

We know that the Sun, Moon, tectonics, etc are all massive influences and we do not know how much they contribute to the current situation.

The modelling capabilities of computers are nowhere near the reality of biology, tectonics, the Suns influence, etc...

Climate change is a constant. It has always changed.

What we DO KNOW is what I have laid out in more detail throughout my blog - the basic behaviour of this culture that is dominant is non-nurturant, it creates toxicity and degradation, and it is based on bullying.

What we need most of all is to deal with the bullying aspect of Power, political, corporate, criminal, ideological or religious - THAT is the core problem, the rest are all symptoms...

Treating the symptoms without addressing the root causes is futile. It maintains the problem.

It is the job of EVERYONE who is an adult to look after the Earth in the best interests of all future generations - compartmentalising aspects as the IPCC and the leading bully systems of power suggest is inept at best, callous disregard for the future at worst.

Putting it another way....

All the damage being done is symptomatic of a culture predicated on hierarchies of violence, coercion, concentration of power and a sense of entitlement amongst the powerful to mediate that degree of abuse to preserve their system, their position.

No matter what symptom we discuss, unless we honestly and fearlessly appraise the core issue - Power and abuse of Power - it will remain.

The psychological climate of the majority of human beings is dominated by the bully system.

That is nowhere near the biological optimal.

Our endocrine systems do not lie.


Let me make it clear.

Every adult has an inherent biological responsibility or response ability to care for the habitat so that our children inherit a healthy habitat within which they will live lives of optimal human biological health in all areas, barring volcanoes, tidal waves, storms, asteroids etc...

I do not see that anywhere in the CC discourse, as it stands at the moment, or anywhere else within Governance, Politics, Commerce or Religion as we know it.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Climate Change - what climate, whose climate, whose fear?

1. Biology responds to dynamic environmental changes by making precise changes to meet the dynamic changes to maintain the nutrient flow and balance. The old paradigm of random mutation is a lie, a piece of propaganda, designed to challenge an older lie, that of the supremacy of the Gods of the hierarchically violent societies.

2. We are biology at our base. Biology is fundamentally nurturant, it leads towards thriving communities of diverse organisms and living systems constantly modulating and responding to a dynamic environment.

Optimal Biological Health is a mandate for each individual, each species and the entire biome of Earth.

3. The Industrial Civilisation and all Hierarchies of Violence as social constructs are, by definition, an outright rejection of 1 and 2.

4. Fear is the worst driver of healthy change. Fear also drives Industrial Civilisation and Hierarchies of Violence. Likewise anger and hatred. They are in essence abuse systems that become Institutionalised. Bully systems.

5. The difference between a response and a reaction is key to how this genral issue is being framed in the public domain. A response looks at the situation, tries to understand as much as possible, and makes a choice and keeps an eye on what is happening, is prepared to meet new information and integrate it into the response.

A fear reaction tends to be knee-jerk, ideological and inadequate to the task of a fluid response.

6. Fear tends to urge people to look away, and seek a 'leader' to get them out of the shituation. Fear tends to suggest we are relatively powerless. Fear and 'leadership' are bed fellows in Violent Hierarchies.

7. A rational response would suggest various ways to maximise the changes, rather than trying to stop them. Which we cannot do. Climate has always, always changed over time.

8. Permaculture has all the design features to maximise the changing climate patterns, rapidly and accurately. It also contains indicators and practices that undermine concepts of hierarchical thinking and psychology. Permaculture is returning to biological optimal health. Fundamentals such a 'there is no waste' are meaningful.

9. The entire issue is directly linked to how we as individuals and small communities engage with governance and the administration of shared contributory resources - in essence the situation demands that we mature, that we devote time to the matters of governance and move away from careers, mortgage servicing, macro economics and become more connected again.It demands that we become more nurturant, we take personal and collective responsibility to ensure that nutrient cycles are maintained, for all life.

10. That is in effect a psychological and social climate change modality.... self governance is the oldest form of governance in the human species, it has been supplanted by Violent Hierarchies that tooled up to expand their reign.

11. The system of power itself, in evolutionary terms, is a vast human psycho-climate change, and we need to recognise that, we need to base ourselves in our fundamental biological 'nature' in order to respond more accurately and NO EXTANT GOVERNING OR ECONOMIC SYSTEM will volunteer for that.

12. They will manipulate and resist to the very end.


14. Don't worry, in 10,000 years it will be very different. We cannot kill the planet, we cannot destroy the life force of biology. We can only destroy our chances of healthy nurturant happy living. The planet is fine, the other species are fine, biology is fine.

15. The culture is the problem, not humanity. Gods are not the answer. This life is a glorious, full body, sensory jam, not a rehearsal.

16. With that in mind we are invited to stand up and confront and dismantle the systems of hierarchical violence with all the love and humour and robust physicality we can whilst remembering to love, party and laugh as often as we can, without dropping the ball.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Remember, Remember the 5th and 11th of November.

Remember, remember the 5th of November, then Remembrance Sunday.

It ought to be grief, horror and outrage rather than Nationalism and Celebration of Sacrifice. Guy Fawkes was Terrorist, a Catholic Jihadist. Tony Blair is a Catholic Jihadist. Both liars and psychopaths.

Joe Glenton speaks of war from direct experience and reflection. Watch this and forget about my polemic. really.

 The theme of violence and the State's appropriation of 'our violence is a patriotic and civilising violence' and therefore moral, whereas the violence of 'our enemies' is always barbaric, primitive, dysfunctional and amoral.

What history tells us is that when a movement emerges within any population that seeks to strike parity between the State and the Grass roots of society, the poor, the vulnerable, the working for a living, the State introduces and escalates violence on all sides.

Northern Ireland, a different perspective.

In Northern Ireland, the Civil Rights movement was less a Catholic or Independence phenomenon than it was a civil rights awareness phenomenon that emerged as a direct result of the Civil Rights movements in the US, from African Americans to Women and Children's rights.... a matter of common decency and humane respect.

The State perceived this as a threat, rather than the healing it was offering.

The UK State infiltrated violent militia on all sides, and it's agents escalated the violence, and this put the matter of Civil Rights to one side, and allowed the UK State to alter the discourse, to make it about Irish Nationalism vs Unionism.... that was a strategic tactic.

It was already in practice in Yemen, in Korea and Vietnam, in the Philippines and many South American countries, in Africa and Australia and Canada, in Russia and China, across the Middle East.

Remember, remember.

So remember, remember the realities - that State violence, in the competing powers perspective, is the primary source of warfare, of trauma, of inter-generational psychological and emotional dysfunction and the preservation of mass poverty (war impoverishes all but the makers of the tools of war).

The Monarchy and the State (Established Power) as we know it is altering the climate of human relationships in the most adverse ways, and has been doing so for thousands of years - that 'competition' is psychopathic, is a pathology, an illness, a self inflicted disease state and they continually make great efforts to indoctrinate their home populations into accepting war as part and parcel of human nature. It's not. It's a cultural distortion, born of hierarchies of violence.

Spot the difference?

I'd like to see THAT climate change addressed as part of the issue of 'Climate Change'. - I think that success in the former would help the latter, whereas failure in the former ensures the latter will not be dealt with.

Remember, remember. Think, question, analyse, reflect and grow. Or not.


Heroes? The troops?

They would not call themselves heroes.

1. They are trained to be that way - to remain competent under fire, so they can better protect each other, and be willing and capable of killing the enemy. Iraq was not a matter of defence, it was a matter of offence.

2. Calling them heroic is part of how the conditioning, the acceptance of military violence is maintained. It masks the reality of applied organised violence. It papers over the reality of shredded limbs, displaced peoples, torture, rape, poison, mass destruction, industrialised killing, indoctrination and bullying, which is what war really is.

3. They never use the word themselves, and not out of humility - rather they know what violence is like, and that it is not heroic. Yes, there are times when courage is shown. Sometimes those who desert are the bravest.

Soldiers are human beings who have been conditioned, lied to, manipulated and placed in harms way. As soon as the violence starts, they have to take action. They have no choice if they wish to survive.

To truly support the troops, we do not need to wave flags as they depart, we need to prevent that departure and that entail breaking the spell The State/Established Power casts over the population, destroying the propaganda with logic, evidence, empathy, kindness and determination.

And that means honesty, truth, the evidence over opinion, ideology and spin.


For me, this is the issue : the matter of the prevention of the creation of yet more veterans. It matters more now than ever, in as much as the past few decades we have allowed the Government of the UK to initiate and escalate wars and violence across the Middle East.

Whilst preciously little effort was put into prevention, or conflict resolution.

The logic of Powers competing for Hegemony and access to 'resources' still dominates politics.

This is insane, it is pathological and as we see, lethal.

How can it stand?

The hypocrisy is rank, the stench of dying by violence is blanked out, and we are opiated, sedated and disempowered intentionally so that the supply of potential candidates for combat veteranship is maintained.

Wear a Poppy. And if you mean it, then act to stop your Government from using War as a policy enforcement tool. And stop private companies from making profits from war.


I don't celebrate Hallowe'en in such fashion as is current 'fashionable' : it is largely a post-Celtic Christianised bastardised version of much older shamanic practices, where the practice was to engage with and feel a part of and honour the ancestry, that long, long line of experience and living, a line of nurturing experience within which in the older egalitarian societies placed themselves in their present and looked to how they could nurture the futures ahead of them, as their ancestors did. To draw on that wisdom.

Fully conscious. Fully present. Fully mature.

The post-Celtic Christianised bastardised version revolves around the gargoyle, the fear of the dead, the fear of 'bad spirits' and bears no sense of one's responsibility to the future, nor does it carry forwards the example of the past as a role model.

It's shite, trite and painfully insulting to the ancestry and the future children....

The Celts were violent hierarchies, just as the Romans were, so the transition was all too easy an assimilation.

I have practiced the call to the ancestry, the call to the future, to place myself fully in the present, and have been practicing this for over 2 decades.

I am a bag of bacteria, an aboriginal humane being and I reject the culture of the bully in every aspect, and I embrace the culture of nurture because it is that culture that creates the very possibility of a life of great beauty without the need for 'additives' or luxuries, power or grandiose monuments.


This is another reason I experience deep distaste, a disgust with the various War Dead Remembrance Ceremonies of the 'good and the great', the pomp and circumstance, and the political abuse of people's genuine concern for the dead, the maimed, the refugees, the sufferings of war.

For all we claim, we have done nothing to undermine the Governments willingness to use War as a policy enforcement tool. Successive Governments have piled more dead upon dead, created yet more refugees, maimed and traumatised countless innocent, beautiful human souls and destroyed the shared resources of many varied and functional living communities, rendering them un-inhabitable.

They are disgusting, cruel hypocrites.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Motherhood, Feminism and The GDP

Motherhood, Feminism and The GDP

Motherhood is at once reviled and lauded throughout this profoundly sick Society.

Reviled, in that it is deemed unworthy of a living wage, and all too frequently blamed for children’s problems, it is not a ‘career choice’ and is seen by many as an obstruction to their personal fulfilment.

Freud certainly did nothing to elevate motherhood beyond the slavery of Christianity and The Factory System. He blamed the mother, the son, the daughter and let the father run free.

Jung did not puncture this false imagery, merely embellished it.

The laudatory aspect is really a fig leaf for what I have just written.

Marylynn French, in The Womens Room, punctured the bubble of silent pain in the same way that Rachel Carson’s Silent Spring blew open the hubris and the pain of massive pesticide use… both writers were mothers….

And we owe so much to them for their courage and diligence in their work. We all owe motherhood more than we can even imagine, irrespective of our particular circumstances.

There have been many women who have fought, and thought, and written about the woman’s experience as an inferior in this Society…

And yet….

Mothers are praised when they bury their dead soldier husbands, sons and daughters, they are given a flag, a medal and a series of hollow pronouncements are uttered at the graveside and in vacuous political speeches all too familiar.

The mothers of Iraq were not featured in the News stories about the Iraq War. The cost they paid in dead and maimed children, in dismembered boys and girls, in hours of literally picking up the pieces, blood and bone, gut and sinew of their children was never mentioned. Instead they are reviled for wearing the Hajab or Burqa. You see this on the streets of the UK every day.

Mothers Day is an ‘occasion’, a marketing and propaganda tool. Once every 364 days or so.

Motherhood and it’s meaning is all but invisible. Cloaked by devices worthy of the Klingon Psychosis.

In Julius Ceasar, the Shakespeare play, Mark Anthony speaks  “I come to bury Caesar, not to praise him; The evil that men do lives after them, The good is oft interred with their bones, So let it be with Caesar”

And he continues to work his way into praising Ceasar, in an attempt to bury the evil, and exhume the good. Ceasar is The State. The Boss. The Bickus Dickus!

Yet looking at motherhood in realistic terms, with regard to the lived experience of mothering, Mark Anthony’s opening statement is a statement of fact – and the speech tops there – mothers are blamed for the damage society causes to them selves and their children. The good they do is pretty much unrewarded, in effect ignored. Interred.

Mothers Day is a feeble capstone in Memoriam. The flowers are for a living grave. Ask Mothers how they feel when the children have left the home and it is empty…

The failure of the mainstream Feminist Movements and of all of us, men included, are simply this :

The Feminists and the Blacks and the Irish and The Gays and all who struggled and fought for equal rights in an oppressive system, did so as single issue projects, out of self interest, yet not to change the system itself or to replace it with something more humane, more child friendly.

The Feminists fought to be seen as equals to single men in a career system, to break the so called glass ceiling, yet who amongst these fought for the right, nay the respect for the natural expectation to be seen as Mothers with equal rights to a solid income and an elevated status based on the work they do, the understanding and compassion the constantly exhibit in action, on a  day to day basis, under the circumstances they find themselves in.

Why did the Feminist Movement NOT fight tooth and nail for the mothers? Why is Green Peace NOT fighting for all the mothers of life?

Why is it that, even still, motherhood is not factored into any economics philosophy currently practiced? It is not measured in the GDP?

Why is it that motherhood, and parenting in general, is being put under extreme strain by consciously applied economic policies that coerce both parents to work to pay a debt to very rich people who make the money they 'loan' out of thin electronically charged air, but pocket the REAL CASH they are given plus interest?

Why is it that so few can actually SEE this?

Why do so few challenge this, and when they do, are derided from all sides?

Why is it that it is an unquestionable practice to tax a single earner in a household that is caring for children at the full rate of taxation?

Why is it that so few people can see the value in nurturing motherhood, an 18 year contract of 24/7 concern and care as being at the very core of our society?

Why is it that so few people understand empathically that the wilds of nature are our mother and father in every possible way, ad that they too are being subsumed to the needs of the economy?

Mothers are being fucked over in every possible way.

International Woman’s Day is coming soon, this very weekend.

Let’s make it a day to realign with Mothering as a fundamentally vital process of nurturing a society into being, into which one would happily, joyously  want to bring children who would enjoy their lives naturally untainted by the processes of conditioning, marketing, racism, fear, mistrust and greed that define our culture.

You want a revolution? Well try this for a start …

Pay the Mothers, you Mother Fuckers!

And perlease do not respond with whiny complaints regarding fatherhood - that is a distraction, a tactic to divide - because Motherhood and Fatherhood are one and the same, and it is merely myopic thinking to miss that point


The future human

from :

The human brain is the organ of our emotions, social relationships, moral values and cognitive/intellective development. The developing brain of the infant/ child is encoded or programmed either for depression or happiness; for peace or violence and for human equality or inequality. These are learned behaviours rooted in the biology of our early life experiences (Montagu, 1971).

The transformation of a violent culture to a peaceful culture begins with the transformation of the individual who, as an infant/child, is placed on a life path of acceptance rather than rejection; of joy and happiness rather than rejection and depression; of love rather than hate; of peace rather than violence. This transformation of the individual requires the building of a new cultural brain, one that embodies and expresses naturally peace, love and happiness. That brain can only be built with radical cultural change. Clearly, these changes are not possible without a restructuring of culture in ways that support and enable mothers to be nurturing mothers.

National legislation that interferes with mother-infant/child bonding must be replaced with legislation that supports nurturing parents and families.

The need for infant and early institutional child day care should be eliminated and public funds now utilised to support commercial infant/childcare enterprises should be used to support mothers and fathers directly, a policy whose proven effectiveness has been well established in Scandinavian countries.

Bowlby (1953), Cook (1996) and Belsky (2003) have warned the world of the dangers of institutionalised day care of infants/children and Montagu (1971) informed the world of the dangers of loss of mother love, lessons that have been ignored by the modern world.


This is the true cost of two parent working families, and is the hidden social engineering  intent, given the refusal of 100% of Governments and Health and Education Departments and other Institutions  to accept the implications of this research and respond accordingly.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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The Economics of Habitat and The Invisible Natural Child

Tony Juniper @ LSE

Last night I attended a lecture by Tony Juniper, a well known ecology activist, at LSE. It was titled 'Education for Sustainable Developement.

“This event will explore the role of universities in driving the sustainability agenda.

Tony Juniper is a campaigner, writer, and a senior associate with the Cambridge University Programme for Sustainability Leadership.

Professor Janet Hartley is Pro-director for teaching and learning at LSE.”

It was for me an informative occasion. I learned nothing new about the problems we face.

So what did I learn?

I learned that for far too many ‘educated’ and ‘concerned’ people the blindingly obvious is absolutely unseen, and more importantly not felt.. Even when it is pointed out in the starkest of terms….

Tony Juniper started out by saying we have to look to where we are going, what is next, what lies ahead and reviewed what had already happened, what ‘we’ had already achieved.

By way of mitigating the worst or at least some of the worst problems that have arisen.

By way of pressure groups helping to drive some Government Regulation.

Tony pointed out that ‘we’ had some successes in the past since Silent Spring.

‘We’ had banned DDT and a few other powerful pesticides, and changed the methods by which pesticides and herbicides were applied – from a wholesale drenching to a carefully modulated application. What he did not mention was that the use of GMOs and novel pesticides and herbicides, in smaller quantities is still the standard practice for the bulk of the US and US AID sponsored farming wherever it is delivered…

Tony pointed out ‘We’ had stopped the production and use of CFCs. Tony pointed out that these measures did not preclude the use of fridges, etc etc. that solutions were found, alternative chemicals produced to do the same job.

What he did not say was what effect those new chemicals will have in the long term. He didn’t even mention this novel concept. Because no-one knows in the long term. Not really. Probables, with caveats. We don’t even know if the Ozone hole will repair itself..

Industrial Chemistry is one giant! really, it is an experiment. and the only pertinent data-set produced thus far has more to do with this is how NOT to do things... than anything else...

Tony pointed out that ‘we’ had managed to deal with acid rain, a by product of massive coal burning, by installing technology to clean and sequester the carbon emitted from power stations..

What he did not say was that the burning of coal in massive quantities for manufacturing was exported to countries with less onerous regulatory systems. So that they too could develop. By making our consumer products using cheaper labour, garnering greater profits for the brand names.

Tony was saying that ‘we’ have had some successes, that Governments have been able to encourage these moves, and to regulate them…

Tony also made the point that this was not just a question of economics, but of justice, and referred briefly to the imbalance in wealth, and in use of the earths ‘resources’ between the West and the developing world… the figures are well known, though variable…

Tony’s brief lecture ran over the salient points regarding the environmental approach that sees nothing but ‘resources’ in nature… and is causing untold damage everywhere that approach is actively being pursued.

Tony made comparisons between what nature provides as ‘services’ that are not paid for, ‘externalities’ as they are known in the economics trade.

The ludicrous, yet to all economists, sound evaluation of what those ‘services’ provide in dollar comparison looked like this at the time of the comparison : the world economy valued at $18 Trillion, nature’s services valued at between $30 to  $50 Trillion, all in US dollars? As if US Dollars are somehow a standard against which nature can be assessed.

Nature traded as a commodity.

Is this comparison itself not indicative of the myopia of the ‘educated’ and ‘concerned’? I think so. I feel it. However Tony suggested that the work done to point this out was good work. It was done by an LSE alumni, I believe.. well of course!

In essence Tony was pointing out that Government regulation must increase, and must be focussed on all of the above and on Justice.

Finally Tony pointed out that ‘we’ need to see our selves as part of nature, that there needs to be a philosophical, social and psychological element to the changes ‘we’ need to make.

 And that more or less was his lecture. Question time.

I was sitting in the front. I was determined to put the cat amongst the pigeons. I had no intention of asking Tony a question. I had a statement of fact to make….

I introduced myself as Corneilius, who is writing a book about the harmful effects of telling children what to think with sanctions imposed on them for any reasonable dissent, and that I was pleased to hear Tony’s remarks concerning a change in philosophy, as surely this was the basis, the baseline, if you will.

I pointed out that imposing thought on a child with sanctions for non-compliance was damaging to the natural child in much the same way we are damaging the environment, and is a cultural phenomenon that lies at the very heart of Compulsory State Education.

I mentioned ‘tabula rasa’, the blank slate, the empty vessel mode of seeing children, a mode of perception (not observation, and certainly not scientific) that viewed education as the process of pouring information into these empty vessels. And how that was the scientific basis of Compulsory State Education….

I also mentioned that the use of Ritalin as a means to manage dissent  amongst children no longer subject to corporal punishment was an appalling indictment of the culture.  I ended by saying that we do indeed need to change our philosophy and listen to the natural child.

Tony understood what I was saying, and pointed out that for example, the state spends £140,000 a year incarceration children who had been failed by the system, and that within the Green Party, they are discussing this issue.

Then questions went on to other attendees…. Mostly asking Tony what we need to do…. The great man advises ….. and to be fair his advice centered on the change of heart, of philosophy that is needed more than the technicalities….

There was one question, to my right, quite late in the session, that referred to my statement, by stating the following, quite energetically, after someone had pointed out the homogenising effect of the predominant culture….

 ‘It’s all very well talking about listening to children, but the problems we are facing are immensely complex, and require complex solutions …. For example The Body Shop spent 10 years and more getting to know the individual farmers and producers of their range of raw materials and products, so that they could say they knew who their money was going to, how it was being used to support those communities. This was a complex operation. Now the body shop is taken over by L’Oreal, a huge international corporation, for whom such an operation is way to complex… so my question is this. How can we get these companies to undertake these very complex processes?”

Tony’s answer to this question eventually came to the point that basically it all starts from simplicity.  I would have cited bacteria and simplicity as the very basis of natural complexity…. And thrown in a few well known examples… but there wasn’t time for Tony to do that…

I think Tony Juniper is a good man. I think he understands the problem of conditioning. The chair of the LSE lecture is a committed , conscientious educator. As are all those who attended. WE are all well meaning. The good intent is clear. Based upon my observations,  in nature results indicate intention... and there is much research to suggest this a fair generalisation.

Tony let us know that he would be  standing as a Green Party Candidate in Cambridge. That came up in response to a question what on the prospects for the environment were if David Cameron were to be the next Prime Minister. (Jesus wept!) Politics is irrelevant in this debate.

These issues lie beyond politics. Post normal science is the technical term for the philosophy behind climate change science.... decide policy in extremis, use focussed science to find what you want to solve the problem......

I feel the discussion did not pick up on the meaning and import of the statement I made at the start of the Q&A, not in any real way. Because for the most part people cannot see it, feel it. Really? Actually they can...

And is that itself not the core problem?

By not listening to, and acting on the sensing of the natural child 'we' are setting the grounds for the very philosophies and mind-sets that are creating the problems, and it is a mirror of the way in which nature is treated as a commodity. An object to be used, to be trained and coerced to meet ‘our needs’?


As ever 'We' discuss the symptoms, 'we' ignore the cause and 'we' watch the patient die…..

Tragedy and Farce…. Oscar Wilde would have known what to say…

“I am so clever that I do not understand myself” or words to that effect…

note :

It is of course truthful to say that I have omitted 90% of what actually was said during this lecture…

There will be a podcast and transcripts of the lecture posted on the LSE site in the next few days - and I will be interested to see whether or not my take on this event is at all accurate.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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What Copenhagen Climate Talks Revealed...

"Scottish Environment Minister, Roseanna Cunningham, says that "in a democracy the politicians can only lead so much ahead of the electorate otherwise they'll not only get voted out, but the lot that replace them will be even more wary of such policies. To whinge on about the politics is a displacement activity, a process of projection and scapegoat, unless we, as the electorate, first put our house in order. "

I disagree here. Rosseanna Cunningham is being a clever little 'spinning' piggy; (droll pun!) here's why.

I know that societal conditioning has a lot to do with the play of events, and that societal conditioning is intentional, as it is an industrial process, seeking to craft or produce predictable 'graduates' for industry and consumers for 'markets.. Marketing is the same, and both follow on from indoctrination, a religious necessity for the permanence of a church system or bureaucracy.

That both politicians and public alike are subject to the conditioning is obvious. No child left behind. That one lot (seriously corrupt politicians, business leaders, religious power leaders and whistle blower activists) know more about the how and why that such conditioning exists, than do the majority, speaks to the success of the project; it remains hidden, a taboo subject. That sad truth, along with the continued concentration of vast wealth in the hands of the very few: its ultimate purpose! Maintaining the status quo - mirroring in perfect proportion the systems abject failures in environmental and social justice.

And it is these people, the rulers, the owners and the leaders, who are causing the most damage - they cannot blame an electorate because most of the time they make decisions without any powered input or consent from that electorate; they claim 'mandate' by virtue of the number of votes, and little else - and many attempts are made, time and time again to get them off the hook.... like that quote above which came from a Roseanna Cunningham... like Tony Blair 'hand on my heart, Guv, I only did what I thought best' ...George Bush 'God told me.... : They do it themselves... and they always blame others ...

The electorate can never have a real voice or exercise any real day to day and long term power as long as Party Whips, Private Funding, no 'none of the above' ballot slot, absence of any re-call procedure, are allowed to stand : ... because once in power, politicians time and time make laws most people later wished repealed...and thus the pretension to democracy is demonstrated as the lie it is, and for whose good reasons...?

The rulers and industrialists are the ones who today determine much of the situation: they made the laws: they instigated the policies: they build the factories, they start the wars, they allow the continued pollution even when we protest: that factual lived experience must be faced up to, and given that we know those who control won't change: they like their sense of power too much – petition, protest and activism is NOT WORKING AT ALL on those who hold power and that's what Copenhagen has shown.

That’s what Copenhagen reveals to those with eyes and hearts to see past their hope.
Power and corruption go hand in hand, and thrives because those who exercise power in the top down manner do so absolutely, and those who submit do so absolutely.

How we change from Adverse Power powering the situation of our lives to grass roots decision making powering our lives is partly our problem. It always was. Voting always was a distraction. Decision making power is the issue.

None of this is to say that we do not have a strong sense of responsibility, that we are not creative and intelligent as people and that we do not have the ability to respond appropriately to that responsibility. We do. Far more so that any current leadership dares acknowledge. The myth of leadership is just that. A  myth.

What matters is organisation. At grass roots, local action level. The cumulative effect of conscious behaviour at grass roots  has within it far more power for healthy change than any led system.

How we bring the existing systems under grass roots control is our problem. How we re-humanise and naturalise our societies is our problem. And we are the answer. Ourselves and our children. How they deal with it will be theirs, whatever happens...

And if we are even moderately successful in our own time, then our children will be the ones to carry on that process and perhaps their grandchildren will see the return of a culture of tool making human beings that is as varied, healthful and balanced as nature, as all life on Earth.... and improves the habitat for all life...

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Adverse Power and Conditioning Deniers!

1. We all know that the psychological and practical basis of this industrial society is toxic AND unsustainable. The problems are known, and have been for a long, long time. The solutions are also equally known...

2. People have been asking for autonomy, for the space to act as responsible people, for thousands of years on the basis that we are all PEOPLE, equal and peers in our times. Thus we must make decisions based upon open sourced well-informed consensual discourse, based at the grass roots. That this is not so is not because people are 'stupid' (sheeple - a term I dislike intensely - because no such entity exists, its a way of dehumanising others) - it is a dynamic of POWER over others.

3. NONE of the mainstream movements for change are doing ANYTHING to STOP the wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan and elsewhere. War is still an accepted FACT of Governance and an essential factor in the Economy....

4. Unless Industrial Society ditches war as a tool of policy, and to do that would mean it would have to end the psychology of Dominance, and the practice of Indoctrination, there is no way forwards....

5. So what ever side of 'the debate' we might choose to fall on, by 'falling' on either side, we are avoiding the core issues - and I sense the whole climate change debate is a cleverly orchestrated distraction, an attempt to transfer blame and responsibility to people rather than face the facts that the system itself is nasty, cruel and toxic. That it engenders dysfunction as a tool of power.

6. I know of no-one in my own community who has primary access to any data on the 'climate change', let alone the ability to 'interpret' such data. We are merely repeating what others have told us to repeat.... and we do it well, having been trained in that process for most of our childhoods.

7. I know of no-one in the IPCC or the UN or the WWF who speak of the ways in which distal POWER is exercised OVER others and of the consequences, in any meaningful, open and transparent way.

8. I say all those who subscribe to the 'debate' are, by entering into this limited debate, DENYING the very simple truth - that power exercised OVER people, most often against their wishes and true interests, is the core problem for Industrial Society/Civilisation..... ADVERSE POWER DENIERS!

The effects of Adverse Distal Power on the habitat, on peoples lives, which exist because there are those who exercise POWER over others, primarily to retain that power are being denied left, right and centre of all debate as to the true nature of Industrial Society as currently set up.

Industrial Society is based on 'theories' of human dominance presiding over nature, of exploiting nature and, of course, people (human resources) - and it is that psychology of dominance that is unquestioned, unexamined and in effect erased from debate that is the real issue.

That fundamental deceit is what pays media peoples bills. Advertising revenue. That fundamental deceit, a reactive knee-jerk assault on the very concept of honesty, transparency and accountability, in order preserve 'order', be it old world or new world, is the basis for all mainstream discourse. ... See More

It is the POWER and CONDITIONING DENIERS we ought to be examining. And to change that system of conditioning we must start first within ourselves, and work it outwards....

The alternative, of subsuming to the conditioning is already to horrible, too devastating, for far too many people, and for the habitat to be left unchallenged.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Climate Change Debunked : finally! Weather Proofing Debate!

A way of wasting time.

Arguments about Scientific Data, all of which can and is being interpreted, each according to her or his agenda, or simply reported as it is, tend to go round and round. And round and round. Yada. Yada. Yada.

However, from my perspective, how I see things, there's a few vital assumptions, and some foundational premises, that all involved in this riveting worldwide debate, concerning Climate Change, are not included in the data discussed. Ones that are assumed, (and incorrect - they are beliefs ) and ones that are ignored (and are correct - they are how  it is).

I'd like to share them with you. In a  kind of non-linear rambling sort of fashion.

Let's Get Real!

It's not merely the effect of CO2 emissions as a result of Industrial Society, and the potential consequences as an effect upon the environment : it 's the combined effect of all the changes Industrial Society has made to the environment, habitat, to the way things live and interact. - that is the real for me.

If there is a problem, that's a huge part of the problem.

The element of excessive release of CO2 that is altering the heat dynamics of our atmosphere lives within that context.

And that is something that human beings can change, if we really want to. If we cared enough to. I think the vast majority of ordinary people want to change this. Those who hold power, vast wealth and who control and dominate the extractive industries will not want to change much of it.. They will tinker at the edges at best. Deny the problem and exacerbate it at worst.

Let me look at it another way. If, for example there was an asteroid capable of hitting the Earth and creating a 200 year permanent winter, that would not be a problem of culture, rather a problem for humanity. That would be purely a natural catastrophic event, part of the processes of life. That's just life. It's not a problem. That creatures eat creatures is not a problem.  It's how natural life works.

Problems caused by cultures can be solved. Life is what it is.

For example it is demonstrably true that all in biology-nature the combined activity of all creatures improves the habitat for all creature and organisms. Everything eats, everything is eaten and the poop is always food for more life.

That include us humans, as one of trillions of natural inhabitants of earth. Yet, as a culture this does not happen The outputs of this culture are largely toxic. We are a biological anomaly. Unique, not in being human, but instead in being gross polluters. Truly unique. 

That's a problem. This culture - Industrialised Militarised Competing Powers Culture - is out of step with healthy biology and natural balance. 

By choice.

To compartmentalise the components of a whole, each as whole in and of themselves is one of the bottle necks in this discourse concerning climate change and societal change. I say this because the only reason we are discussing climate change is because it is being driven by a political and emotive agenda that demands 'changes' in our society. Those changes do not appear to include stopping war, stopping all toxic production, making profound changes to our 'extractive' processes so that they return nutrients to the environment at every stage. They do not appear to include re-establishing the fundamental of nature : each organism has a direct relationship to it's land base, food base and each organism improves the habitat for all life.

Furthermore the discussions around climate change appear to me to refuse to recognise that Industrial Society is extremely vulnerable due to it's inability to adapt to the way nature works. And that this arises from a  conditioned, and unfounded, fear of the wild. That is the true source of this cultural insecurity. Christianity and others promote this fear of the wild.


This, unfortunately, arises from hubris. The fallacies and ideas concerning mankind's Superiority, Manifest Destiny, Chosen Peoples, Higher 'Intelligence' etc., etc., are part of this delusion, one that is rooted in the God Delusion. "God made man in His Image." Merely a delusional belief.

As is the debate about 'climate change' and societal change that excludes war and the urge to power as a factor in this predicament we are in. They cannot be discussed separately. They are entwined.

The real predicament is merely that this Civilisation will not stand, will not survive, never mind thrive. It is not sustainable. The immense energy and power of nature to nurture is far, far greater than anything we can muster to destroy it. Co-operation and Improving the Habitat for all life is the way of Nature. Competition and Destroying the Habitat  for Profit is the way of Industrial Society. These processes are so not compatible.


Humility, and a willingness to put all the evidence, the data on the table, openly, honestly. and then we can talk about the appropriate changes to make to rebalance. The answers are all around us in Nature. We have to cease projecting what we think we know onto what is and see what is as it really is.

That data must by necessity include a fullest inventory, a telling of the cost to all life forms on Earth of the way of Industrial Society, a full accounting of the abuse we have meted, and continue to mete out to each other.

It must include a full accounting of the toxicity we have introduced, to oceans, rivers, lakes, streams, aquifers, forests, plains, swamps, bogs, and all their inhabitants and of course our own bodies.

That data must by necessity include a fullest inventory, a telling of the known natural world, her processes and inter-relationships, (her because I see Earth as my Mother) from the microbial to the continental, drawing on all traditions that have observed nature for very long periods of times, across several tens of generations, as much as our best scientific examinations. 

The data must show a full account of the vested interests that hold Industrial Civilisation in such a deathly grip of denial.

It must show the methods and extent to which power is bent against life, on behalf of those who dominate. It must show a full audit of the amassed wealth on one hand and the resultant poverty on the other and  that 'balance' be compared to the potential abundance that Earth may bestow in her healthiest state, for all life.

Abundance is when poverty is unknown, nor can hoarded wealth or ring-fenced 'resources' or denying nutrients be countenanced.

The data must include the sensing's, the dreams and observations of our children, our youth, and our elders as much as the admonitions of activists, politicians, pastors and so-called teachers.

These are the data to place the Climate Change discussions in it's true context. These and more.....

As ever it's never the weather, is it? It's the clothes we wear.

And we, as members of Industrial Society,  as Consumers (Consumer Rights?) are daily conditioned to wear the culture of abuse oh so comfortably, so comfortably in fact that sometimes we can't even see it.

The casually dropped piece of litter, a piece of plastic that will outlive thousands of generations, causing harm in the long, long, long term.

And Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk want to build colonies as their solution to this problem?

Utterly stupid.


Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Thugs vs Warriors

Thugs and Warriors

Warriors prevent violence, firstly by their firm presence, secondly by their focused applied might… should the genuine need arise.

Thugs act as a threat, and carry out violence as a form of ‘insurance’ for their employers and because they enjoy the power. Some like the blood.

Do our soldiers stand AROUND communities to protect them, or do they STAND AWAY, threatening violence subject to conformity with their leaders wishes?

I assume that a large percentage believe themselves to be warriors. How could it be otherwise? I know that those who send soldiers into war, especially the political leaders, understand that 'their' troops are employed as thugs. One has only to look at the results of such leadership and the ‘reasonings’ that they proffer for knowingly sending troops into harms way. And worse, those leaders know full well that it will be civilians, women and children who will bear the brunt of any fighting.


While so many people get worked up about 'climate change' and GET VAST MAINSTREAM MEDIA ATTENTION : (The Age Of Stupid, An Inconvenient Truth) and concurrenlty the war crimes being committed in Iraq, Afghanistan, Congo et al are pretty much unexplored by that mainstream media, are 'reported' without any real depth or analysis, I am left wondering WHY?

Who benefits from this?

How can anyone honestly expect success in the realm of 'climate change' without also addressing directly the huge investment in War that is at the core of our societies?

The fact is that we cannot change the weather, we must live with it - and that is an adaptive process. We know that climate variations are the norm for Earth - and we know that the processes we are engaged in do not, as nature does, return nutrients to the system, so that they are then ready for use by other life forms, the ones we co-habit with, the ones we are dependent upon for everything from oxygen to clean water, once we have utilised the 'strategic raw materials' and that this is the biggest single identifiable causative factor in environmental degradation. The robbery of materials from those that need them.

This and War are not being addressed by the mainstream. The solutions proposed tend towards regulation and the monetising of pollution, so that the rich can afford to pollute, the poor pay with their lives. And The War Against Terror is also seen by those in power as a ‘solution’? And large numbers of intelligent media types buy this?

The 'stupidity' is deep indeed!

It’s roots are to be found in suppressed trauma.

Suppressed trauma.

Unless one has been through the process of working ones issues when one has been harmed or abused or humiliated as a child, it's very difficult to understand why so many people seem to appear to not take responsibility for themselves ..... to explore one's pain, and identify it's source takes courage and requires great honesty and energy. With all the pressures of living in a dysfunctional society that normalises dysfunction, it is hardly surprising that few take that hard road.

One must not be too harsh on people ... and at the same time we must seek to awaken the awareness of the effects of suppressed trauma ... though that is not to say to treat lightly those who abuse, especially when the abuse is obviously causing distress....and is visible, even if ignored or justified, by the abuser.

Those who as children experience abuse tend to suppress the memories (sometimes) and feelings (nearly always) associated with that abuse in order to survive psychically ...they most often have no-one to turn to after the events....supression is a survival tactic.... thus the pain, fear and anger remain within, buried deep within. Science now supports the concept that memories are stored not just in the brain, they are stored all over our bodies and that those stored and suppressed negative memories have severe consequences for those whose bodies hold such secrets.

There are so many societal sanctions against those who open up these wounds and who seek honest resolution, (which is less about punishment than it is about healing and remorse) not to mention the dynamics within families that 'cover up' and carry on...... a facade that is endemic in our society - the mainstream media being a concrete example of this being institutionalised and normalised.... state scerets indeed!

And to open up old wounds is often terrifying for the wounded, for there's a strong sense that the opening will cause serious trouble, break families apart etc etc.... so much resistance to the most painful truths of our lives.

This is 'struggling with your demons'.....

Thus most people have to suppress the feelings associated with trauma and just get on with it..... for who will listen to their stories, who will hold them while they cry, who will hear their anger and be there for them as they work through what they must if they are to live full, open and joyous lives, not to mention bringing about fundamental changes to our society in favour of healthy living for all life.

These wounds exist, the pain exists, they do not vanish, and these hidden wounds and pains are often triggered by current non-threatening yet irritable events in peoples live eliciting often extreme over-reactions and adverse control behaviours that cause further problems for all concerned.

Suppressed Trauma as a Policy Tool.

And worst of all, Governments and Religious Hierarchies understand this and use it in a quite calculated way to divide people, to create ’demons’ for people to dump their anger onto, to hire armies and deploy them and to distract people from the abusive nature of our society. .... eg : the near constant hysteria about paedophiles in the media, whilst almost complete silence about the deaths of over 340,000 children in Iraq ... and of course elsewhere... can you now see who benefits? Do not the weapons manufacturers, the jet makers and all the suppliers of war benefit? Do not the elite wealthy families and communities benefit? In their understanding they do indeed benefit.

While I of course undertsand peoples justifiable anger, I find it horrifying to hear people say 'paedo’s should hung, castrated etc etc' and at the same time those people will happily ignore The War in raq, where over 360,000 children have been murdered, and many more maimed for life (not to mention the 500,000 childrens lives lost during the 1990s as a result of the embargo and bombing campaign carried out by UK and US Air Forces, lives which Madelaine Allbright claimed were worth the price'..) - those people must be deeply conditioned to NOT REALLY THINK, to not really feel, to take emotional blindness as normal and that is very dangerous for us all, for our society. The unthinking cruelty of such statements is standard fare in the Mainstream Media.

The cruelty of those who cannot or will not think, who were the descendants of traumatised people themselves, was all too apparent in Rwanda, Germany in the 1930s and 40s, and indeed is blatantly obvious and can be read every day in 'newspapers' such as The Sun (UK) and others like it, and somewhat more modulated in the more 'intelligent' (?) press, yet present nonetheless.

Until we face the trauma, and release the pain, as individuals and as a collective, our society will create more and more thugs to thwart and crush the few remaining warriors amongst us. Those who ignore their inner pain are often those who cause the most pain.

That history repeats itself is a well worn and threadbare trusim, one that slips off the tongue far too easily, and mostly, unexamined. That is a serious flaw that must be addressed by all those who seek to help.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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