Showing posts with label bullying. Show all posts
Showing posts with label bullying. Show all posts

Party Whip. What is that? Why is it even a thing?

Democracy - we so need to abolish the role of the Party Whip, and dis-establish the Party Whips Office in Parliament - it is 100% anti-democratic.

No argument. Completely Ant-Democratic, in spirit and in action. Amoral Pragmatism.

The Party Whips Office is an official body within Parliament, and is a body charted to enforce 'The Party Line' in the most vague terms, allowing for unregulated, secret coercive behaviour (alluded to, yet never subject to oversight, let alone exposure by formal disclosure) which will quite often be in opposition to the will and intent of the whole of the constituency the MP represents but more fundamentally, in opposition to the very notion of Democracy itself, 

Because the MP is representing the entire constituency, not merely those who voted for that MP.

The MP represents groups of people who live together, and who do not agree, ot who see things differently, from different experiences, etc...

The MP is a bridge, - between the people, as they are,  and the law making Parliament, as it is, and that role is acclaimed by all, world wide.

That said, an honest, democratic MP cannot serve both the full constituency, and the Party, unless
they are somehow aligned..  and if they are not, then why are they not talking about it in ways to resolve what business lies before them?

She knows this. She's suggested this. Who?


Never, ever, ever, ever mentioned in the straight-world media or school historical texts, no BBC Documentary will reveal this,... no one is allowed to even think about, let alone question that 'tradition' in the 'mother of all parliaments' (a whopper, a Big Mac of a Lie - it is not the first of it's kind, anywhere).....

The Emperor has No Clothes.
We Have No Functioning Democracy.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Take all the bullying out of Capitalism, what is left?

 When folks claim that Humanity is a harmful species I remember this ... bully any species, and dysfunctional behavioural dynamics will present.

Institutional Bullying is a culture, an experientially learned behaviour set, with a reactionary tendency to justify behaviour, rationalise harms caused in order to avoid accountability and thus maintain status.

If a bully builds a social structure, that process will Institutionalise the bullying.

Kings to parents. Same dynamic. Different scale.

Thus internalisation and projection form a large part of the behaviour.

The adult projects (religion, ideology, unresolved feelings) onto the child, the child internalises that experience to 'fit in'...because they have no other choice, because their bodies and behaviour is developing all the time.. learning through direct enviornmental experience, wordlessly.


Do not conflate Capitalism with Trade.

Capitalism is about the concentrated power of Capital, aka Wealth, as a political hegemony, as a Ruling Ideology. Communism was the same thing, just a different season.

Concentrated Power, as we know it, is a bully dynamic.


Here's a thought experiment - take all the bullying out of Capitalism, what is left?
The same question works with Islam, Christianity, Judaism, NeoLiberalism, Socialism, Communism...


There is no 'British People' as a thing, only as an abstract.

The 'British People' is a bunch of individuals and families who happen to be living in Britain.

Some people will have internalised Britishness. They will have internalised The Flag, the Monarchy, British History.

They THINK they are part of the thing that does not exist - 'The British People', because it is an abstract, a concept posing as an adjective, a noun..

There are no Irish, no Welsh, no Scots, no American 'People' as a thing.

Think about it.

The Soveriegn State is not some immutable, inevitable law unto itself, that can be imposed on those who just happen to live there - it is an out-dated mechanism of conquest.

When the ordinary tax payer who funds government directs policy, then we will have the beginnings of a State of sovereigns..

Taking back control: from the perspective of the UK must mean indicting Tony Blair and all others who enabled the Invasion of Iraq; likewise in the USA. Everything else is ceding control to the bullies.

If you do not understand this, then that is that.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Reality check, Tommy Robinson, Bullying as a societal dynamic

Why when people are bullying in a racist way, we call them racists, rather than bullies, and then spend hours arguing about race and not talking any sense about bullying, let alone doing anything effective to reduce either?

Why when people are bullying in a sexist way, we call them misgynists, rather than bullies, and then spend hours arguing about misogyny and not talking any sense about bullying, let alone doing anything effective to reduce either?

Why when people are bullying in a Statist way, we call them Leaders and Dictators, rather than bullies, and then spend hours arguing about State vs The Rest,  and not talking any sense about bullying, let alone doing anything effective to reduce either?

The obvious is being avoided.

This is of course understandable, almost natural in that deliberate social conditioning is a working strategic arm of those who seek to rule over others. People must be 'tamed', must be taught what to think and dissent is permnissable only so far as it does not threaten the status quo.

When people discuss the current Tommy Robinson story, they take sides, and talk about those sides, yet miss the opportunity to talk about child abuse and abuse of power as elements of a same social psychological and structural dynamic.

Going nowhere fast, in terms of protection, prevention and policing.

Games we play.

What games do we have that reflect healthy egalitarian bio-social behaviours? The way nature and biology works.

What games do we have the reflect hierarchical competing powers, and the values of such a system?

Bullying and The State.

Irelands youth have delcared their wisdom. They have repealed an ammendment of the Irish Constitution made in  1983 that criminalised Abortion. Whilst it was well known that child abuse within institutional care settiungs was widespread, common and harmful.

A wider view of the issues drew this as a reflection :

"If a) we lived in a truly egalitarian society where b) education on sexuality, relationships, parenting and power was evidence based, where sexuality was centered on pleasure, autonomy, intimacy, connection, equality and soul-meeting, be it casual or life long, and where b) religious or ideological indoctrination was banned because it's a psyche invasive process, then we'd be having a different conversation.

But we're not.

Because we are living in an immature, stressed, selfish, competitive society. A society built on Patriarchy and Violence. Sanctified by Religion run by cold, cynical men of power.

Conquest and Sexuality are mutually exclusive.

Put that in pipe, smoke it.

And yeah, it's the woman's choice. Hers alone.

Shared if she has community and family who understand, who will not judge her, who will care for her, whatever.

Catholics can assume the ban on Abortion themselves, as a personal spiritual committment.

They cannot assume any right to legislate to impose that belief on others, they can choose that it's something they'd apply to themselves -  if a Catholic woman falls pregnant, then she must follow her belief, but she cannot impose that on any ohter woman.

The right to abortion does not impose abortion on anyone.

And the Christians should still stand as Jesus would have, to support the woman, to nurture her.

Because that's what Jesus would have done. They call themselves Christians but ignore His words in favour of the old testament, which is closer to a manual on counter-insurgency that a spiritual text.

Basic common sense.

Religion has no claim to civil legislation, policy or governance because it is not evidence based.

Good for you, the Irish youth and progressive adults. Good for you.

The 21st Century will be yours to nurture."

The value of life, and it's meaning...

The value of each life is in the persons experience of a life of love, respect and nurture as a social species human person, and in how they nurture the world they inhabit.

What has no genuine value are instutionalised toxic mimes of 'growth', 'spirit' or 'community' co-opted to concentrate wealth and power. Zionism claims a spiritual, biblical root.

 Zionism is purely a political device, void of any genuine spirituality, let alone being of any use, to anyone.

That said, Fact: Israeli Government is  carrying out war crimes, and deliberately harming a vulnerable, trapped population of people it has displaced.

Fact: Hamas has waged guerilla terrorism against Israeli citizens and Israeli military. Hamas was funded by the Israeli State to rule Gaza and force a split between them and Fatah andf the PLO. Better gangsters and thugs Govern Gaza than ordinary folk on a civil and human rights tip.

Fact: The British State committed a War Crime, waging an invasion and occupation of Iraq.. Libya was a war crime, outsourced.

Fact: many states and militia are guilty. They all have their reasons. All their reasons are excuses.

People are being harmed, deliberately.

Who cares what the harmers justifications?

 They must stop harming people.

That's it.

It is that simple.

All the debates I observe across society do, is push that painful truth away.... the reasons for harm causation cited by various actors are complicated only because they are untruthful, they do not admit all the evidence.

Before peace, stop violence. Before talks, stop violence.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Theresa May, Gaslighting: we gotta talk about manipulative behaviours.

Name the behaviour.

Theresa May responding to Jeremy Corbyn, in Parliament, on our taxes...

She rejects his point, she lies about the situation, then she gaslights Corbyn (and the opposition, and indeed the entire country) which is to say she switches from the direct question, disguises it with lies, and then blames the other for the problem...

And nobody comments, nobody stops her, nobody points out the lies,no says you are avoiding the question, no one points out the gas-lighting, the tactic of not only not answering the question directly, but of also implying the questioner is in the wrong!

This tactic is anti-democratic because it is abusive in intent. It is bullying, no less.

It is disruptive to good governance.

Parliament and the media alike must be challenged about these tactics...

We need to talk more about this kind of dynamic in public affairs....

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Bullying. Political Callousness, it's just bullying. Stop it!

Rather clear blog piece by the wonderful Sue Jones, on the realities of Universal Credit, Nudge (bullying people into 'good behaviour'), The DWP, and in generakl, looking at Institutionalised Bullying as a core component of the UK Government, collaborating with mass media, and active on a massive scale.

We really do need writers and people to understand the way bullying functions within our syste,m, what it's effects are, and how to counter it, with being drawn into the adversarial combat ring, the colleseum of public discourse.

Bullying is a political behaviour, and rationalising bullying is a daily academic exercise of the system.

Here are two key paragraphs from Sue's piece.

"The introduction of Universal Credit was aimed at ‘incentivising’ people into work and to work longer hours, by ensuring that for those needing to claim welfare support, the experience was as uncomfortable as possible. Under the Conservatives, social security has been transformed into a system that meters out discipline, coercing citizens into compliance with state-defined economic outcomes, rather than serving as a national insurance-funded provision to meet people’s basic necessities, should they need it – which was the original intention behind the welfare state.

The introduction of ordeals and harsh conditionality in the process of welfare administration was designed to ensure that no-one felt secure or ‘entitled’ to claim support. The Conservatives believe provision for meeting people’s basic survival needs when they experience financial disadvantage somehow produces ‘perverse incentives’ that make being out of work a more favourable option than looking for work. "


"much research – both historic and recent – has indicated that unless people are secure in being able to meet their basic needs – such as covering the cost for fundamental necessities such as food, fuel and shelter – then it is highly unlikely they will be able to fulfil higher level psychosocial needs, including looking for work. In short, absolute poverty limits human potential. It’s therefore simply not possible to punish people out of being poor. The problem of poverty is structural and material, it doesn’t arise because of some kind of moral, character or behavioural deficit on the part of poor people. "

"The introduction of ordeals and harsh conditionality in the process of welfare administration was designed to ensure that no-one felt secure or ‘entitled’ to claim support. The Conservatives believe provision for meeting people’s basic survival needs when they experience financial disadvantage somehow produces ‘perverse incentives’ that make being out of work a more favourable option than looking for work. "

An utterly clear and simple exposure of the bullying perpetrated by those who hold Power over Governance and Economics. They ignore the evidence. They set it up to intimidate people back into work. They set it up to kick away the support systems. They set it up to be privatised social welfare. It harms ordinary people, and they just do not care a fig.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Violence Labelling. An avoidance tactic.

I wrote this for a friend, who was articulating her sadness, her 'sombre mood' and I realise I wrote it for me, and for you too.
"Your feeling this way is part of your for humanity, and your feeling is healthy......

Stand as that health where ever you are.

Vulnerability is part of who we are at our very best, sensitive, aware. honest.... from these all kindnesses come.

And when these human qualities are trampled by insensitive government, by media and by any others dedicated to diminishing awareness and veiling blatant corruption, it is such a bigness of it that we can feel a little lost. However, that comparison, for me at least, is inaccurate, because I know we are all backed up by biology, the logic of life, the bio-logic.

Life stands with us, as we stand with Life. The system is tiny by comparison,and we are even tinier that the system. The system is a disease state that has become institutionalised, and this is a healing planet.

The biological mandate for healthy human beings does not include making war, bullying, domination..... these are all disease states emerging from hierarchical institutional violence. On a healing planet.

You are healthy.

We are healers.

That's another reason to write and speak and sing into the world we share.".

That said, I'd like to share some thoughts arising from the media led 'debate' about whether or not the van attack at the Finsbury Mosque was terrorism, and what place, ranking has White Nationalist Islamophobic Terrorism has, and so on... roll on the 24/7 word fest, a pompous parade of people who they believe they are thinking, but are not.

Here's my thinking, laid out.

Violence Labelling.

Islamic Terrorism.


British Nationalist Terrorism (IDA, UVF etc..)


Domestic Abuse.





Remove the adjectives.

Take away the labels.

What is in the can?


War is violence.

Terrorism is violence.

Armed Rebellion is violence.

Insurgency is violence.

Counter-Insurgency is violence.

Rape is violence.

Bullying is violence.

Indoctrination is violence.

Usury is violence.

Debt is violence.

Psychological manipulation is violence.

Withholding shared resources is violence.

Hoarding wealth is violence.

Telling children WHAT to think, using a reward punishment dynamic is violence.

Cladding a high rise social housing building in flammable material for the aesthetic of the rich is violence.

The issue is violence.

Not merely whose violence.

“Our wars are good wars, their war is terrorism, and therefore it is bad.”

No. Not having that.

All violence.

Violence. Power. Bullying. Manipulation.

All that violence that is fully staffed, professionalised and industrialised.

One cannot talk sensibly about terrorism without examining all the evidence in detail.

Looking at all the evidence, we can say that making policy based on opinions in this area is either intentional or unintentional and therefore nastily dangerous or psychologically unstable, or both.

When States commit to war – the intent is real, emerges from a source and has  a plan and it’s run by people whose unconscious motivations are driven by disease, rather than a healthy intelligence.

To maintain the delusion of ‘Freedom and Democracy’ they avoid aspects of the available evidence, most of which exists in the lived domain of ordinary people’s lives at the bottom of the heap and talk about abstracts such as ‘Freedom and Democracy’.

It’s all drivel.

So how to tackle it? 

Refuse to participate.

Look at the problem, dig into the detail.

Learn from ones own experience as part of that examination.

Were you ever bullied? What was that? What were the outcomes?   

On a scientific, evidential basis we can look at what generates and maintains the cycles of violence at each level: for example (any substantial or diagnostic list or network charting of  actors and influences would be much more detailed than the outlines I give here).

-    Individual : Damage in Utero, disrupted development, stress induced by not     being understood, adult controlling reactions to that stress

-    Family : Addiction, bullying, child abuse, domestic abuse, Hierarchy of Power

-       Community : Fear of the other, maintenance of a hierarchy, disruption by conquest,
-       Language group : Fear of the other, disruption by conquest
-       Religion : Fear of the other, fear of self, shame, guilt, sin.
-       Historical Trauma : Patterns of wounded behaviour become normalised
-       Criminals : Can only operate within a property owning culture. For example, by decriminalising weed, and granting folk the right to grow their own, and to consume it, but not to sell it removes the criminal income stream. Why would a Government not do that?
-       Institutions : Holding power, they defend themselves, even as they are hurting innocents.
-       States : War Capability, Corrupted Justice and Police Systems, Wealth control
-       Ideology : Belief, omitting evidence, indoctrination,
-       Environment : Lack of a healthy environment, chronic stress, unresolved trauma, street violence, neglect, divide between rich and poor,
-       Genetics : no evidence that violence is a genetic predisposition
-       Biology : no evidence that we, as a species, are naturally violent,
-       Internalisation : all evidence points towards internalisation of external values and beliefs, via indoctrination, manipulation and spin, has a huge association with the permission for violence.

… and we can try to see how they interact, what the dynamic flows are, how do these levels of action and interaction synergise and materialise.

Of course, this is just a short list, and the web is far more complex – yet the basic core is simple, and when it is disrupted, violence emerges.

What are the common themes?

Every outcome related to an event has meaning, is evidence.

All hidden outcomes are part of the product, from sourcing material to final product, use and it’s discarding.

Opinion might be a useful guide, at times, as to what might need some examination; the opinion itself, it is not evidence, and cannot take the place of evidence.

As the British public are slowly discovering with regards to Brexit, and Fire Safety for Social Housing.

Violence is the issue.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

Thank you for reading this blog. All we need to do is be really honest, responsive to the evidence we find,and ready to reassess when new evidence emerges. The rest is easy.

Opinion, Evidence and the Youth Vote

The Youth Vote:

Represents a shift from opinion to evidence as the basis for voting and political policy deliberation.

A reckoning is coming.

A day of reckoning too for all those older people who look down with condescension on young people,  claiming that the youth fell for the 'bribe of Free Tuition at University' by Jeremy Corbyn - when in fact the youth voted on many issues in a holistic manner....  and objected to being saddled with debt as a normative - debt to get further education, debt to get housing, debt to pay for bankers fraud and wars of aggression, debt due to low wages and insecure working arrangements that suit employers.

The youth also responded to the bullying by media of Jeremy Corbyn, of low income families, of the disabled and of those who seek peace and negotiation over wars of aggression. Children KNOW when they are being bullied, and we do have an older population who do not know when they are being bullied because they have adjusted to the psychology of bullying, goading, gaming and manipulation ...... that they still buy the media bias is proof enough of this statement.

Wrecked Economies!

And it occurred to me today that in terms of wrecking economies, the British, French and United States of America Establishments (New Labour, Tories, Lib Dems, Democrats, Republicans) wrecked the economies of Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria whilst claiming that people like Jeremy Corbyn would do the same to the UK economy.

"Make the economy scream!"

Richard Nixon on Chile before the coup that led to General Pinochet, friend of Thatcher, assuming power.

Who really wrecks economies, and for what purpose?

Governance is different to politics.

Politics is the struggle for power, the power to Rule.

Governance is the administration of a community's shared resource base for the equity of all members of that community.

We need to disable politics and enable healthy governance.

Civil War

To prepare for a civil war a division of opinion over the evidence must be in place and then triggered.

Opinions are personally held views that always omit aspects of the available evidence.

Thus when those views are challenged, the holder tends to react as if it was a personal attack on who that person is.

That is a psychological death threat to such a person.

Only then will a civil war take root.

The War in Northern Ireland is a prime example.

The Civil Rights protests were never about Unionism vs Republicanism.

Who benefited from the shift from civil rights (evidence based) to national identity (opinion based)?

Was the man who assassinated Jo Cox operating on opinion or evidence?

How easy is it to trigger someone who holds a personal opinion?

Are groups of people who hold opinion over the evidence more easily manipulated?

These are critically important questions.

Healthy Governance is not a gambling den, it is not a cash cow and it is not a tool of hierarchical control.

It is a matter of duty of care to the people.

All of the people, rich and poor alike.

Young or old, or middle aged.

Employed or not.

Duty of care to all. Everybody deserves this.

Duty of care cannot be a question of meritocracy (I detest that word and ideology).

Healthy Governance is the administration of a community's shared resources (taxation) for the equity of ALL members on that community. Our money,our communities.

Whose bombs are being dropped from British War Planes? Do they belong to Basildon, or Bexlyheath, or Glasgow? How many weapons does your post code sell to the Saudi Regime?

This is the 21st Century - the information age - and the old politics of the 19th Century of International Empires based on military capability backing commercial activity is out of date, out of touch, out of steam, out of ideas, out of inspiration, lacking in humanity and humility and doomed to the dust bin of human history.

A reckoning and healing is underway.

Opinion is being trumped not Trumped (excuse the pun) by evidence.
Corbyn is evidence over opinion.

New Labour was opinion over evidence.

The Conservatives are all opinion over evidence.

Brexit was all opinion over evidence.

Afghanistan, Iraq, Libya and Syria - opinion over evidence!

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Evidence, David Smail and the facts before us.

I have just completed my first reading of 'The Origins of Unhappiness : A New Understanding of Personal Unhappiness' written by David Smail.  It is an astounding work, and I must say, I now believe that it is essential reading for anyone interested in psychological distress, justice and economic equity.

"It is the main argument of this book that emotional and psychological distress is often brought about through the operation of social-environmental powers which have their origin at a considerable distance from those ultimately subjected to them. 

On the whole, psychology has concerned itself very little with the field of power which stretches beyond our immediate relations with each other, and this has led to serious limitations on the explanatory power of the theories it has produced. 

To illustrate this, typical cases of patient distress in the 1980s are examined. The decade when the right-wing of politics proclaimed there was no such thing as society gave rise to psychological distress across social classes, as long-standing societal institutions were dismantled. 

This is as much a work of sociology, politics, and philosophy, as it is of psychology. Fundamentals of an environmental understanding of distress are outlined. A person is the interaction of a body with the environment."

What I got from this book : realism and honesty.

I live in England where poverty is deliberately maintained and the poor are dehumanised in media representations, where the symptoms of that distress are used as signs of a flawed nature in order to blame the impoverished for their impoverished state, which protects the Wealth Extraction systems, externalising the cost of low wages and inadequate social care provision. 

"We need to realise that, rather than the patient being a problem for the world, the world is a problem for the patient. We are embodied products of environment space-time. To make a difference in our lives we need to be able to exert what little influence we have on the environment, to make it, from our perspective, a little more benign. It is not we who need to change, but the world around us.Or, to put it another way, the extent to which we are able to change will always depend upon some material change in the environmental structures of power which envelope us (and insofar as these cannot be changed, for example because they are in the past, neither can we be wiped clean of their effects).

The difficulty with this is immediately apparent: how do we, relatively powerless creatures, bring effective influence to bear on the environment?"

David Smail
(goes to wiki page on David Smail) wrote this :

"Hardly any of the 'symptoms' of psychological distress may correctly be seen as medical matters. The so-called psychiatric 'disorders' are nothing to do with faulty biology, nor indeed are they the outcome of individual moral weakness or other personal failing. They are the creation of the social world in which we live, and that world is structured by power.

Social power may be defined as the means of obtaining security or advantage, and it will be exercised within any given society in a variety of forms: coercive (force), economic (money power) and ideological (the control of meaning). Power is the dynamic which keeps the social world in motion. It may be used for good or for ill.

One cannot hope to understand the phenomena of psychological distress, nor begin to think what can be done about them, without an analysis of how power is distributed and exercised within society.

Such an understanding is the focus of this web-site. "

You can go to David Smail's Website here via wayback web archive.

I respectfully suggest this as a genuinely useful resource base, to find tools and insights that relate to how power operates and behaves in this culture.

The psychology of power hierarchies. The psychology of people adjusting to this unhealthy social institutional structure and culture. Some home truths. Radicalisation. Grooming. Social meaning. Our lives in all of this.

Evidence based.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Bio-Logic and Illogorithmic deciet. A new Word is born!

Some Thoughts on Biology, on Life as it emerges.

Bio-logic. The logic of living processes as they are observed at every level of our capability. It works. There is a logic. It was there before we humans emerged, and it will thrive after we are long gone.

Biology does not do 'good and evil'.

Biology does what works, and what works nurtures the entire habitat and maintains optimal living conditions in a dynamically changing environment.

"Either it works, or it doesn't and either way, it's all compost."

Biology is balance in movement.

We are born biological.

What we experience, what we are taught, what we endure, how we are treated is what we learn from. We call that learning from experience within culture and environment.

And there are biological mandates for all of that.

Mandates that if maintained, maintain that nurturant stance throughout life.



The Web of Life......

Because it works, beyond any moralistic judgemental labeling of toxic action and outcome as 'wrong' or 'evil' or 'bad'.

It could be put this way.

“I work for life, rather than merely agitate against toxicity.”

Biology is not concerned with such self limiting perceptions as judgementalism.

"Either it works, or it doesn't and either way, it's all compost. Food for more life!"

I find that thought really perfectly beautiful.

A New Word!
A pun on algorithm, the ghost in the machine, the sleight of hand, the deceit of a predator  - a spectrum of behaviour.

Illogorithm :

: a procedure for triggering tension or escalating dehumanisation, a deliberate wind-up. executed in a finite number of steps that frequently involves repetition of an operation;

:  a step-by-step procedure for denigrating a target, using  any number of logical fallacies interwoven into a false narrative, and with the intent of setting that target up for abuse;

: an illogical behaviour, using false logic to incite yet more illogical behaviour and action, especially when viewed in the context of Optimal Human Biological Health, both for the species and for the individual;

: any statement that purports to be evidence based, and is presented as such, which is in fact a wild generalisation, and generally false;

: anything composed of a two dimensional, polarised thought process and contains a number of logical fallacies, and which then leads to illogical, irrational behaviour and actions, and is used by populists to trigger reactions in audiences;

: 'if a person xxxx, then yyyy and zzzz and therefore abcd’ is a common format, and is used often enough in typifications or attributions of a generalised and de-humanising nature by populists, pundits and prelates;
: is a self-contained sequence of illogical actions to be performed;

an emotionally biased negative calculation, a presentation of subjective data processed as a truth;

: a linguistic tool, a motivational device ustilised by populists and bullies alike, to engineer or trigger automated thinking in the target audience, be it an individual or any group in terms of their understanding of their relationship to  the denigrated or dehumanised objects;

Sillogorithm – an illogorithm that  is just way too silly to be taken seriously;

A game people play, reciting traditional illogorithms, or creating new ones, object of the game is the use of intellect, wit, language and laughter.

Everybody wins.

Which is the opposite of illogorithmic deceit – everybody is hurt by it, even the deceivers, even if they are unaware of how it is dehumanising them, and which underpins the illogic of such behaviour.

Compared to the logic of Bio, Bio-Logic, from which we humans have emerged.

Thou Shalt not Commit Logical Fallacies. A website that examines the detail of logical fallacies. Worth a view.

2017 and the centrality of bullying in all our lives.

Donald Trump and Miss Universe, DAESH and Jimmy Savile and are indeed part of a wider problem within our Society, our world culture of Power and State.

They are not the problem, it must be said; their behaviour are symptoms of a problem.

The problem is bullying.

From within an Imperial culture still heavily invested in 'Christian Ideals' even as it lays claim to a secular grounding; from within a 2000 year old culture that has undermined egalitarian and empathic relationships in all areas of life in favour of the relationships demanded by hierarchies of Power who see themselves as involved in a struggle for 'survival' (that is to say, a struggle to preserve their power at any cost); in that paradigm a key dynamic is the ad-mixture of sexuality and power.

The poor are ugly. The rich are beautiful.

Christians are beautiful, Pagans are ugly.

Primitive Peoples vs Civilised Peoples.

Gods view on sexuality is Law.

The unspoken line is that one must use one's sexuality as a tool to get something, as proof of one's power and potency, as a marker of who one is, as a sign of loyalty and conformity.

Marriage as a political tool.

The dynastic model.

Fucking for power.

Fucking for security.

Fucking for money.

Pleasure and Power.

When our innate, emergent and natural sensing of self is assaulted by forces we are unable to confront, specifically those forces of power that indoctrinate a people's children, a force that defines who we should be, then a wounding occurs, a wound to the emergent sense of self, and in order to survive that wounding and 'get by' on the terms power has set out, (a thriving healthy peaceful egalitarian society at all levels is but a pipe dream) within that woundedness, we are forced to 'adjust' to the status quo.

It is not that sex sells, it is that the illusion of power that sells.

You can be more attractive. Buy this product, subscribe to this belief. Gain power.

Rape is about power above all else.

Strict gender roles emerge in societies that are hierarchically and institutionally violent. Adherence to these self limiting roles is demanded by power. Seeing oneself as merely a man or a woman as defined by power.

Such societies repaint Nature, and create Gods in their own image.

Hierarchical, vengeful, domineering - and they love us!
 God loves us?

Our leaders and our Power Establishments love us.

They ‘serve’ us. It is an honour and a privilege, they acclaim.

And when our children are sacrificed, that too is an honour.

Yeah, right.

2017 onwards - can we end single issue political activism?

Or at the very least join the dots.

It's yet anoyther way the system has of dividing folk, of diluting and preventing a solid critical analysis of the situation, a way of undermining solidarity amongst our many strands of struggle. Fund and promote one above others. Create a climate of competition for funds and attention. Let the unresolved psyches of activists do the rest.

Homosexuality allowed openly within the Military is touted as ‘progress’.

"We will accept anyone who wants to enlist as a trained killer and help us bully other States!"

Gays for Trump! Fathers for Justice! Feminists for Clinton! Blacks for Obama?

How about Gay people for Heterosexual people against war and the bullying of women?

How about Climate Change activists against Bullying?

There is one issue.

It is called bullying. Power exerted over others.

Rape is bullying.

War is bullying.

Bribery is bullying.

Misogyny is bullying.

Sexism is Bullying.

Religious indoctrination is bullying.

Ideological indoctrination is bullying.

Usury is bullying.

Mortgages are a mass bullying device.

Debt is bullying.

Aspirational Marketing is bullying.

Mountain top removal is bullying.

Sex trafficking is bullying.

Uranium Mining is bullying.

Bullies always discount the costs others bear for their behaviour.

Fake News is bullying.

Every US President is a bully in Office.

Every Home Secretary is a bully in Office.

The Christian/Muslim/Jewish missionary is a bully.

And so it goes.

To cast any adverse judgement on a person's sense of their sexual self and their desire to live that sense openly where it does not involve any abuse of another is bullying.

It's not that people are homophobic, it's that they are bullies and they seek 'approved' targets, set by Higher Authorities, to vent their own frustration, pain and rage, again, and again (because their wounds remain unhealed) in the service of Power.

Bullying. Bullets. And Bombs.

They are the signal that something is out of balance and dis-eased.

I applaud everyone who engages in the work of confronting the issues within their own lives, I praise the disabled who campaign against cuts and discrimination, I delight in the peaceful who campaign against the weapons/war industry, I love the environmentally aware who campaign against environmental abuse, I admire and laud the Survivors who campaign to demand accountability from their abusers and the Institutions within which they are protected, I sing for the local folk who campaign against the imposition of fracking.

I understand the need for focused, evidence led campaigns, and I understand that they can be effective. I cannot dismiss these on any level. I can only praise these efforts.

It is the combinations of a one behaviour - bullying - across many areas of life that is the central issue.... the symptoms are not the central issue.

I hope more activists and others can make this connection as we move forwards with our struggles.

We need to see a focus on the central issue, Bullying, within and across all single issue campaigns.

We need to see that in our homes, schools, work places, Churches, Synagogues, Mosques and Temples, and across all areas of Civil Governance.

We need to see that in relation to imposed taxation.

The urge to Power.

An origin story. A paper I wrote on the origins of Hierarchically Violent Religions and Cultures as an unresolved trauma-behaviour pattern that has become institutionalised over time, and thus deeply embedded within the modern industrial cultural psyche.

A short video on one aspect of the origin of the behaviour patterning that leads to the urge to exert power over others so that they meet one’s perceived needs.


It never strikes back.

Listen to the child.

Hear the Child.

Adults Don't Heed my Distress.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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Fake news, bullying, indoctrination and politics.

New York Mag article on FAKE NEWS SITES.

They do not include the mainstream media that LIED to the hilt to promote the War of Aggression against Iraq, the supreme War Crime, in that it contains all others...

That media activity is and was a War Crime.

Period. No exception, no excuses.

Everyone who wrote for that war is a war criminal.

It is one of the largest co-ordinated institutional bullying operations of recent years, if not the largest.

The data and evidence that Iraq had nothing to do with 9/11, or was not harbouring Islamic Terrorists planning waves of terrorism, or was in any way, shape or form a threat to the UK or the USA was widely available.

The mainstream media ignored all this. They printed fake shit, day in day out. They still do.

The writers, editors and owners understood that they could get away with the criminal activity they were engaged in because they knew that a majority of people believe what they read in officially approved text books, such as we use in school, and in Scriptures. It's called indoctrination.

Here's the psycho-social background.

We spend years in school, coerced into reading texts, and regurgitating them to get exam results, (with the threat that unless we conform we will be impoverished all our lives and live as rabble) and that 12 years of institutional bullying trains people to not use critical analysis, pattern observation, detail examination; just to repeat as directed.

Add to that the knowledge that a majority of people see politics as corrupt and unresponsive (an accurate perception) just as the schools are corrupt and unresponsive, (most people are unwilling to acknowledge this) and you get the heady cocktail of a power establishment that bullies so much that most people are de-sensitised to all but the most extreme and obvious forms of bullying, and a significant percentage tend to be bullies within their own lives and work, more often if they ever assume positions of relative power that generates high income.

This article shows, in some detail, the dynamics of political institutional bullying and it also reveals much about how the personal is political.

Readers will have epiphanies as they explore it. You will see aspects of your own life experience detailed. It might even be a healing experience.

Anyone discussing politics who does not zero in on the bullying is self disabling, self dis-empowering and 100% unable to deal with the situation.

Whatever one's leaning, (left, right, center, green, blah, blah, blah) if we do NOT discuss the bullying FIRST, the rest of our conversation is futile.

Talk about economics - zero in on the bullying, the rest will fall into place.

Talk about environment - zero in on the bullying, the rest will fall into place.

Avoid the issue of bullying and that guarantees that the bullying continues - look at what happens in our state school system. That's a prime example of 'environmentalists' missing a key pollutant that alters the psychology of the entire grass roots.

So yeah, Bullying. Deal with it or be bullied, that is the fundamental reality, as individuals and as collectives.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Indoctrination (education/media) as a political tool of oppression.

I said it before. I write it again.

An electorate that is presented with a caricature of reality who accept it at face value is unqualified to vote.

Governance of the public weal demands evidence, not personalities and our opinions about things we do not have full knowledge of.

Wounded Knee

The REAL reason for the American Revolution was not to do with 'no taxation without representation' or 'tea'.

It was to break a legal standard that European powers were creating that recognised indigenous nations polities and land tenures as being of equal standing in Law with European States.

The 'land owning' elites of the colonies had already established dynastic lines of dominance and wanted to take all the land 'from sea to shining sea' which was 'occupied' by many tens of millions of native peoples and their cultures... to build a new Empire.

Manifest Destiny they called it and still call it, only now it applies to the entire globe.

So they broke from Europe... and then started to plan how to take the lands they wanted....

forced assimilation or death


Treaties, small pox blankets, small homesteaders (who were formerly indentured workers), outright slaughter, forced assimilation, planned from the very beginning, maintained for 400 years... still operating today @ #NoDAPL

And all through it the native peoples repeatedly tried to sue for peace... warfare as a Native response was minor by comparison (despite the implications of all those 'westerns' we were all raised upon) to the murderous behaviour of the US State.

And the truth is few Americans get this. 

And the elites created the base for institutional racism, through media of papers, pamphplets and churches, to ensure that the slaves and the natives, the demonised, dehumanised, would be treated as less than human.

That is a feat of social programming comparable to Christians and their bible, Islam and the Quran, Judaism and The Torah, and Zionism.

These are all tools of Power.


And the tactic of taking one groups land and then making a peace treat with the next group westwards, a peace treaty, all official and ceremonial, peace pipes and gift exchanges was most common. False peace speeches.

The treaty would be signed by the US Government... and a year or two later incursions would start, false flag ops would happen, media stories would hype racism, violence would escalate..... sounds familiar?

Libya, Syria?

What kind of people mediate this degree of longitudinal cruelty, duplicity, deceit, theft and social conditioning all this entails over half a millennia?

What kind of organisation is required to maintain that over that period...?

How good a manipulating a populations psychology do they have to be?


And the icing on the cake?

They crafted the 'no taxation without representation' in order to bind indentured workers, slaves, servants, labourers, shopkeepers, artisans, small land holders, homesteaders, hunters, etc by pretending it was all about them..... 'YOUR FREEDOM'.

And it worked, just as Obama's HOPE worked.

Just as Trump's "make America great again" worked.

Just as Farages 'Take our Country back' worked.

Politically a majority of people are naive to the hilt, and extremely vulnerable to being manipulated and usually totally unwilling to admit it, and the system is expert at grooming the angry to fit whatever agenda they want to play out.

The right wing move was in the planning long time.


Protests in the USA against Trump.

A set-up.

Agent provocateurs agitating naive youth and others to take to the streets.


By the Establishment, to deepen the divisions within the US population.

The speeches by Clinton and Trump were designed to give them a free pass.
The naive will take those speeches at face value.

They are working together, always have been.

This is how ruling elites operate.

Maggie Thatcher's "Where there is discord, let me sow peace'....

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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War Crimes, Opinion or Evidence, Burkini's, Bullying and Jo Cox

The Big Issue.


War Crimes.

War Crimes and War Criminals going un-opposed, not being held to account by the taxpayers who funded those who made the decisions to go to war, and who paid for the troops and contractors tasked with prosecuting the wars.

Politicians who deliberately, and against all warnings, enabled massive bank fraud and then bailed out those banks who committed those frauds, using future taxpayer funds, thus in-debting (or indenturing) the emerging generation of students as future taxpayers and then, as if to rub salt into these open wounds, the same grouping of Politcians claimed 'Austerity' (lack of spare cash) as their excuse for a class war against the vulnerable and the poor.

That is the core issue here.

Opinion vs Evidence

The people who allowed this to happen, who voted for and continue to vote for the politicians on any side who administered and are yet administering all of this, are the enablers of these crimes. In that I include the mainstream media, and the conspiracy theorist industry.

One cannot, as so often happens, blame those who did not vote, out of sheer ennui, desperation or a learned, evidence based distaste for a system that is actively an institutionalized bully system.

Most of the those people did look at the evidence, and decided that the only option was not to participate in hypocrisy.

That is understandable.

There is no excuse in the 21st Century for not taking the time to examine the evidence, the data, when making choices that affect (or afflict) the entire community.

This must be addressed to all those who voted for the politicians who have, and are, committing war crimes and attacking the most vulnerable people in our society.

"You are not looking at the evidence!"

Selfishness, my mortgage, my job, my party loyalty, my allegiances, my prejudices, what I read in the papers, or see in the News on TV etc are all invalid bases for making choices that affect Governance.

We do have a social responsibility to each other. To cause no harm.

That ought to be obvious. Duty of Care. Due Diligence.

Opinion cannot replace or supplant evidence, on matters related to the administration of a communities shared contributory resources,with mere opinion.

We need to make THAT 100% CLEAR.

I refuse to argue about opinions - I say present the evidence, the facts, the outcomes.

Do not be trolled by those who insist on their 'right' to hold and impose an opinion - they can hold it, but they have no right to impose it, as that imposition is an abuse.

Fight back with honesty, truth, evidence, determination and vision, a vision that must include the liberation of those who hold opinion over evidence from the trap they are in.

Do whatever it takes in terms of a discourse.

France's Burkini Ban

It's a deliberate provocation, designed to inflame wounded people on the edges of violence into acting out that violence, and to give a false basis to those who would support violence against France on the basis of Islamaphobiic policies proving their case.

Institutionalised bullying is a scientifically mediated strategic, tactical weaponised behaviour system. It includes grooming, labeling, distraction, slander, slur, innuendo, opinion over evidence, gas lighting, lies and set-ups, as well as the many tools of direct and indirect violence. It's intent is to ensure that Power is retained, enhanced and projected.

ALL Governments or Power Hierarchies use it, media are utterly aware and complicit, and we see it in movies and 'pop' culture all the time...

We are being politically inept and socially foolish (I know it is scary, frightening to look at, yet looking away will not deal with it) if we do not take the time to recognise these tactics, and their position within the strategies of Power.

  We must also work out how to counter it, within ourselves, within our families and communities as much as across Society as a whole - otherwise those who are living where the bombs are being dropped or detonated, abroad and at home, will continue to suffer, and we will suffer, and our children suffer even more if we fail to address it.

In all it's forms.

We are paying for it, literally funding it.

Taxpayers pay for ALL the Wars, all the killing.

Superb blog, by Kitty Jones, on how bullying operates.

Read it.

Be armed, rather than armored.

Jo Cox.

Jo Cox, a British female labour politican murdered, assassinated in an extreme act of violence, less than 3 months ago.


Silence of the Lambs, or Silence of the Wolves?

Why is this not being discussed by the Labour Party membership, with the same passion as the leadership non-contest?

Who killed Jo Cox?

Britain did.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Women reject the use of gender to silence legitimate political opposition: an open letter

An open letter by some active women folk looking at the basis of the accusations of misogynistic behaviours emerging from the Media, directed at Jeremy Corbyn and Momentum activists...

Women reject the use of gender to silence legitimate political opposition

"We, the undersigned, women Labour members or supporters from different backgrounds, ethnicities and regions, condemn attempts by some women MPs to blame the Leader of the Labour Party Jeremy Corbyn and shadow chancellor John McDonnell for alleged intimidation. The accusations are baseless and are part of an escalating witch-hunt against Corbyn and his supporters.

The tragic murder of Jo Cox MP, for which a right-wing racist with mental health problems has been charged, has been invoked as if it was connected with anti-racist, pro-refugee Corbyn. A brick through the side window of a building used by many groups, including the local MP, has been attributed to Corbyn followers without any proof. And we are warned against holding peaceful demonstrations outside MPs offices or calling for them to be deselected."

The full text of the letter is truly worth reading.

The core point is that to use such slurs demeans the entire political process, and does nothing to help confront and resolve the issues around power, sexualised violence, abuse and harm; if anything it undermines our efforts in this area.

It is clear, accurate, compassionate and written with utter integrity, by women activists engaged in intensive daily work to support women (and by extension, men and children).

It feeds back into my many blog postings about bullying in politics, violence in society, hierarchies of power, trauma related behaviour patterns, and much else besides...

Media Trolling

Media - Read and react, or read, analyse, check and respond.

We have a choice.

Our choices dictate outcomes, especially with regards to bringing about a healthy, sane, nurturant society.

The reactive mode is easily manipulated.

The responsive much less so, to the degree that any individual has worked through his or her own issues around power and sense of self - whether it is truly emergent or laced with internalized system values (shame, guilt, blame, praise, reward, punishment ... are all clues to where we still hold onto internalized system values).

Many people are making this choice, consciously, deliberately, and bringing that to the table of politics and governance.

And this choice gets far less attention and examination in the media than the justifications for war or for Corbyn's so-called 'unelectability'.

Established Power's self protection.

It would appear the established power does want to enable such choices by acknowledging the multitude of stories of those who do. The mainstream power establishment media is peppered with justifications of violence, with sexism, fantasy, ideology and sales pitches.

The Inquiry into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse underway in the UK has lost yet another chair-person. We do not yet know why. It is very sad and very, very worrying.

The Australian Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Abuse is revealing just how endemic cover-ups, mitigations, institutional desire to protect itself are in this area....

Ireland and the United States have had multiple Inquiries.

The evidence is immense and mounting all the time.

The response of Power is way behind what the evidence suggest would be appropriate.

"Houston, we have a problem."

The Astronauts fixed the problem with assistance from Ground Control.

They worked together.

The Government (and The Vatican) needs to work with and for Survivors, not try to get around them.

The Labour party MPs who are opposing Corbyn need to work with the grass roots of the party, not try to get around them.

It is the same pattern.


Tribal is an odd word to use to describe violent systems.

Here's why.

This is a chart of social behavioural characteristics of different societies (tribes, sic) from a meta-analysis by James Prescott in the 1970s,  which looks at whether or not they are truly nurturant or controlling, and indicates the sets of behaviours associated with each.

Societies with very different child relating modalities, and very different outcomes...

And the common link between the emergence of violence or nurturance appears to revolve around the way a given society relates to and treats the children.

If we want to resolve these problems, we start with parenting at the very base of society, as the very base of society.... which means the work women do for women is absolutely critical.
Here is an article I wrote expanding on the chart by James Prescott.

The website is very useful in exploring this issue.

The Neurobiology of Trauma.

Here is an example of one aspect of that work, related to the neurobiology of trauma, and trauma informed responses to sexual abuse which counter the 'traditional' responses which are the subject of numerous national inquiries. Informative, direct, clear and deeply compassionate, it also hints at the problems with inherited traditional approaches to sexual abuse allegations, which are indicators on the nature of our Society and it's power structures.

In another recent blog I posted a basic outline for anyone interested in this area of human exploration, knowledge and healing, with some links to key writers and researchers in this area..

These insights into the neurobiology of trauma indicate that in utero trauma can occur, if the mother is subjected to trauma events or chronic stress beyond her ability to control. They also feed into child development issues....

Everyone of us carries some of the bully psychology within us to one degree or another until we resolve it within ourselves. Social conditions and socialised conditioning tend to make it so.

That's why we become bystanders.

Resolve it with insight, evidence and self reflection.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.