Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label healing. Show all posts

Optimal Human Health and Power's disruption of same.

In biology, in the ‘natural world’, all organisms are mandated towards optimal health for the individual as part of optimal health for the species, in the habitat that they inhabit.

This mandate is fundamental to all biology, and has both intrinsic and extrinsic qualities.

This applies to human beings as individuals, as localised communities and as a species.

This mandate towards optimal human health has persisted throughout the entire existence of the species.

The long term existence and thriving of human beings as a species is founded on this mandate towards optimal human health being met.

In terms of that long term existence, that long term thrivival of human societies, certain qualities are associated with optimal human health.

Self empathy as part of a healthy sense of self, empathy for others, robust physical health and well being, responsive intelligence, autonomy and the desire and ability to effectively co-operate with others to meet both individual and collective needs.

These are all markers of optimal human health, in as much as collectively and individually they lend themselves to long term sustained living cultures capable of meeting the challenges and the constant changes in habitat and environment, through learning and growing by experience and by reflection.

Sense of self is an emergent quality. It is based on inner experience meeting external recognition.

The externalisations of the baby, the infant, the child that is to say the inner experience which is articulated by movement, facial expression and sound, when recognised and understood by caring adults, and therefore responded to accurately, helps the infant or child to develop a healthy sense of self - the recognition by the caring adult allows the infant to become more secure that his or her inner experience and articulation of same as being valid.

“I am in discomfort, I need winding” articulated by cries and face squirming is met by “You are in discomfort and need winding.” followed by action by the caring adult to adjust the babies position, rub his or her back etc… leading to ease for the child…  this tells the child that his or her self perception is accurate. There is a mutual feedback loop between baby and carer, which both inform each other, and verify each other...

This experience leads towards healthy self empathy, self understanding, which is the basis for empathy for others.  This process can also be disrupted. If it is disrupted over lengthy periods, then the emergence of healthy self empathy will likewise be disrupted, and may lead towards a pathology, a dysfunctional 'persona'.

Infants will also internalise aspects of the external world as part of their healthy growth – so they will  internalise the love and care with which they are treated, they internalise aspects of the habitat they grow into which allows them to navigate it’s complexities, they internalise aspects of the various age groups they experience within their community so that they have an accurate life time picture from cradle to grave so to speak, and these deepen their capabilities in terms of sustained health, as parents to be and as members of a diverse community.

This internalisation is biologically as well as socially mandated, the child needs to internalise aspects of the world into which she or he is growing as well as develop a healthy sense of self through experience… so that he or she is capable of operating in a concrete reality with accuracy and healthy affect, and all these are essential qualities in terms of long term survival and thriving.

All of these are markers of optimal human health.

There is a problem, though.

All of these markers are now under chronic stress in the modern Dominant Society, and in the UK, where I live..

The State, an artifice of Power,  demands that children internalise and thus identify with the externals of Nationalism, The Flag, The Motherland, "British Values".

Organised and centralised religions demand a similar internalisation of their values.

Football clubs set up players as role models.

Media portrays men and women in an idealised fashion and most often the dysfunctional is portrayed as normal. No one I know could live with the ‘heroic’ people in movies as their roles are played, or actors, footballers, models, politicians … let alone the ‘ordinary’ people, the b-listers, as portrayed in movies…

Thus healthy self empathy is undermined, because it is constantly being challenged, put under pressure and ultimately replaced corrosively with another external identity, which serves Power rather than the individual or the community, and from that much else flows that is damaging to optimal human health.

One can also speak of massive trauma such as occasional natural events or disasters, and the more frequent trauma of intentional war prosecuted by States and other actors, the ubiquity of inter-generational trauma as a result of unresolved inter state conflict, commercially driven social conditioning, social dysfunction etc all of which remaining unresolved will affect the development of optimal human health in individuals and communities, for successive generations, across diverse populations.

For most people it is relatively easy to understand some few aspects of these dynamics in terms of an abusive family dynamic – we all know of families whose lives are blighted by addiction, bullying, child abuse, domestic violence and so on.

However there is a distinct lack of initiative to resolve these dynamics that is all too common, and yet it need not be that way.

And when it comes to the culture as a whole, and to power and politics in particular, there is in most people's perspective a dreamscape, an illusion, is what persists in the 'mainstream' rather than a well articulated and accurate description of concrete reality as it is and as it affects peoples lives.

It is absolutely critical to the future generations that we, in this information age, do all that we can to address this disruption of self empathy that leads to such inaccurate and dysfunctional perceptions upon which Power now sits enthroned.

Reading yourself

Read yourself with self empathy and you will discover more of value..

The 'ego' theory in psychology is derived from Freud's drive theories (which were his way of avoiding certain truths about how adults behaved towards children in his day)... It is also a copy or repetition of the Christian concept of the 'devil within'. Both are massive errors and very damaging, because they lead adults to over control children, often by threats, intimidation and withdrawal of love. They perpetuate chronic stress on children.

We are biologically mandated towards optimal human health, and that includes a healthy sense of self, and if that mandate is disrupted, with regard to how we develop our healthy sense of self, and there is no way to address the situation while we are growing up, then we may develop a wounded sense of self, or an unrealistic sense of self, or a damaged sense of self.

Healing that is a matter of developing self empathy, and empathy for the child we were in the situation we were in, and not a matter of controlling the 'ego' or regarding the wounded ego in a negative light.

All Religions are equal in this analysis, yet not all parents are - there ARE parents within those traditions who do not bully, intimidate etc or indoctrinate their children. Just as there are parents who are 'secular' and at the same time cruel towards their children. One has to bear this in mind at all times. One has to be careful with generalisations and be prepared to always drill into each particular case, as required.

That said, the statistical significance and social outcomes of institutionally approved controlling behaviours, be they stimulated, permitted or inspired by Ideology, Religiosity, or as a result of trauma and other disruptions are such that we cannot afford to ignore them, and the Religions and States that permit them must be challenged on all indoctrination processes, and on all threat/intimidation based pedagogies.

I refuse to allow my work to be bent to one agenda or another

It's vital for my work to remain clear, unambiguous and focused -the issue is how we adults relate to THE NATURAL CHILD and how we adults NURTURE the natural child within the context of a Nurturant Society.,as an expression of optimal human biological health.

Meeting the mandate of optimal biological health.

This means for me, at least, the ending of war and of all hierarchical violence, and being in the best possible position to deal with the impacts of poverty, climate changes,  habitat changes etc etc.

This unites all issues without becoming an ideology - it is designed to resist being co-opted, and as such it ought to stand as a direct challenge and alternative pathway to all Hierarchically Violent Power Structures and dysfunctional Social Systems.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Abuse and Resolution: an Urgent Question of Maturity

"The abused abuser is no defence - just a devious way of getting a lighter sentence. It is no excuse. "

I hear this often, and feel that more needs to be said or written on this.... as a Survivor,  I am absolutely focussed on prevention...

If we want to prevent abuse, we have to understand how and why it emerges. Otherwise we end up dealing with abuse AFTER a child has been abused, which is way too late....

There are writers, researchers and scientist/pratictioners who have outlined the dynamics of abuse and trauma (PTSD patterns) and the context of natural child development being disrupted very well, such as Alice Miller, James Prescott, John Bowlby, Gabor Maté , Marshal Rosenberg, Vincent Feletti, David Chamberlain, and others.

The basic theme is this : certain biologically mandated experiences and processes are necessary for the development of caring self empathy (sense of self) and caring empathy for others. these biological processes start with the child-mother bonding process, in the womb, at birth, infancy and toddlership... if these mandates are disrupted across a society, then statistically we see a massive increase in abuse, distress, psychological dysfunction.

In the research there is observed a direct relationship between the degree of disruption of the child-mother bonding processes and the degree of violence, hierarchy, religiosity, territorialism and abuse.

All of theses are further complicated by Trauma Events, such as war, poverty, racism, sexism, religion, climactic events esp. where there is no healing/recovery mechanisms and people are forced to cope with the situation.... the coping mechanism is appropriate in the midst of a trauma event, yet it becomes toxic if maintained after the event, if the trauma response becomes chronic... as we see in intergenerational trauma patterning, where the adverse affects of the trauma are passed down through the generations and are expressed even in a situation where the original trauma is but a dim memory, a story of legend or history..

The chronic stress associated with Hierarchically Violent Societies is profoundly damaging, even if the people within it become adjusted to it....

In order to prevent future abuse, it is necessary to support parents in ways that enable the child-mother bonding to be recognised and responded to with support.

It's also necessary to challenge all Government support for War (Trauma),

It follows that it's also necessary to challenge the status of Religious and State Indoctrination,

It becomes obvious that we need to alter State Education so that it becomes a forum for nurturing self empathy, autonomy and response ability (at core, Education needs to be democratised so the children take responsibility and are supported in developing that sense of responsibility, not through sanctions and bullying, but through respect and example...) and that it helps prepare children for becoming effective, nurturing parents as well as preparing them for a life of work...

It's also necessary to LISTEN to Survivors, for their insights are amongst the deepest in this area... as is their motivation to challenge abuse wherever it occurs.

Too often, 'normal' folk shy away from Survivors insights, from the darkness of their experiences at the hands of abusers, and this tends to lend weight to those who HYPE the issue, who contort the issue in ways that make it less likely to be resolved as part of a political ploy.

'Normal' folk also tend to have such a strong reaction and with it a desire to harm abusers, to punish them, which has nothing to do with the Survivors needs, nor the work needed to ensure prevention - it's usually an unconscious reaction of avoidance... it's easier to think of the abuser as someone to abuse (punish, kill, etc etc) than it is to face the pain, terror, harm and shame a Survivor has lived through and walk with the Survivor as a companion in their recovery.... and to then seek to understand how the abuser became the abuser and seek ways to prevent further emergences as best as possible.

If we are not focussed on prevention, then abuse will continue. Punishment is applied only to those few, and it is a minority, who get caught or are exposed.

Punishment satisfies a public's immature demand for justice and abandons all future children to potential predation as a hidden cost. This is unacceptable, morally and intellectually.

It's long past time for the discourse on abuse to mature, for those concerned with this issue to step up to the plate and confront it with clarity, commitment, maturity and grace.

I also think that abusers neurological 'wiring' and behaviour emerges out of their experience - they were not conceived with this in place. There is some evidence that certain kinds of trauma in utero and birth and infancy can alter a persons neurology in ways that if not recognised, and therefore modulated or attended to, can become the basis for the developing psychopathy.

In all cases of abuse perpetrated by an adult, we have to face the fact that the adult abuser has CHOSEN to abuse, that there is an element of volition and that this brings with it accountability, before those they have victimised and the community at large and that this accountability and consequences cannot be softened by our awareness.

Our awareness is about PREVENTION, about spotting the signs early on and modulating those children who show signs of psychopathy, of instituting a deeper society wide awareness of the need and basis for empathic parenting and empathic governance - they go together... this awarness is not to be taken to soften the consequences of those who have abused others, to excuse them.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Evolution, Revolution, Diversity and Healing.

I am up for a happier more empathic society.  A diverse range of happier, healthier and empathic cultures.

I wouldn't call it evolution, I'd call it a healing. We live in a wounded Political society that is in denial. This is painful.

Healing is very much a natural part of life, and nature tends to support healing rather than block it.

Using the word evolution sort of justifies the existence of this hierarchically violent system and all it's horrors over such a long time as part of the 'natural flow of things'. Yet we know that there have been many diverse cultures where empathy was at the heart of how they organised themselves. Is this not also part of the natural healthy expression of being human, biologically speaking?

Beating a child to terrorise and control the child can hardly be called 'the natural order of things' yet during the past 6 centuries in Europe it was the traditional approach, just as leaving infants to cry it out to go to sleep is not the 'natural order of things'.

Google the phrase 'poisonous pedagogy' and find out more.

Nor is a 'revolution' where the oppressed engage in organised violence to beat the oppressors to terrorise and control them, any better. Cuba has some merits, yet it also shows signs of unresolved trauma.

What we see in the middle east is that peaceful thoughtful movements have all been undermined by the introduction of violence on their 'side'.

It hasn't worked in terms of delivering better,healthier and more empathic political socialism systems.

Were the Middle Eastern Springs 'evolutions', revolutions or just the result of a more well informed empathy, being expressed by large numbers of people seeking a healing, a healthier society?

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

PTSD Culture and change or Recovery and Healing.

This graphic from LIVE LEAK shows the patterns and movement of kingdoms and nation states in Europe over 1000 years.... there is a subtext, one of PTSD affected Culture, which needs to be understood if it is to be changed.

1000 years of trauma, in the name of the 'nation state', the King or a Religion, mostly perpetrated upon the poor, the peasants, the workers, the children - though the rulers were not averse to slaughtering each other, they often collaborated in the slaughter of the poor, the peasants, the workers, the children.

It goes without saying that the preceding 14,000 years of Empire across the world is part of that same phenomenon.

This coping-with-trauma or PTSD has become Institutionalised, Nationalised as a myth of creation and has not yet been resolved, healed. The European Culture is a PTSD culture in almost every aspect. Christianity is absolutely a PTSD based religion, with it's focus on the dreadful torture of Christ on the cross, which is justified as a 'sacrifice' for all our 'sins'....
In the past 50 years, much scientific, clinical and anecdotal or informal work has been done on Trauma, on understanding the dynamics of PTSD and there ARE healing/recovery pathways that ARE known, that are being practiced and are very well understood.

However, that understanding has yet to penetrate Governance, mainstream 'economics', State Education systems or the Religions, (as well as grass roots activism, and the 'internetz' weird theories market) largely because the utility of the myth is essential to Power as we know it, and because Power dictates what children experience in schooling, as well as how parents treat their children amongst many other things.

Power determines conditioning. David Smail writes well on the matter of the day to day reality of distal Power - of the affects of decisions made by people who hold power, who are beyond the reach of those affected most by those decisions - the people of Iraq, the Metis/Indigenous peasants in South America with regard to US State Policy, ie the 'war on drugs' or the workings of social services and welfare in neo-liberal economies, where the poor, the disabled, the vulnerable are subject to Government dictats on 'austerity' and Media coverage void of empathy.

Until the grass roots understands this, how the culture into which we are born is a PTSD culture, and until activists deal with their own PTSD - be it direct trauma related or simple conditioning within a PTSD dominated environment, we will not see change. I believe that this process is underway, and that it will take a few generations to complete itself. The human/biological drive towards health is innate; this is a biological fact.

One of the reasons the Military Industrial Complex and Power pushes so much violence is that they KNOW what trauma does to people, and that enough people become so traumatised that they will continue the cycles of violence (Mujahadeen, 'rebels' etc etc etc) even when it is 100% irrational.... because it guarantees the continuation of their 'markets', and the politics and psychology of Power Relationships over Empathic Relationships and it undermines the potential healing of entire social structures, a healing which Power perceives as a threat. Indeed healing IS a threat to Power as we know it, yet the deeper truth is that that perception is a pathological one and the healing will, in the end, extend to include those with such a pathological view.

Given all that is known about PTSD, is it too much to seek, to demand, to work together so that Empathy is placed at the core of Culture, of Governance, with the welfare of the children (which is also directly linked to the health of the environment)  as the primary gauge of how well a society is, in physical, emotional and psychological terms, in both the short and long term?
If so, then why?

These are pertinent questions, and honesty is the only means by which they can be answered.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

One's issues are a constant travelling companion, until they are dealt with!

I abhor war, not because I love peace, which is true; I do.

I abhor war because it causes hurt, harm and pain. All of these I understand in a visceral manner, a sensation, and in experience. I would not want to inflict such sensations and experiences on any other, any more than I’d wish to experience them myself.

My response to war is REAL - based on the lived experience - rather than a merely intellectual or moral objection.

It's rather sobering to think that there are so many 'good people' in the Governing Structures of Power who, for whatever reason, set this aside and implement Policy. It is also very, very sad. Tragic.

Because, war is always avoidable. After all Human Behaviour is learned, it is not set in stone.


No war has ever happened on it's own. All occur in a context. The straight media twaddle and mythological school history - the extent of most peoples understanding of history, as an intentional and successful outcome of state education - ignores both the truth and the context and reject any observation of the pattern. Once the context is accepted, understood, then the justifications become obvious lies.


The amount spent on State Education is huge, and it's a very large part of the standard state economy. The state has a huge interest in maintaining that economy, as a form of leverage, because if one's job (and mortgage or debt burden) is dependent on that income from that state education job, one is unlikely to challenge instruction sets handed down from Government. That's what keeps much of the system in place. More than my job's worth.

State Education is designed intentionally to undermine our innate independent critical thinking and questioning, - quite often, when an infant says why? they have already worked it out, and are merely checking in to see of the adult has also worked it out or genuinely seeking accurate information: this is natural behaviour - and this it does for the vast majority of people.

In other words, war would not be feasible (neither would Bank Bail outs, etc) without State Education as it is : a well informed, well educate, critical thinking population would NEVER vote for the kinds of people currently in Power, would NEVER accept the actions those in Power are taking, day in, day out, and would easily curtail their behaviour: General Strike. Tools Down. Game Over. Start again.

The people who have been so conditioned are not to be blamed for their being misinformed, lied to, or for being bored shitless by school, or worse demonised (ADHD, special needs, disruptive), and for giving up on sharing their exploration, insights and thinking.

They are to be helped. To be 'educated' again to think again for themselves, to lose their fear, to trust their insights, the loss of which was inculcated in so many little 'gradings' - fail, bad, poor, good, excellent, outstanding -throughout 12 years or so of schooling. Repetition, drip, drip, drip, drip ... a technique, a method: to break the spirit and reform the child into a suitable behaviourally modified citizen and voter. Calling these folk names will not help the work we are engaged in.


Anything that 'disturbs' the balance of Power - the differential between those who hold power and those over whom power is held - is either co-opted (Cosmopolitan 'Feminism') (Bank Bail-outs) (United Nations) or demonised (Radical Feminism) (Austerity Programs demonise the poor) (Peace 'Protestors').

Just as the Vatican co-opts 'healing' of Survivors, by providing 'services based in Christianity' and demonises those Survivors who pursue Justice and Reparation and change.

This is because the holders of Power cannot afford honesty - it undermines their position, which they hold as being more important than other peoples lives. They are the Institutionalised individualists, the ME ME ME people, 'vote for ME' : the policies are merely a cover.

This is due to both their personal psychological dysfunction, and the Institutionalised and Bureaucratic nature of Power, which seeks to preserve itself above all else.

Enlightened Self-interest is also a make believe philosophy, an excuse, a mitigation of the realities of Power, a meme that disguises itself, not least to the person that holds such a perspective.

A genuinely enlightened human being retains their individuality AND their place in community as equal drives, each informing the other in a continuous feed back loop which allows for growth, exploration and learning.

Note I did not say 'the community' for the sense of community has to be inclusive of all human beings - and all biological communities - for it to be genuine, for it to reflect the biological realities.


The healing of a dysfunctional family dynamic is dependent upon the people in the family recognising their dysfunction and choosing to do something about it.

The healing of a dysfunctional state is dependent upon the agents of the state recognising their dysfunction and choosing to do something about it.

As voters, the electorate are agents of the state.

As Tax-payers, we are all agents of the state.


One's issues are a constant travelling companion, until they are dealt with!


The State is a mirror of the psychology of the people who control and design it. Only when the State is designed and controlled by a well informed, rational and empathic people will the State become a structure that Nurtures life. This is our task. To render the State as Nature intended, in effect to make the State redundant. The same applies to all Hierarchical Social Structures that mediate Power.


Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Civilisation and Children. Our Future, Our present and our past.

The patterns of behaviour, of manipulation and warped logic of Governments and other Institutions that hold Power, the story of how Governments et al behave towards so many billions of people appear similar to the patterns of behaviour, manipulation and logic of violent, abusive or neglectful and powerful parents of other primary carers in their actions towards children. Parental abuse. The outcomes are similar. The diagnosis would also follow similar lines in both cases.

The difference is a matter of scale, The 'economics' of scale means natural organisms and all living processes pay the price. Nature is not an economy.

I think the Civilisation I was born into is an expression of that experience, of children as objects to be moulded, worker, of growing up around a spectrum of Adult behaviour that is demanding, dynamic, overpowering, indoctrinating, confusing and often dangerous, an experience which happens for so many of us as babies, infants, toddlers and into childhood and that to change, to aletr that Civilisation, I feel the need to prioritise dealing with what happens for our infants so that their experience meets all the natural cues for empathy, connection, self awareness, acceptance that our biology mandates. As a matter of world peace. Amongst other matters.

Abuse is not nature's major driving force for sure. And it's not what babies are expecting. It need not be the driving force for Civilisation.

The mainstream is 20 years behind the Scientific and common sense literature that shows exactly how the biological mandate is disrupted, what it's affects are, what the behavioural outcomes tend to be and, importantly, how to avoid all that disruption and heal or alleviate the adverse affects of any disruption where possible, by supporting the biological mandate.

This makes financial sense, as well as moral and ethical sense, for us all. Current estimates are that for every £10 spent in supporting the biological mandate the State or Society would save £60 from not having to deal with the outcomes of disruption within one generation. Saving that cost year on year, freeing up more than the cash, freeing the people from the biologically disruptive practices.

The disruptions the research has revealed are mostly standard practices in child rearing across the English speaking world, eg: letting 'babies cry it out'  to force them to sleep on their own, etc and Religious and  Institutional Indoctrination or part inherited Puritan/Victorian dogma that went global or part consumerist propaganda, regarding treatment of children in one form or another, plus on top of all that, the very serious harmful abuse and other more intense life situations. They are part of a spectrum.

"The Psychology of any given Society, Community, Family or group is both revealed and perpetuated in how that population relates to and treats children."

We will not help parents change by blaming them, punishing them. We can only help in this matter if we support and encourage the biological mandate towards empathy.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

What happens in the womb is a predictor of many patterns in adulthood.

Here's a short talk on the profound affects of our experience in utero, at birth and in early infancy.....

I was conceived by two parents who had a variety of serious issues emanating from their own experiences. My mother had MS, had lost 4 children before I was born. I was born premature by one month, by caesarian birth. I spent 6 weeks in an incubator.

I know my mother loved me. I know she was very stressed. My father was an alcoholic.

The experiences I lived through did set up patterns that I was able to fully acknowledge only in my late 30's.

My own child was wanted by both her mother and father. She was born at home, supported by midwives and her mother used a birth pool. At the time we both loved each other, even though we had our issues. Her mother had a child, a boy, some 5 years earlier. I became his step-father.

In my relationship with him, my parenting patterns emerged and I managed, eventually, to begin to see these and to deal with some of them over the next four years we were together.

We separated, and though it was difficult at the time, I see now that it was the correct thing to do. I spent the next 12 years slowing working on my own unresolved issues, for my own health and well being.

In fact that work continues, and I don't see an end to that work. Nonetheless over the years I have become more at self empathic and at ease with who I am, and what I lived through, to the extent that I no longer 'blame' those who harmed me because I see their lives in context of what they and their parents went through. I still hold certain people accountable for some of the things they did to me. That is appropriate, I feel, because it helps me to be realistic about certain facts.

The primary fact is this : we are born into a Society we did not create, and in my case, a Hierarchically Violent Society, that mediated Power throughout peoples lives in many adverse ways which they could not counter.

I was born to a well-off Irish  middle class family in 1959. The profound psychologically adverse affects of the Christian concepts related to Original Sin, Sexuality and Obedience to Authority, overlayed with 800 years of intense strife and oppression,with two civil wars and world wars in living memory, do not vanish overnight, nor even in the passage of one generation, 30 years or so. The process of recovery takes time.

There are ways to nurture that process. These resources are ways in which we can, each of us, nurture ourselves and in some ways heal from any adverse experience we may have lived through.

Understanding one's earliest experiences, and where one was born into in an historical timeline - the context of our parents lives, and their parents before them, in the Society there were living in - are important resources in this work. There are many others, and this blog refers to those resources on a  regular basis.
As Stephen Harrod Buhner writes, "It helps if you become your own best friend and find out what is true about all this for yourself."

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

Nurturant Biology

 'Natural Humans Beings' is one thing. Adapted to Oxytocin. Peace.

'Conditioned/traumatised Human Beings' is another thing. Adapted to Cortisol. Stress.

Each will give up a different emergent Societal Modality.

Or a spectrum of Societal Modes,

Egalitarian, Empathic towards ever more Hierarchially Violent.

Natural Humans Beings is one thing. Adapted to Oxytocin. Mother Child bonding.

Conditioned/traumatised Human Beings is another thing. Adapted to Cortisol. Stress. Indoctrination, War.

Nature undoubtedly tends towards resolution of problems. Oxytocin. Dopamine. Serotonin.

It's in our nature. It takes time.

The wounds are deep, and everywhere.

I TRUST the innate biology of myself, of all of us,

it has immense wisdom, bio-logic.

The natural self healing, the natural flow towards maturity and nurturing .....

is in everything alive! Or is alive in everything ....


rather than instructions or explicit directions, 

I have found that supportive discourse does help the individual 

to make his or her own pathway, 

using their own inner resources 

and receiving those they may find on the path,

through meeting brothers, sisters, one's recognised family of life

... and seeing all paths connected,

as each path is itself interwoven with all life,

thus there is plenty enough for all to thrive.

And we ARE in it together.

Kindest regards


An open letter to the media, the BBC and all others concerned with the issue of child abuse, and in particular concerning the reportage of the Jimmy Saville case….

An open letter to the media, the BBC and all others concerned with the issue of child abuse, and in particular concerning the reportage of the Jimmy Saville case….

To whom it may concern,

The most frequent word being used to describe those who have been abused, harmed or assaulted by Jimmy Saville is ‘victims’, rather than the term ‘Survivors’ which we Survivors ourselves prefer to use.

There is a qualitative difference between the two words – one implies weakness, the other strength.

The etymology of the word ‘victim’ and its link to the word ‘victor’ is interesting, and worth reflecting upon. The victor tends to justify any abuses they perpetrate, or harm they cause, and thus they minimise the meaning of the lived experience of those amongst the ‘defeated’.

Yes, Saddam was a monster – yet did the Iraqi people deserve what was visited upon them by the International Community in the name of removing this monster?

Madelaine Albright’s infamous comment on the sanctions that preceded the removal of Saddam, was that “the price was worth paying – we think the price was worth paying.”  A price paid not by her, not by the US Government, or any other, not even by Saddam, but by the Iraqi people and their children.

There is also the use of the phrase “victim consciousness” which is often used to denigrate those communities and cultures who have been subject to massive and long term trauma and who come forward and seek acknowledgement of their stories as human beings, (rather than the simple and cold historical facts and statistics), from the inheritors of the Powers that traumatised them.

They are asked to ‘get over it’ – ‘ old history, not our ‘fault’, ‘things are different now’, ‘can we please move on’ etc etc….

These phrases are used to deflect honest reflection upon what has happened, and what the long term and present adverse affects are in meaning, and in the lived experience.

Vulnerability is not the same as weakness. One cannot describe the boys and girls assaulted by Jummy Saville as being weak, and ascribe that value of weakness to them as a quality they expressed that led to their abuse. One cannot in all fairness ascribe the value of weakness to those who suffer from the adverse affects of intergenerational trauma. Vulnerability is closer to the truth.

To Survive trauma and abuse most often means to live past the events themselves, scarred and wounded, and to slowly and painfully try to re-assemble oneself so as to continue to live as best one can.

Often this has to be done without adequate support or understanding from those closest to the Survivor, let alone the wider community and Society. This takes a formidable  unacknowledged strength.

Not all Survivors make it, and it’s not through weakness that this happens. It’s through vulnerability, and through that heart breaking sense of abandonment that comes with denial, that comes with the all too common reflexive unwillingness of Society to accept that a pillar of Society could behave in such manner, a refusal to believe the Survivor because it threatens the projected image and self image of what are held to be central tenets or solid Institutions of Society.

”How could someone who did SO MUCH GOOD do so much evil?”

A Survivor would never ask that question in the way the media has framed the reporting of that question. A Survivor would never ask it in that tone of bewilderment.
 The Survivors of Jimmy Saville's abuses are not concerned with the reputation of the BBC, as much as they are concerned with truth, recovery and restorative justice and the protection of present and future children.

So I am calling on all media, and anyone else concerned with these matters, to cease using the word ‘victim’ to describe those who were abused, and to use instead the word Survivor.To attribute strength to those who come forwards, and to those who are unable to come forwards, just for their willingness to continue living and coping with what they have been through.

I would also add that using the word ‘victimisation’ to describe the abusers actions towards the vulnerable is more reliable and accurate. The victimiser alters the reality of the abused. The victimisers is the culprit.

Finally, I note that in all of the reporting, the stories and histories of Survivors appears to be being screened out. This is a grave omission. It cannot, and must not stand if truth, justice and genuine resolution is the intent of those who are writing and acting on this matter. Kindest regards

Corneilius Crowley

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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Self Healing Tips : we can all develope our own according to our needs

I discovered this by myself one day, by noticing that there was nothing happening in the room I was in to drive the feelings and emotions I was experiencing, and it came to me that these must be old, past feelings.... feelings that little Corneilius had been unable to resolve (I had learned that my chidlren could resolve their own feelings if allowed to by calm active listening and empathic parenting.)

So I started to talk to little Corneilius...........

I started like this : "Little Corneilius, it's big Corneilius here and I am an adult, and I love you and I can take care of you and hold you safe. Can you talk to me about the first time y...ou felt this way?"

And then I let insights come, and I used art and writing and sound to express what came up, and recorded thses, and over time I noticed that the feelings and emotions became less intense, and that I started to grow through those ares I had stopped growing as a child....

I found that this could work too for areas where I couldn't feel - I would ask littel Corneilius to talk about the first time he had to silence or suppress his feelings and why.....

I did this regularily for about three years and do it now from time to time as I feel the need....

What this taught me was that it's possible to evolve our own self-healing tools, from our own insights into ourselves.

I also learned that little Corneilius would not come out until he felt it was safe to do so, and that it never worked to push little Corneiliu, that when he was ready was when he was ready and he was usually spot on.

I know from experience that it's always inappropriate to push the child, and it's most often for the adults needs rather than the childs needs that such pushy behaviour emerges. One of the things that made me push was Societies admonitions and shoulds. These are all external drivers of behaviour, and external motivation is always less efficient than intrinsic self-motivation.

Thios is what I call natural wisdom.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe

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Know your enemy............

Nuts and Bolts of Western Civilisation

“it’s time to measure what we value most, rather than value what we measure most!”

The core values of mainstream political thought, which is what ‘conventional wisdom’ tends to focus upon, are not what we value as intrinsic to the human and humane experience. The reason for this is that for many millennia we have been ‘sold’ the mythology of Empire, we have been ‘spun’ a story that reflects the ‘wants’ of a powerful elite, an elite that holds they are the only ones who embody the ‘right’ to govern, and by that they mean the ‘right’ to exercise power over the majority according to their particular agenda. That power includes the power to decide who lives and who dies.

That this has led to the catastrophe of the war against terror, the degradation of the health of the environment upon which we all depend, to select but a few of the deeply unhealthy situations we are now faced with, is the truth of our present situation.

It is vitally important therefore to understand how this has come about, and what holds it in place.

1. Condition the children - prepare everyone for their place in the structure, filter out those who will not fit in. Demonise or dehumanzse them. Make them feel bad about themselves.

The education system is really a system of indoctrination that has been designed to modify the behaviour of all who pass through it. It was designed to fool all the people all the time. It sold the idea of ‘improvement’ so as to mask it’s true intent.

It was developed from studying the methodology of the Hindu system, because that was a system that was practically immutable. There was no mechanism within it for one to move up the ladder of the hierarchy. A very small minority held total power. When the British Merchantile Empire came to India, they could not dislodge the Hindu Empire, and thus the compromise of the Raj came into being.

In this, education has been the root cause of much of the problems we face today, because a child that has been adversely conditioned will never recover from that conditioning unless a situation arises to dispel the conditioned thinking, feeling and ways of perceiving the world the child has grown into. And in a society that is superstitious, insecure and excessively controlled, there are very few possibilities for this awakening to happen.

Those who set this indoctrination in place knew full well what they were doing, and in their writings to one another they were perfectly clear about this. That they did not hide their writings shows how fully assured they were of the success of their project.

The disruptive children in school are amongst the most healthy, for they show the falsehood of the system.

A clue to all this is in the oft used phrase “for your own good!”

Examine the fact that an adult will harm a child “for the childs own good”. Look at the reality of ‘bringing freedom’ to the Iraqi people!

2. Rig the Law. - Make the Law inaccessible to the majority, through expensive ritual and arcane language.

The law, like the processes of religion which ruled before it, was designed in such a manner that the ordinary person would have to engage a middle man, a form of ‘priesthood’ if you will, in order to engage in it’s processes. Much like the Church of the middle ages, the priesthood of the law, lawyers, barristers, attorneys, judges and the legislature act as the go-between for the ordinary people.

By this the system was able to dis-empower the people, and control them. And so it remains to this very day.

The Law was used in the transition to the Industrial Revolution to enable the Enclosure Acts which effectively meant that the mass of ordinary people could not grow their own food, and had to therefore depend upon the work available in the factories and their service industries to earn money to buy food. These Laws were enacted by and for the owners of the factories. Once the mass of people had ‘earned money’ as their prime resource, that led to the development of the consumer culture, which really is the production of useless products for profit and for distraction. (see 4. below)

3. Mask the reality. - Tell half truths. Market the product. Hide the conscious truth.

Like the Bible, the mythologies of Empire are constructs that are designed to look good, to appear to address the needs of the people, whilst actually re-enforcing the power of the elites. The ‘art’ of marketing is to modify behaviour rather than to sell the actual product on it’s own merits. Thus the product is bought because certain values are attached to it’s possession or use. Those values invariably resonate with internal insecurities, which the target audience is indoctrinated with through the education system and is largely unaware of on a conscious level.

4. Distraction is addiction. -Give them the games at the Coliseum!

Understanding the basics of addiction is essential to breaking the hold these systems have over us. Addiction is really a ‘distraction’ behaviour which arises because all of us have learned at a very young age to suppress certain feelings which we ought properly live fully. Growth though experiencing those feelings is of vital importance in the natural innate drive to reach our fullest potential. Those unlived out feelings lie within us, waiting to be lived. The urge to mature is the urge to reach full potential, and is a powerful energetic. The addictions serve to distract from the discomfort we all feel as a result of these unlived feelings.

Thus it is the person who is the active ingredient in the addiction, not the substance nor the pattern of distractive behaviour. This is why our culture demonises the addicts, and demonises certain substances that are used as distraction whilst approving of others, because in reality, those demonised addicts are those who are in some ways the most healthy, in that they refuse to suppress the symptoms of that induced failure to grow. By demonising certain substances one is thrown off the scent. They are demonised so as to confuse us, and to convince the rest of us that all is well. We know it is not.

6. Harm those who resist. - David Kelly. Bobby Sands. John Lennon. Brian Haw. Fela Kuti. Ken Sara Wiwa . Ghandi. Martin Luther King.

The final solution in the eyes of Empire is to use force, to go so far as to kill those who successfully resist, who evolve a way of thinking that exposes the Empires false clothing, and especially so if they begin to inspire others to do the same, if they begin to empower those around them. That the State reserves the right to kill, be it through the courts or through the use of Military force, ought to indicate the dreadful truth of this to anyone who thinks about it with any depth.

Using the Law and other tools, the Empire demonises a section of the people, calls them traitors, terrorists, criminals, anarchists, addicts and so those who are demonised, who are de-humanised become fair game in the eyes of the mass of conditioned people. The Jews in Poland. The Roma in Eastern Europe. The Africans in the West Indies. The Intellectuals in Cambodia. The Muslims in the UK. The Conspiracy Theorists in the USA. The demonised are different. Not ‘normal’. A threat.

And in the mythology of Empire all threats are to be ‘neutralised’.

7. Control access to food. - In nature all beings have direct access to their own food.

By controlling access to food, the powers are also able to adulterate that food. And they do. Because if our bodies are deprived of what they naturally need, of what they are evolved to eat and metabolise, they will suffer. We know now that that suffering is both physical, psychological, intellectual and emotional.

Studies have shown time and time and again that children fed good clean organic food respond with a higher degree of intelligence and physical stamina, amongst other things. We know that junk foods, sugar laden foods, processed foods and so on all contribute to ill-health, depression, extreme mood swings, degenerative diseases. In spite of the abundant research, governments still subsidise the bad food industry.

There’s a good reason for that, and it is this. We are what we eat and if we eat degraded foods, then our bodies and minds operate at below optimum levels. And that makes us easier to control.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Shock, Horror and Grim Reality.

In a Jersey children's' home police ‘search’ for evidence of serious abuse against children, perpetrated by adults ‘entrusted’ with the care of those children. An all too regular occurrence. On two levels.

Level One : media reporting, shock horror stories, investigations, some arrests, some fewer charges, court case, incarceration and then back to the continued general media silence on the underlying issues of ‘child abuse‘, a subject which is well studied, well understood (by those in the field such as Alice Miller, Carl Rogers, John Taylor Gatto et al)…and yet Government and those officially entrusted with the overall administration of welfare for our children studiously ignore the information offered, and the often sensible and deeply compassio0nate suggestions made by those I have mentioned.

Level Two : One in four English speaking children experience some form of abuse that causes actual harm, be it physical or psychological. One in four women will experience serious sexual assault in their lives. One in thirteen men will experience serious sexual assault in their lives (though there is reason to believe that this lower figure is due to under-reporting, male reticence and all that). In all cases, their behaviour will have changed as a result. As will the behaviour of those that witnessed the abuse. After all that is the basic reason given for justifying rules, laws and prison. Deterrence.

Unpalatable Truth Numero Uno : Governance over people, senseless Competition, pointless War, and abject Consumerism and even Justice, that blind woman with a scales and a sword to guide her, all depend upon this systemic abuse for their very life-blood. Without that systemically abusive childhood, without the woundings and reshaping of the human personality that results, Western Civilisation would not be what it is today.

And only a fool, a willing ignoramus or a ‘believer’ would imagine that those who pull the strings of Western Civilisation are unaware of this. In fact the historical record is clear. What do you think the imposed conditions of the IMF, WTO upon ‘third world’ countries and the Invasion of Iraq for the ‘good of the Iraqi People’ who love freedom really amount to?

Unpalatable Truth Numero Duo : They do know what they are doing. . From Jesuits through to Marketing men, from Corporate CEOs through to Newspaper Magnates, they do know what they are doing. They freely admit to it, though not often in public. They are proud of their achievements, their ability, as they see it, to fool all of the people, all of the time. Dick Cheney is a good example. They are responsible for what they do.

Oh dear!

Over the weekend I was chatting to a young friend, a girl of good ’background’ about the difficulties experienced in ‘relationships’, and in particular she was concerned with the ‘self-loathing’ that is generally the lot of men, something she was beginning to ’intuit’ in her own and in her friends experience. I too experienced that self-loathing. It is not uncommon. It is a widespread fact of life. Fact of life is that I hated myself. Men do hate themselves.

For my friend, as this information was dawning upon her, as she was coming to terms with it, she was experiencing a deep shock. Part compassion, part depression, part incredulity at the scale of and profound implications of this issue.

I hope I was able to assure her that, in spite of the scale of the problem, once the core issue has been identified, it can be approached in a way that may lead to a healing.

That knowing was better than not knowing, and far, far better than the typical descent into myth and counter myth that typifies accepted or conventional wisdom on the issue of relationships.

As spouted by various writings, from self-help soul-mate seekers manuals to so called ‘agony aunts’ such as Deirdre in the Sun, from the dictats of Cardinals and Evangelical Pastors to the strident manifestoids of ‘feminists’ and ‘Gay-Rights Activists’, from the admonishments of Dr. Spock through to the ’advice’ of all of whom ignore the underlying issue : our culture revolves around child abuse, and depends upon it. Only it is never admitted to nor called by it’s name.

No wonder men hate themselves. No wonder I hated myself for so many years. And it did change my behaviour. I was and I remain a behaviourally modified organism. It is a daily work I undertake, to undo the negative effects of that behavioural modification through abuse that I lived through. I know of others who were there and are in denial. Many others. The majority, even still, will not admit to the truth.

And yes, women also hate themselves….self hatred is not exclusive.

Self-Hatred is the core driver of our civilisation. The Nuclear Bomb, the near constant Destruction of the Environment, The Constancy of War, Viagra, are all the result of hatred. The spread of AIDS through Africa as Western Policy, the advance of the American Empire are all the result of hatred. Glossy Magazines that sell the illusion of perfection, that play upon known modified behavioural and psychological weaknesses in order to sell the product are all the result of hatred. Elitism, the sense that one is better than, above or superior to another is the result of hatred. Gossip columns and ‘reality’ TV are the result of hatred. Loathing is fertile ground indeed!

Wakey, wakey people. Love is the answer. Compassion is the key. Healing is the solution. And it starts at the individual level. As one discovers the truth, and learns and heals ones own life, one becomes a lighthouse alluding to the possibility for the same process in others lives.

And that is the core of the ‘revolution’ that must occur. It is personal. Do not expect those who have ‘normalised’ the abuse to change. They will not, unless they too make it personal. Person by person. Understand that the systems designed by those who abuse, who exercise power ‘over’ others will not change and are designed to resist change from within.

Thus the only way to bring those systems down is to refuse to comply. We must withdraw our support from them. We must not buy their products, their lies, their mythologies, their tainted foods. Without what we give to them, they will collapse. As the t-shirt has it, “Bite the hands that feed you poison”. Better still, feed yourself with what you know to be healthy. And do likewise for your children. For such is love.

The anger of love is a healer, the anger of self-hatred a destroyer.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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