Climate Change - what climate, whose climate, whose fear?

1. Biology responds to dynamic environmental changes by making precise changes to meet the dynamic changes to maintain the nutrient flow and balance. The old paradigm of random mutation is a lie, a piece of propaganda, designed to challenge an older lie, that of the supremacy of the Gods of the hierarchically violent societies.

2. We are biology at our base. Biology is fundamentally nurturant, it leads towards thriving communities of diverse organisms and living systems constantly modulating and responding to a dynamic environment.

Optimal Biological Health is a mandate for each individual, each species and the entire biome of Earth.

3. The Industrial Civilisation and all Hierarchies of Violence as social constructs are, by definition, an outright rejection of 1 and 2.

4. Fear is the worst driver of healthy change. Fear also drives Industrial Civilisation and Hierarchies of Violence. Likewise anger and hatred. They are in essence abuse systems that become Institutionalised. Bully systems.

5. The difference between a response and a reaction is key to how this genral issue is being framed in the public domain. A response looks at the situation, tries to understand as much as possible, and makes a choice and keeps an eye on what is happening, is prepared to meet new information and integrate it into the response.

A fear reaction tends to be knee-jerk, ideological and inadequate to the task of a fluid response.

6. Fear tends to urge people to look away, and seek a 'leader' to get them out of the shituation. Fear tends to suggest we are relatively powerless. Fear and 'leadership' are bed fellows in Violent Hierarchies.

7. A rational response would suggest various ways to maximise the changes, rather than trying to stop them. Which we cannot do. Climate has always, always changed over time.

8. Permaculture has all the design features to maximise the changing climate patterns, rapidly and accurately. It also contains indicators and practices that undermine concepts of hierarchical thinking and psychology. Permaculture is returning to biological optimal health. Fundamentals such a 'there is no waste' are meaningful.

9. The entire issue is directly linked to how we as individuals and small communities engage with governance and the administration of shared contributory resources - in essence the situation demands that we mature, that we devote time to the matters of governance and move away from careers, mortgage servicing, macro economics and become more connected again.It demands that we become more nurturant, we take personal and collective responsibility to ensure that nutrient cycles are maintained, for all life.

10. That is in effect a psychological and social climate change modality.... self governance is the oldest form of governance in the human species, it has been supplanted by Violent Hierarchies that tooled up to expand their reign.

11. The system of power itself, in evolutionary terms, is a vast human psycho-climate change, and we need to recognise that, we need to base ourselves in our fundamental biological 'nature' in order to respond more accurately and NO EXTANT GOVERNING OR ECONOMIC SYSTEM will volunteer for that.

12. They will manipulate and resist to the very end.


14. Don't worry, in 10,000 years it will be very different. We cannot kill the planet, we cannot destroy the life force of biology. We can only destroy our chances of healthy nurturant happy living. The planet is fine, the other species are fine, biology is fine.

15. The culture is the problem, not humanity. Gods are not the answer. This life is a glorious, full body, sensory jam, not a rehearsal.

16. With that in mind we are invited to stand up and confront and dismantle the systems of hierarchical violence with all the love and humour and robust physicality we can whilst remembering to love, party and laugh as often as we can, without dropping the ball.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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Abuse : Origins, root causes, recovery and re-alingment with optimal human biological health

The resolution of the issue of abuse as a common behavioural dynamic lies not in punishment, rather it rests in altering the way our society as a whole relates to and treats children. And indeed, how it relates parenting, and how it supports healthy parenting. It is intrinsically linked to how power is mediated in social and material terms across our economic and political and judicial systems. It is inherently a matter of governance.

Of course, known serial abusers, those who cause intentional harm who operate without remorse in any sphere of human activity must be segregated, isolated from society at large, because they cannot be trusted to act otherwise. That goes without saying. It is a health and safety matter of extreme importance. Punishment is not really effective as a way to deal with this problem. Punishment does not prevent harm, because it always arrives after the harm has been caused. Punishment is always too late.

"The psychology of any given family, community or society is both revealed and perpetuated in how that family, community or society relates to and treats the children".

Chronic stress degrades all known biological systems, and leads to disease. Unresolved trauma leads directly to chronic stress, as does war, poverty and all forms of abuse.

These are not inevitables, nor are they unknowns.

They are all the result of choices made by adults.

Here is a detailed chart outlining the social behavioural characteristics of various societies, which was collated in the 70s.

Research since then into endocrine systems, autonomous systems, in utero development and psychology, trauma studies, inter-generational trauma behaviour patterning, history, anthropology, neuroscience, biochemistry, child development and psychopathology confirm the insights of this survey.

Researcher/writers such as Alice Miller, Judith Herman, David Chamberlain, Oliver James, Joseph Chilton Pearce, Carl Rogers, Derrick Jensen, Gabor Mate, Kitty Jones, Robert Zapolsky, David Smail and many, many others are great resources in this.

I URGE you to access the data, the evidence, and go through the works of the writers listed above if you are genuinely concerned about child abuse....

I say this because I want to help you, and all of us, to understand this dynamic so that we can work together to apprehend abusers, to prevent further abuse emerging as it does in such massive numbers and realign our social systems with optimal human biological health.

I am a Survivor of long term intentional child abuse.

I speak and write with some knowledge of this subject.

Both in terms of addressing my own abusive and destructive learned behaviors and my recovery from the trauma I endured for the best part of 20 years.

This blog is where I join the dots on all of this research by people who literally have saved my life and enabled me to return to a degree of optimal biological health.

At some time it will become a book, a website, an interactive mind map and a documentary.

I do this for myself, I do it for you and I do it for my great grand children and all their contemporaries.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Dynamics of different kinds of societies in a graphic.

Some flows of experiential and sensory societal drivers and behavioural dynamics, related to nurture, trauma, oppression. 

Parts of the puzzle, stand back and try to see the whole.
To be able to perceive the underlying patterns.

Right click, then view on new tab, on this link to view it in large scale.

This is a mind map I am looking at the two poles of Societal Behavioural Characteristics, which can be viewed as an adjunct from my previous article on those two poles of Society, and how we got here....

I am trying to describe flows of experience context as they relate to observed social behavioural characteristics of different kinds of cultures, ranging between Egalitarian and Hierarchically Violent.

It is only a brief outline of the difference in dynamic between a hierarchically violent society and an egalitarian empathy based society. A guide for further questioning and exploration.

It also works with this graphic ...

This outlines a flow chart of what can happen when a trauma or trauma pattern remains unresolved, or is resolved.

Healing and recovery are a core dynamic of all living systems,  accidents happen, and organisms have evolved repair and recovery processes and dynamics precisely because accidents are common in any dynamically changing environment - wind, storms, snow, ice, rain storms, floods, moment of distraction and oopsie!

The difference for existing human culture  is that the harm and stress caused is way beyond accidental, and there are no known mammalian biological processes designed for sustained chronic stress and toxicity.

We are not designed to handle chronic stress.

We need to really understand that that means that we humans are 'designed' to accommodate a degree of occasional stress. We are designed to be able to respond/react from a background of robust health - physiological and psychological.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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'Upstarts' in the Labour Party?

                       "we don't like honest people being honest about our behaviour"

'New upstarts'? was what one pundit Mefia commentator said of the Momentum group within the Labour Party.

People who he suggests are intent on taking over and destroying the Labour Party from within, a surge of insurgents, an anti-demcoratic horde of ranting idealists, who will NEVER gain power, and will condemn Labour to infinite futility. That's the general mainstream view, the 'public opinion' as manufactured by the Moguls of Mordor and Murdoch.

So let me tell you who I think some of those people are...

A generation of people who were 14 -16 or so when the adults, their parents, teachers, mentors, celebrities etc allowed the British Government to invade Iraq. And their parents, mentors and communities.

They are in their late 20s now, fully adult and effing furious with our generation, their parents and grand parents, who failed to stop that invasion, (largely because we were fixated on home ownership and wealth 'creation' which drove inequity ever deeper in the UK) when the evidence at the time was clear.

A general strike would have been enough to bring the British State involvement in Iraq to a halt. It was mooted at the time but dismissed without a rational debate.

We marched, and then went home....

No WMD, Regime Change 100% illegal, War of Aggression 100% Illegal, no association with 9/11 and a country that had been bombed for more than a decade vs the mightiest military on Earth..... all this info was easily available on line at the time. To those who made the effort.

Those ADULTS that did not seek out that information, but relied upon 'opinion' have by default enabled that War Crime and appear to be wholly unwilling to confront that and have left a mess that the children of 2003 and their contemporaries in Iraq, Syria, Libya, Afghanistan and elsewhere are all too aware of - that is how these 'upstarts' see matters and they are correct.

They see the previous generations are too timid to call out the bullies, the bullying system.

It's also valid to point out that mere opinion is not the same as evidence or data.... and thus mere opinion is not sufficient when making decisions that affect other peoples lives so deeply, so harmfully.

Neither is religious belief, right wing or left wing ideological bias.

All of these are inadequate to the task of genuine democracy, which is the administration of our shared resource, taxation, for the equal benefit of all people in our society.

You would not accept a brain surgeon operating on the basis of 'opinion' - you would want data, evidence, precedence and insurance... and absolutely due diligence and duty of care....

Most of what is published as fact in mainstream media is mere opinion. Donald Trump's ascendancy is a direct result of submission to mere opinion. Likewise Hilary Clinton's nomination by the Democrats, who were proven to have acted amorally and possibly illegally in their fight back against the people who lifted Sanders...... Brexit was another victory of opinion over evidence.

It's immature to base decision making that affects peoples lives on mere opinion, and it is also careless, irresponsible and feeble.

If I was in my 20's or 30's now I'd be utterly, utterly disgusted at my parents generation. And terrified of the future they have bequeathed me and my contemporaries.

'New upstarts. - HOW DARE YOU!

Most people I know in their teens, 20's and 30's see clearly that the old system of Governance is corrupted, it is a bully system and they fear for their futures as people of good heart (above and beyond home ownership and jobs...) and they are furious, frustrated, appalled and deeply saddened by the way the previous generations of people with such privilege have failed to honour their children's futures....

And you ain't seen nothing yet. These are not young 'idealists' - they live with the reality in a way previous generations do not.... connected, international, global, tolerant, caring, compassionate and robust in their thinking, superbly well informed.

And active.

Get behind them adults, get behind them and support your future grand children's futures.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Politics, Governance, Corbyn and Bullying

There's a difference between Politics (which is the strategies deployed to gain, retain, enhance and project Power) and Governance (the administration of shared resources for the equal benefit of all the people).

We need to find ways to remove politics, the power struggle, the adversarial dynamic of seeking dominance, which is based on hierarchies of violence, aka bullying, from ALL systems of Governance, which would be more correctly based on equity - the value and meaning of what we share.

This is not an easy task, yet it is a necessary one, and it is a collective task that cannot be led by any individual or grouping - it's a task for all of us,  who seek healthy human social systems. This is not so much about rebelling as it is about robust healing, with all the practical, material details that that task entails.


The mainstream narrative attacks the person and ignores or trivialises the policies which he is standing for, which are largely informed by the party membership and the evidence.

What other behaviour does one need to make a behavioural diagnosis on institutional Power occupied by bullies?

Bullies you say?

Just to re-iterate : there's a difference between Politics (which is the strategies deployed to gain, retain, enhance and project Power) and Healthy Governance (the administration of shared resources for the equal benefit of all the people).

We need to remove politics, which is based on hierarchies of violence, aka bullying from ALL systems of Governance, which are more correctly based on equity.


He stands as a representative of a grass roots who have decided that enough is enough, we pay their wages, we decide policy, we want oversight of implementation and we want the shared responsibilities of power across the grass roots.

He stands for a GENUINE democratic process of engagement, where power rests in the people, not an executive.

It was Tony Blair's strategy to strengthen the executive, which enabled him to send the State to war, illegally, amorally.

British Democracy died the day Parliament voted for a War of Aggression. 

That decision to go to war had a vast parliamentary majority, one sixth voted against it, and the rest abstained (stained, they were, nonetheless, by that avoidance of their duty of care)

"At 10 pm, the motion  was passed by 412 to 149 votes, authorising the invasion."

A Demoracy cannot wage a war of aggression, and retain the definition. Not in my view. The amorality undermines the very essence of Democracy.

It is the NeoLiberal's within Labour who are protecting the power establishment by attacking Corbyn.

The old 19th century concept of leadership as some person in Authority convincing the electorate to vote along certain lines using grooming tactics is out of date, yet still in use, and effective.

In essence, I view the 21st Century as the emergence a healthy system of Governance, where the people are the leaders, the people are asked to choose who will represent our insight, our concern, our creativity and intelligence, our vulnerability, our human frailty and love, our family, our community by carrying forward policies the people have deliberated upon, across all levels of Governance.

Honesty in Education with regards History is a priority, as is introducing demoracy into schools. as a collective, deliberative decision making process.

With that in mind, I refer the reader to The Power Inquiry, 2006, a project on examining democratic power within the UK with a view to an accurate description of power disparities, and various ways to approach devolution of decision making to local populations where any policy that might impact them is informed by their conditions, their needs.

The Power Inquiry

A constituency of more than two million people active in the Community Voluntary Sector looked at how power can be safely devolved to the grass roots.

In effect the Power Inquiry was engaged in undermining the ability of a power establishment, any power establishment - to dominate Governance and deploy the resources of the State as political weapons with which that establishment retains, maintains, enhances and projects it's power over the people.

Which is why David Cameron, Ed Milliband and others after praising it at the 2006 Conference, suggested only 2 days later that it was 'impractical'. A dismissive turn of phrase. The matter is not worth discussing. No reasons were given. To do so would mean they would have to lie in public. Silence is the better part of valour, in this case, for those in power.


As if the millions of people serving vulnerable people were ill placed to discuss Governance, a key element of their work - from matters of finance to developing evidence based services, from oversight to deliberation, from representing their clients to lobbying for more support and understanding.... that's a LOT of self Governance skill-sets in action, and the bullies declared it is 'impractical'?

And it was about then that the Government's plans to destabilise the Community Voluntary Sector (CVS) under the "Social Care Reform' and the 'Big Society' label were set into motion, by a Labour Government, and continued by a Tory/Lib Dem and now a Tory Government, and now (in 2019) a Tory Tory Majority seeking to enhance it's executive powers....

That's practical to the Rulers... retain their dominance.


There is no justice without empathy, no justice without prevention, no justice without honesty, no uustice without accountability.

As I wrote earlier:

There's a difference between Politics (which is the strategies deployed to gain, retain, enhance and project Power) and Governance (the administration of shared resources for the equal benefit of all the people).

We need to remove politics, which is based on hierarchies of violence, aka bullying, from ALL systems of Governance, which are more correctly based on equity - the value and meaning of what we share. 

It is also important to look at the tactics and behaviours of those who are bullying Corbyn (and all of us who want a genuinely evidence based just participative democratic governance system). I have another short blog on some of the behaviours of those who bully through the media, etc, that you might find interesting and useful.

I would also suggest readers take a look at this superb blog piece on bullying in politics and how it operates  to obstruct fair discourse,  justice and healthy democratic change...
(blog by Kitty Jones). Insightful, evidence based, honest and easy to read an assimilate...

We also need to be able to spot bullying from within our own ranks, and how to confront it, safely, in order to preserve our calm, and prevent provocative people from derailing our work, and possibly help those who are angry and frustrated and hateful to deal with that side of their struggle.

We are all in this together.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Theresa May, Angela Eagle, Jeremy Corbyn and War Crimes.

1. The Laws prohibiting war were then as they are now. Nothing has changed.

2. The senior Lawyer at the Foreign Office, Elizabeth Wilmshurst quit her role just before the war.

She had been at the Foreign Office since 1974.

She stood down from a career that spanned 30 years.

She was 100% clear that the invasion was a War of Aggression, the supreme war crime, in that it contains all other war crimes.

Her letter of resignation made this clear.

"I cannot in conscience go along with advice - within the Office or to the public or Parliament - which asserts the legitimacy of military action without such a resolution, particularly since an unlawful use of force on such a scale amounts to the crime of aggression; nor can I agree with such action in circumstances which are so detrimental to the international order and the rule of law. "

ALL Cabinet level politicians had access to that advice.

Claire Short, Robin Cook also resigned. Why?

3. ALL MP's had then, as they have now, a duty of care and of due diligence that is inherent in their roles as MP's, as representatives of their constituencies.

Each and everyone of them had a duty to examine the Laws prohibiting war, and to understand them as they applied at the time.

Failure to do so, along with voting for the War, on such a matter where peoples lives (the troops they were sending, their families) were being put into harms way, and where the outcomes for Iraqi civilians were likely to be horrific, at the expense of the tax payer, was corporate negligence of the highest order, at the very minimum.

They all had plenty of time to exercise due diligence and honour their duty of care.

They chose not to.

Angela Eagle chose not to.

David Cameron chose not to.

Theresa May chose not to.

They are all culpable under the Law, for their inactions as much as their actions.

It is a matter of parliamentary and public record.

They were and are not alone; there are many people in positions of influence in the BBC, Media, Civil Service, Military and Police Command who participated in the rush to war, all of whom had the same duty of care, the same due diligence, given their positions in the system.

4. Jeremy Corbyn is 100% committed to upholding the Law, as is John McDonnell, and as are the vast majority of grass roots electorate.

This is not about personalities, it is about policies, outcomes, accountability and prevention.

We at the grass roots owe it to the dead and living of Iraq, Libya, Yemen and Syria to hold our Government to account for their many crimes, committed using our taxes, using monies borrowed with our future taxes as collateral......

That is the threat the Establishment want to neutralise.

And they will fail. They are failing.

5. Hold steady.

Stay strong.

Stand for justice, truth, honesty and a fair Society.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Bullying Behaviours, Corbyn, the grass roots, the media and The Establishment.

Does any of these behaviours ring a bell, with regards to Corbyn, EUref, the abuse on all sides, the behaviour of Media and Politicians in general??

Here are some recognisable bullying traits and tactics, designed to damage, isolate, discredit and eliminate the target:

#Bullies are adept at exploiting the trust and needs of individuals, organisations and groups, for personal gain.
#Bullies react to criticism with denial, retaliation, feigned victimhood.
The #Bully grooms bystanders, and the target, to believe the target deserves the treatment they are receiving and attempts to limit contact between others and their target.

Often the #Bully will use communications that exclude the target so that there is no opportunity for them to defend themselves and present their truth.
The #Bystanders see only the Dr Jekyll side of the bully, but only the target sees the Mr/Ms Hyde side; Dr Jekyll is sweet, manipulative and charming, Mr/Ms Hyde is evil; Mr/Ms Hyde is the real person, Dr Jekyll is an act.
#Bullies exert power and control by a combination of selectively withholding information and spreading lies and disinformation, therefore everyone has a distorted picture – of only what the bully wants them to see.
The #Target finds that in any response, everything they say and do is twisted, distorted and misrepresented.
#Bullies are adept at manipulating people’s perceptions with intent to engender a negative view of the target in the minds of others – this is achieved through undermining and discrediting, including the creation of doubts and suspicions and the sharing of lies.
#Bullies use other people to further the aim of discrediting their target, creating a false impression of consensus.
#Bullies poison the atmosphere and actively poison people’s minds against the target when close to being outwitted and exposed, the bully feigns victimhood and turns the focus on themselves as previously stated – another example of manipulating people through their emotions such as guilt, sympathy, feeling sorry for the bully.

Many #Bystanders are hoodwinked by the bully’s ruses for abdicating responsibility and evading accountability, they may say, for example: “that’s all in the past”, “let’s focus on the future” , “you need to make a fresh start”, and “forgive and forget”, “you’ve got to move on”, “sticks and stones” and so on.
#Bystanders often feel cognitive dissonance and usually minimise their discomfort by reasoning to avoid any responsibility, it usually goes this way because they themselves don’t want to become targets. They may say things like: “just ignore them”, “stand up to them” , “I’ve personally never had any problems with him/her”, “Oh I never get involved in personal differences” and so on. Even worse, they may imply that you did something wrong to “attract” the bullying.
The #Bully encourages and manipulates as many bystanders as possible to lie, act dishonorably and dishonestly, withhold information and spread lies and misinformation, the bully manipulates bystanders to punish the target for alleged infractions, so the bystanders also become instruments of harassment.
Some people gain gratification (a perverse feeling of satisfaction) from seeing others in distress and thus become complicit in the bullying and a few people think that #bullying is funny.

source: Kitty Jones

Look back over the campaigns, news articles, briefings and with all of the above in mind, examine the patterns and identify the people invovled.

Learn to spot these tactics, and learn how to thwart them.

It's long past the time we dealt with the Public School Boy ethic of Power in Governance and the Corporate world.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

Politics is not Governance, Blame is not accountability, War never brings peace. Eagle does not fly.

Often folk make the error of conflating 'blame' and 'seeking accountability’.

Or we may equate punishment with justice.

Many equate politics with governance.

These are all quite different dynamics and it is useful to be able to distinguish between them.

Very, very pertinent, and very, very useful.

The Origins of a Foreign Policy to bomb the Iraq nation.

Oil is just one of  the mediums. Power is the issue. Psychology is the issue.

The Western Power Establishment are 100% opposed to the emergence of any independent, grass roots supported democratic Governance emerging in the Middle East because such Governments might choose to trade oil in alternative currencies and undermine the value of UK and US currencies.

Furthermore, the emergence of any Government that is truly responsive to the needs of the people is seen as an existential threat to the status quo. Rightly so.

They bully the strong, the weak they co-opt.

To that end they ignore the harms they are causing to real people.

They are emotionally blind to the truth of what the outcomes of their policy means in real human terms.

Watch this and you might get an insight into what is being done in the world of politics, and not being done in the world of Governance.

"Give me the child til age 7, and I will give you the man!"

Politics is quite separate from Governance.

I tend to make a distinction between Governance - the administration of a communities shared contributory resource (tax revenue) for the equal benefit if all citizens, and Politics, which is the strategic struggle to gain, retain, enhance and project Power over a people and protect it from any other contenders.

I think we need that distinction, and an understanding of how bullying operates and functions so that we can discern when that power play is usurping healthy Governance.

We need to be able to see when we are being deliberately triggered, misled, lied to, goaded and we need to be able to respond rather than react.

We are nowhere yet near a position of enough strength at the grass roots to fully support and protect a kinder, humane and evidence based Governance, which will face the strongest resistance from the Power Establishment. We are not there yet.

If you look at it, how much worse will your disappointment be if we elect a kinder Governance and we are unable to protect it from the Power Establishment?

Be realistic and honest.... if we can be triggered, then we are not yet ready for the shared responsibilities of power.

It's about exercising power rather than the attractions of greed.

Their violence requires great wealth to fund it. Their power is dependent upon the violence they can marshal, and upon their ability to indoctrinate their captive populations.

They use our cash, as consumers and as tax payers, to do all of this.

This is a long game we are playing out.

Hold the line, do not be too dismayed and stay engaged. Stay strong.

We pay their wages. Corporations pay their bonuses.

People who seek power over others get a hormonal cascade when they exercise that power - they are addicted to that exercise of power.

They also internalize their positions of power. It becomes personal for them.

"Le Etate C'est Moi!" or “I am the State!”

They seek to control Governance in order to ensure they can continue to accrue greater wealth, and maintain their status of power, and because Governance gives them the cover to abuse the people and get away with it. It is rigged.

Because they are bullies they  aim to inflict psychological injury more often than physical injury. Their main aim is to control, discredit, isolate and eliminate their target.

It's been like that for a while, it is NOT healthy human behaviour, it is not part of optimal human biological health, it is a pathology and it is institutionalised.

This blog on bullying and bystanders is recommended reading.

More healthy Governance, less political power struggles is all we are asking for. Is it really too much to ask for in the 21st Century?

A new Conservative Government.

Do not worry about who or what personality is appointed to what post; it makes very little difference to the realities we are facing.

The policies will be pretty much a continuation.

It makes little difference to the Syrians, the Libyans, the Iraqi's.

They are the faces of oppression, and that is all you really need to know.

Do not allow yourselves to be trolled, or enervated, or dismayed or hopeful etc by the successive announcements of who is getting what job.

Turn it all off, you can see it all complete tomorrow.

Take time out to nurture, to regain some strength, to feed your heart - cook, eat, make love, sing, write, sleep, dream and just be for one day, one evening, one night.

It will all be there tomorrow, and if you are rested, nurtured and relatively calm you will be a much better place to deal with it all.

You are not Syrian, Iraqi, Libya, Yemeni.... you are very, very fortunate to be born here, in the UK.

Use that good fortune, do not waste it.

Know who you are.

Remember who you are.

Step out of short term hope into certainty as to where your heart and mind is standing and where you are going.

Do not allow yourselves to be trolled by the mainstream media or dismayed by changes and struggles within Government, my British friends.

We are not facing anything like the depravity of Iraq, Libya, Syria.... we do have space to operate in.

Know what you are about. Stand on it. Develop your stamina. Stay the course.

War Crimes. The Law. A reality check.

1. The Laws prohibiting war were then as they are now. Nothing has changed.

2. The senior Lawyer at the Foreign Office, Elizabeth Wilmshurst quit her role in protest just before the war. She did what the sitting MP's all failed to do. She stood by the Law.

She had been at the FO since 1974. She was 100% clear that the invasion was a War of Aggression, the supreme war crime, in that it contains all other war crimes.

Her letter of resignation made this clear. ALL Cabinet level politicians had access to that advice.

"I cannot in conscience go along with advice - within the Office or to the public or Parliament - which asserts the legitimacy of military action without such a resolution, particularly since an unlawful use of force on such a scale amounts to the crime of aggression; nor can I agree with such action in circumstances which are so detrimental to the international order and the rule of law."

Elizabeth was the leading legal expert at the Foreign Office at that time.

3. ALL MP's have a duty of care and of due diligence that is inherent in their roles as MP's. as representatives of their constituencies.

Each and everyone of them had a duty to examine the Laws prohibiting war, and to understand them as they applied at the time.

Failure to do so, along with voting for the War, on such a matter where peoples lives (the troops they were sending, their families) were being put into harms way, and where the outcomes for Iraqi civilians were likely to be horrific, was negligence of the highest order.

They all had plenty of time to exercise due diligence and honour their duty of care.

They are all culpable under the Law for their actions.

Angela Eagle is 100% culpable. She cannot fly.

4. Jeremy Corbyn is 100% committed to upholding the Law, as is John McDonnell, and as are the vast majority of grass roots electorate.

That is the threat the Establishment want to neutralise.

And they will fail. They are failing. Hold steady. Stay strong.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

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Justice in a Nurturant Society

Justice in a Nurturant Society

Justice demands that Blair and all who were party to the planning and execution of the Iraq War be made to account before the Law for their actions.

War Crimes investigations must be immediately initiated, and they must cover the entire process and institutional behaviours associated with the push towards war.

Justice demands that Ian Duncan Smith, the DWP, and all who are party to the promotion of the false and odious 'Austerity' policy that has harmed the most vulnerable people of the UK be made to account for their actions before the Law, not least Human Rights Law in the case of the disabled and other vulnerable people in our country.

The UN case must be pursued with all vigour. Human rights must prevail  over Government policy. Individuals must be held to account, in or out of Government.

Justice demands that the wounds of both Iraqi working class and British working class are dressed, and allowed to heal, and that they receive the support, respect and gratitude they deserve for the work they do. Justice demands that working class people show solidarity locally, nationally and internationally.

We must expose and de-construct the media tactics of Government, Parties and Corporations, so that all who voted, on both sides, in the EUref recognise how we have been manipulated, spun and lied to, which was all done so that Corporations maintain their power to influence and direct Governance, and thus profit from that influence at the expense of ordinary people. A correct diagnosis must prevail, in order for a positive prognosis.

Justice demands that the lie of 'Austerity' be over turned, that employers pay fair wages to UK Citizen and Immigrant alike, so that the Tax Credit's scam as a prop to the Corporate Employers can be adjusted to meet the needs of the people as opposed to the desires of profit seeking.

Brexit must expose how immigrants have been deliberately and falsely blamed for the outcome of actions taken by Government and employers alike.
Justice demands that the Ministry for Health re-instate the legal duty of care for the health of the people, as it's primary directive.

Jeremy Hunts imposition of the Junior Doctors contract must be rejected, and who ever legislated the removal of that duty of care must be held to account - that was a constitutional change beyond the remit of Government - if anything it is a matter for a referendum. 

Justice demands that taxes on massive corporate and investment banking profits match those of the workers, or that they meet in the middle. A just and fair taxation system must be the core of Government funding.

The Panama Papers issue, and all that it entails, must not be allowed to vanish off the radar. What that reveals must be brought out into the open, for all tax payers to see.

Justice demands that Governance is of the people, by the people, for the people as a shared responsibility.

The Power Inquiry must be re-visited, and it's details published at the local level, in local papers and by local councils, and in all our secondary schools, so that a wider understanding of deliberative democracy is encouraged.

Justice demands that the NeoLiberal privatisation agenda be rebutted, annulled, dissuaded, dismantled where ever it has found traction, in favour of socially nurturant policies of the people's own participation and choosing.

Power must be invested in the ordinary people, the tax paying electorate.

Justice demands that all mothers be fully supported as mothers for as long as their children need, rather than be set up as part time mothers venturing into work to pay the bills of the bankers, their mortgages and maintain house price bubbles, abandoning their children to 'care' in order to 'grow the economy'. That cannot stand.

The available evidence related to early bonding, and how disruptions to the biological mandate of early bonding creates waves and waves of chronic stress that causes harm to individuals , families, communities and to Society as a whole must inform policy in this area. Parenting must be recognised as the base of a psychologically healthy society.

Justice demands that these be done, not as revenge, or punishment, rather as a recovery of common sense and empathy in all our institutions.

These are all of one piece, all connected.

There is no unemployment in this work.

There is no end to this work.

This work is life nurturing.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

We were played about Iraq and the EUref. Admit it.

Chilcott will not indict Blair. It cannot do so. It cannot even suggest it.

For an indictment, for the ICC to act, the British Justice system has to investigate Tony Blair and about 5000 other establishment operatives in media, government,civil service, military and other positions of power and influence.

The 2001 International Criminal Court Act is the mechanism under British Law by which this can be done.

The only politicians to suggest this direction in public are Corbyn, Skinner, Galloway, Sturgeon, Salmond, Wood...... The Greens have yet to declare Iraq a War Crime and call for an investigation, an official War Crimes Investigation, a criminal investigation.

The only way to ensure that we, together, can do this is to elect a Labour/Green/SNP/Plaid Government with a solid majority.

The working class of the UK must see that the interests of the working class of Iraq are one and the same. Justice and a fair society based on consensus around the evidence.

Then and only then will a War Crimes investigation be directed by a British Government.

The only way to ensure this is for 'remainers; and 'leavers' to chat, to share, get to know each other, trying to understand each others position - we have all been played.

The leavers were lied to, the remainers voted in fear, neither side saw the illegitimacy of the EUref, let alone take a stand against it as such. That was myopia, a profound failure to understand what the people of the UK are really up against.

We must admit it. They play us because it is so easy, we make it so easy for them.

We were deliberately played by the best in the business.

Let us now help each other.

Cease the infantile bickering.

Teasing out the realities of life in the UK for the people on permanent low income, the youth unable to enter the mortgage game, the low income youth unable to afford a decent University Education that will help lift them out of poverty, the disabled whose support has been gutted, the unemployed who are being bullied every day, the immigrants who are being blamed for British employers avarice, the single mothers, who really want to be good parents, rather than good workers  - getting out of the London bubble is key to this.

Listening to each others real life problems is key to this.

Empathy for people living different lives, in different and difficult circumstances set by Government policy is key to this.

Getting real is critical to all of this.

We were played during the Iraq War, the Libyan War, the Afghan War and the Syrian War, We are being played.

We must acknowledge our vulnerability, and face it and deal with it.

Or live with the consequences.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.

What next? Brexit, Corbyn, Low income workers, the British Power Establishment and you.

Jeremy Corbyn has been in Governance and politics since 1974.

Nearly 42 years of experience, direct experience of the establishment in action.

He knows what he is up against.

Hence his smile.

He knows how they behave, what their insecurities are, he knows their personalities way better than any of us.

He knows their scent, their stench, their dreams, their nightmares.

He has spent time in their company, up close.

His independence and sense of autonomy is well known.

Corbyn was one of 12 Labour MPs to support Plaid Cymru and the Scottish National Party's call for a Parliamentary Inquiry into the Iraq War.

12 Labour MPs.

Think about that, What does that mean?

The lost that vote. What does that mean?

His stance of refusing to goad or be goaded has generated massive insecurity amongst the establishment, especially since he became leader of Labour. They have no traction with him. He cannot be triggered. The shit they fling does not stick to Corbyn.

Like shit off a Corbyn's back... a new phrase. You read it here first folks.

His stance has outed the war criminals and NeoLiberal collaborators within Labour, the well dressed cuckoos in the nest.

And in spite of all that he has offered an olive branch to those who sought to undermine his leadership.

They will not take that olive branch,  and they will stoop further into the gutter to destroy him, personally and politically - and he knew this when he stood for the leadership.

They did.

Labour MPs in the Sun calling on people to join Labour to oust him.

Fair enough.

People did join the Labour Party to elect him.

The next step will be to assign the task to ISIS, the proxy army of the House of Saud. The task of removing him.

The entire weight of the establishment.  With all the resources they have at their disposal. Including our gullibility. Including our deference and timidity.

He has chosen to take them on.

He knows he has to expose them for what they are, to every UK Citizen, what ever party or side each of us occupies - he is damned strong. That takes real guts and passion, clarity of thinking, discipline. Qualities lacking in the current Labour PLP.

And he cannot do it alone, and neither can Labour as a single party, This is not a solo show, folks and we are all involved, one way or the other.

Solidarity is the key here, and remainers and leavers alike, all of whom were expertly played by the Establishment need to admit that we were played, that we fell for it....

Then we need to get a grip and start listening to each other, to understand what needs are not being met and why, and how we can help each other meet those needs. Remainers and leavers need to talk with each other, get to know each other beyond the vapid stereotypes the media presents.

We have all been played by experts. Our willingness to be angry at others who voted different, because we lost is one of our weaknesses.

We need to direct that anger and outrage at the establishment and at all bullies in our lives.

We need to master ourselves, and be true warriors of peace and dialogue, and not fall into insult or abuse or mere opinion.

Get informed. Become a knowledge base, develop policy based on the evidence, all of it, the whole. Be prepared to respond to new information, plan strategically, play tactically. Learn what these words mean in the world of power politics.

Satire is fine!

And it works much better.

Kindest regards


"Do what you love, it's Your Gift to Universe"

*If you like this post, if you found the themes resonant, if you agree in part, would you be kind enough to let others know about it? I would really appreciate that. You could drop a comment too, if you felt the urge. Or not. I will moderate contributions, and block any that are abusive. For obvious reasons. Thank you for reading.