Unity, Empathy and Diversity.

Unity, Empathy and Diversity.

Many people are talking about A New World Order, and the imposition of the ‘one good way’ to do things.

From religions to corporations to ideologies through to governments, many are espousing, what appears to me at least, an singular or monotheistic approach to how humanity ought best ‘advance’ in the near and distant future.

“Our way is the best and only way!” is the common cry.

“Democracy!”, shouts “George Bush!”

“No Condoms!”, squeals the Pope!

“Sugababes and I-pods”, blare the media adverts! “

”Free Trade!” , shouts Gordon Brown!

“Education, Education, Education!”, shouted Tony Blair!

“Pharmaceuticals!” trill the medical Authorities!

“Caesareans or forceps”, roar the birthing surgeons!

“More Exams!”, bluster the Educators!

“Off with their heads!”, scream the fundamentalists!

All of these fanatics (and lets be clear here - they are fanatics) are, it would appear, lacking in at least one quality essential to a healthy and enjoyable human life : true empathy. They also harbour a deep distrust in native intelligence.

They all seem to take the view that there is no real need for diversity, no need to trust localised intelligence, no room for assuming that those on the ground in different places may have the ability to adapt to those unique sets of circumstance in ways that are essentially their own. In ways that are essentially successful and sustainable.

An example is the comparison between the range of types of apples available in supermarkets and the range of apples to be found in the English countryside.

Supermarkets - 6 to ten, English countryside 14,000. This can be applied across the board to all foodstuffs. And all habitats and climates. Why so few when we have so many to chose from? Why not have the local varieties in the local supermarkets? Duh! Instead they will seek to grow a few species in concentrated areas, pick and pack them, then ship them to their distribution centres and sort and pack them again, then ship them back to their shops! And in order to make this process cheap they squeeze the prices the producer gets, making it more difficult for producers to keep the local variety! Doh!

What I am saying here is that local adaptation is driven by local knowledge that can only be gained through intimacy, and that the universal imposition of ‘the one good way’ is essentially a profound lack of intimacy. Or empathy.

Empathy is described as the capacity to recognize or understand or feel or sense another's state of mind or emotion. It is often characterized as the ability to "put oneself into another's shoes", or to in some way experience the outlook or emotions of another being within oneself. It can also be used to describe sensitivity to the nature of the environment. A sensitivity that embraces the basic scientific method in itself, for it is fundamentally an observation of the factual world. Thus theories about what is toxic or otherwise in food are likely to be lethal. Knowledge is required.

Nature is extraordinarily good at the localised unique adaptation process and produces more than enough food, water and shelter for the billions of creature and plants that abide across our home, the surface of planet Earth. There is no scientific evidence nor any reasonable way to assume that human beings are anything but of nature. And therefore innately and perfectly well equipped for that localised adaptive process.

So why is there this incessant demand for a unitary way? And what evidence is there to support it’s evangelists assertions?

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Is World Peace possible?


Of course peace is possible, for the entire family of humanity, and all the other living creatures on Earth.

All children are inherently, innately peaceful, intelligent (in different ways), creative and beautiful.

The starting point for peace is the childs experiences as he or she grows.

Alice Millers work "The Roots of Violence : For Your Own Good" demonstrates clearly, with plenty of evidence, that the childs upbringing is the predominant factor in determining whether or not he or she is compassionate, empathetic and self-reliant or wether her or she becomes fearful, a bully or a basically angry person, or an out of contro psychopath.

Irrespective of religion, philosophy or any other factor, a child who is listened to and respected becomes and adult who listens to others and respects others.

A child who is treated with gentleness and encouragement will grow into an adult who treats others in a similar fashion.

It is not a question of discipline or chastisement, it is not a question of, as some hold, mastering the child, controlling him or her or a matter of indoctrination.

When children are seen, as some marketeers see them, as 'evolving consumers' or as Governments see them, a work force in the making or as potential soldiers for their armies, or as easy converts to religions or ideologies the children are being used for adults purposes, and thus moulded, coerced into boxes that are not innate,those children become constructs of society, rather than natural individuals who truely know who they are, who live life with vitality, integrity and authenticity.

John Taylor Gatto has written about the way the project to craft "Compulsory State Education" was driven to achieve this. Here is a quote that is chilling in its content, and the context is that of creating a class of people who will do what they are told to do, irrespective of the psychic cost to themselves.

Between 1896 and 1920, a small group of industrialists and financiers, together with their private charitable foundations, subsidized university chairs, university researchers, and school administrators, spent more money on forced schooling than the government itself did. Carnegie and Rockefeller, as late as 1915, were spending more themselves. In this laissez-faire fashion a system of modern schooling was constructed without public participation. The motives for this are undoubtedly mixed, but it will be useful for you to hear a few excerpts from the first mission statement of Rockefeller’s General Education Board as they occur in a document called Occasional Letter Number One (1906):

"In our dreams...people yield themselves with perfect docility to our molding hands. The present educational conventions [intellectual and character education] fade from our minds, and unhampered by tradition we work our own good will upon a grateful and responsive folk. We shall not try to make these people or any of their children into philosophers or men of learning or men of science. We have not to raise up from among them authors, educators, poets or men of letters. We shall not search for embryo great artists, painters, musicians, nor lawyers, doctors, preachers, politicians, statesmen, of whom we have ample supply. The task we set before ourselves is very simple...we will organize children...and teach them to do in a perfect way the things their fathers and mothers are doing in an imperfect way."

And the things to be done in a pefect way? Working in factories, bureaucracies, corporations and in armies. And to what greater purpose? Why to control the worlds wealth and to craft what these indusrialists called a 'perfectly ordered society'.

We must face the fact that as a culture, the leaders of the industrial World, and others, are have been and still are using our chidren for their own purposes, and in doing so, they denature and warp the children. This is the greatest of taboos, and must be broken.

Hitler could not have done what he did without the support of money, and also many hundreds of thousands of angry people, ordinary people, looking for scapegoats for their unresolved psychic woundings.

George Bush and Tony Blair could not have launched wars that have killed 1.2 million people, 1/3rd of whom are, were children under the age of 15 without our compliance, our indifference, our deficit in empathy, our timidity and obedience.

Those qualities are not innate, they are learned and are the product, if not the intent of the conditioning process I have described.

Luckily the system of conditioning is not perfect, and many children do manage to slip through the net, partly due to parents who are able to give them the space to be authentic, partly because some people are less able to submit to being conditioned.

There are many, many healthy, empathetic and compassionate people. And there are the many who have not had the chance to grow that way. Healing is possible.

The future depends upon how we treat our children. Upon whether we listen to them or condition them.

And that is something we CAN change.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Elite Virus : Alluenza

Some of my most profound insights have come during the process of bowel evacuation. I have this theory that letting go, relaxing with the flow, opens one to new information, making room for new nourishment. My favourite place for that is the outdoors compost loos at festivals that are smart enough to have them installed... outdoors, airy and free from toxic chemicals!

Here's an insight I had recently..... on my own loo at home (too cold for outdoors!)..

The elite, who as people, on a personal level, gain great psychic satisfaction and ego stimulation from ‘owning’ or ‘possessing’ great wealth, fine goods and land, ‘good wives’ and a lineage of ‘good breeding,’ and see all that as ‘really good’ have, by controlling education, media, religion, advertising, commerce and war, infected ‘ordinary’ people with their psychology. By imposing it. By indoctrination.

They also believe, and it is a belief, a false myth or dysfunctional fairy tale if you will, that they are elite, more intelligent and more beautiful than the majority of other people, because their genes are superior to those of poor, coloured and female human beings……… and that their great wealth etc etc is proof positive that this must be so.

This also explains their willingness to murder, poison and otherwise harm, at whim, all those who hold opposing views or get in the way of a good profit.

What turds they be! lol!

Only it's no laughing matter.

For example, here's an email from 1991, sent by Larry Summers, an economist, and currently a primo candidate for Obamas' Cabinet, as Treasury Secretary, an individual clearly infected with this deathly virus :

A controversial 1991 World Bank memo signed by
Chief Economist Larry Summers reads as follows (excerpts):

DATE: December 12, 1991
TO: Distribution 
FR: Lawrence H. Summers
Subject: GEP
"'Dirty' Industries: Just between you and me, shouldn't the World Bank be encouraging MORE migration of the dirty industries to the LDCs [Less Developed Countries]? I can think of three reasons:
1) The measurements of the costs of health impairing pollution depends on the foregone earnings from increased morbidity and mortality. From this point of view a given amount of health impairing pollution should be done in the country with the lowest cost, which will be the country with the lowest wages. I think the economic logic behind dumping a load of toxic waste in the lowest wage country is impeccable and we should face up to that.
2) The costs of pollution are likely to be non-linear as the initial increments of pollution probably have very low cost. I've always though that under-populated countries in Africa are vastly UNDER-polluted, their air quality is probably vastly inefficiently low compared to Los Angeles or Mexico City. Only the lamentable facts that so much pollution is generated by non-tradable industries (transport, electrical generation) and that the unit transport costs of solid waste are so high prevent world welfare enhancing trade in air pollution and waste.
3) The demand for a clean environment for aesthetic and health reasons is likely to have very high income elasticity. The concern over an agent that causes a one in a million change in the odds of prostrate cancer is obviously going to be much higher in a country where people survive to get prostrate cancer than in a country where under 5 mortality is is 200 per thousand. Also, much of the concern over industrial atmosphere discharge is about visibility impairing particulates. These discharges may have very little direct health impact. Clearly trade in goods that embody aesthetic pollution concerns could be welfare enhancing. While production is mobile the consumption of pretty air is a non-tradable."
"The problem with the arguments against all of these proposals for more pollution in LDCs (intrinsic rights to certain goods, moral reasons, social concerns, lack of adequate markets, etc.) could be turned around and used more or less effectively against every Bank proposal for liberalization."

This is hatred, racism rationalised as economics, pure and simple.

These kinds of people are the most toxic of all. Wealthy, emotionally blind, and psychotically driven.

There is a great need for this dynamic to be understood, by us folk, us ordinary vulnerable folk, and we must come to terms with the the ways in which they manipulate us; we must understand this at both the personal and societal level.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Conversations, Tea and Freindship...

This is my song

'The Perfect Cup of Tea'

"In all good conversation, there is neither victor nor vanquished
only enlightened and reassure people"

So why do politicians debate, a form that demands and winner and a loser?

Who wins and who really loses?

Filmed at Passing Clouds Little Blue Ball / Peace Not War 2006

Shot and produced by


Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Life Love Us, Life Love Us All, So Tell ME Why

This is my song

Life Love Us, Life Love US All!

seems pertinent to these times, for this is truely a call from the heart to all of us dig deep,
to listen to the future children, to connect to YOUR natural child NOW

'The Government Hates'

Filmed at Passing Clouds Little Blue Ball / Peace Not War 2006

Shot and produced by


Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Obama, War and the value of an MBA

I tend write as if I am correct in my understanding, and I do of course acknowledge that I am at best surmising the most clear picture I can from my own position, and that is bound to be incomplete. I would like to delve a bit deeper into my thinking and bounce it off you.

Death by War is closer to most than climate change.

I wrote about the 'immediate' threats we face, and I used the word 'immediate' because there are far too many people being murdered daily across this planet by the war machine (most of which is funded by ordinary people like you and I, in taxes, consumption of products etc etc which are taxed) - for them the threat is imminent. Our comfort does not make that threat any less imminent!

I am talking here about the generalised war on terror, the war on drugs and many other wars that are ongoing and from which the corporations of the world are deriving benefits.

Dealing with the causes of war is a core part. Those root causes are in my opinion generalised conditioning via state schooling, media and organised religion, the profit/greed and inhumane ideologies of the Corporation.

Resource wars due to 'over population' is a misnomer - they are mostly due to attempts by the neo-liberal ideology of globalisation (whether it is capitalist or otherwise - eg : china) to force indigenous self reliant peasants and similar others off land that is required for exploitation, and to thus create a vast workforce that is cheap and vulnerable. Who will at some time aspire to become comfortable middle class, once a generation of their children is exposed to media conditioning. More growth.

The culture of infinite expansion and economic growth is the direst of problems, yet it is not so much the population growth but the profit delivering consumer product growth that is eating the resources up. There is a surplus of food fit for humans on this earth even today, in spite of the millions dying for wnat of such food!

It is the non-recyclable nature of our production that is the issue - for example the idea that we can continue to manufacture more cars as long as they are fuel efficient is a red herring. Those cars must be made so that the recycling of them is completely integrated as part of the process. It is the damage caused by the fact of non-recyclable materials that is driving environmental degradation, and the loss of forests etc that is driving climate change, far more than the use of fossil fuels. Old cars must be recycled or reused with efficient fuels until that recycling has been sorted. Obama, of course, is ignoring this.

It's the economy, stupid! Not!

As for Obama's rise to power, of course the media are saying it is due to the economic turmoil, precisely because they want to; they have to denigrate and minimise the huge opposition to the wars and to the loss of civil liberties and to globalisation and privatiation and mask it's presence, in particular where it is strongest amongst the youth voters, the new voters in the Black, Hispanic and other communities, as well as those who have felt disenfranchised over the past 20 years and have stopped voting, yet returned as a result of community activism by Nader and others like him - those voters cast their votes with Obama rather than McCain as a vote of no confidence in Bush et al rather than direct support for Obama.

The economic turbulence was really crafted to take the wars off the election agenda - because if the wars had stayed firmly on the agenda two possibilities would have existed that the bankers etc wanted to avoid at all costs - any public discussion of these must always be terminated : the first is the legality of those wars being discussed in detail, the second being the inevitable call for the laws against war to be upheld which would lead to impeachment of not merely the leadership in the white house, but the prosecution of the CEOs and henchmen of JP Morgan, Halliburton, Blackwater, Lockheed Martin, BAe and so on..... all of whom are legally liable for war crimes in that they have directly supported these wars and have profited very from them.

By masking that group of new voters, by taking the war off the agenda, they can still hold onto the middle classes who really like to remain as myopic as possible - pretty much as they did in Nazi Germany - which is the danger of Middle class psychology; they like and are attached viscerally to their comfort and status - it forms part of their ego identity, which as you know is extremely defensive when threatened even in the slightest.

The value of an MBA

The middle classes are crucial because they are the line managers of the bureaucratic and corporate system - without them the system cannot operate. Without their support the system fails to carry out the orders issued, and worse than that these people can change the system from within if they awaken. That cannot and will not be allowed.

The use of black psychology as a core control tool is old, is deep and is intense. "Give me the boy, and I will give you the man!" Of course those who use such tools always back them up with a willingness to use force, and when neccessary to kill large numbers of people....Hiroshima, Cambodia, Fallujah....

The value of an acedemic examination to those who set it, is not in the ability to determine the knowledge of the person sitting the exam, but to determine the extent to which that person has changed their behaviour so that the system can reliably slot that person into the appropriate slot. That is what 'outcome based education ' is all about. That is the real value of an MBA. They know who will work for them and ignore the harm they do.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Hope, Reality and Compassion : OBAMAS MUST DO LIST!

Hope, reality and compassion : Obamas MUST DO list!

Seems to me that here, as elsewhere, for many people, common sense has simply flown out of the window!

Regarding Obama, don't you recall that he has vigourously opposed impeachment of George Bush, Dick Cheny and others..... that is not a good sign, coming from a Havard trained lawyer.... though, hey it might be political strategy.....(maybe....)

Anyways, if Barack Obama is really to herald true change that impeachment and the following are the MINIMUM Obama must pull off very very soon to carry out the mandate of the huge wave of emotion and hope he rode to power on, for any of it to have any real meaning... (other wise 'tis just a bunch of deeply conditioned - pavlovian!? - people trying to assuage their individual and collective guilt, not so much for the sake of the victims but for their own selfish sense of self esteem - and that is really really ugly - or merely getting hookwinked yet again by snake oil salesmen with guns!)


1. STOP the Iraq and Afghan wars immediately, stand down and then withdraw troops and foreign oil companies, contractors etc and allow the Iraqis the 'luxury' of holding Democratic Elections at local to national level like they did in September 2003 (those elections were annulled by Bremner, who then chose the new Government! Seems most people who still only read newspapers, watch BBC etc do not know this!!).

This would also allow the Iraqis to then use the funds from their Oil resources to rebuild their country. Which they are well capable of. Not to mention to help heal their truama, which is going to tke a generation at the very least. We are talking about 2 million maimed, many more traumatised. The dead are dead and thus they are beyond all healing.

2. Close down Guantanamo and all other sites like it, and rescind all the laws that made such places possible. End the use of torture. Dismantle Blackwater and other military operational contractors and prosecute all who have committed war crimes. Repeal all laws that removed Habaeus Corpus.

3. Stop all AID to Israel, and instead fund a resurgence of civil democracy and infrastructure in Palestinian lands.

4. STOP the current bank bail-out dead in it's tracks and re-negotiate and far stronger deal for the taxpayers, mortgagees and small businesses, if the taxpayers are to fund the bail-outs.

4. Force the Corporations to accept transparent lobbying, and ban them from political donations. He must also remove certain rights from corporations that denigrate human and civil rights of individuals.

All these are the bare minimum. I haven't yet started on the environment, farming, health care and Education, because to be frank and clear, THE WARS and all that they entail are by far the biggest immediate problem we are facing today.

Deal with that then the rest will be easier a) because it would require huge citizen action to carry out all of the above, and that would bind people at the grassroots level, forging citizen activism at the community and national level b) it would show the rest of the world that he and the US citizens truely mean business and are willing to co-operate, for the best interests of everyone concerned, not just Americans and their 'lifestyles'.

Obama and the American citizery would be greatly helped if we would also arrest and prosecute our own war criminals. The law is very clear, an amazingly simple, on this issue. Tony Balir and all in Government who supprted the war ARE legally war criminals.

Please visit

http://www. makewarshistory. org. uk

for the full documentation on this, which most ordinary folk can read and comprehend.

And finally, lets compare the 'hope' some people in US/UK and elsewhere are currently overdosing on, with the 'hope' of a Palestinian/iraqi/Afgan child/mother/father for food, lighting, heating, healthcare and an end to the unceasing violence visited upon a largely innocent civilian population by an idustrialised military.
Which we the taxpayers are funding!

Now thats some hope indeed!

I have gone to some effort here and elsewhere to treat adults like adults, and I will not for one minute accept any sentimentality or wishy washy comments and will deal with those mercilessly.

Some of you might not like it, but you'd like it less if I was a US/UK Soldier bashing down your doors, dropping a bomb on your wedding or a US/UK Corporation stealing your land, assets etc etc - because that is what this all boils down to - are we willing to face that horrendous reality and do what it takes, collectively and as individuals, to sort it out or are we just looking for ways to cover our lever so smooth lily white arses?

As they saying goes, Silence is compliance when we KNOW what is going

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Best Advice ever!

Short and sweet, Noam indicates the core issue and how to get around it..... enjoy!

This comes down to trusting how you FEEL, and also trusting your heart intelligence..


ps :

Ani DI FRanco :

"we're all citizens of the womb
before we subdivide
into sexes and shades
this side
that side
and I don't need to tell you
what this is about
you just start on the inside
and work your way out"

couldn't have put it better myself!

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Obama Hope? Not without you!

Obama has won ..... so it would seem. However he alone cannot do much against the forces aligned against us all unless ALL OF US, AS THE PEOPLE wake up, get smart and START TO ACT as mature healthy adults.

That means engaging with each other in the work of building an equitable and natural society, one that nourishes it's constituents, be they human, animal or plant.

That also means helping those who are caught in the illusion of conditioning to free themselves from their bondage. We each of us must speak out, and fearlessly express the truths we know in our hearts about our humanity, our humane and visceral desire to love and to be loved with a simplicity and directness that is mirrored by the unwavering uncondionality of the suns energy and light as it reaches this beautiful Earth. Which is matched by natures unwavering provision of food, shelter and water to all her children.

We cannot leave it anymore to leaders to succeed or fail. Those days are gone or we are lost. We must do it for ourselves, for our families, for each other ... reaching across old divisions, old hatreds, old emnities .... seeing our diversity as a value as much as our commonality as humane beings living on an exquisitely balanced Earth that is a gift to all life.

Only that can shift the balance of power away from those who exercise it over others for their own agenda. Towards those who, recognising the innate equality of all life, prefer to share resources, share power that it might protect all of us, without fear or favour.

If WE THE PEOPLE do not rise up to this challenge, we will leave Obama, and all the hopes invested in him, out to dry in the deathly sun of dry selfishness, arid foolishness and infertile insanity. And if he does not make the effort required, if he is not strong enough or courageous enough, then we must be.

Do not ever rely upon a leader, nor blame them if YOU OR I do not take up the challenge of leading oneself, of healing what needs healing in ones own being or of nourishing life all around ourselves, whatever our circumstance.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Conspiracies and Fear

As regards 'conspiracies'.....

One of the things to take into consideration is that those who make profits, off of the backs of others who are directly harmed by the activity that generates the profits, are fundamentally psychologicaly unwell. Damaged goods.

Psychological Dysfunctionality tends towards unconscious and conscious defensive protective behaviour and justification of both- I know from personal experience and much study of the subject, as I was terribly insecure as a younger man, and spent a lot of time justifying my negatiove behaviours to anyone who would listen - and when you get a bunch of such people together their actions will appear to harmonise, without much need for secrecy orconspiracy.

If one looks at our culture of rulers, who are essentially the owners and hoarders of vast wealth, one can understand how they would create a dysfunctional system, that to others who are healthy, would appear like a conspiracy.

The strange thing is that these dysfunctional people actually use glorified and mystified names and structures to create the illusion of a conspiracy, fostering paranoia (which is debilitating for anyone truely interested in change for the better) and a deep sense of fear in those that might oppose them - as in the Illuminati et al., (i call them the gloominati) : the name being of latin origin, sounds BIG, has a certain cachet and then add in a mix of freemasonary and satanic (mumbo jumbo) rites and you have a pot boiler that sends many people into paroxysms of Fear.

The truth is more banal - greedy dysfunctional people are in control, and have designed the system often unconsciously as part of their defensive dysfunctional psychology, to filter out healthy people before they get any real power, or access (recall that article on the media filteration process), and multiply this phenomenom across all schools, companies, institutions, etc etc - you'll get the picture).

It will take an emerging healty functional humanity to take back the control at the grass roots level. And that emerging healthy humanity is on the move, outside the reach of the dysfunctionals. It is a question of time.

The dysfunctionals make sure that news of the healthy is kept under wraps - the media is awash with deadly pop psychology and ignores and suppresses anything grounded that opens things up a bit. But that does not mean they/we are not here. We are.

The voting electorate is shrinking year on year, and they keep the electoral hype up in order to give the impression that it is not. More make up!

There is a sort of a race between the emergent health and the dysfunctional control, a race the dysfunctional control can never really win. They simply have not got what it takes.

The dysfunctional control must ALWAYS exert huge amounts of energy supressing the healthy, for as soon as the pressure is off the healthy flourish. Weeds through concrete. They are running out of steam.

All we have to do is to keep on growing, learning, working out ways to avoid contributing to the system in a relaxed yet agile and effective manner. The system of control will fail. That is inevitable. Entropy.'

Hence my wanton optimism.

I survived a hellish childhood, throughout which many adults attempted to break me, at home and at school. I emerged a warped human being, and luckily by age 28 I somehow managed to realise my childhood was not normal or healthy, that there was something dysfunctional about me. At 28 I though I'd have it all sorted by 30! lol!

The work of healing has been really tough at times, nonetheless, the healing was inevitable for I met enlightened witnesses and they helped me access the powerful inner self healing mechanisms that I used to recover. Those self healing mechanisms are innate to all life. They cannot be destroyed, only diverted.

Our main task then task is to expose the diversions, and hold out a hand to those willing to do the work on themselves. And that will look like a conspiracy to the dysfunctionals!

We also have to do our level best to protect those who are in harms way, as best we can. Not so easy, yet unavoidable.

"when the going gets weird, the weird turn professional" Hunter S Thompson

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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1968 and all that!

In 1968, there were riots in Universities, on the streets and in many young peoples hearts and minds, and many elders too : a change in the way people percieved their role in this culture of the work ethic, the war ethic, the religion ethic, the 'straight' ethic.

The student bodies that protested and campaigned learned from the civil rights movement. And in both it was the women who did the most organisational work, the most behind the scenes stuff that enabled the 'movement' to flourish and to survive the repeated attacks launched by the state and others.

Seeing this the psychologists working for the system decided to undermine women, indirectly, by crafting 'skinny' role models for young girls - Twiggy, Barbie et al. They understood that if a young women was in any way distracted by feeling inadequate due to her natural shape in comparison with the role model, that her energies would be sapped by that struggle to change her body, and that she would no longer be available or concerned with the organisation of a rebellion. She would be more concerned with 'attracting' a mate to prove her worth and power.

Of course boys were given the 'hero' tough guy, and sold the concept of a skinny girl with big breasts.

Such is the power of this conditioning, that today there is no real 'movement', there are no 'dangerous' University Students and Gordon Brown, Tony Blair, Geroge Bush et al sleep soundly.

The so-called 'Stop The War Coalition' have no balls at all - if they had they would have called for a general strike to stop the UK involvement in the attacks upon Afghanistan and Iraq, and to give meaning to a protest against the US attacks and intentions.

There is no movement worthy of the name, none brave enough to risk a little to save the lives of children. Just people mortgaged to the hilt, sucking on the teat of the consumer sacred cow.....

Although if you travel to South America a different picture emerges - the peasants and indigenous peoples are carrying the struggle for freedom foward, day by day. And yes both men and women are intrinsic to that struggle, as are their children. These people really do care for their childrens welfare. They lack the conditioning that you and I have been subject to. We lack the clarity that they have.

It is time to awaken. Throw away the toxic make-up, lose any sense of image other than loving oneself the way one finds oneself, grow up and get real!

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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The Core Crime upon which all others are founded...

The core crime against life is the indoctrination of children. The cure? Listening to children. Children know and will tell any adult preparde to truely listen, open hearted and open mindedly.

By listening, we adults who as children were not heard, and who have resigned ourselves to this in order to survive, can heal our own childhoods and gain insight to the unique natural individual that we, each of us, are.

And in doing so, only then do we realise why we must not harm another, not because it's a question of 'right' ot 'wrong', more because we sense the pain in our own being of that harm, and would never, ever knowingly inflict that upon any other. And should we unwittingly cause harm, then we would move to cease that as soon as we were made aware of it.

This is the innate childs sensitivity, and we are naturally adapted to live with such a sensitivity, for in that sensing we can interact and relate to the world as it really is as opposed to the world interpreted and constructed by faith, ideology or other paradigm.

This sensitivity is a form of intelligence that those who seek power over others fear the most.

Here is my song, "Expectations of every Child"


Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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War, Nation States and People

With regard to Nation States, America et al, I like to make the distinction between the Institution known as a state, its apparatus and its servants and those people who just happen to be living in the areas claimed by any given state.

As in, America, the State, sent people known as American Soldiers (Servants of the State) to depose Saddam Hussein and the State Aparatus he represented to the area known as Iraq, uninvited by the people if that area.

Thus the American State, an Institution, toppled the Iraqi State, an Institution. Those who suffered the most (1.6 million dead, 4 million 'displaced' 27 Million traumatised) were not part of either Institution other than being born in either area and/or paying taxes to either Institution. An accident of birth, more or less, becomes the rod with which to beat them to a senseless pulp....

If one travels the world, one finds that PEOPLE, are pretty much the same at the grass roots levels, and that the Institutions of Power Over People are also very similar.

They are two separate entities, one controls and abuses the other.

Thus generalisations about nations (national identity, characteristics) are all about crafting and illusion of us/them, serve the rulers and divide the people...

Do not ever fall into the trap of thinking that YOUR Government is BETTER or WORSE than any other.... all are utterly corrupt. Every Government has hired, and directed KILLERS, be they assasins, mercenaries or serving military, to KILL others to protect their Interests.

Every Government TAKES wealth from people that properly belongs to people, and concentrates that wealth in the hands of a few.

Every Government forces all the children of the people into Education, which is merely indoctrination dressed up as learning. The Children of the Elites get their own schools. And a different learning experience.

Time to get real, folks and to drop all that does not truely serve us, even if it exposes us to an unknowable future - the known of our future at present is the sum of the depredation, degradation and insanity of our consumer war mongering culture, and well worth losing. Indeed it is an appallingly gross insult to the great gift that life truely is.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Nature Works : Logical Conclusions


There is within us all, an innate, cognitive intelligence that enables us to live in a direct and intelligent relationship with the biosphere. This intelligence is heart based, is the seat of all true learning and of love. Nature is unconditional love, and seeks no profit margin, for such is unconditionality - our future as much a sour present will depend upon our willingness to know ourselves from within as opposed to those definitions that we are subjected to by culture, by religion, by ideology or by abuse.

Nature uncorrupted provides all living creatures what is required for a life of vitality. We 'civilised' humans know nothing of the inner life of plants and animals - we do not speak their language and we have lost all empathy for those that share this life. Nonetheless the awareness is available, for it is innate in every cell.

Trust me, on this.

More importantly, Trust yourself!

Trust your cells, for they are your life.

Feel and sense the intelligence that is innate. Allow yourself to define yourself thus.

Peace and blessings of life to all.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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The Heart and accurate percepttion!

The core of our 'power' or inteeligence is in our ability to cognitively preceive or observe what is happening around us through our heart. The heart has a nucleus of brain cells, linked directly to the brain, and experimants in percpetion have proven that the heart 'sees' before the brain does.

The heart is a 'device' that 'gets' whether something is appropriate or not, no confusion. This is the best way to describe the accuracy of nature, for all creatures have a similar percetive quality. Those who have been disconnected from that perception are those who experience confusion.

The system of Compulsory State Education is designed to thwart that accurate perception. The teaching of 'romantics' in literature is part of that process. The heart is 'sentimentalised' and then compared to the 'rationale' of science, and of course in terms of 'profit and loss' is found wanting.

Thus pop songs, sloppy movies and novels focus on attachment rather than unconditional positive regard (which is what love is) and so the youth, and others, are misdirected. That is why Mills and Boon exists, and is at the core of much of what is called New Age. The same dynamic exists in 'evangelism', and it's similars.

The core of thinking independently revolves around generating thought from within, not in rehashing the thoughts of others. The heart starts the process, the brain follows it through to it's logical conclusion.

I have a song on the heart, which I will be uploading very soon.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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reality check!!

So.... lets put a few things into perspective here...

Our so called democratically elected Governments are prepared to bail out the large financial houses for a mess those houses themselves created out of greed and a desire for more power, and they are asking the taxpayers, workers to foot the bill?

These same Governments spend a fortune on Nuclear and Depleted Uranium Weapons which have NEVER been used on Military Targets... and many of these weapons are ready to go within minutes....

While at the same time they jail young people for having a little bit of weed or ecstacy, both of which are less damaging (in use) than alcohol or tobacco...

They start wars and kill literally hundreds of thousands of CHILDREN, not to mention men and women, and destroy whole countries, they violently work covertly to undermine democratically elected Governments - (this is happening in Bolivia as I write, and elsewhere)

and we are expected to believe that they do this for US?

This song juxtaposes the reality of the gifts of nature with the harm governments cause ...... life loves us, the government hates....

Check out this video: The Government Hates



Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Whats really going on with the 'credit crunch' and the financial 'turmoil'?

Corporate Authoritarian Communism basically... this short video gives an insight into the nature of what is unfolding daily .....


A situation has been engineered by the financial giants, the military idustrial complex whereby control over our lives is now concentrated in a few hands, who also have de facto control by force (through undermining civil liberties under the guise of the WAR ON DRUGS and THE WAR ON TERRORISM).

A state of emergency may well arise out of the response of the grassroots to the political elites as much as the finacial meltdown - either way the stage is set for the hammer to fall, and fall hard, upon the ordinary people of USA and Europe.

The only way around this is massive, localised, concerted and determined non-violent legal resistance - people power pushing for the Laws against war, against war crimes to be upheld and enforced, people power pushing for the elimination of the two party voting illusionionary democracy at local and national levels, to be replaced by community based democratic participation, ie direct involvement at all levels and for the disarming of the military and paramilitary police.

A mortgage and tax strike is one of the ways to force this through - all those in property that is mortgaged can hold onto their property if they work together, after all they are in poassession of their homes, and a tax strike is legally valid in light of the war crimes of the UK, US and other Governments. Those in power may well resort to using mercenaries to enforce their control, and that would be pretty ugly, but in the end futile, for there are many, many more veterans and serving military, people with the skills and preparedness, who could, if pushed to the limit, take the powers that be on - if the public were prepared to support them - a bit like Chavaz being rescued by the peoples of the barrios and the military guardians loyal to the people.

Here's hoping that these issues can be resolved peacefully. Start talking to your neighbours, your friends today about how this can be done.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Summer into Autumn

Back from the summer touring with small worlder wonderment and others at festivals, gatherings and camps throughout the UK and Ireland. Been a great summer for me and I have been introducing more of my musicality to my shows, by way of a boss loop station, and from what feed back I have been getting it's the way to go.......

Loads of photos from the festies on my facebook profile, if your are interested...

Looking back Ihave been so on message for years that I have not been sharing that part of me that is pure music, pure love, pure joy ... and it's a relief to finally discover that the message need not be diluted by including this part of my nature - for indeed if there were not issues to face, twould be beauty most of my music....

So for this winter I intend to get a band together, to expand the loop station usage, to learn beatboxing, to write the first draft of my story, my life thus far - friends have been asking me for years to do this .... so now I start, not sure of how it will form or where it will lead............ I also will be preparing some presentations on the info I am working on, a kinda debrief from our conditioning into being who we really are.....

To anyone, who reads this, that I met during the summer, bless you for keeping the connection alive. Feel free to message me, leave comments, invite me to play, (even in yer living room, if you can get a few friend around and cover my travel costs........) or chat...

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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This is who I am, no passport check required

I am a human being, my blood is the same substance as the plasma of plants, barring one atom (humans = iron, plants = mercury), the cells of my body bear a huge resemblance to the cells of all living beings. I am a bag of bacteria.

All that I am comes from the interaction of the Suns light and warmth withthe substance of Earth, upon this planets surface....

I am born of woman, as a mammal, as are many, many creatures on this earth. All of us are.

'Civilised' Mankind is THE ONLY CREATURE known to organise to consciously harm our own children, our brothers and our sisters, and the children of life in general, on a massive scale. Such a scale as to impinge on the 'rights' of others to live as nature intended.

This is born of an arrogance that borders on psychopathy .... and I am understating the facts.....

We are born of this earth, of this place, of the rivers, the plains, the mountains, the seas...

It is our natural home. There is no other.

Thus our inability to interact with that nature as it is, to gently adapt to it's bounty is our responsibility, and ours alone.

All children are born expecting the breast, expecting the patterns of night and day, expecting respect and time to learn, expecting oxygen and water, expecting the presence of nature all around us, expecting to be enthralled by its beauty and to avail fully of its bounty, in balance - that is our evolved state on this Earth.

I connect to the spirit of life, which is to say I am deeply, profoundly and utterly grateful for all that sustains and nourishes me, all the oxygen, the water, the plants that I have to sustain me, and especially my body in which I live and experience this abundance, knowing full well that I have not done anything to create this. I can only marvel at the sheer wonder of it.

My life has been harsh. I have been abused in many cruel and devastating ways for most of my childhood. I survived, and recovered my soul. That is my gift to myself, that I give myself my life again. And who stood by me in all this?

The gift of life as I feel it in my very being. And a few, all too few people. Even within my own family, too few.

And today who stands beside the children of Iraq and Afghanistan? Too few. Most are too worried about the chimera of how to sustain the comfort that they now are addicited to, and are more concerned with global warming than global warring, and scuttle, frightened for their own arses, from ideology to religion to science fiction.

They have all missed the nature of the gift. They have abandoned their own children.

Ask yourself, who made your eye and you brain to interpret what the eye percieves?

Earth did. THAT IS FACT.

Faith says Allah or God or Jehovah or Buddah or Krisna or some other invention of human mind.

Faith ignores the gift. Humiliates the gift by attributing it to something outside EARTH.

I respect that gift, and bless all that is of nature, as the starting point to every breath I take.

I long to see again a culture of humanity that reflects how I feel. To live at home with my brothers and sisters, at peace (barring shit happens, of course : weather, volcanoes, tidal waves, typhoons and my own clumsiness).

Children have the right (not a privilege, a right) to have their natural, innate expectations met - that is the basis for all life on Earth.

The arrogance of 'civilised' mankind to assume that they are the most intelligent creature on Earth, (it used to be WHITES are MORE INTELLIGENT THAN BLACKS, MEN MORE INTELLIGENT THAN WOMEN...) and to further assume the right to manipulate and harm others for their own end is the ugliest of all that exists on this Earth.

Creating a sustainable future so that all become christian, or muslim, or jew or anything else of similar ilk is in and of itself a part of that arrogance, that ugliness....

A personal faith is something an indiviual may well live by. And that is as far as it should go.

And if that faith is by indoctrination, then it is no faith at all but a prison. And it is the indoctrinates who destroy what they cannot accept or control, in life.

These are my words, of my soul, of my life thus far.

I strongly suggest that all read "SHOCK DOCTRINE" by Naomi Klien and "Underground History of Education" by John Taylor Gatto.

There is evil amongst us, it is planned and it is the product of rational thought processes of people who are divorced from the great gifting that is life. It is enabled by the fear and complicity of those who are it's fuel and for the most part it's canon fodder.

Denial is always a choice.

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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Troop Morale, Overstretch and Spin.... truth is truth!

Recent media reports state that at least half of all enlisted personnel in the UK Military are considering leaving.


According to the reports this is due to ‘overstretch’.

The UK has around 4000 troops in Iraq, and 8000 in Afghanistan.

The total UK Military is around 150,000. Which means that at any one time there close to 10% of the UK Military is on active combat duty. With three shifts, we might extrapolate that 30% of the Military is on rotation. We know that nearly 90% of all military and reserves have served in Iraq or Afghanistan at one time or another. (my figures are approximate!)

During world war II that percentage was way higher, as were the overall numbers of military personnel. And of course the numbers of dead, wounded and traumatised were also higher. Yet very few ever thought to quitting. Morale was never so low.

Which begs the question : Are these reports correct in their assumption that ‘overstretch’ is the core issue?

Anecdotal evidence suggests that assumption is incorrect, and amounts to yet another ‘sexing up’, a spin on the situation designed to deflect attention from the core problem faced by UK troops serving in Iraq and Afghanistan.

These wars are illegal. They are also morally wrong.

The brutality that troops almost inevitably bring to their ‘work’ in Iraq and Afghanistan is mostly situational - troops have no clearly defined, uniformed enemy, and must follow orders, even if those orders are illegal, in order to protect themselves and each other. (mutiny on the battlefield is fatal to all concerned as it leads towards vulnerability and chaos)

Once that brutality line is crossed, it is exceedingly difficult to work back towards the original premise - that these wars were about bringing peace and democracy, that there is a clearly defined enemy or an end in sight.

Add to that the blatant profiteering of those who initiated these wars, which is now next to near common knowledge (if not in detail, then in essence), and one begins to see that it is impossible for troops to continue. Better ‘equipment’, better pay will not make the difference. The Emperors nakedness is exposed and no amount of veiling will hide the fact.

What to do?

As a civilian who has great respect for those who do place their lives on the line, who undertake this most dangerous of ‘work’ out of a sense of honour, a sense of patriotism, a sense of wanting to give to the greater whole of society, I suggest the following :

Read the information placed on the www.makewarshistory.org.uk website regarding the Laws Prohibiting War.


Understand these laws, for they easy to understand, they are simple, they are clear.

Then, report the war crimes to your local police station, and demand that those who initiated these wars are held to account, demand that our troops be returned home immediately and give warm support all those troops who wish to no longer follow illegal (and immoral) orders.

Read the letter concerning the payment of taxes to the UK Central Government, and withold your taxes until the above is done.


Do this to protect and honour our troops, and to protect the citizens of Iraq and Afghanistan, to enable them to decide their own future without interference from outsiders whose agenda is fundamentally one of greed - pipelines and the oil that flows through them. Privatised Downsized State Functions and the profits that accrue.


Do this to honour all those who have died or have been injured or have been traumatised, do this to start the process of healing.

Do this because YOU are a promoter of peace, even if your Government is not.

Further action appropriate would be to strip all those who have profited from these wars of all their financial assets, and hand that cash back to those who really, truly need it.

Demand that Halliburton and Bechtel, Lockheed Martin and Northrupp Grumann, JP Morgan and BP/Amoco et al return to Iraq and Afghanistan to repair the damage they have caused (much in the manner we request young offenders to do community work for petty crimes) and that they return their ill gained profits to those they have so horribly ripped off…. at their own expense, and by employing Afghan and Iraq workers at reasonable wages, in the process of the reconstruction of their villages, towns cities and infrastructure.

I would dearly like to see Tony Blair, Gordon Brown, Dick Cheny, Donald Rumsfeld and George Bush labouring repairing broken sewers in Baghdad as part of their penance.

And when all of this is done, then let us then say with some authority that “we stand for peace, for democracy, for peoples freedom, everywhere”.

Anything less than that is merely insult added to injury, death and trauma..

Try my songs on reverbnation (see the player on the top right of this page.) play them while doing all of the above!

Kindest regards


Do what you love, it's your gift to universe

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